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[✗] Mh'ithrha, Seekers of Knowledge


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Mh'ithrha (Muh-eeth-er-rah)



Figure 1: The first three of dozens of exiled Mh’ithrha.






“When they came their numbers were vast and so, too, was their hunger.” — Excerpt from the Tales of the V’khara




The Mh’ithrha are voidal horrors that were infamous for their insatiable hunger. When their hunger grew too vast, too uncontrollably even for their own kin, they were exiled from their brethren’s presence and expelled unto mortal territory. Ironically, after having spent millennia staving off their hunger, what was intended as a punishment, instead, became a gift; the Mh’ithrha found their physical hunger to be no more. Rather, it was replaced with a lust for knowledge and research. Freed from their hunger, they withdrew into the shadows and became keepers of knowledge — hoarding it like a dragon to a hoard of treasures.




Cautious in nature, the Mh’ithrha kept to themselves. It is only recently that they have begun to dwell amongst men; there is only so much knowledge to be had when hidden from the majority of the realm for nigh millenia. Still, the Mh’ithrha are timid creatures and prefer to keep their identities hidden from others, only lowering their guard when amongst their own kin. It is because of this that they are often spotted donning heavy shawls and an absurd amount of clothing; they are far too knowledgeable of man’s nature. Thusly, Mh’ithrha are adamantly neutral and will refrain from taking parts in wars or conflicts they believe to be trivial. However, they are not above violence; when provoked or cornered Mh’ithrha will fight vigorously and, even, to the death if their coveted knowledge is threatened.



The Lexica Mh’ithrha


Designed to maintain order amongst the Mh’ithrha as they strived to survive amongst men; the Lexica Mh’ithrha has played an integral role in keeping the Mh’ithrha safe from those that would seek to do them harm -- whether they be kin or man. As such, each of the Mh’ithrha value the Lexica as a source of wisdom and knowledge and fiercely abide to its laws. They are as follow:

  • To harm kin is a cardinal sin. It is punishable by death.

  • The sons and daughters of Horen, Krug, Malin and Urguan are to be both respected and feared. Be wary of their magicka.

  • Knowledge and wisdom are to be treasured and preserved; the destruction of such is punishable by exile.

  • The endangerment of knowledge and/ or kin will result in death or exile.

  • There is no single ruler of the Mh’ithrha, only those whom possess greater wisdom.

  • To not partake in trivial wars and battles and to choose neutrality over savagery and to only break such neutrality when under heavy threat.

  • To be the better judge of your lessers.

Powers, Abilities, Limits & Weaknesses


Camouflage & Mimicry: The Mh’ithrha’s primary means of staying hidden. Their bodies may adapt and shift in color and, very slightly, in shape to accommodate their surroundings. Additionally, their body parts are built to mimic existing plants and animals, such as the green Mh’ithrha’s (see Figure 1) limbs which mimic twigs and other vegetation.


- Invisibility is impossible. However, their body may become partially transparent (imagine looking through a water bottle’s plastic) which requires the Mh’ithrha to slow down bodily functions and cease breathing; this means they may not fight while transparent or else they risk dangerous levels of fatigue.

- They may not grow extra limbs, wings or anything else absurd. Shapeshifting is limited to aesthetic growths such as twig-like appendages in order to facilitate mimicry.


Innate Connection to the Void: As creature birthed from the Void’s volatility, the Mh’ithrha are finely tuned and sensitive to the Void. Despite having been evicted from their native realm, they are still able to connect to it beyond an ordinary sorcerer's comprehension and ability.  Additionally, due to their close relationship with the Void, they’ve a natural resistance to voidal atrophy. This does not mean they are immune to the Void’s poison. Still, they’ve adopted the Void’s unpredictability and have been somewhat crippled by this; they are unable to learn magic at the rate of normal magi. Instead, it takes them far longer to reach mastery over a single magic and even more so when learning multiple magicka simultaneously.


- Casting time is reduced by one emote.

- Mh’ithrha experience only half as much atrophy as an average sorcerer should they pursue the path of magic.

- Rather than the usual five-month requirement for mastery, Mh’ithrha requires eight elven (IRL) months to fully grasp a single magic type.


Resistance to Mortal Arms: Being creatures of the Void, and in that sense creatures of magic, the Mh’ithrha are naturally resistant to mortal weapons. The sting of steel is dulled and the wounds it renders are visibly superficial and may only prove to slow down and, perhaps, maim the Mh’ithrha.


- Mundane weapons will still harm the Mh’ithrha but not to the extent of arcane imbued weaponry. Additionally, severe wounds such as beheading will still kill Mh’ithrha.

