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[✗] [Holy] Elding: The Boon of Holy Lightning & Judges of Zecharael


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(First full lore piece I’ve written in about 2 years, so sorry if it’s not anything incredible or long)

Elding: The Boon of Judgement - Judges of Zecharael

An artist’s depiction of Zecharael [Circa. y.410]


Zecharael Lore: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/161869-aengul-zecharael/?tab=comments#comment-1529355 

Gilded Court: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/176426-%E2%9C%93-deific-realm-the-gilded-court/?tab=comments#comment-1661235 

Zecharael, the Aengul of Judgement, was slain within the great conflict of the Ibleesian War. His folly was becoming too engulfed in a single minded mission of absolute judgement. Efforts were taken by Zecharel to preserve his position of Justicar before he sought off to face the Dark One, Iblees. Golden and Silver Scales were left within the Gilded Halls, as his way of symbolizing the scales of justice and the righteousness of the soul were preserved in his hallowed halls and the court in which they resided, these scales themselves would maintain the image of just balance as a beacon for all the souls who ventured to the Gilded Court should anything happen to him. There the scales sat after the fall of Zecharael, collecting dust as his patron Malleus became complacent, awaiting the return of his vicar. The Imperim, Malleus sat within the seat of the High Judge Zecharael for centuries, mulling over the past and having tantrums out of frustrations with the Gavel of Justice in hand. It was odd to he, who resided alone in the empty white and golden halls of the Gilded Court for so long, that the realm maintained itself, only deteriorating due to a lack of upkeep. It was then, when Malleus finally left the entrance and made his way down the single-wide road which led only into the Gilded Hall, and there he saw the great Eastgate ajar, wide open to the abyss that led to the mortal and ethereal realms. There, he saw his chance to once again restore the order and integrity of the court of the High Justicar Zecharael, using the mortal men who dwelled in the realms below as conduits of Zecharael’s once revered powers. Though, the question still remained of how



A depiction of Almadeus after his rebirth. [Circa. Unknown]

Malleus then fully opened the Eastgate, and at that moment an ethereal and eerie crackling could be heard as a new breath of air washed into the surrounding area outside of the Court. The golden bars of the gate illuminated with a bright white lightning that acted as a defense from unwanted visitors to the realm. Thereafter, Malleus turned to the open doors of the court, where he saw the interior of the hall glowing brightly and soon, the lethargic Patron moved with swift intent to investigate with a hope in his heart that his eternal master had returned. When he arrived, his sight was blinded and a warm shiver ran down his deific form when he saw that the thousands of scales that once lined the walls as decorum crafted individually by the Aengul of Justice, sparked alive with the same energies that had engulfed Eastgate prior. Malleus collapsed to his knees, for his yearning towards a purpose had once again been fulfilled, yet another chance which Zecharael blessed his favored patron with.

Then Malleus, the Imperim realized that upon the golden scales were two orbs of lightning on each side, one white and one blue. His very essence felt drawn to touch the crackling orbs of energy, yet he did not dare to defile the purity of the substance with his unworthy touch. The elderly caretaker, a mortal who was given a second chance after his life of lust, corruption, and greed moved into the room shortly after his ‘duties’ of cleaning had been completed in the building. Almadeus, was his title of rebirth given to him upon the day of his trial before Zecharael, of whom allowed him redemption. The caretaker saw an orb which grew brighter than the others and with his curiosity, he moved to touch it, and upon doing so his body collapsed to the soft carpet which led to the throne of Zecharael positioned at the rear of the hall overlooking the entrance from a perched position. The soul of Almadeus then stood in the wake of where his figure was positioned, and the runes inscribed below his name that was etched upon the scales exploded with another burst of radiant light, pulling the ghostly figure of his soul into the orb. 


After an hour, Almadeus awoke with a sharp gasp. His eyes had been replaced with crackling white orbs and below his skin, his veins illuminated as energies poured through his very being. There, the first Judge was born. Granting Malleus clarity of what was to be done, created harbingers of Zecharael’s justice through mortal beings so that they themselves could assist their kinsmen before their final trial. His gaze then moved through the open doors to the Court, towards the now open Eastgate. The empty halls of the Gilded Court were deathly silent no more, a new life and purpose filled the court for it would lay dormant and void of life no longer. 


