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[✓] Seers - Eyes of Vaasek


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A kabalee watching over a scholar’s work.


Seers, Eyes of Vaasek


“Ignorance is bliss, they say,
to only know darkness; pray, 
to never be sobered by truth;
Stay blind, never sleuth;
Yet I open my eyes and look,
to see but cannot be mistook,
that I gaze into my eyelids.


I live a dark, fever dream;
An onyx and unseen sunbeam;
Light felt but not observed,
a cruel fate undeserved;
Where I see black they see white,
they see dawn but I, midnight;
Sight is my enlightenment.”


-The sad ravings of a blindman.


Where an opportunity presents itself, the swift and keen take it. Thus the most observant of the Daemons did so; Vaasek, Daemon of Manipulation and herald of the clandestine, took either pity upon or advantage of  a vulnerable man. He wept into the shadows of his waking world, mourned the fate which stole his vision, and called into the abyss that stared back; his white eyes, blind and clouded, gazing into the mere darkness outside his cabin window. He knew not what stared back, what evils his mind used to conjure when he’d look into shadow and dark alleys, but he remembered the fear, the anxiety, and the paranoia of what now surrounded him. He was broken. Desperate. To know sight for a lifetime and then go bereft left him forlorn. Weak. Vulnerable; an opportunity for what gazed back from beyond.


Seen through the eyes of an alien observer, an agent of the invisible and obscure Vaasek, the Daemon saw and was ready to strike. The man wept to himself as he crawled into his bed of dilapidated linens and broken spring and promptly slept, a rare thing to a distraught mind. There, Vaasek came and placed a semblance of kabalee eyes within the man, lenses to view through, and it faded back. 


A fever dream struck the man, sick with mania and depression. Wild and twisting, the final key struck a chord deep in his heart; a jet black raven with too many feathers whispered to him, “Cov’r your eyes.”


He awoke with a stir, a dreary moan bleeding from him as reality slowly set in where his sight was lost. Pearly marbles strained, he sat up, and with nothing but a sense of hopeless desperation and self defeating apathy he sighed. He tore a strip of cloth from his arm; what had he to lose? He held it flat in both hands; the dream was fresh, he best do it before he forgot. He lifted it; was he a fool? And, when the brown cloth laid over his blanched and strained eyes, he gulped.





As a method of gaining additional screens wherein Vaasek may see through, the Daemon granted ethereal eyes and the knowledge to replicate them. These individuals are known as seers and, in many cultures, are thought to be clairvoyants or oracles but they are little more than disadvantaged folk. Seers possess vision analogous to a usual mortal’s 20/20 sight but their sight fades and blurs into unintelligible fuzz and static past twenty meters in any direction, however they can only ‘see’ if their eyes or eye sockets are covered. Their vision is another lens for Vaasek to scry through like its many kabalees, thus its allowance of their sight.


The return of their sight is but a semblance, an illusion of reality and thus it is flawed. Seers are prone to experiencing episodes of lack of focus in vision, eye floaters, black spots, nearsightedness, farsightedness, double-vision, and other such visual anomalies.


Seers need not be magic users, a specific race, or even worshippers of this reclusive Daemon. Anyone may become a seer through a simple ritual wherein a seer may shed a tear into the eye or eye socket of another to mark them for a visitation by Vaasek to grant them eyes or, as the first man did, become so vulnerable and hopeless over their loss of sight that Vaasek may glimpse their misery and grant them eyes.



-Cannot see past 20 blocks in any direction. 
-Cannot see better or more than a normal person.
-To have the covering removed from a seer is to return them to blindness. To go without a covering is to be returned to blindness until a covering is worn.
-Only those who have no level of vision at all may become seers.
-No seer or individual otherwise knows of Vaasek’s involvement.



Lore References


Inspirational Artwork










Thank you to Phil, Aelesh, and Ambduscias for allowing me to bounce ideas off of them.


The idea behind this lore is twofold; to allow an inclusive piece of lore that involves an underappreciated Daemon, and a method for characters to gain that mystical seer aesthetic fantasy so dearly loves without crippling roleplay through a life altering disability. There is no advantage to being a seer, although I am interested in perhaps writing some kind of possible oracle / clairvoyance lore to replace the Erythian Stars of Anthos that may allow characters to perceive interpretations of future events (for the sake of storytelling). This is intended to act as a Feat that any character, no matter their circumstance, may use.



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A nice, subtle addition that'd be sure to give people a useful tool to work with. Well written. +1

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seems cool

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Oohh? What is this spooky eye catching magic?

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This lore is actually extremely well written and seems like something beneficial to players who do want to do seering role-play. Has my support, though I have queries. 


  • Could a Keeper of Xan learn this feat?
  • Provided that a branch of Paladins did use this, would it impact their magic?
  • Is this feat deific, voidal, or something else entirely? Do people have to apply for it via a MA?
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The simplicity is quite novel. Good piece of lore.

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im so excited this will b a great addition to my character roster. first  i had wu'keng the hou-zi then with firearms added jhen the psychopath hand cannon guy and now lee sun the blind monk fighter here let me get some concept art for him and what im thinkingg so people get an idea



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If I can make a seer Cleric, that'd be amazingly badass. 


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11 hours ago, Heathenry said:

This lore is actually extremely well written and seems like something beneficial to players who do want to do seering role-play. Has my support, though I have queries. 


  • Could a Keeper of Xan learn this feat?
  • Provided that a branch of Paladins did use this, would it impact their magic?
  • Is this feat deific, voidal, or something else entirely? Do people have to apply for it via a MA?


(On my phone)


The idea here is total inclusion, so to answer your questions respectively:



I suppose it's deific but it has no altering effect on a person so anyone, from Azdrazi to Striga to Draughted Liches to a paladin to a dark shaman, may.

Feat app, so no.

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And here I was thinking here comes another Zarsies novel. Got all ready to spend the next 2 hours spritzing this stuff. Oh well.


I personally prefer the blindfolded dudes that have cool fortune-telling powers or awesome martial arts move, but the former of those doesn't translate well into a RP world of unknown future and the latter will get reported for powergaming too often. I suppose this lore, then, is a nice way out for casuals who wanted to play a cool blind dude but don't have the stamina to play Minecraft with a permanent blindness potion effect put on them. And as such, I approve. Cool piece.


Unless I find out your character just got blinded IRP and you're trying to weasel your way out of it...

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33 minutes ago, Sporadic said:

Unless I find out your character just got blinded IRP and you're trying to weasel your way out of it...


Ngl I wrote this once I got the idea that a widespread(ish) blind aesthetic would be nice, but my character is also off the wall capital K crazy and I'd like him to pluck out his eyes and give them to two of his blood magic students soon, albeit I'd also like to not utterly cripple my character's roleplay through a self inflicted punishment (which would serve to work well for a time but I know I'm the kind of person to be quickly frustrated with being both inept and magicless due to a want for an aesthetic) and I love the blind seer look (hah). So, in a way yes, but only because I want that for my character because I enjoy the look and weaknesses / disadvantages.

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