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Shadow of the Empire [RP]


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Nothing had gone to plan. The Norse armies attacked Londinium without mercy. They pillaged villages, destroyed towns, looted age-old Brythonic shrines. Where they went, destruction came to the Celtic peoples.


Geraint’s army marched soberly through these lands. He had made a truce with the invaders, he thought, scowling at his own foolishness. The King Dag of the Swedes had played him like a fiddle. The Albionic Alliance had fallen, the defense mechanism binding the land in safety had been dismantled at his own hand. Never had such a crushing guilt befallen upon him as his pale blue eyes roamed the desolate land. Britain burned, thousands lie dead, and a host larger than the island had ever seen before set its mighty feet down into the old imperial city.


The Dumnonii King arrived in his capital to a military encampment of huge proportions. Suspiciously, he entered the citadel - asking for his Queen. There they spoke, and spoke some more with her father, the King of Mercia.




Silence loomed the hall as the moot met. It was a sombre crowd. King Æthelred to the left, King Geraint to the right, Queen Æthelred, taking the namesake of her father, in the centre. Various noblemen made nervous looks to the two Kings. All within the hall knew what this meeting was, what they were standing there for. The old ways had been extinguished some, yes, but they lived on in the hearts and minds of the Brythonic people.


The metaphorical daggers continued across the room, until one man finally made a fateful step into the centre of the room.


The silence continued.


The figure did not speak, and could not be seen by all, but he simply trailed his eyes to each individual.


Finally, the wheels of fate began their inevitable turn. A short, impressionable, nobleman stepped forward and removed his sword from its scabbard. It was as if, in those short moments, that the hands of the Gods had intervened. The blade clattered to the ground, and all present within the room knew that something had just occurred. Something that had not occured for centuries


One by one, man by man, the room stepped forward The metallic cacophony of swords scraping the ground followed, until there was one man left standing back.


With a deep breath he stepped forward. Unsheathing his sword, and realising it to the cold ground. His blue orbs looking to the man in the centre.


And there he stood, Geraint of Dumnonia.


High King of Britannia.








Leader: High King Geraint (+4 AP)

Capital: Dun Tagell (+4 AP)

Cities: Gwent (+ 1 AP)

Population: 294,383 + 5%(+1%) = 312,045

Technology Level: C

Trade: Mercia, Wales, Norway, Empire (+4 AP)

Resources: 2 Io (+2 AP)

Gifts: Venice (2 AP), Wales (1 AP)

AP/ turn:  18


The Fyrds are called in the defence of Britain. (10 AP)

Large military fortifications are constructed below London. (8 AP)

The universities of Dumnonia devotes themselves to researching tier two levy technology (8/15RP)



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The Kingdom of Mercia




AP - 16/turn

4 (Base) + 4 (Capital) + 3 (From Cities)  + 1 (From Pop) + 4 (trade)


Trade Relations: Norway, Somerset, Thomond, Wales


Population: 756,290 (Growth at 6% per annum) = 801,670


Technology Level: B




705 A.D.  - Turn 5

The Nordic Threat returns to the isles once again, bringing with it a horde of barbarians bearing their false religion and its scottish allies.  King Æthelred, having ordered the successful evacuation of East Anglia, leaving little more than an inhospitable shell for the invaders, coordinates an organized withdrawal of Mercian forces.  Wherever it seems that the Nordic invaders advance, Mercian partisans deprive them of anything valuable. Farms are razed, infrastructure destroyed, and wells are poisoned by Mercian forces as they move west.  


A great feat occurs in the halls of Dumnonia as the olden title of High King of the isles is revived once again.  Under the wise leadership of King Geraint, England shall free itself of pervasive foreign influence and prosper once again.



Training 1 medium infantry into 1 English Housecarl - 4 AP

Recruiting 2 light cavalry - 8 AP

Raising 2 light infantry - 4 AP


Researching Heavy Cavalry - 10/35 AP

Edited by Vetren54
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Kingdom of Yerushalayim-Yisrael ( מלכות ירושלים-ישראל)

Kohen Gadol Mattityahu Maccabee III (30)

Population: 483 thousand total (297 thousand Jews, 186 thousand Christians)

AP Points this turn: 18

Military: 8k Maccabees, 2 Galloi Ships, 10 knarrs, many more this turn.



