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[✗] [CA Race Lore] - Elekhei


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In the ancient days of the Fae Realm, the Elekhei were apex predators of the Nightfall Domain, favored by natural selection through their wits and sharp bite. Their rule as an advanced species lasted decades, and they savored the many Fae that made up their prey. However, natural selection is very much a double-edged blade. The imp kin, who swiftly established their dominance throughout the Fae Realm, brought an end to the reign of the Elekhei. The imps were simply far too smart, and stripped away the lush hunting grounds from the Elekhei.  Satyroi were similarly forced to flee any habitat which the imps dominated, most notably the Nightfall Domain and Twilight Bound. Those who survived nature’s cruel game of life fled to the Dayward Lands, the only place free of the imp’s conquest. However, the Elekhei soon found that these lands were far too unbefitting of them. They entered a place filled with prey, yet they knew nothing about them. Regardless of their efforts to adapt to this new diet, their hunting no longer supported their kind. The endangered Elekhei remaining soon dwindled, swiftly inching closer and closer to extinction. But on the night of a full moon, a hunting group stumbled into a Fae Ring, and were met with the phenomena of such a thing. They found themselves teleported to the Mortal Realm, yet again entering a foreign, alien land. Seeing this as a new opportunity, they decided to take full advantage of this world. They worked towards their survival immediately, searching for a new home, and preying upon the many species in such a lively realm. They settled in caves and produced offspring, and thrived on their new diet. Their children migrated, and the species soon discretely became a part of underground and forested habitats.





Elekhei culture varies  among their tribes, although certain archetypes may be noticed.


Life-mates and Gender

Elekhei tend to mate for life, and to do otherwise is generally frowned upon. However, if something is to happen between a pair, re-mating is permitted. The Ritual of Life is the ceremony required for a pair of Elekhei to reproduce. This generally appears as renewing wedding vows. 

Weddings are typically held over the course of 3 Elven days, in the form of Prin Ninctio, Equen Ninctio, and Meta Ninctio. Prin Ninctio, the pre-wedding ceremony, is typically held with family and close friends the night before the wedding. Equen Ninctio is the actual wedding, where the pair are locked together by giving vows. Meta Ninctio is the after-wedding ceremony, which involves the whole village. 

Elekhei don’t have a concept of gender, and appear from anywhere on a spectrum of male to female. Appearance tends to dictate pronouns, although this is not guaranteed. Gender has no bearing on reproduction, internal structure, or capabilities. It is purely an aesthetic variation.

Government and Social Structure

Elekhei are one of the few Fae creatures who advanced enough to develop the concept of society. They were governed by a council, or sunedrion, in their ancient days within the Fae Realm. This council was formed with the heads of tribes considered noble. In recent times, the council has dwindled down to one leader; however, a common goal of Elekhei is to rebuild their council. Noble tribes are chosen by the others on the council-- thus creating a sort of cycle. They are usually decided by who contributes the most to Elekhei society. There’s a set amount of council positions, dictated by what the society needs-- however, there’s no limit to noble tribes.


Architecture and the Arts

Elekhei excel in sculptures and paintings, with a unique hieroglyphic-like style. They often tell stories of their history, or legends that vary from family to family.

Elekhei architecture is detailed but harmonious, often featuring their art and sculptures embedded in or painted on the walls. Arches and geometric designs are common, as are open-air buildings. 



Language Basics


Misc Words

Hello - Hairve

Goodbye - Valei

Thank you -Tibi

Parent - Mimitiki

Child/Dear One - Unum Pari

Prewedding Ceremony - Prin Ninctio

The Wedding Ceremony - Equen Ninctio 

Postwedding Ceremony - Meta Ninctio

Council- Sunedrion



One - Unum

Two - Vio

Three - Tri

Four - Drew

Five - Cir

Six - Lan

Seven - Tini

Eight - Eme

Nine - Anu

Ten - Hev


Anything after ten is the word ten, and then the number. For example-

15 - Hev Cir

For numbers after 19, you say the amount of tens, and then the smaller number.

