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Battle of the Arts - June


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When are the creative writing pieces due?

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On 6/25/2020 at 2:02 PM, Heff said:

When are the creative writing pieces due?

Everything is due on June 30th!

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Category: Creative Writing


The River


Swift and quick and fast and strong

The current goes along

And with birds in the trees

And flowers of bees 

The river sings a song


Strong and dark and cold and long

The river moves along

With towns full of people

And churches and steeples

The river moves along


Long and far and moist and wet

The river holds many pets

Some act as pests

The others act the best

The river moves along


Wet and tall and deep and steep

The river slowly creeps

It snakes and leads

Into the seas

The river moves along


Bright and washed and headstrong and coarse

The river runs it’s course

For water flows

Everywhere it goes

And the river moves along


Link to Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_WxvnN2CNHSLzLOymdJmUSfQLjykhNhTLNtHyE9Mqv4/edit?usp=sharing

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Forgive me lord, for I have sinned.


LOTC Beach Episode.

It was a bright and sunny day as Telanir-kun walked up to the beaches of Sutica.

“Kawaii desu (●´ω`●)~~” he says as he dives into the water. The sun reflects beautifully off of the water, making the whole world glimmer as Telanir-kun backstrokes through the sea. His sunglasses are relaxed off of his muscled face as the waves pass over them. His hair spreads out like a fan, forming rays of majestic brown color that twinkle in the light.


His harem of big, bouncily chested women gape in awe at the sight. One of them faints dramatically into the arms of Tythus-chan who was standing nearby. Tythus-chan winks at Telanir-kun, pushes up his glasses and says “テラニルくんを手に入れよう” which means “Go get them Telanir-kun” I think.


Suddenly, the sky darkens. Storm clouds gather. A stroke of lightning hits a nearby palm tree, making it split asunder and fall into the sea. Telanir-kun frowns slightly as he realizes what has happened.


“Tieethyusu-chahn, preparu theu secreto weaponu” he’d say in flawless english, a quirk of his upbringing as an ascetic monk in the himalayas. 


“Haiiii~~~!” responds Tythus-chan as he flexes his pecs. A mighly “CLANG!” is heard as he whips out a massive, throbbing, pulsating sword of solid iron. Not so much a sword as a heap of metal. The harem of women whip out their own weapons, ranging from throwing stars to nunchucks.


The sky darkens even more as a malicious laughter echoes across the sea. It is him, the great arch-enemy of Telanir-kun. The enemy of the Chosen Hero. The Great Demon King himself! Ghazriel, lord of the alternative accounts, has come to Sutica to reap his revenge!


~To Be Continued~


Google Doc: 


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Water gently flows over stone

Everyday etching it softly

Billions of droplets honed

Into one fearsome entity


Water nourishes bodies

Allowing life to flourish

Without some water everybody dies

Water is home to thousands of fish


Water rushes through a turbine

Generating power to cities

Water allows your life and mine

and all our earth pals, giants and minis. 


Thank you water for your role

Universally useful that you are 

Without you Earth would be dull

You’re definitely our shining star.




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Artist: Ianometry


Those of Water-Born

It is those we hold dear,

That brings us the most fear,

It’s the fright,

And it’s the light,

But what makes us grimace,

Are our partners amiss,


Do not trust those of water-born,

They take our loved ones into the deep,

Deep, deep into their sleep,

Do not meddle with the daemon-spawn,


It would really be nice,

Although it wouldn’t suffice,

To end where the evil starts,

So there’s no need for the dead on carts,


The damage is done,

To them it’s just fun,

Now all we can do is wail,

For our loved ones sleep with the whales...

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