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[✗] CA Race Lore - Ludis Sanguis


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Thread Title: CA Race Lore - Ludis Sanguis

I regret this already.




The Ludis Sanguis was first documented as early as 1745 in Arcas in a squatters den occupying the dormant Nenzing Castle, causing a travelling doctor who was attempting to service the people of Haelun’or to split off their trail and give aid to a man who had been bitten by a bat and had quickly fallen sick and gone ‘insane’ as all accounts would give. The doctor, Ser Alexandre Martin would record his medical subject known only as Skinny to quickly exhibit mild symptoms of the Ludis Sanguis which are known today and quickly spread the virus to two of his local group. Dr Martin quickly recognized the immediate danger he was in and left medicine though he promptly left the area and recorded this phenomenon in his medical journal soon following. However, the ground forces sent to retrieve these infected found nothing but the bloody remains of one of their group with numerous bite marks and a trail leaving out of the once holy site.


These were the first known coven to operate from this infection, and coordinated night time raids against unbenounced travellers as the Inferi crisis grew on without much notice. They were fortunate to have their attacks framed to be animals, and hence were left off the radar for longer as their bites slowly infected more and more before a small army of fiends were created; either by tactical planning, or unknowingly due to the infective nature of their feeding. They were eventually marked by investigators and given the name “Blood Sports” to the local caraveners to trail the path and hence began a further inquiry into the preventative measures to stop this plague from spreading like wildfire as their masses continued and the risk of them invading a town grew. While the missing posters went up, bounty posters soon followed for the heads of those who were possessed by this inhumane, darkened essence.


Following many months of fighting between the healthy and the ill, they managed to safely recover and infected and took to studying it privately in the countryside in which they discovered valuable information which is used to the modern day on how they operate, look, act and even how to cure from the modern day. They identified this ill-fated creation as the Ludis Sanguis, a strangely natural occurring virus which can medically alter the biochemistry of the human body to suit the needs it requires to safely reproduce internally and then spread. They utilized this method to help cull the infected without unnecessary bloodshed which led to the elimination of the “Blood Sport” Coven, or at least partial elimination. Due to the complex risk of allowing the knowledge of an easily spread virus which alters the mind to seek blood, the information didn’t spread much which gave the coven an advantage in their final days.


Known only as the Burying of Truth by the late doctors records, near the times Arcas had nearly fallen to the growing sieges of the Inferi destructive quota and the fabric of the world tearing limb from limb. One of the original group scored a logbook of the doctors and people involved and sought to eliminate everyone in the region who knew of the medical studies, and committed a calculated swary of kills to prevent the word from ever getting out again however fragments of this work just barely made it to Almaris; being gradually collected by scholars interested in the matter, however a lot of work was burnt in these attacks and hence were forcefully put back together from burnt scraps of paper.


In the upcoming years as Arcas was lost to the rising tides and splitting mountains, Almaris bore new fruit for the fiendish virus and as the original infected aged, so did the virus. It was discovered that these infected were a lesser developed version of this virus and hence led on to an even greater variant known as the Caedius specifically however most commonly referred under the same name; this was discovered that if a Sanguis was able to reproduce successfully despite the success rate being so low, the newborn would eventually turn in their later years. However this being a very recent study, no incidents have been recorded of these now more tactile variants of the sanguine virus.


Physical Description


Starting off with a transmission of fluids from a Ludis Sanguis, which could be achieved simply from ingesting blood, saliva being mixed with an open wound or so forth. They will begin a nearly two day procedure as the body adjusts to the virus altering the chemistry and biology of the body within a short period of time. In the event that the person transforming happens to be a Caedius variant, they would follow the same timeline at any given time between the ages of 18 to 23. They would begin as follows:


Day One - Symptoms would gradually appear between 12 to 24 hours after infection.

  • The skin would begin to pale, the person appearing sickly.

  • Their veins would begin to become noticeable colourwise.

  • The whites of their eyes would become slightly bloodshot.

  • They would begin to feel pain above their K9 teeth.


Day Two - Symptoms would promptly worsen between 24 to 28 hours after infection.

  • Their bloodshot eyes would slowly begin to warp places, appearing to leak into their iris and consume the colours into a crimson red; leaving the whites now untouched.

  • Their nails would strangely grow in length to a more claw-esque nature, becoming more dense and more animalistic in a painfully slow growth procedure.

  • Their veins would become more noticeable than they were before due to the paleness intensifying the colour disposition. However, this would be more prominent on the wrists, neck and temples.