33 - Tri Hev Tri





The physiology of Elekhei is similar to that of a Descendant’s from the chest up, for many of their organs share the same locations. The most crucial difference is that they have two stomachs, two pairs of lungs, and two hearts, as pictured below. This does not make them easier or harder to kill-- as per usual, if one vital organ is struck, the others are sure to fail. The posterior heart is lower in the body, helping pump blood all the way down to the ends of their tails. Similarly, the posterior lungs allow blood pressure to be regulated throughout the entirety of the body. The anterior and posterior stomachs are connected, more for swallowing small prey, such as a squirrel, whole. 

The transition area in the waist from human to snake is similar to that of a cobra, as they are the only snake capable of rising vertically in the manner an Elekhei does. Their ligaments and bones are specifically suited to support their ability to stay upright. Their back is a bit stronger than the average descendant’s, for this sole purpose. It would not allow them to lift heavier things than a human-- their strength is about on par with a human’s, for that matter. 

When moving, the higher an Elekhei is raised vertically, the harder it is to move. This isn’t a problem for normal movement, but in combat or in other scenarios where speed is necessary, it’s much more efficient for the Elekhei to lower itself to the ground. The snake half would be on the ground, moving as a regular snake does, with mostly side-to-side movements. 

Elekhei are cold blooded, preferring warm places. If they are in a cold area for too long, their bodies will go dormant. 

Elekhei’s scales will fall off naturally as opposed to the skin shedding of snakes. This will intensify during their mating period, which begins upon completing the Ritual of Life. In short, it will increase the rate at which their scales drop, allowing them to reproduce-- as elaborated upon in a later section.

Elekhei may live up to 300 years old, but often die earlier, due to their warrior-like lifestyles. They age similar to a human (from the upper half) to age 20, and then slow down. Childhood is considered from birth to age 35. They also grow to be about the size of a human, up to 5'0" to 6'4" in standing height. However, this does not include the full length of their tail. Tails, minus the torso, range from 7ft long on the small end to 14ft long on the longer end. Less than half of their tail will attribute to their upright standing height-- most of it usually propels the Elekhei forward on the ground. Their tails cannot constrict anything-- while being quite flexible, nearly impossible to break, they do not have the proper muscles to wrap around something tightly.



Physical Appearance

Elekhei have the upper half of a humanoid, and the lower half similar to that of a snake. They have slitted eyes with a wide range of colors and scales that come in a variety of colors, depending on the snake they resemble-- as elaborated on below. They can have specific features of the snake they represent, within reason-- for example, a horned viper might have small horns above their eyes. None of these extra features can have any function or benefit, they are purely aesthetic. Their skin tone may be shades of whites, grays, blacks, any average human complexions, or even a pale shade of their scales. Their jaw unhinges similar to that of a snake, with a forked tongue and sharp teeth. This makes them speak with a slight accent, though they can usually learn and speak Common with relative ease. 

The snake that the Elekhei is inspired by can only be those in the following list, to ensure quality characters are being made. These are not considered subraces, as the differences are purely cosmetic.


Viper: Viper scales can be shades of brown, orange, green, yellow, etc. Eyes can be red, yellow, and black. 

Cobra: Cobra scales can be shades of red, black, white, and brown. They can also be mottled or banded. Eyes can be black, light brown, yellow, or red.

Mamba: Mamba scales can be green, yellow, black, red-- typically bright colors. Their eyes are usually black, yellow, or red.

Python: Python‘s scales are almost always mottled black or brown, but they can sometimes be bright green with red eyes. Otherwise, they’d have black, brown, or yellow eyes.

Sunbeam snake: Sunbeam snakes have iridescent black and white scales, and black eyes. They’re the rarest type of Elekhei.



In order to reproduce, an Elekhei must complete the Ritual of Life with their life-mate. This will allow their scales to drop at an increased rate for an Elven week, and the pair will then begin the process of building an egg out of their scales. This process takes another Elven week, and when the egg is complete, the pair protect it with their lives. After a final Elven week, the egg will hatch, and a baby Elekhei will emerge.


Alchemical Reagents

The scales and fangs of an Elekhei contain applications in alchemy. Any fallen scales become useless, however, and the scales and fangs removed from an Elekhei’s corpse also bear no alchemical effect. Similarly, if the reagents are forced from an Elekhei, their effects will be null. The production of a reagent is a triggered ability, and must be activated through the Elekhei’s willingness. The fangs and scales both contain an Aether sign, as well as symbols of:


Poison x6

Agility x4


Reagent Redlines

Gathering of reagents must be overseen by ST

Reagents become useless if you kill the Elekhei in question. They must give the reagent willingly.