Word soon spread of the atrocities committed in nearby Greece, and of the expected Persian intervention. The Phoenician-Israelite Fleet was immediately sent north, ordered to aid the Lydians and Persians in their incursions there, though not much later, knarrs would return scout ships informing them of an additional enemy: the Egyptians. An ancient enemy, Mattityahu acted gracefully and hastily, organizing joint defense with the nearby ally, the Arabs, commissioning scouts to trek the Sinai and even further, and ordering the Maccabees to refresh their tactics. On the homefront, he prepared the people. 3000 men were called up to train as archers, another thousand as Maccabees, while multiple catapults were constructed and an additional Galloi was commissioned to the Phoenicians. The Second Maccabean War had finally ended, but now, the Meditterannean Great War had begun...


Several Maccabees overseeing the training of the Archers.



  • 3 thousand Archers enter training. (6 AP)
  • 1 thousand Maccabees enter training. (5 AP)
  • 1 Galloi is constructed (4 AP)
  • 3 divisions of Catapults are put into production (3 AP)
  • Research towards Carracks (8/25 RP)
  • Maccabees are arranged on the southern border, engaging in secretive fortification efforts.
  • Scouts are dispatched into Egypt.
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L’Empire Du Soleil

The Empire of the Sun


The Persistence of a Sun, A.D. 705


His Imperial Majesty amused himself with his cup of wine as his war-council feuded with one another on the matters of war. The recent development of the Martellian Offensive into the Kingdom of Leon left a gap needing to be plugged, with no one knowing how to do so. The Leonese tactics has proven itself to the Empire that it will go down fighting to its very end, therefore leading to some complications on the matters of tactics to be taken.


The Emperor, though not a military expert, weighed in on the bickering, insisting his vassals to cease such displays. He’d round up all the pieces on the Iberian Campaign map, pilling them all on top of the Kingdom of Leon’s Capital. The Message was clear, Leon shall fall.


Imperial Actions


Iberia Reclaimed

1st Imperial Battle-Group ‘Martel’ & 2nd Battle-Group ‘Louis’


After foiling the first Leonese plot, the Martellian Army continues its steady advance into the Leonese Heartland, this time with the intent of striking at its core, the Capital of their Kingdom.





The Imperial Army in the south faced similar success. Governor Louis is expected to have the City fall by the end of the year.





Imperial Foreign Affairs


In the following wake of the Greco Civil Wars, the Emperor has seen it fit to lay upon the State of Egypt, an Imperial Directive of Condemnation. For the following reasons;


-The assault upon foreign powers without any Imperial Oversight.

-Risking the integrity of the far eastern Imperial Borders.


The Leaders of Egypt are asked to reign in their ambitions be them unchecked, but provides no further orders for them to follow. They may war indiscriminately.


To the North, the Emperor gazes upon in discontent. While the Sea-Kings may be fellow Christians, they showed characteristics unbefitting of such. Even more so, the Emperor was found displeased upon hearing of the seizing of the Jewel of the Isles; London was meant to be the Capital of Britannia itself, a center for all things in the North, but with the constant back and forth handling of the city, it was only a matter of time before London deteriorated in status.


Other than making his displeasure clear, the Emperor has not issued any Imperial Directives to the North, only wary eyes watched on for the outcome.






Leader: His Imperial Majesty, Charles I of House Merovingia (+4 Base AP)

Capital: Imperial Capital, Paris. (+4 AP)

Population: 4292870 + 4% = 4464584 (+7 AP)

Technology Level: A

Cities: 10 (+10 AP)

Resource Nodes: Metals x2 (+2AP) Silk x1 (+1AP)

Trade Revenue:







Action Points per turn: 29




2 units (2k) of Crossbowmen are recruited and sent to the Spanish Armies. (6 AP)


5 units (5k) of Medium Infantry is mobilized and dispatched to Leon. (20 AP)


3 units (9) of catapults are constructed and sent off to Andalusia. (3 AP)

30 out of 30 AP used.


Research Points: 15/15 into Crossbow technology.


Summary Report:

  • Offensive into Leon and Andalusia continue at a regular pace with more Legions being mobilized to reinforce the local invading armies there.
  • Various political statements are issued, but nothing severe.