Day Two - Their transformation would begin to finish up between 28 to 36 hours after infection.

  • They would begin to sprout elongated fangs in place of their K9’s at any time within this period in a fashion similar to losing baby teeth. This causes intense pain during and after.

  • Their iris would now be consumed into a crimson colour, which would gradually become bioluminescent as the hours went by.


Ultimately, this would cause the appearance of the Ludis Sanguis who had completed their transformation to permanently appear with these symptoms without any alteration possible.

  • They would constantly be pale, with defined veins more prominent on the wrists, neck and temples due to the colour variation in between.

  • Their eyes would glow a bioluminescent crimson red, specifically their iris.

  • In replacement to their usual K9 positions, they would be replaced with elongated fangs.

  • Their nails would have grown and become sharper, not enough to pierce skin but enough to leave a mean scratch should enough force be put into it. 


Mental Description


Following the completion of their infection, the Ludis Sanguis virus will alter the state of mind of the individual through a series of chemical changes in their makeup to produce a constant uptick of Mescaline and Psilocybin to be produced which causes a constant mild trip which can be increased when they feed. On par with this, the virus will also create a reproductive urge to spread the virus through biting uninfected and repeating the cycle; which also creates a technical herd mentality to those who are infected without the requirement of purposeful hunting creating union between the Ludis Sanguis. Due to the constant tripping nature of the infected, they are prone to becoming plagued with mental disorders while they are infected which can lead to issues such as:


  • Dissociative Identity Disorder, or split personalities can begin to occur. With these, they’re usually more likely to be associated with their older personalities and the more primal elements influenced by the Ludis Sanguis feeding requirements.

  • Psychosis and Personality Disorders will become commonplace rapidly after their first feeding which can sometimes continue even after the person manages to be cured.

  • OCD which was present further in their bloodline may be triggered by the virus, and could become apparent due to the influences of the psychedelic drugs in their system.

  • Schizophrenia can begin to appear under similar circumstances, however it is often debated on if this is just a bi-product of the psychedelic drugs occuring in their system.

  • While rarely documented, the infected can begin to experience Dissociative Amnesia after prolonged exposure to the virus which is more often found to associate towards their lives prior to infection; however this will be removed should they be cured.


In essence, the Ludis Sanguis are an altered version of themselves which reprises their worse characteristics being influenced by a mixture of drug imbalances and trauma caused by the known realisation of their affliction however they lack the ability to survive should they alter it. They’re influenced by the requirement to survive and the affliction’s need to reproduce further to repeat the vicious cycle, similar to an animal in the wild attempting to live another day. Due to being a natural disorder, they do not follow the known criteria of vampires being the spawn of the daemons and the ritualistic knowledge that follows; they are not affected by religion per sense, however they will temporarily lose religious beliefs as the survival cycle will consume their thought.


Due to their feeding habits, the Ludis Sanguis have a high risk of acting feral should they be exposed to blood even if they’re fed; often leading to an attempted bite, and following that, feeding until they can sate their thirst - which could be a matter of seconds, to minutes resulting in the person's death. This can lead to the infected being unable to live a normal life if they tried outside of a coven, however it is plausible under certain safeguards, though the underlying risk of being hunted by your animalistic friend upon a papercut will always exist regardless of how you frame it. Despite seeing everyone infected as food, or potential infectees, the infected are known to treat others as pets in a sort of sense or a means to an end.


They also gain some strange fears in consequence of their infection, including a sensitivity to sunlight which does not impair but sends them into a feeling of unease. They also fear large bodies of water with no explained reasoning, though shallow bodies could be managed; similar to rabies. Unlike folklore, they hold no fear for religion though they could be psychologically coerced into believing without being given proof, say if the person believed it prior to infection then those memories would carry over until being proven wrong.




  • Psychedelic Bite

  • Description: Due to the Mescaline and Psilocybin being naturally produced into their bloodstream and ergo saliva, any transmission of their body fluids can produce a trip within a few moments of direct exposure to a moderate degree; which helps incapacitate their targets as they feed.

  • Mechanics of the ability: Once someone has been bitten, or exposed to the Ludis Sanguis bite, they will begin to experience a trip within the first few seconds if it is directly put into their bloodstream and a minute after if they ingest it (for whatever reason) which will last for a minute after the bite has ended, or half a minute after they’ve ingested it and begun to feel the effects. This will not fully incapacitate the target, however temporarily impair them.

  • Specific Red Lines: 

    • Should their saliva or blood be stored for this very use, the effect will quickly be rendered null due to the breakdown of said chemicals.