Only one of each reagent can be produced every 2 IRL weeks.





As fey, an Elekhei’s soul is not like that of a Descendant’s. Therefore, they cannot learn the majority of magics that exist in the mortal realm. Any blight that affects nature will affect Elekhei, due to their fey background. The blight will pump through their veins rather quickly, over the course of five IRL hours-- which is when it reaches their anterior heart, causing them to quickly begin to wither and die on the spot. A Druid can heal blights from an Elekhei through Blight Healing. They are susceptible to dark and voidal magics.





Elekhei typically only hunt for need. They eat everything they catch, swallowing it whole, or it is used to reproduce. They don’t hunt intelligent animals, though they are cautious of other races after their time in the Fae Realm. They tend to be cold to these other races, but once their stony exterior is broken, one will find that they have a colorful variety of personality.






Nature’s Communion || Non-Combative

Like most Fae encountered by Descendants; Elekhei may speak to plants, animals, other Fae, and Druids through communion. This is a passive ability that functions within a 15 block radius. It’s an exchange of thoughts, feelings, and visual messages. However, plants and animals cannot be requested to move, as Druids can. 


Cannot move plants or animals with this ability.

Must be within the 15 block radius.


Venom Bite || Combative

Emote Count – 3-4 (2 focus for Adult, 3 for Child, and 1 cast)

In the Nightfall Domain, poison is a common occurrence. In this case, Elekhei have a venomous bite, not unlike that of a snake’s venom. The venom is emitted from their fangs, and cannot be collected, as it is rendered useless when it comes into contact with air. The only sure way to deliver the venom is for the Elekhei to bite the target. This can only be used twice per day before the venom in their glands runs out and it needs to regenerate. The venom clouds the senses of the target, like a neurotoxin. It’s not lethal, but it is heavily disorienting.


Specific symptoms of Venom Bite include-

Blurred Vision (for at least 3 emotes)



Shakiness (not to the point of being unable to stand, but to the point of losing fine motor control.)


Before biting a target, two emotes are required. The Elekhei prepares the venom, gathering it in their fangs for maximum damage. For child Elekhei, three emotes are required, but the bite would sting a bit more as children cannot control their venom. (This is purely for flavor, and has no real consequence on the effects the target must RP.) An adult Elekhei will show a small bit of physical strain as they gather the venom, but it’s a bit more intense for child Elekhei, to the point that it’s near impossible for them to do it discreetly. 


Poison cannot be collected without rendering it useless. Even if you find a workaround to the air-rendering-it-useless issue, you cannot collect it, due to balancing concerns of Elekhei in general.

Two emotes are required for an adult Elekhei before biting, on the third emote.

A child Elekhei may bite on the 4th emote, after 3 preparation emotes.

Elekhei, especially children, must emote some kind of discomfort or tell that they’re gathering venom.

Does not cause permanent damage or knock a creature out.

Can be stopped by armor.

Elekhei can only bite what their mouth fits around-- they can’t bite an Olog, for example, as their mouth doesn’t fit against their skin.

Fangs are only about an inch long.

Elekhei can use venom bite twice per day, once for children.


Strike || Combative

Emote Count – 2 (1 focus, 1 cast)

The Elekhei is able to strike incredibly quickly when threatened. They must lower their snake-like half to the ground in order to effectively move, so they have to strike low or straighten back up once they reach their target. This does not heighten their other senses or reaction times-- it only acts as a temporary speed boost. In order for them to properly strike, they must first coil back for one emote.


May be used twice per combat encounter.

Must lower themselves halfway to the ground and coil back for one emote before striking.

May strike twice as fast as they could normally move, when “running” (whatever you’d call snake running...). They typically move about as fast as a human when ‘walking’ or ‘running’ respectively.

May only move up to 2 more blocks than a normal Descendant in combat (for one emote) with this ability.

Can only speed boost with this ability for one emote.


Stalk Prey || Non-Combative

As an apex predator, the Elekhei is able to stay extremely still for hours on end. Their only movement would be that of a barely noticeable breath, and a slowed heartbeat. If the Elekhei chooses to move, they will be barely audible, perfect for stalking prey.


May not be used during combat.

Anyone paying attention could hear an Elekhei, if it moved during complete silence. If it stayed still, it would be much harder to detect without seeing.




