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Imperial Response on the Elysium Offensive

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The Director of Civil Affairs reads the response, addressing her husband “My uncle is right. It’s just typical of Nordlings to pick a fight they can’t win and then cry ‘massacre!’ when they lose one battle. But of course, but it must always be Oren's fault. . . It is our fault that these foreigners declared war on us, then it is our fault when their soldiers perish in battle. What a backwards worldview."

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Maric var Ruthern  shed a second tear in the matter of days. "Wheres the responsibility for those dead children on the Aristocracy's hands? Are these lords so inept that a child is dangerous to them in sword-play? Yam glad that Haeseni soldiers are taught to disarm from an early age!"

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"You mean to tell me that people die in war!?" Caspian would gasp, shocked by that sudden realization.

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Igor Kort let out a disgusted scoff as he read the missive. He quickly had his clerk clean up his disorganized office of the crumpled up parchment and about thirty more crumpled up documents from different areas. "Hmf... By their logic they'd kill any toddler who knew how to pick up a dagger. The blatant disregard and lack of sympathy for the loss of children truly makes me question the faithful values of that 'Canonist' Emperor of theirs and their so-called canonist army. One this is for certain, they're obedient to the point where basic morals are forgotten!"

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32 minutes ago, GMRO said:

Maric var Ruthern  shed a second tear in the matter of days. "Wheres the responsibility for those dead children on the Aristocracy's hands? Are these lords so inept that a child is dangerous to them in sword-play? Yam glad that Haeseni soldiers are taught to disarm from an early age!"

A Haeseni servant boy would bring in the Lord Palatine's morning mug of tea as heard the man ranting at a piece of paper. He'd blink as the boy spoke up, his voice cracking hilariously. "W-what about the Rimeveld Trolls, m-my lord?" he'd raise his hands in self-defense, preparing to defend against the strike that never came. "I-i heard from papej that vy all killed them when they were being peaceful, mister."

Edited by grnappa
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33 minutes ago, GMRO said:

Maric var Ruthern  shed a second tear in the matter of days. "Wheres the responsibility for those dead children on the Aristocracy's hands? Are these lords so inept that a child is dangerous to them in sword-play? Yam glad that Haeseni soldiers are taught to disarm from an early age!"

Former Mayor Alphonse Sylvester Halcourt would think long and hard about the words of this Haenseman. "Most of your kings die before age thirty due to mental health issues. You should consider investing time and effort into your own royal family's well being. Yam glad that your king will kill himself before too long. I am sure the Economist Mister Fitzpatrick would agree with upon reviewing a statistical analysis of the correlation between nu-haensian royalty and sinful behavior. I heard the current king beats Norlandic women for fun but that does not fit your 'bleeding heart' agenda you wish to sell to the Church so you can join your Rusty Accord friends."

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@VonAulus @grnappa

Maric var Ruthern sat on the rivers edge of Greyspine, reeling in a large fish. He glanced over to Alphonse who had joined him on his fishing trip, as well as the young Haeseni servant boy. A thin smile crept onto his lips then. "Nibble!"

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6 minutes ago, GMRO said:

@VonAulus @grnappa

Maric var Ruthern sat on the rivers edge of Greyspine, reeling in a large fish. He glanced over to Alphonse who had joined him on his fishing trip, as well as the young Haeseni servant boy. A thin smile crept onto his lips then. "Nibble!"

The Servant boy frowned as he watched the Lord Palatine fish, shaking his head "Vy do nie fish like that, silly! I do nie even see any bait. Here, let me try!" he'd chime in cheerily as he put a healthy worm on the hook, casting it out into the river as he felt a large fish tug on the line almost instantly.

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1 minute ago, GMRO said:

Maric var Ruthern sat on the rivers edge of Greyspine, reeling in a large fish. He glanced over to Alphonse who had joined him on his fishing trip, as well as the young Haeseni servant boy. A thin smile crept onto his lips then. "Nibble."

Aleksandur III emerges from the water, a fish in either of his hands which he caught by himself as he watched on Maric "Dang! Must've been some good bait on that hook." He remarked before descending back into the murky depths to continue hand fishing himself.

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1 hour ago, GMRO said:

Maric var Ruthern  shed a second tear in the matter of days. "Wheres the responsibility for those dead children on the Aristocracy's hands? Are these lords so inept that a child is dangerous to them in sword-play? Yam glad that Haeseni soldiers are taught to disarm from an early age!"


"Too bad your princess couldn't disarm the beating your King gave his sister." Laments Lorenzo the Halfling Serial Toilet Clogger.

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Aylin had finally sat down a moment to read this missive over a cup of tea and a bite to eat. As she did, her lips twisted in a rueful smile.
The words here reminded her of another Orenian man she almost married so many years ago--yes, she was familiar with the language of cowardice, of narcissistic abusers. Her stomach twisted and turned cold, put off her sustenance suddenly at the memory of him. 

"I believe there was an Orenian writer that once said: 'There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing of innocent people,'" she mused darkly to Esmond @SpaceOddity, slipping her hand in his, "I wonder just how tattered their flag will become...?"


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"Yes, by the Lord God of course not, it wasn't me who killed those children; it was the man who threw them at me." spoke the Cardinal Rochefort, shaking his head as he read the newspaper a top a large wooden keg, some poor fellow stored beneath and causing a terrible racket, so rude to interrupt his serene disposition.


"Our goodly military can surely do better in future."

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would give a slight dip of his head as he looked the missive over, the aging man rather was going to grab som parchment writing to the High Pontiff with the blessed news of the pious ways and victories of the ISA. @GoldWolf

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