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Hunger Games -- Staff VS Players


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Welcome to the next event put on by the Community Team






For our next Community Event, we encourage staff and players alike to hash it out over Hunger Games, hosted on Lord of the Craft. Although it will be a free-for-all, the lone winner will win for their side: staff or players. 




  1. You cannot bring anything into the arena. You must start with absolutely nothing. This includes items, Soulbinds, money, armour, food, and anything else. If you bring something onto the field, it may be cleared from your inventory.

  2. Teaming will not be enforced, though it is encouraged. That being said, people are allowed to betray each other.

  3. Staff members may not use any form of pex, including but not limited to: god, vanish, effect, fly, spectator, etc.

  4. The last person standing wins for their ‘team’: staff or players.




If you’d like to join, please fill out the following sign-up form. Keep in mind that the date and time will be decided on the time most voted for in the sign-up form, so the date/time is not decided yet but will be posted for all those who have decided to sign up. 






On the day of the event (to be determined, see above), participants will be placed in a room to store their items and money. After their inventories are cleared, they will be placed in the arena on designated podiums. There are no enforced teams, so it’s every man for himself unless participants decide to team up themselves. Each team will be in a voice chat so they may communicate. The game will run until all but one person is dead. Those who die will be moved in the dead people VC, where they may watch the game and be sponsors to those still living. 


Please keep in mind that if you are playing, you must be in the discord, which is linked at the end of the sign-up form!




Participants who have died and been eliminated from the game can become sponsors. Therefore, even after death, you can still have an effect on the game! The longer participants were alive, the more things they can send to those still in the game.


You can send helpful things such as food, weapons, etc. to participants, or you can send monsters, lightning, etc. after participants in an attempt to get them killed. 




Simply put, if a member of your team (staff or players) is the last one alive, you and your team wins. Each member of the winning team will receive some sort of prize, though the longest-lasting members of the winning team will receive a better prize. If you’d like to find out what the prizes are, sign up and win!





Special thanks to the Community Events Team for working on this project!

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Yeeeeee I’m so excited!!!!!!!!!



it’s fine I know I’m not gonna win lmao 😄 

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Lets go!

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This will be INSANE


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god i hate staf i am going to pvp staff and win

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yes yes yes

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finally i can pugsy the moderation that has been oppressing and harrasing the media....!

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