The Creation of the Judge, Scales and Weapons of Judgement


Due to the death of Zecharael and his essense returning and remaining within the realm of the High Court. His intention of maintaining justice still remains intact. Yet, his servants of the mortal plane of existence have the need to maintain their connection with the Aengul of Judgement to ensure they stray not from the path before them. This is done through the Scales of Judgement crafted for each soul by Zecharael himself. The scales are made up of a mixture of divine silver and gold mixed together into an ally called Electrum (real alloy of gold and silver). The Electrum acts as a conduit for electricity and ethereal energy to be harnessed in, more specifically the lightning-like power in which Zecharael used to pass judgement, now within the hands of his lesser Judges. The link between the Judge and the Gilded Court is the exact alloy of Electrum which is formed to make the Scales and is imbued into silver weapons of which are crafted in one of the wings of the Gilded Court with the Scales of Judgement and utilized by the sworn of Zecharael. Originally designed to arm the very few guards for Eastgate, the once barren and coal covered golden forge roars once more, forming the weapons for the Judges to use in the realm of mortals. The key to this feat however, is the runic carvings of Zecharael, written in his own language that link the scale to the weapon of the judge which they thereafter use to pass their verdicts on the damned. 


This process is done by a Justicar removing the soul of the Judge and placing it within their personal scale, weighing themselves against their fate. Upon this, the soul merges with the essence of Zecharael, linking it to his realm and the scale which was made for them, for the purpose of maintaining a neutral bond with the law of the universe. Should the soul of the being stray too far to one side, the scale will tip and the soul of the Judge will be destroyed, and following that their body. Now, the creation of scales is the duty of Malleus who acts in the Aengul of Judgement’s stead. This connection places the soul on one side of the scale in a white orb-like shape that crackles and emits the energies of the High Judge that he imbued into his realm prior to his fall. On the other side of the scale is a deep purple orb, which resembles malice and corruption that keeps the scale perfectly balanced at the moment of binding. Yet, the Judge is mortal and the scales will naturally sway back and forth, especially in times where judgement must be passed. This causes the Judges to try to maintain a constant state of neutrality through matters involving mortals, however like the mission of Zecharael their duty is to protect the natural laws and combat those who seek to disturb it. (i.e. undead and abominations). Should they fail in their duties and pass unfair judgement, their scale will tip and they will cease to exist. 


The connection between the weapon and the Judge, enables them to wield the powers of the Gilded Realm by summoning their weapon from the ethereal realm after it is infused with the runes which bind it to their scale and thereafter their soul. The weapon must remain within the Gilded Realm so that it does not fall into the hands of those who would pass false judgements on innocents. However, the connection between soul and body remains even with the soul being within the Court. The eternal link between soul and host must be maintained in some way, thus, similar runes are placed upon the skin in a sort of tattoo. The material imbued in the judge is a more liquid form of Electrum that is applied after it is melted, tattooing and burning itself into the flesh of the Judge. The inscription is the same on their scale and weapon, thus establishing a proper link between host, soul, and weapon. This then allows the Judge to call their sword down from the heavens in times of judgement as they occur during the realm. Becoming a Judge is permanent, serving the court for the rest of eternity. Their soul is preserved by the powers of the Court, granting them an odd and limited form of an immortal life. 



  • Only Justicars (TA’s) can connect a soul to a scale.

  • Scales can not be physically destroyed by anyone other than a Justicar.

  • To destroy a Justicar’s scale two other Justicars are needed to completely break a connection.

  • Scales can only be accessed through entering the realm of the Gilded Court.

  • Only Justicars can create scales, weapons, and runes. A regular judge does not have the required power to connect the soul and appropriate runes.

  • Becoming a Judge is permanent, should they wish to return to mortality, the only way is through the destruction of their soul and scale.

  • Judges must be created at a scale.

  • Trials and Training must be administered for 2 IRL weeks prior to becoming a Judge.

  • ET/ST Required to play Malleus to “judge” the new potential candidate prior to creation. This is to provide RP and possible denial by the Patron to add flavor and additional experiences.


