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hated gm tries to see what server thinks of him


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Now I’m a useless staff member, open and exposed for the community to tear apart.


ask me anything



Past questions linked below


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In your own words, what is really wrong with the DragonSlayerElf community?

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Why are you still here (by that I mean forums and making amas), and who even were you, I legit can’t remember who you were in the WR.

Edited by Knightei
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28 minutes ago, Catostrophy said:

In your own words, what is really wrong with the DragonSlayerElf community?


They’re really good at mental gymnastics.


If we’re talking about the orcs, there’s nothing inherently wrong with “that” specific community at the current moment. It just doesn’t help that the last year placed them in such a dogshit position where their credibility and RP effort was lowered to an abhorrent level. It’s happened with most communities on here, but Orcs got hit the hardest with such a change which is a shame. Orcs are coming back to solid ground if we don’t have people scream the victim card and embarrass themselves on behalf of that community. They just need to buckle up, RP with one another and not take OOC jabs at their race seriously. If you’re genuinely improving, then the people calling you toxic shouldn’t matter since you’re cultivating a playerbase and providing good RP no matter what.


(orcs problem isn’t anything unique to them, they just were the worst at switching into this heavy ooc mentality and suffered the worst of it, it’s a shame)


5 minutes ago, Knightei said:

Why are you still here, and who even were you, I legit can’t remember who you were in the WR.

Trying to somehow make this server better instead of being a jaded prick.


I was pretty detached from the bulk of the American WR. Name was GrimReaper98, hung out with sode1, tgtemplar and most of the australian WR’s heavily. Was part of the squads that used to get the WR into a crap-tonne of ****. Mainly back then I was just a 15-16 year old that really did nothing of importance or had anything special going about him RP wise. Just played a generic grunt man at arms and did what was needed.

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why do you talk about the white rose like normal people talk about their high school sports days

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why did you apply to be a gm 

ahem, “moderator” as the cool kids call it now 

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i hit deny on your app but gave you the tag for some reason anyways

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7 hours ago, Space said:




why do you talk about the white rose like normal people talk about their high school sports days

because being a lonely 15ish year old boy who didn't have social skills, **** gave me some friends Ive carried for many years and I do think it was quite important to me. It was a time where I had no idea about anything in my life and it helped me just be able to learn how to not be a social reject. (Which is a shocker)

Also just a big nostalgia goggles thing of the good old days for me, **** defined alot of how I function on lotc in many aspects.

5 hours ago, Unwillingly said:

why did you apply to be a gm 

ahem, “moderator” as the cool kids call it now 


Sorry GM is the term I hate the forums.


But it's mainly just that I wanted to help change the server genuinely to something good.


4 hours ago, Fireheart_ said:

Why are you lying and saying you are a GM?

GMs are a thing stupid idiot that will never change I will NEVER adhere to telanirs gay letter


3 hours ago, _Hexe_ said:

we cool?

we cool

2 hours ago, _Jandy_ said:

you’re cool, maybe like.... the 4th best Ausy on the server

we cool

41 minutes ago, Corpean said:

i hit deny on your app but gave you the tag for some reason anyways

yeah shoot me tbh

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can i get you to like not hate/dislike me??

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On 1/29/2019 at 5:23 PM, ScreamingDingo said:



you didn’t answer which side you were on idiot

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