    • You cannot fully disable a person using this, moreso make them less inclined to violence or at least the capacity for it and delay their attacks by a small fraction.


  • Infectious Bite

  • Description: Due to the mixing of the saliva with the bloodstream, their bite will begin the transformation timer of the person being infected with the odds being around a coin flip with each bite. This can also be applied through direct blood transmission of recently taken blood of an infected.

  • Mechanics of the ability: Once the Ludis Sanguis has bitten someone for feeding, the bitten participant will be given the option of being infected with their permission, to allow fate to take course by rolling out of twenty and anything below a ten results in infection, or to flat deny infection with restrictions on multiple recent attacks requiring a roll under the same circumstances (Bitten twice within one hour.)

  • Specific Red Lines: 

    • While someone is bitten, they maintain the right to avoid becoming infected. However, should they persist in attacks against the infected, then they are liable to rolling under equal circumstances.

    • You cannot withhold somebody from getting help within their infection time period without their express permission to avoid forceful infections, this is done to help ease OOC hatred.


  • Regulated Immortality

  • Description: Should the Ludis Sanguis be of the Caedius variant, being birthed from an infected has caused a strange mutation which allows the host to fail to age and be able to recover perfectly from injuries should they be given sufficient time and blood to heal. This won’t stop a beheading, nor return a limb however being stabbed in critical organs (excluding the heart and brain) can be fixed within a day with a heavy amount of blood.

  • Mechanics of the ability: Only the Caedius variant may wield this gift, but they become practically impervious to aging and will remain the age their transformation was triggered. In addition, critical injuries can be recovered and healed if they are safely suspended close to their attack; requiring the full bleeding of a healthy individual until they die of blood loss.

  • Specific Red Lines: 

    • Only the Caedius variants may use this perk.

    • Due to the variation of the virus genome, the benefit will also cause more significant mental disorders to become more noticeable within the immortal Caedius.

    • To regulate the overpowered nature of this, the Caedius must kill a person by feeding each week or partially feed from three people in this time; be that forceful or arranged.

    • Following from the last statement, failure to do so will result in lethargy and mental distress after the first week's feed, and eventual worsening of symptoms until death in the third week - which will result in a character PK.


General Red lines/Restrictions

  • All Ludis Sanguis will struggle daily to resist their primal urges, however they can reside in towns without issues with the exception of losing control at the presence of blood. Resistance is not an option, moreso the duration of their bite is dependent on the time they haven’t fed.

  • Forcing players to become infected and withholding them access to cure themselves through capturing and so forth should not be done without express permission of the opposition OOC for the sake of character and plot development.

  • The Ludis Sanguis will always be experiencing a very mild trip which won’t take them entirely out of the game, but will constantly impair them. This will worsen should they bite someone and the trip will intensify, requiring larger groups and coordination to feed safely.

  • Due to the complex nature of their affliction, the Ludis Sanguis are highly likely to begin experiencing mental disorders and see their original personalities warped into calculated killing machines with blatant instabilities. Make your character the worst version of themselves they can be, all from a simple bite.



The Ludis Sanguis

Description: Infected from a bite, and began their transformation the regular way. They’re the most commonly found, and the easiest to deal with and cure - or kill, if your preference is violence. They’re essentially regular versions of their race, with the Ludis Sanguis physical characteristics and urges with no special aids whatsoever except being stuck constantly tripping, being able to give someone else a trip then destroying their life by turning them into a cannibalistic fiend.

How to cure?: Should they be in the earliest stages of infection (the two day stage) then the infection is as simple as exposing the bitemark to the liquids of a boiled stem of Gislocinovi then having them ingest a minor amount of wild allium. Should they have fully transformed, the curing procedure would be to have them ingest a large amount of wild allium; about three plants worth. This will cause them to begin losing their vampiric features within twelve hours, however their fangs will remain and will require filing to return to their normal self. Should they die however, they will be resurrected in the cloud temple as non-infected with no memory of their time infected - seemingly a shadow of their history erased.

Red Lines:

  • All Ludis Sanguis will struggle daily to resist their primal urges, however they can reside in towns without issues with the exception of losing control at the presence of blood. Resistance is not an option, moreso the duration of their bite is dependent on the time they haven’t fed.

  • Forcing players to become infected and withholding them access to cure themselves through capturing and so forth should not be done without express permission of the opposition OOC for the sake of character and plot development.