The Judges and Justicars of the High Court


As mentioned above, the Judges have an odd form of immortality due to their souls being held within an Aengulic Realm. However, this is not permanent immortality in a sense that they can not be defeated or die like the Ascended before them who many draw comparisons to. The scale could tip, rendering their bodies within the mortal realm to cease functioning. Also, if their body is defeated within the realm of mortals, they then are consumed by the lightning of Zecharael, thus returning their body to ash and having it reform at their scale. To fully reform, three Justicars must be present to weigh their soul and deeds from the time they were defeated. If they were found to be placing false or inadequate judgement in any of their previous ventures, their soul will not be reformed, the scale will be weighed, and their demise will follow, causing their body to cease reforming and being fuled from the essence of Zecharael’s realm. Every time a Judge dies, they must face themselves, their mortality, their ethics and morality, and the Gilded Court itself, making it a difficult and long process that can take over a year should they be found to be following in accordance with the rules of the High Court which they serve. (1 IRL Week if the reformation process and necessary rp is done during that time.) Not only must they face their trial. Their sword, body, scale, and runes must be remade and the link reestablished through the same roleplay encounters as when the Judge was first being formed. 


They themselves are conduits for the essence of Zecharael, their bodies shaped into top physical condition, yet not going into the range of abnormal (like a professional athlete), to accomplish that level of physical prowess, training is needed just like a regular descendant being. However, the link of their soul to the Gilded Court is what separates them from others, letting them become vessels of the prowess of the High Judge in his absence. Only the four descendant races can become Judges as they are believed to have the only compatible souls, emotions, and consciousness appropriate to serve Zecharael’s will. Those who rise to the ranks of Justicars become judges of a higher elevation, learning the process of shaping and molding new judges which takes a minimum of two years to accomplish, gaining with that new abilities and powers to watch over lower Judges and perform their duties to a higher degree. (2 IRL WEEKS OF TRIALS) Judges serve the court above all else and can have no ties to any other deities or interests, thus they can not learn any other magic or hold another religion besides the law of Zecharel which to them is absolute due to them being servants of his judgement.


  • Only descendants can become Judges. (Orcs, Dwarves, Elves, and Humans)

  • Only Justicars can make Judges.

  • Judges upon death must show proof that they have done the necessary reformation roleplay with a justicar at their scale. [1 week unplayable time period in the mortal realm.]

  • Judges are not immortal, their soul is weighed and measured every time they pass by three Justicars.

  • Becoming a Judge destroys magic slots, rendering the ability to learn magic impossible.

  • Judges hold no religion and swear their service to purging and judging the evil of the world.

  • Judges upon death must reform at their scale, they do not go to the cloud temple.

  • Judges hold no higher form of physical strength, they resemble normal descendants and their forms before their body and soul are linked to their scale and weapon.

  • Judges weapons can be destroyed and hold the integrity of steel and must be recreated at the Gilded Forge if broken, nowhere else, as to encourage more roleplay among Judges.

  • Becoming a Judge requires an accepted [CA] and [MA] that must be maintained upon every death with an ST overseeing the reformation processes.

  • Trials and Training must be administered for 2 IRL weeks minimum prior to becoming a Judge.

  • An ST must oversee and be present as Malleus to weigh the deeds of the fallen Judge, creating consequences for death rather than a simple respawn.

  • Must be T5 to become a Justicar and teach.

  • Becoming a Judge is a 5 slot magic.




Judge Combative Abilities:

Summoning [Combat][1 Emote] - T1: The basic ability to call upon the Weapon of Judgement bound to the Judge’s soul as it rests in the heavens with their Scale. It’s just like pulling a sword from a sheathe, yet because the weapon remains in the Gilded Court’s halls, the Judges utilize the ability to summon their item during times of peril or combat. This is done by the Judge harnessing the essence of their soul in the realm of Zecharael. As they do so, a dimensional tear appears within the sky where clouds and lightning form around the rift, causing loud thunderous booms to emit before the blade soars down into the grasp of the Judge with a blinding beam of light wreathed lightning, so he/she can then proceed to use it to pass judgement on the evil they face. This is purely aesthetic and is a different way of summoning a blade forth that fits the aesthetic of the Judge.


  • Summoning can be used in combat but can not be used to strike someone, it is purely an aesthetic to bring forth a weapon. No different from pulling a sword from a sheathe of lifting a polearm.

  • Summoning can be done anywhere including indoors.

  • This ability can only be used if the Judge had dismissed their weapon back. Dismissal works with the same aesthetic where it thereafter is pulled back up into the rift it came from.

  • Must be taught to utilize.


