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Karl's Thesis: Self-Propelled Windmills and Self-Playing Music Boxes for Haelun'or - Chivalry Trials

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For Valyris Wynasul


The possibility for a self-propelling windmill would be extraordinary for the people of Haelun’or because my friendly elves live on a hot, musty Island. I am sure the Island gets extremely blazing hot. Elves within the city most likely suffer with heat exhaustion that can easily be prevented. What does the self-propelling windmill do? It brings air flow through the city, a certain, cool and breezy delight throughout the city and also enhances the farmers lifestyle as it will generate power throughout the city. 


Since the city is blocked off by the buildings and Sky Scraping buildings, if Haelun’or implemented a few WindMills for the city, it will generate power as well, for the grainories around the beautiful, architectural city. Air enchantment would suffice the city's needs for the self-propelling windmill. However, it will also help out the city’s water through the Water Towers of the city, flowing a lot smoother than usual.


In conclusion for the Wind-mills, implementing an enchantment that will help the windmills will make the city feel cooler, farms within the city will run smoothly, the cities water flow will run through quicker, Elves within the city will not suffer from heat exhaustion - that city is boiling hot and with the music box idea - the possibility of the self-propelling wind-mills can generate the power of the music boxes with some sort of.. Enchantment.


A music box that plays by itself would be an interesting feat, indeed. If there was a way to implement self-playing Music Boxes around the city, why not - though, I have never heard of such a thing. The windmills could generate power through the music boxes themselves? Through an enchantment? Hmm, I am speaking in my mind and generating an idea for this idea to work. I am not familiar with the taste of magic before my very own eyes, maybe the Elves in your city can generate some ideas to enchant the Music Boxes themselves. Since you are thinking of an idea on an enchantment that flows through the Windmills, maybe an Self-propelling Windmill that will generate enchantment just for the music boxes themselves? It is worth a shot, nonetheless. 


Music throughout Haense from my own perspective is the joy of life. If your city of Haelun’or can implement self-playing Music Boxes in the Tavern, people will lose their minds - in a dobry way indeed (dobry, meaning good in Haeseni terms). Self-playing music boxes within the Square of the city will formulate some beautiful exposure to those that enter the city. They will feel welcomed - however, this will create madness to those that play instruments for a living within your city, My Lady, their livelihood will be at stake. If they can not play their own music, they will start riots. At least, it will be a convenient way for the people that enter the city or if they are local - if a musician is not in the street at that current moment - so be it. It is the best of both worlds, however people will be against the idea - just my suggestion.


In conclusion, generate the self-propelling wind mills within the city. At first, try to implement the self-playing Music Boxes, if it does not work out, I would disregard the idea. However, this is my thought process on the entirety of the idea. Self-propelling Windmills will work - take a second glimpse on the self-playing Music Boxes idea. Musician’s careers will be at stake. Though, it will bring a musical tune, a beautiful musical atmosphere for the locals and the newcomers that show their faces. Self-propelling Windmills, however, will enhance the farmers daily lives as it will take little to no effort. It will generate cool breezes throughout the city, farmers will be happy and waterflow will be a lot smoother.

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Haskir quirks a brow once or twice as he read the thesis. "Self-propelled wind mills? Music boxes? I want ten of each!"

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Valindra, thoroughly amused but intrigued, wonders if she could attach lessers to the sails of these windmills when the Sohaer decides to erect these magnificent structures. 

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Valyris had a smile tug at the corners of her mouth upon reading the in-depth thesis of Sir Karl Amador going above and beyond with his task!  She lifted a quill to sign the squirebook that had been offered out towards her with overdramatic cursive lettering in silver ink. 


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