General Redlines

Any extra features cannot aid the Elekhei in combat. The differences may only be cosmetic.

Elekhei cannot FTB or reproduce with any other race

Elekhei cannot learn magic, including Chi, Kani, or Druidism.

Cannot eat players due to the unhinging jaw, no matter the race or size.

Elekhei may not reproduce by themselves-- their scales only gain the ability to do so after the Ritual of Life with another Elekhei.

If Elekhei must move quickly-- in a combat situation, for example-- they must lower their snake half to the ground in order to properly slither about.

Elekhei cannot wrap tightly around things and constrict them, as their backs aren’t properly designed for it.

Despite Elekhei’s appearance varying on the gender spectrum, they have no breasts, or very little if they’re chubby.


Purpose: OOC



In creating Elekhei, I was hoping for a fey race that adds some variety to the community. While I love the current fey races, they seem to have a similar aesthetic for the most part. Elekhei, in my mind, are a new culture as a whole-- a mixture of Greek, Egyptian, and more-- combined with original elements. I can’t quite say what niche they’d fill, because I see them more as creating a new niche.






Art- Josey, Warie-lym on Tumblr


Writing/Ideas- Kimika, Timberbuff, Fruune, Vic, Blue, ElvenMommaHacker, strifeg0d, Blue_Due, and many more! A lot of people helped me out in small ways.



  • Minor grammar changes (Date unknown because I forgot to make a changelog lol)
  • Added several new abilities in addition to Venom Bite and Nature’s Communion, in addition to the formatting of the abilities, and a lifespan + childhood span. (10/21/2020)
  • Added a few redlines to the Strike ability. (10/21/2020)
  • Added Elekhei size capability (10/22/2020)
  • Added symptoms to Venom Bite, and minor edits to Strike (10/23/2020)


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I don’t know how to pronounce the name of this creature even in my head please help

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Just now, Unwillingly said:

I don’t know how to pronounce the name of this creature even in my head please help

Eh-leh-kay sounds prettiest to me.

Also, this has a lovely aesthetic. I’m glad to see unique CAs! ❤️

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3 minutes ago, LaffenOutLoud said:

Eh-leh-kay sounds prettiest to me.

Also, this has a lovely aesthetic. I’m glad to see unique CAs! ❤️

I say that sometimes, but usually eh-lehk-hai. No reason why, you can pronounce it however you want uwu

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Venom bite is OP for a CA. Snakes do not always need to have venom, and it is a realistic but unnecessary addition; additionally, it states that it becomes useless on contact with air. I can think on the top of my head a few ways to loophole that, so it should be changed and/or the venom bite should be removed, imo. Fangs are already pretty strong by themselves given they are natural weapons plenty longer than most knives. A bite to the neck would incapacitate by itself.

Additionally, there are absolutely no red lines or mentions of constricting a target. It seems like that might be a heavy-hitter to consider mentioning in some way, shape or form but I wouldn’t recommend adding it as an ability.

Otherwise it looks alright. I’ve always wanted a snakeskin cowboy hat.


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kinda cool 1+ 

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Steaming hot, right off the creative press... Very nice, it was fun watching the drafts and helping out wherever! +1

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Well crap this is prob coincidence but me and a few others were also working on Snake people so, should I still go on with it or?

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I am overjoyed to see new open CAs with such interesting lore! +1

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22 hours ago, Ryloth said:

Venom bite is OP for a CA. Snakes do not always need to have venom, and it is a realistic but unnecessary addition; additionally, it states that it becomes useless on contact with air. I can think on the top of my head a few ways to loophole that, so it should be changed and/or the venom bite should be removed, imo. Fangs are already pretty strong by themselves given they are natural weapons plenty longer than most knives. A bite to the neck would incapacitate by itself.

Additionally, there are absolutely no red lines or mentions of constricting a target. It seems like that might be a heavy-hitter to consider mentioning in some way, shape or form but I wouldn’t recommend adding it as an ability.

Otherwise it looks alright. I’ve always wanted a snakeskin cowboy hat.


I’d say with the redlines there, as well as it taking three emotes to properly build, it looks alright in my opinion. I do agree with your point on constriction, though.

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On 8/21/2020 at 12:32 AM, Ryloth said:

Otherwise it looks alright. I’ve always wanted a snakeskin cowboy hat.


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