Wreathed Blade[Combat] [2 additional emotes after casting Summoning] - T1: This is the ability for a Judge to activate their runes after their summoning, through performing this and activating the aforementioned runes, the blade will begin to crackle and hum gently before bursting forth wreathed in the holy lightning of the High Judge Zecharael. The lightning takes upon the guise of white or sometimes a mixture of white and blue lightning that when used causes damage to the soul of the target through internal pain if hit. Additionally, if the strike lands true, the target becomes stunned for one emote and if they were casting, like any type of disruption their emotes are cancelled and they must attempt to reconnect and recast their magic. The blade stays wreathed in the holy essence for the duration of the engagement. Yet the stun only acts on the first impact. After that, only light burning follows cuts, actually closing the top wounds given by the Judge, this does not include internal damages. If the Judge is disarmed, the runes cease to function and the blade loses its effects. 


  • 2 mandatory emotes after a weapon is summoned in order to charge and utilize the runes connected to the essence and soul within the Gilded Court.

  • Stun is temporary and is a taser-like feeling that only lasts for one emote. 

  • Lightning cauterizes only the top of the flesh wound after a slice is made. This does not prevent internal damage from being hindered.

  • If the Judge in question is disarmed, the connection breaks and they must recast and do the process again. 

  • Must be taught to utilize.


Ranged Judgement[Combat] [3 additional emotes after casting Summoning] - T2: Ranged Judgement is an ability to send a single bolt of lightning forth, at the speed of an arrow, from the weapon that has been activated after summoning towards a target. Upon impact, the target is stunned for one round of emote and moderate physical damage is done. If there is no armor, the victim might take light physical burn damage but nothing of a significant nature. The attack takes the form of a streamline of lightning that upon impact with an object, breaks off from the tip of the weapon, sending the rest of the streamlined bolt into the target. 


  • 3 mandatory emotes after a weapon is summoned in order to charge and utilize the runes connected to the essence and soul within the Gilded Court. 4th emote is the attack itself.

  • The steamline-like bolt moves at the speed of an arrow, it is not meant to move any faster, if this is done, an LT will be in charge of handling lorebreaking and their teacher will be informed of their mistake to correct it.

  • Once the bolt hits an item, the bolt ceases to continue extending from the sword. This is not Star Wars Sith lightning that can continuously be sent forward.

  • A range of 18 blocks maximum for this attack.

  • Stuns for one emote, however if the victim chooses they can take the disorientation for as long as they’d like. 

  • The bolt is streamlined and can only bend slightly, and not an exaggerated or unfair amount.

  • Must be taught to utilize.


Descending Strike[Combat] [3 additional emotes after casting Summoning] - T3: Descending Strike is the ability for the Judge to summon a lone bolt of holy essence-lightning from above in the sky. The strike is much like the previous one of Ranged Judgement, however this is a more experienced ability as it summons the strike directly from their scale in the Gilded Court, thus having it crash from the sky into their target with a great force. The bolt moves at the speed of shooting an arrow down from a higher position, no faster. It is simply a more advanced variation of Ranged Judgement as it is meant as a surprise attack to catch a target off guard. The bolt only moves downward in a straight line and can not be controlled directionally. This attack is usually used should a Judge find themselves in the need for dispatching an incapacitated target but can be used as an attack in regular encounters from up to 15 blocks away. 


  • 3 mandatory emotes after a weapon is summoned in order to charge and utilize the runes connected to the essence and soul within the Gilded Court. 4th emote is the attack itself.

  • Bolt can only move downwards to the point the Judge had previously focused on. If the target was to move during the casting process out of the spot, then the strike would hit the ground, not having any effect on the target.

  • A range of 15 blocks maximum for this attack.

  • Once the bolt hits an item, the bolt ceases to continue extending from the sword. This is not Star Wars Sith lightning that can continuously be sent forward.

  • Must be taught to utilize.


Dismissal Recall [Combat] [3 additional emotes after casting Summoning] - T4: This is the unique ability for an experienced Judge to dismiss their Weapon of Judgement back into the Gilded Court, however if they had been previously disarmed they can recall it shortly after back from a newly torn dimensional rift, into their grasp. This does not mean that all the energies they used were not wasted, simply this is another way of regaining their weapon should they become disarmed. The Judge in question will still be fatigued depending on how far they are into combat as this is by no means a reset of power. As this takes both concentration, focus, and experience, even if considered relatively simply, this is locked to T4 Judges and has the same effects of summoning but a longer process. It is just a rearming spell but is used in combat thus making it an aesthetical and strategic combat ability. 


  • 3 emote process. One for dismissal where the weapon shoots up into the sky in a burst of immense and almost unfathomable speed, crackling with lightning and littering the sky with massive thunderous explosions. One emote for it to return to the Scale, and another final emote of summoning (the base ability) to return it to the wielder. 

