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[✓] Alchemy - Medical Pack 1

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Note: The contents of this post can be used outside of medical purposes.
The intention behind this piece is to replace the use of a Healing potion, as it takes away both medical RP and the RP of recovering from wounds.

– All recipes listed are considered ‘common’ under the alchemy feat.

- All recipes listed do not require ST Signing




Anti-Cough Potion

Distilled Water base
1x Order

1x Sound

2x Peace


Creation: Gently warm the distilled water base and mix in the required symbols until fully dissolved. When the liquid is clear and you see no particles left within, let it cool and bottle.


Effects: A soothing clear liquid which when slowly drank will provide relief to the inner-mouth and throat area. This is effective against irritation of the throat, or sores within the mouth. Its effects last roughly 1-2 narrative hours, and it is a relatively safe treatment that can be used as needed with no real fear of overdose.


- Only effective when drank slowly

- Has no effect if diluted in a drink / liquid

- Cannot overdose, the syrup is very safe to drink.

- T1, Common

- Does not require ST Signing



Pain Reducer

Distilled Water base

1x Vigour

2x Endurance

1x Peace


Creation: Heat the distilled water base until boiling, then take off the heat. While it is still hot, add the symbols in order as listed until completely dissolved. Then seal the concoction in a closed container and let it cool naturally.


Effects: When drank, sensations of faint to bordering on severe pain will be near completely reduced, or heavily dulled. While under the effects of the potion the body will have a less severe reaction to pain, though sensation may still be felt it will leave the body very loose and difficult to control. The potion makes it nearly impossible to exert very much strength, standing and walking will be incredibly difficult, and lifting objects will not be possible.


- Must be drank
- Nearly all sensation is lost, though some pressure sensation is still felt
- Standing, walking, or moving in calculated fashions will be extremely difficult and ill-advised
- Dexterous tasks are basically impossible, and lifting objects above 2-3lbs will also not be doable.

- The effects will last roughly 4-5 Narrative hours, if doses are taken with at least 1 narrative hour between when the effects wear off it is safe to continue taking it. "Overdose" will simply result in complete paralyzed sensation for the duration of the effects.

- The effects are lessened significantly if diluted in drink / liquids, and must be taken without dilution in order to work fully.

- T2, Common

- Requires ST Signing




Fire: Burning x1

Impediment x2

Slowness x1

A spoon of salt


Creation: Burning and Impediment symbols should be brewed together into boiling water first. Then, mix in the measure of slowness and begin to boil this mixture over medium to high heat until it thickens up considerably. When there's perhaps half the amount of water left than what you started with, pour in the spoonful of salt and mix it in until it is completely dissolved. Then set this aside and let it cool, after which, grind the hardened paste down into a powdered form and bottle.

Effects: When exposed to liquid the powder will heat up and congeal, cauterizing wounds and absorbing pooling blood.


- Attempting to eat or drink the powder will cause congealing of the blood internally, resulting in blood clots and potentially strokes.

- Tier 2, Common

- Does not require ST Signing



Burn Soothe

A lard/Oil Base

Coldness x2

Peace x2

[Fragrance may be added, optional]


Creation: In no particular order, when the coldness and peace symbols are slowly mixed into a lard or oil base it will take on a snowish white color.


Effects: When this ointment is applied to a burn, patch of irritation, rash, or other irritable non-open wounds, the area will be soothed by a fresh cooling feeling that is slow acting and even across the surface. The effect will last roughly 1-2 narrative hours before it would need to be replaced. A single measure of Silence can also be added to ointment to give it a longer lasting numbing effect on the applied area, extending its use to 2-3 narrative hours. The substance poses no danger, though it is recommended to let wounds be open to the air on occasion, it can be re-applied as needed with no side effects.


- Must be directly applied to the affected area.

- Effects last 1-2 narrative hours, or 2-3 narrative hours with the extra silence symbol, this must be displayed in the item text.