- Arcane weaponry, such as those imbued with the powers of an enchanter or enchantress, will prove lethal to the Mh’ithrha as these weapons register with the Mh’ithrha’s voidal origins. Such weapons are poisonous to Mh’ithrha and a single cut will render them immobile and, if not already dead, dead within the day. However, deific and dark objects will only prove to be as useful as mundane weapons.


Innate Sensitivity: Similar to “voidal feeling,” the Mh’ithrha possess the ability to probe both the minds of others and items in order to gain a better understanding of it. Such a process is, however, lengthy, exhausting and potentially dangerous. When interacting with objects or sentient descendants, the Mh’ithrha are rendered extremely vulnerable; they will be unable to maintain their camouflage and are put under an almost meditative and comatose state. Additionally, the process requires the object or person to remain still as well as physical touch.


- Magics (including advanced alchemy) may not be learned when inspecting an object or person without the the Out-of-Character permission of the other player.

- Physical touch is necessary and anything less will result in a failed inspection.

- Mh’ithrha can not peer into the memories of the other player, instead they may only gaze through generic information (such as age, gender, race, etc).

- The process of inspecting objects are limited to mundane or arcane objects (enchantments and such). Objects imbued with deific or dark powers will not register with the Mh’ithrha’s system and will simply result in a failed inspection and a great amount of pain will be dealt toward the Mh’ithrha, potentially enough to incapacitate them.




In the case of death, the Mh’ithrha’s body will be returned to the void to heal and, soon after, be violently regurgitated to a random location. The resulting trauma is so great that the Mh’ithrha is unable to remember neither its death or its assailant.




- Psuedo-neutral creature geared toward obtaining knowledge rather than being hellbent on ruling/ destroying the realm.


- Additional exposure to the Void and its obscure inhabitants; which, other than the usual escape of a giant voidal terror and/ or occasional chit-chat with event characters, has been extremely lacking.


- Provides an incentive for research-oriented characters to go out and try to find these creatures in search of more knowledge. These provide a venue for possible player-made events such as treasure hunts or deals between descendants and the Mh’ithrha.


- Interesting interactions with ancient, perhaps eldritch, creatures that aren’t made up of smoke nor sprouting tentacles and are not socially/ mentally stunted (golems, ologs, dread knights, ghouls, etc).




- More void-oriented creatures.


- More creatures in general.





For LMs out there, if you would like to have a conversation about the lore and what I can do it accommodate your needs as a whole, I would appreciate if you contacted me through skype (please PM me for name) or through forum mail. I hope you enjoyed the short read.

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Seems a bit like archons but in physical bodies. So long as they arent stronger, then sure. I'd love to become one c:

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Just now, Fury_Fire said:

Seems a bit like archons but in physical bodies. So long as they arent stronger, then sure. I'd love to become one c:

Well I think the only real similarity is the quicker casting time, which I figured would be a logical perk considering they did originate from the void. Correct me if I'm wrong though, not an expert on voidal horrors tbh.

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So this will be a playable creature if accepted? Will ask n give some more critique after I find out this. 

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looks pretty cool, would love to play one


although how would learning magic with the 'voidal feeling +1' work?

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The voidal horror lore was updated so you may need to revise your backstory.

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11 hours ago, KBR said:

So this will be a playable creature if accepted? Will ask n give some more critique after I find out this. 

Yes, they are playable creatures if accepted!


9 hours ago, The Pink Lion said:

The voidal horror lore was updated so you may need to revise your backstory.

Oh my goodness! Thanks, this helps clear things up. I'll work on adjusting it then.

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Lore has been updated.


The following has been revised and/ or added:


- Liberation has been revised to fit server lore.

- Lexica Mh'ithrha added for flavor.

- Voidal Horror canon lore added as a reference.

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Perhaps you could lower the amount of slot-taking magics they can have? So instead of five, it's four. I'm suggesting this because they are stronger than a mage in a physical sense, given a quarter of a mage's weakness is near nothing. Also, can these creatures be warded (if you understand them of course)?

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2 hours ago, ArcanicFable said:

Perhaps you could lower the amount of slot-taking magics they can have? So instead of five, it's four. I'm suggesting this because they are stronger than a mage in a physical sense, given a quarter of a mage's weakness is near nothing. Also, can these creatures be warded (if you understand them of course)?

Actually, instead of limiting how much magic they can have why not just limit the magic they can do to arcane? Meaning they are incapable of using deific or dark arts. But if you insist on limiting the number of magic they can learn that can be done too, you are the LM of course!


For your second question, yes they can be warded against. And I would assume, since voidal horrors are fueled with mana and rather than life force, that warding would be very effective against them!


I will be adding this, thanks for bringing it up!

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This Lore has been denied. Topic moved to Denied Lore forum.

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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