  • Dismissal Recall can be used in combat but can not be used to strike someone, it is purely an aesthetic of dismissing and bringing forth a weapon again. No different from pulling a sword from a sheathe of lifting a polearm and vice versa of putting one away.

  • Dismissal Recall can be done anywhere including indoors.

  • This ability can only be used if the Judge had dismissed their weapon back. Dismissal works with the same aesthetic where it thereafter is pulled back up into the rift it came from. Summoning the same as the base level ability

  • This ability is not a reset in power, simply a way to reobtain a weapon which they lost in combat.

  • Must be taught dismissal and summoning to gain this feat.

  • Must be T4 and a practiced Judge to use.


Judgement Storm [Combat] [5 additional emotes after casting Summoning] - T5: Judgement Storm is the ability to summon multiple (5) smaller versions of Descending Strike in a 10 x 10 area from a range up to 15 blocks away. This spell works differently from the others and utilizes a roll-based system that consists of rolling for each strike. When one casts this ability they must roll above an 8 (out of a D20 roll) for a bolt to be successfully summoned. This is done after every charge emote and the Judge must dictate during his first emote where each charge will land, giving it a set spot to strike whilst the mechanics work concurrently with those within Descending Strike. The bolts can not be freely controlled nor moved after the spots are selected and must have a speed no faster than the speed of an arrow being shot. In the final emote, the Judge must clarify how many strikes were successes and explain that while summoned, the failed rolls dissipate prior to reaching their targeted spots. The strikes will also cease once they hit an object, however if the object is living or sentient, then a stun as well as physical and soul damage is dealt to the same effect of Xannic Mists or past Clerical Powers, it is more effective on undead or tainted/unnatural creatures. This is only a feat able to be performed by T5 Justicars and must be explicitly taught to them. However, when this is cast, the Judge sends their Weapon of Judgement into the sky, leaving them unarmed in the process. The weapon is then suspended above the 10 x 10 area as its runes gain energy. The Justicar must not move from their spot while casting less the ability will fail and cease to function. Any type of physical disruption will render the spell ineffective prompting the Justicar to restart the casting process once again. The Justicar can not defend nor attack while this ability is being summoned.


  • Any type of physical disruption will render the spell ineffective prompting the Justicar to restart the casting process once again.

  • The Justicar can not defend nor attack while this ability is being summoned.

  • 5 emote process. When one casts this ability they must roll above an 8 (out of a D20 roll) for a bolt to be successfully summoned. Must roll after each emote for the strike in question.

  • Must explain where the bolts will strike prior to casting. (i.e. using a block of wool or the sort.) 

  • Strikes can not be moved after a spot is selected for it to strike.

  • While this is an AOE attack, this is one of the first of its kind, thus, the ability to work fairly with other players is paramount. OOC explanations of where the strikes will hit must be explained to the other people involved in the situation for fairness.

  • Strikes can be stacked atop of each other in the same spot but must occur in sequential order, and can not be combined for a greater effect.

  • Justicars can not move and are disarmed while casting leaving them very vulnerable to disruption or a counter attack, if physically touched in any way, the spell ceases to function.

  • Rolls must be over an 8 for each bolt of holy lightning. (8 or above)

  • Can only be cast within a 10x10 space from 15 blocks away. 

  • This ability can only be released on the final emote or multiple emotes after the 5th charing emote, no staggering emotes or strikes prior to the 5th and final charging of the spell. In total this should be around an 8 emote process.

  • Strikes can only be from above, not from the ground or horizontal levels.

  • 2 uses per combat situation at maximum. 


Judge Non-Combative Abilities:

Final Judgement [Non-Combat] [2 emotes] - T1: The ability to raise a soul of the fallen after combat, interacting with them and giving them the option to go to the Gilded Court for judgment or a second chance by returning to the cloud temple. Purely an aesthetic for more in depth roleplay rather than just a death and respawn. 


  • Purely aesthetic.

  • Can not be used in combat.

  • Can not force a PK, thus why the soul gets to make the choice.

  • Must be right after death or relatively timely afterwards. Nothing like one whole day after death. 

  • Only meant to provide more roleplay, nothing else.