- Tier 1, Common

- Does not require ST Signing



Contact Purifier

Distilled Water Base

Grace x1

Death x1

Purity x2


Creation: Gently heat the distilled water until it is warm, then completely dissolve the mixture of Grace into it before continuing. When there are no particulates left, add the measure of Death, give it a moment to swirl within the mixture and then add the two measures of Purity. Slowly stir this without agitating the liquid too much until everything is dissolved. Prepare your intended container by boiling it in hot water to ensure it is entirely clean. While the container is still somewhat hot, pour the purifier liquid in and let these cool down naturally, then cork.


Effects: This liquid, when applied to a surface will sizzle and bubble as it thoroughly cleans and purifies where it touches. It will work effectively against any mundane contaminants, but will not have an effect on magical or unnatural substances.


- Not an anti-venom or cure all, if drank it will cause the person to become violently ill as their body rejects it.

- Pouring it into a mud puddle won't get rid of mud, but it will clean dirt of mud out of a wound.

- Tier 1, Common

- Does not require ST Signing




Aqua Vitae Base

Peace x3

Endurance x2

Order x1

Nightsap x2


Creation: Brew the ingredients in order of how they appear into a container of Aqua Vitae on low to medium heat, avoiding a rolling boil. When everything is dissolved into the liquid completely then you may raise the heat until the liquid is boiling safely. As it boils down, slowly add your counts of nightsap, small portions at a time until the boiling liquid turns a blackish color and is thick and viscous.


Effects: When the substance is ingested in some form, over the course of the next narrative fifteen minutes the affected individual will slowly become tired, and gripped with exhaustion before finally succumbing to unconsciousness. The individual will not be roused from this drugged sleep for at the least an entire narrative day.


- The substance must be ingested to work.

- The dark black color and extremely sweet taste of the substance will ultimately ruin any drink or food it is put in, if attempted. As well, dilution into food or drink will cause the effects to be nearly negligable, at most causing the person to become tired or sleepy if they ingested the food or drink in its entirety.

- Tier 3, Common

- Requires ST Signing





Night Sap 
Caused by the Burrowing Burl Termite, Night Sap is a honey like substance found in deformed burls of oak trees.

Burrowing Burl Termites nest in oak trees by causing them to grow a burl then burrowing into said burl and making a nest. The termites eat wood in surplus, process it into a golden honey like substance, and store it in there nest. This honey, that we know as nightsap, is used for both feeding larvae and feeding the hive during winter. Typically cutting open the Burl or ramming a tap into it will cause the Night Sap to slowly drain out, but some will cut the Burl from the tree altogether.

Drinking and eating Night Sap isn’t exactly a rare occurrence as the instant the soothing honey drizzles down the throat muscles relax and eyes flutter. A great sense of calm, safety, happiness fills the mind and one finds themselves at peace with the world, although a bit drowsy. It leaves the user completely relaxed for about three to five hours. A highly addictive substance, especially for people who are unhappy with some element in their life.


Sign: Earth
Symbols: Connection x3


Special thanks to @SourDoughfor helping with this.

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Wish our forums weren't trash and I could indent a paragraph like a normal human being.

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I like the idea that you’re going to put out these ‘packs’ like little DLC nuggets of delicious Alchemy goodness, but I don’t think it works due to the fact it takes an average of 3 months in order to actually get **** signed and on the server.


But kudos to the idea!

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37 minutes ago, Vindicant said:

but I don’t think it works due to the fact it takes an average of 3 months in order to actually get **** signed and on the server.


Thats actually why i’m doing the packs.

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1 hour ago, Vindicant said:

I like the idea that you’re going to put out these ‘packs’ like little DLC nuggets of delicious Alchemy goodness, but I don’t think it works due to the fact it takes an average of 3 months in order to actually get **** signed and on the server.


But kudos to the idea!

i sign **** instantly ? YO WAI T THERES EMOJIS IN **** :megugun:

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20 hours ago, SquakHawk said:

i sign **** instantly ? YO WAI T THERES EMOJIS IN **** :megugun:

I’m gonna need to see your Megumin License, it’s illegal to carry without one >:C

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Image result for Need a crusade

Stop this heresy


But +1 Dunsty boy I want alchemy

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This Lore has been accepted. Moved to Implemented Lore, it will be sorted to it's appropriate category soon.

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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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