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[✗] [Racial Lore] Orcish Horns


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Horns, one of the greatest achievements of the orcish race. The presence of horns is often associated with the most prestigious or elite of the orcish race are are a symbol of great honor.


When one is ready to dedicate themselves to that of achieving horns, they must first seek out a spirit in which they are ready to devote themselves too for the rest of their lifetime. This may be any lesser or greater spirit, a notable lesser spirit, or even a greater spirit. However the greater the spirit the greater the devotion to them is needed.  Most orcs pursuing the task of attaining horns are urged to have come in contact with this spirit or atleast gain a reasonable amount of knowledge with the spirit so that they may properly serve this spirit throughout their life. 

To declare your devotion to a spirit, one must first create a shrine to the respective spirit. This shrine shall need to include things that please the spirit, for example an Arwa shrine would include aspects of agriculture. If choosing a greater ancestral spirit, you will need the guidance of a lutauman. When completed with this, one must make a great sacrifice to the shrine to make their devotion known. This may include the head of a great beast, the body of one who acts against the spirits, purifying tainted nature around the area, and so on. To begin this process one must have an appropriate lore team member associated with that of orcish spirits. Some recommended ones being DarkSainthood, Frott, KBR, or Sykogenic.

Once recognized by the spirit, orcs will begin to notice a pain growing beneath their skin. This comes from that of the bone core in which horns consist of beginning to form from the skull of the orc. To further grow these horns, those seeking to achieve them will be required to make continuous sacrifices towards their spirits within the mortal realm. These may be self sacrifices, sacrifices towards the respective spirit, or even mass sacrifices in which you lead.

Horns are only attainable by those of the orcish race. This does include half-breeds, however the lesser the presence of orc, the lesser the ability to grow their horns.



Once the growing process has begun, constant sacrifice will be required to continue this process. Examples of these sacrifices are listed above.

When moving forwards with the sacrificing process horns will continue to slowly grow at a steady rate. Some things to keep in mind that if your character is not fully devoting themselves to the spirit of their choosing this process will continue onwards at a very slow rate as the spirit will not be pleased. You will also need to complete a minimum of one great sacrifice each week; the growing process does not continue if the sacrifice is not met. For example week one starts after the first sacrifice, week two starts after the second. Below are the times in which orcs may grow their horns at an IRL time rate,

[1 Week]
At this stage orcs will achieve that of the pain beneath their skin as the initial tissue of bone from their skull begins to grow.

[2 Weeks]
The horns will begin to break through the surface of the skin, causing bleeding and immense pain. This is a bothersome pain in which users will not be able to push off to the side unless numbed via medication.

[3 Weeks]
By now one full inch of horns will be erected from the skull of the orc. 


[4 Weeks]
During this time, pain will continue onwards as the skin around the base of the horn begins to spread. At the end of the 4th week, the horns will reach a maximum of 2.5 inches.


[5 Weeks+][Shaman Guidance Needed]
At this stage an orc has achieved all that they can upon the mortal realm without visiting the spirit for each task. From now on, they will need to come into contact with their selected spirit to receive every task afterwards. These tasks come off as quite challenging and push the orc in question to their limits. Once the task is completed it will spur another week of growth. Growing at a rate of 1-2.5 inches each time.

If pacted with a lesser spirit or ancestor, growth is reduced by 33%. If you are not a full blooded orc, in any form you will attain a slower rate of growth as well.

- 1/2  Orcish Blood results in a 25% reduction.
-1/3 Orcish Blood Results in a 50% reduction.
-1/4 Orcish Blood results in a 75% reduction.

Shall your horn be removed or broken, the growth will resume at the point of breaking. However if broken into the core, massive amounts of pain shall surge into your head. Migraines, blacking out, bloodlust, and so on are quite common. This will continue until the horn is fully repaired by moving forwards with the growth process. There is also an alternative to this method shall orcs be able to retrieve the broken horn. By taking yourself and the broken horn the spirit Akezo with the company of a shaman, you will be able to ask her for the healing of your horn. However this will not fully heal it and you will need to be careful for the next IRL week as this horn will become quite fragile.



The different types of spirits will cause the growth of different types of horns based on that of their moral alignment and their domains. Below is a listing of the different options in which orcs will find themselves able to grow.



The Crown of Horns is gifted to orcs who find themselves aligning with spirits typically associated with being “Taboo”. Some examples of these spirits can be Ikuras, Kor, or even Rolfizh. Those who find themselves with these types of horns may find themselves in questionable conversations in regards to which spirit they are devoted to. These horns consist of a bone core which is surrounded by layers of keratin. For each of these horns, they may only reach to a maximum of 5 inches.