  • Must have OOC consent from the person being raised to even perform Final Judgement


Gilded Recall [Non-Combat][T1]: The ability to return to the realm of Zecharel, it’s an aesthetic to be used rather than simply just using a soulstone and disappearing from a roleplay environment. This essentially allows a reason for an SS and is cast by the Judge, engulfing their forms in a holy white crackling lightning and pulling them up into a rift back to Zecharael’s Gilded Court. Basically, just an SS aesthetic.


  • Purely aesthetic.

  • Can not be used in combat.

  • Only meant to provide more roleplay at the end of an interaction, nothing else.


Scale Connection [Non-Combat][T5] [TA Required]: The ability for Justicars to remove the soul and link it with the Scale of Judgement within the Gilded Court. This is simply a process of creating a new Judge that must be learned in roleplay. Additionally, the sword and body must be marked as well through this process, explained in the lore above.


  • Must be T5

  • Must be taught how to create new Judges through Roleplay.

  • Must have access to the Gilded Court and be accompanied by another Justicar to create a Judge.

  • An ET must be present to represent Malleus and judge the candidate. 

  • All other redlines beneath the creation above must be met.



The Purpose:

The purpose of this lore is to add another “Holy” magic whilst also giving the concept of Deific Intervention a unique twist with the Aengul being dead and using the essence of his realm in order to continue his mission. Also, light has been a big thing with casting and aesthetics be it mists or just regular light. Thus why I felt that lightning could continue with the ‘light’ aesthetic but create something different and not seen before on the server. The idea of this was to not only create dynamic deific boon roleplay but to also create dynamic personal conflict situations and consequences. There are not tenants to oocly guide the path of this magic or hoard it, thus creating a free-flow environment that enables rp to develop and form from the beginning. Essentially, while this is meant to affect anyone, the goal of Zecharael was to pass judgement on damned souls. With the departure of Clerics and Ascended, this is meant to provide another route for individuals to go in the light vs. dark conflict that has existed on the server for so long, but take a back seat and more judicial role and take on it. It also provides the opportunity for unique roleplay interactions and journeys with the concept, using a [Portal] sign to possibly enter a build of the Gilded Court which would have to be discussed with LT. The [CA] aspect is just due to the issue of soul removal and such labeling it for the ease of the LT to track deaths and keep a tighter lock on the magic so it is not abused nor misused. The idea is to begin with two or three grandfathers and begin to shape a culture and rp eventline for the proper implementation of this, should it pass. Allowing for RP to dictate the direction of the Judges, not OOC methods or involvement. Thank you for reading! -Sug



_Sug: Writer

Epistle: Consultation / Ideas

1_Quantum_1: Consultation / Ideas

Chase: For Consultation from the Malch Boys

Delmodan: For Consultation from the Paladins

Riftblade: Letting me annoy him with Pm’s


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Dead Aengul Go Brr (Edit Log):

- Fixed Color of Redlines

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Looks sick bud +1. Great concept and lore

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While I do like the concept and the aesthetic, I’m curious as to how the Judges would operate in Zecharael’s name whilst his former sphere of influence, justice/judgement, is currently occupied by Tahariae?  I feel that this rivalry should be explored, as I doubt the current aengul of justice would stand by to such a development. 

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1 hour ago, Gilded said:

While I do like the concept and the aesthetic, I’m curious as to how the Judges would operate in Zecharael’s name whilst his former sphere of influence, justice/judgement, is currently occupied by Tahariae?  I feel that this rivalry should be explored, as I doubt the current aengul of justice would stand by to such a development. 

As for the sphere of influence, the way I saw it when writing it was that Clerics tend to take on a more law enforcement-based justice role with their previous rendition of the War Sect and thought I should add in like a purely judge-based vibe to these lads. There’s many different forms of justice so I figured these lads would go the other route : )

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Very cool.




Justice and Judgement could be viewed separately here, wherein Tahariae dispenses justice and Zecharel lays judgement. Just a thought!

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A unique holy magic, im down with it.

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If I don’t get this roleplay, I think the server is being controlled by bias forces.
Remember, let he who is without sin, cast the first holy hand grenade -  Imgflip

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Looks good can’t wait to see sinners get zapped

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this shits hot i love this id wanna get into it, needs some work but that'll come with lore review im sure

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@_Sug His name is Zecharael, not Zecharel. Learn to spell his name right in your title page before you go around posting Justice styled Paladin fanfic; he nearly fought his own War with Xan because he thought the Gods interfered in the mortal world too often. If your goal is to honour the Aengul's mandate then do the original writers a favour and leave the dead guy be.

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