  • The Ludis Sanguis will always be experiencing a very mild trip which won’t take them entirely out of the game, but will constantly impair them. This will worsen should they bite someone and the trip will intensify, requiring larger groups and coordination to feed safely.

  • Due to the complex nature of their affliction, the Ludis Sanguis are highly likely to begin experiencing mental disorders and see their original personalities warped into calculated killing machines with blatant instabilities. Make your character the worst version of themselves they can be, all from a simple bite.


The Caedius Sanguis

Description: Created out of a strange biological mishap, they are the children of a Ludis Sanguis male mating with an uninfected female who failed to become infected as a result. They showed no signs of infection growing up, and could live healthy lives if they were unaware of their conception until they reach the age of eighteen to twenty two where within this time period, they will randomly begin their two day transformation period into this estranged variant of the Ludis Sanguis bloodline. Seemingly immortal as a consequence, these rare few often become the leaders of covens due to their ability to live longer than the regular infected.

How to cure?: They cannot be cured, nor saved. The only solution to stopping their infection is simply put, death. Regardless of if they wanted this, there is no other option for these unfortunate few.

Red Lines:

  • The Caedius Sanguis cannot be resurrected after they’ve transformed, so once they’ve been finished off and bite the dust - they are PK’d as a consequence.

  • To actually achieve the birth of one, the two parties must roll in between 80 to 88 in one go with story verifying to prevent an uptick in one shot immortal vampires.

  • To keep their immortality as a constant, they must drain someone until death each week or partially drain three people. If they fail to do this, after the first week, they will begin exhibiting lethargy and mental breakdowns until their third week which will cause death.

  • They’re more prone to mental disorders due to their incurable affliction and higher mutations for their immortality, which often mean with their immortality, they sure do crazy quick.


Purpose (OOC)


So, I admittedly just finished Resident Evil 8 and seeing the absolute chaos House Dimitrescu causes with their cool vampire lore which I will withhold spoiling, and my wanting to just port that to LOTC; I figured, that’d be unoriginal so why don’t I take the crackhead approach to this. So from what I can see, we have the Strigae and Siliti; two cool vampire variants on their own, but they both rely on elements to overpower their enemy or deceive them using magical means which in itself is cool but leaves them hidden for their own safety. Now, there is nothing inherently wrong with that however if you’re one of the few like me who are interested in finding that kind of roleplay without meta - that makes things a tad difficult. This is why I introduce the concept of the Ludis Sanguis, a natural means to Vampirism with a unique twist drawing a few learnings from my previous attempt at the Arbitrium.


They’re not concealing their tyranny, or evil aspects by trade, they’re a deck of cards shown to the player for what they’re worth. Likely to be hunted, disliked and the worst however made easy to reproduce the infected and remain in the loop of things - potentially developing into issues for nations as the infected spiral out of control. Like an invasive species, they exist to give purpose to those without objective and hence, will inspire coordination from either parties to live in a world with them involved. You’re not just worrying about killing or curing them, you’re also worried about becoming one as well. However, I've done my best to try and equalize the playing field to prevent this from becoming too much of an issue. This will also give means for the other vampire races to be more open with their attacks, as they’re the most likely candidate to take the blame which could spur more variety of roleplay anyway.


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3 minutes ago, antiopa said:

dont.. we alreaty have vampire people.. striga?


Learn to read


19 minutes ago, BarcardiBreeza said:

So from what I can see, we have the Strigae and Siliti; two cool vampire variants on their own, but they both rely on elements to overpower their enemy or deceive them using magical means which in itself is cool but leaves them hidden for their own safety. Now, there is nothing inherently wrong with that however if you’re one of the few like me who are interested in finding that kind of roleplay without meta - that makes things a tad difficult. This is why I introduce the concept of the Ludis Sanguis, a natural means to Vampirism with a unique twist drawing a few learnings from my previous attempt at the Arbitrium.


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8 minutes ago, antiopa said:

dont.. we alreaty have vampire people.. striga?


Yeah, we've got two. Siliti and Strigae, but they're in their own niche and the Ludis Sanguis is in it's own. They risk exposure should they make big moves, so the Ludis Sanguis gives them a technical barrier and more room for error which should mean either may be more able to operate in the open with the blame falling on this bloodline. That, and this is more accessible.

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It's a cool concept, but in the end there's already two groups that are vampiric. Not only do I think this would possibly hinder rp for both those groups, the niche this goes for has already been filled by the Striga Upir. I understand that it would be to "blame" it on them but creatures like this technically already exist in LoTC on all fronts.