Crown Spirits [Taboo Spirits]




When devoting yourself to a nature like spirit or those of a typically peaceful domain you will find yourself with quite the troubling time. This is due to the fact that with the growth of these horns users will need to first complete the first four weeks of self growth which will only cause a resemblance of a juvenile animal's antlers. These antlers will be composed of full bone. To continue onwards with the full growth of antlers, they will definitely need a shamans guidance. Some examples of these spirits are Freygoth, Talmindi, and Arwa. Antlers may only grow to have 5 branches on each side. The base reaches a length maximum of 10 inches from base to tip, with every branch outwards only able to reach 4 maximum inches. Every aspect of the antlers consists of curvature.



Antler Spirits [Nature/Peaceful Spirits]



To achieve any form of dual horns, users will need to find themselves devoting to a spirit related to forms of combat. These horns can come in the form of bull horns, ram horns, or even two horns coming out from the top of the forehead. Some spirits that will provide these types of horns are Leyd, Kezt, and Vulka. These horns consist of a bone core which is surrounded by layers of keratin. These horns will only grow to be 10 inches long at maximum from base to tip. If exceeding 7 inches curvature will begin.



Dual Horn Spirits [Combative Spirits]


Those looking to find themselves with three horns, they will need to come into contact with a neutral/passive spirit. These horns grow as two larger horns and one small horn, or two smaller horns and one larger. The core of these horns consists of bones with layers of keratin around them. The maximum size a larger horn can get, is 6 inches, while the smaller horn can reach 4.


Neutral/Passive Spirits


Those who seek that of Quad horns will need to devote themselves to that of a greater ancestral spirit. These are the most prized set of horns as they require the most devotion and work to attain. These horns consist of a bone core which is surrounded by layers of keratin. These horns will only grow to be 10 inches long at maximum from base to tip and will only affect two of the four horns. If these horns exceed 7 inches they will begin to form a curve. The second set of horns will only reach a maximum of four inches.


Quad Horn Spirits [Greater Ancestrals]


















-To grow horns you must have a Story Team member approve this process so that it can not be abused by players randomly growing horns.
-Those who have a tainted soul may not grow horns.
-Sacrifices may displease a spirit if done wrong.
-You cannot change your devoted spirit unless they are within the same realm, however this will anger the spirit greatly preventing you from any growth for 1 IRL month.

-Screenshots must be taken of every sacrifice relating to attaining horns and growing them.
-Horns from Greater Ancestrals requires full Shaman Guidance.

-Elemental Spirits are incapable of granting horns.

The purpose of rewriting this lore is rather simple. My goal is to provide a version of the lore in which players may set out on their own to achieve a set of horns while still keeping some aspects of the previous lore in play. These horns that are self achieved are kept at a smaller state to keep players from growing large horns constantly and abusing the system. For players to achieve the larger sets of horns they will need shaman guidance. Horns within both lore rewrites are an excellent way to grow your character and create roleplay. However within the past lore limiting this feature to only be granted by lutaumans, has led the lore to not be used within the past 12 months.



Spirit Lore
Old Lore
Writer - Qizu

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I think that it’d be a fitting aesthetic.

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honorary orcs can’t get them, I can’t support this discrimination, sorry...

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1 minute ago, BrandNewKitten said:

It steps on the Azdrazi aesthetic a bit. Maybe clarify that dragon-azdrazi type horns are a no-no?

horns have been a thing in orks for years now. . .

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Here are my suggestions:


-You should explicitly state whether the horns can be used in combat or not. I assume the lore is meant to be mostly aesthetic, so it’d be good to add a redline for it.


-Clarify how the %reduction of growth translates to irl time. Also calrify if the reductions stack, for example if a half orc attempts to get quad horns what would the total reduction be.


-I know Elemental spirits can’t grant horns, but it’d be good to explicitly say so.


-I’d like to see a more involved process for recovering lost and broken horns, rather than just simply growing them out again. Something interesting like seeking healing from a shaman or from Akezo.

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4 minutes ago, Whimsycal said:

Here are my suggestions:


-You should explicitly state whether the horns can be used in combat or not. I assume the lore is meant to be mostly aesthetic, so it’d be good to add a redline for it.


-Clarify how the %reduction of growth translates to irl time. Also calrify if the reductions stack, for example if a half orc attempts to get quad horns what would the total reduction be.


-I know Elemental spirits can’t grant horns, but it’d be good to explicitly say so.


-I’d like to see a more involved process for recovering lost and broken horns, rather than just simply growing them out again. Something interesting like seeking healing from a shaman or from Akezo.

Thanks for the first one.

For the second one those who seek to follow these paths can do the math for the amount of growth they are able to achieve each week. Just mutliply by 0.33 and then subract that from the inch length.

Thanks for the third one for clarification purposes.

I like that idea and I am adding it now

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13 hours ago, BrandNewKitten said:

sure but not draconian looking horns. 


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