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Village of At-Tafilah


Current Leader

Ibraheem Aladeen



(Not tribal But that's what category I am under because Im a village)





Total Population


(5% growth Each turn)

Total Military Personnel

Unknown(to avoid meta)



Political Stance

A village under the Kingdom of Yerushalayim

Trade with Nations

Egypt [+1 AP]

Persia [1+ AP]




Original [1Ap]

Current [3AP]


Business[BIC] (6/25 AP)

Agriculture[AGRI] (0/20 AP)

Development[DEV] (0/25 AP)

Nation Relations

Muslim Nations-Great respect and Good Friends

Christian Nations-Respected or friend

Kingdom of Yerushalayim- Legit Lives in their nation, Good!

Everyone Else-Neutral



Do to unforeseen complications and lack of time  i can not add any rp to the post



[3AP]-Building special Project that will go into detail IN PMS [MOD]


[0AP]- Send Scouts to look at the surrounding towns for their numbers and faiths and a high detailed information on anything.[MOD]


[0AP]- A Insurgent Op Will take place(Details will be provided in pms) [MOD]



(Convert and bring them to the Village and build them homes or show the Beauty of Islam by letting them live in homes as guests as islam orders us to do!)


[0AP]- Look for Events or something to GAIN AP

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Imperial State of Egypt

Leader: King Sugondese

Age: 21

Population: 2100000

Ap: 19


At hearing of the success of the Egyptian attack at the knarrs returned to Egypt he would have a frown at hearing if the ships they had lost and the men “it is time to rebuild the navy, and army” he’d pace across the palace “my spies tell me our neighbors plan to invade us soon.” He’d stop and look at his council “we are allies with Byzantium, we had to hold it up, but we may have to pay the consequences for it” he’d state.


  1. Begin building 2 galleys (6 AP)

  2. Train 4K light infantry (12)


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Tribes of the Vandals


Ruler: Beucad of Clan Theudegisklos, King of the Vandals

Capital: Luppla (Bernburg)

Trade Agreements: Magyars and the Saxons

Pacts of Non-Aggression: The Saxons



     Beucad arrived once more to the sound of applause and merriment in Luppla, while this raid's haul may not have been as prosperous as the last due to the aid of the Scirii, it proved to be enough of a hampering to the Veneti that it was useful enough. Further down the road, he spotted one of his war chiefs shouting to him and beckoned him closer with a swift motion. The man approached with a smile, "King!" he shouted. "The Italii bring tidings from Rome. They seek our help in condemning the Veneti from the world. They offered vast wealth, and a formal alliance with us!" The king stared at him, straightening out his face, "And what did you tell them, Gauterit?" The young man took on a look of worry as he responded, "Well, I told him we were eager to spill Veneti blood." At this, Beucad had to bide his anger and clenched his hands around his destrier's reins, "We are Vandals, we do not make deals with bawd southerners. You will send a messenger to tell them that we will not make such a deal with Rome. We will take what is ours, we will take gold and blood from the Veneti." He continues, "Indeed, if you were wise you would have known why we raided Venice with the Scirii. It was to gain the trust of the Scirii, to convince them of our strength. For we must unite Germania to repel the bureaucratic oafs of the South and West. Soon, we will ride South where the true raiding shall begin." He gives a small pause before looking down at the young Gauterit, black warpaint dashed across the man's hairline, "Ontop of this, I entrust with you the responsibility of convening the Thing. As of today, you will be my Lawspeaker."




Population: 386,531

Base (4) + Capital (4) + Trade (2) + Agri (1) + Raid (12 AP) - 23 AP

Vandals train and recruit several units of light infantry. (6 AP)

Two units of light cavalry are trained for the invasion into Venicii lands. (8 AP)

A single unit of bowmen are conscripted. (4 AP)

Several ballistae are constructed. (2 AP)

A message is sent to the Chief of the Scirii, asking for them to join the Vandals in conquering the rightful Germanic land south of the Danube. (MOD)

A Thing is convened among all free, land-owning men and women of the tribe. It is during this Thing that they will decide whether or not to invade the Venicii. Should the proposition be approved by the Thing, the Vandal army would be mobilized, leaving behind two units of Basic Infantry to defend Luppla. The main army would head south to meet up with any possible Scirii additions before laying siege to the Venician city of  Tergeste. (MOD)

Investments continue on a new market area in Luppla. (4/25 AP)

Research progresses on improving the defenses and fortifications of the Tribes. (5/10 RP)

Edited by Vilebranch
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    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

    • ToodIes

      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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