As for more accessible, vampires in general are not supposed to be accessible, they're meant to be elusive, cunning, elite, at the top of the food chain, and able to hide in plain sight, without that this server would be like a twilight fantasy rp medium and would ruin the whole aesthetic of what they are. Unfortunately, I see too many pitfalls in this lore for it to pass LT selection. 


Edited by _Sug
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12 minutes ago, _Sug said:

It's a cool concept, but in the end there's already two groups that are vampiric. Not only do I think this would possibly hinder rp for both those groups, the niche this goes for has already been filled by the Striga Upir. I understand that it would be to "blame" it on them but creatures like this technically already exist in LoTC on all fronts.


As for more accessible, vampires in general are not supposed to be accessible, they're meant to be elusive, cunning, elite, at the top of the food chain, and able to hide in plain sight, without that this server would be like a twilight fantasy rp medium and would ruin the whole aesthetic of what they are. Unfortunately, I see too many pitfalls in this lore for it to pass LT selection. 



I appreciate the review, and see some of your points but the Strigae fill a different criterea than this. Strigae are fortunate enough to have far more aids to their favour, but they're able to hide among common society and pretend to be what they're not; that's a very fair advantage which creates a divide between this and them. In a sense, as you said, they're apex predators - the Ludis Sanguis are not for the sole reason for they're a natural virus which allows a foot in the door for feral vampire roleplay and in essence, a different take on blood-fiend spies. There is no secret strength, talons to aid or being blindsighted. You know when you meet someone, you hold your characters life in your hand on both sides.


This isn't the top tier, moreso an aesthetic which has it's own variety and unique aspects without attempting to tread into another niche. Strigae + Siliti can hide their primal nature, however much each of these races wish to hide from it, the Ludis are driven by it with no escape from it. 

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I'd have to actually read through the lore thoroughly, but please, fix your formatting. The bold white without partitioning or line break to separate relevant information lowkey burns my eyeholes. 

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2 minutes ago, altiar1011 said:

I'd have to actually read through the lore thoroughly, but please, fix your formatting. The bold white without partitioning or line break to separate relevant information lowkey burns my eyeholes. 

I've got no clue what a partioning or line break is, so I just changed the colour to the natural one I think.

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3 minutes ago, BarcardiBreeza said:

I appreciate the review, and see some of your points but the Strigae fill a different criterea than this. Strigae are fortunate enough to have far more aids to their favour, but they're able to hide among common society and pretend to be what they're not; that's a very fair advantage which creates a divide between this and them. In a sense, as you said, they're apex predators - the Ludis Sanguis are not for the sole reason for they're a natural virus which allows a foot in the door for feral vampire roleplay and in essence, a different take on blood-fiend spies. There is no secret strength, talons to aid or being blindsighted. You know when you meet someone, you hold your characters life in your hand on both sides.


This isn't the top tier, moreso an aesthetic which has it's own variety and unique aspects without attempting to tread into another niche. Strigae + Siliti can hide their primal nature, however much each of these races wish to hide from it, the Ludis are driven by it with no escape from it. 


Upirs are the feral vampires of the server and are unable to hide or control their bloodlust. They're different from striga and can't hide, easily discernable by the public. I'd give their lore a read, they can be found in the Striga lore post. So technically this would be the fourth "race" of vampires on LoTC that's my real issue with it my above statement was not meant to relate to Striga/Siliti but Upir. Which are already available to CA given proper rp on the server. I'll leave the link to them here.

Summary below:


"An Upir is the immediate product of degeneration, the state of an individual who has only recently given themselves to their baser instinct. All the features that were once contained by the self are displayed clear. The face is left sunken and grey in appearance, and the claws are permanently present. The array of savage teeth even become so unmanageable that an Upir’s maw protrudes from mouth perpetually, their lips receded and thinly retracted back behind the marrow of the bone. Behind a cloak or any dense clothing capable of hiding their monstrous features can be masked, at a practical distance at least; Upirs are still very much humanoid in shape, they walk on two feet. The hunting habits dawned by most of its subspecies reflect these limitations, often only appearing in the night to avoid being properly seen. Upir are also even capable of some stunted speech confined to a few simple audibles; a grunt there, a moan here, the howl of a rabid dog, unintelligible a sane mind though amongst themselves oddly communicative. Some Upir even experience desperosity; a need for a way out of their condition. TO that end hunger will drive them to appease or devour their distant greater kin, most often one who has been set apart as anathema. "



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I dont feel like we need more races

