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What Alfred least expected to happen, happened... at the wrong time, in the wrong place. Well, maybe not in the wrong place, because the place of death of High Pontiff Jude II was the place that is the holiest, which again throws a man into contemplation.. "H-How.. did this happen, O' Lord..", Alfred wondered, a gloomy look as he roamed St. Henrik's Basilica, breaking his head about who could have killed his close friend, a brother in the faith, a person he thought was immortal at times. 


Knowing the procedure that follows the aftermath of High Pontiff's death, Alfred only thought of locking himself in a room within the clergy district, but he knew it was wrong thing to do, for the Canonist faith must not stop at any moment, must never find itself in front of any obstacle, but must grow and expand, which was clear to Alfred after a few moments spent thinking. He packed only his three most important things, took his crozier, and headed for Holy See, holding the cross of Husariya firmly in his hand. "Your Holiness.. I know you've already approached the Seven Skies.. if you can, please greet my grandfather Anton, say that we haven't fallen and that we are stronger than ever. May Godan be with you..", he cuts himself off, signing a cross before continuing on his way..

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"Rest well and in peace, Your Holiness" Uttered Father Casper in a solemn tone, his hands signing the Lorraine.

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Lunah Vanari raises her brow at the news then sighs shaking her head, "Well i give it a day before they blame it on us." pauses then shakes her head, "No less." she sighed heavily, "I wouldn't be surprised if the empire did it themselves to get the holy war they are so dead set upon.." Glances down the road that lead to Elysium, "I will grieve for our allies in haense loss." she said with a small nod before lighting a candle and setting it up upon the gatehouse of Elysium in respect for the loss their Haensetti allies had suffered.

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Johan Vuiller would be atop his horse as he came close to the city of Korsgrad. The aging Holy Sir and Auditor would walk into the local Basilica saying a prayer for good fortune on his mission to find information and justice for GODAN. As he finished his prayer he’d stand walking towards the exit of the church, as he did the apparition of his father Saint Harald would shine above him “Vy must return quickly to Providence my son.. it’s his Holiness.. vy must return to his side.”  Hearing this Johan would quickly grab a hold of his trident the aging man trying to figure out what his father could have meant..  either way he knew it must be of importance for his father to come down to him. He’d ride for days never stopping to either eat nor drink, as he man road into the city he’d quickly find his way up to the Cathedral entering the doors he’d be met with the news of the High Pontiffs passing by his brothers and sisters the man falling down one one knee “M... Manfried..”  the man would let slip as looked to the floor, the nuns, monks and other priest looking to him as the towering man held himself to the ground “How could this happen... where by GODANS MIGHT WHERE THE HOLY KNIGHTS!!”  he’d shout in anger “who in their right mind and belief would let our High Pontiff take confession without enough thirds surrounding him during this time of war?!”  Johan out of anger would use his trident aiding him up as he spoke as his last words left his mouth he’d stump his trident to the ground braking the stone tile underneath him at impact “let there be known, all current investigations by the Tribunal shall be placed at a halt until justice is found for this crime..”  he’d turn once more walking towards his home.. the man entering his house walking towards his office, moving the painting of himself and Jude II over to the wall with his fallen brother and sisters “we often spoke of death you and I brother.. but never in my days would I believe your time would come before my own.. what a dark time our world shall enter without your guidance.. I swear it on my oath, on my fathers stone body, and his holy trident.. I shall not rest until your murderer comes to justice and are excommunicated and hung for this crime..”  he’d quickly pen a letter to those in the Tribunal as well as his Imperial Majesty the Orinian Emperor and the King of Haense. 

@KosherZombie @VIROS @Rudi @rep2k

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Minerva of Selm's eyes widened and welled with tears upon hearing of her old confidant's demise. This time, she had not been there to tend to the man's wounds. This time, noone had been there. She could not help but to shed tears for the Pointiff's demise.

Certainly always, she will remember as she stood before him at the age of only 12, telling him how she wanted to be a woman of cloth. Such never happened - and at times, she almost regretted it, but tonight, the regret would be too much.

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