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I have just read through the entire post, and I've got to say that I'm a little disappointed. Having finished and watched a couple of Resident Evil 8 gameplays myself, I know where you're trying to get from with this lore submission. Yet, despite having constructed an idea and 'mildly' developed it, I feel like some sections of the lore lack detail and even further amounts of sections themselves.
I LOVE anything related to Blood Magic, and I always try my best to give helpful feedback but I honestly think the origin (and assuming 'culture' was also implemented under such as stated in its title) requires detailed explaining or even a 'revamp'... Idk, to bring a CA like this onto
the server usually takes lots of time of working on the project and you seem to have written this in little less than a couple of hours (no offense lol). 
I like the effects and downsides that one must endure after applying for the CA, they seem appropriate and fit to the lore but what I've been noticing, like a spook player myself, is that most (if not all) spook/dark magics have a detrimental effect on the bearer's mind... But, despite distributing said red-line so freely, the community hasn't been given a 'proper' guide to roleplay such draining effects. I feel like if you're trying to get a CA lore implemented to the server, you'd have to work more than using the mere fundamentals of the creature from the game.
Their abilities are limited and seem to be able to be as useful on their own as if they were used along, therefore, I wouldn't complain much about it but it's still very short... If you were to add plenty of more, 'flavorful' techniques or capabilities to the lore, I'm pretty sure it'd then have ample sustenance to possibly be implemented. With this, you should also add some kind of 'ritual', 'rite', etc., to support the non-combat aspect of said creatures. Otherwise, we'd just be letting ANOTHER race of vampires with the sole purpose to live as a Descendant and feed while pretending to be one their whole RP lives.


4 hours ago, BarcardiBreeza said:


Yeah, we've got two. Siliti and Strigae, but they're in their own niche and the Ludis Sanguis is in it's own. They risk exposure should they make big moves, so the Ludis Sanguis gives them a technical barrier and more room for error which should mean either may be more able to operate in the open with the blame falling on this bloodline. That, and this is more accessible.


It's a concept with a lot of potential, but that statement isn't just true. Their niches are very similar as the people above me have mentioned, as just like them, Siliti & Striga risk exposure upon the decision and the commitment to big moves. EVERY spook is submitted to that.


25 minutes ago, Sham404 said:

I dont feel like we need more races


I don't agree with you, I believe that if properly and worked hard on, a project can blossom and provide a fun, entertaining, and tactful moment for the community. If only this submission had been worked on for a lil longer...

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36 minutes ago, Isolde said:

I don't agree with you, I believe that if properly and worked hard on, a project can blossom and provide a fun, entertaining, and tactful moment for the community. If only this submission had been worked on for a lil longer...

Valid. I suppose i should say "i think if we are going to add more races we should address the many races that are no longer being played/not in use and shelf/update them to reflect any new needs in the community before we create new races which are really just variations on already existing races. Like why do we need 3 vampire races

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Third time's the charm I guess, or not. I don't think there's a point to a third vampiric creature.

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7 hours ago, Isolde said:

I have just read through the entire post, and I've got to say that I'm a little disappointed. Having finished and watched a couple of Resident Evil 8 gameplays myself, I know where you're trying to get from with this lore submission. Yet, despite having constructed an idea and 'mildly' developed it, I feel like some sections of the lore lack detail and even further amounts of sections themselves.


I've got work in less than an hour, so i'll make my response brief. Definitely useful with your input on doing a review on the work, and this was about ten hours worth of stuff (I type slow rip) but the idea of this is at least a foot in the door. With the real issue everyone already denoting about too many vampire races, this is attempting to try a different variation in a lesser fashion to prevent having say a weeks worth of work taken out for that sole issue. Though, I will be aiming to improve - I just wanted to get input in the opening, improve the works then wait it out for review so I can get either a list of what needs to be modified to make it viable, or if the idea will be blocked regardless due to the increased variants.

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53 minutes ago, BarcardiBreeza said:


I've got work in less than an hour, so i'll make my response brief. Definitely useful with your input on doing a review on the work, and this was about ten hours worth of stuff (I type slow rip) but the idea of this is at least a foot in the door. With the real issue everyone already denoting about too many vampire races, this is attempting to try a different variation in a lesser fashion to prevent having say a weeks worth of work taken out for that sole issue. Though, I will be aiming to improve - I just wanted to get input in the opening, improve the works then wait it out for review so I can get either a list of what needs to be modified to make it viable, or if the idea will be blocked regardless due to the increased variants.

I truly believe that if you put more time on this project, you'll able to make everybody's jaw drop to the floor. Keep working hard <3

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

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