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Grand Maer Ser Karl Amador Act II: Haeseni Chess Tournament Hosted By Yours Truly.


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Haeseni Chess Tournament Hosted By: Grand Maer Ser Karl Ruslan Amador







Welcome! If you are here reading this, Haeseni-Ruska will be hosting a month’s long tournament in Karosgrad. A little history lesson: It was developed and created by our Koeng Robert Barbanov the First in 1678. It is now one of the main and historical games of our Nation. This event is to help the city’s economy flourish with a splendid event. Not only that but entertainment is always enjoyable. All Nations are invited to come and showcase their ability and become the victor of this marvelous event. Here are the details:




Tournament Details: 


Where will the Haeseni-Chess Tournament be located?: At Haense of course, near the Prikaz (Palace).


When will the tournament be held: Sometime in August or September (I am preparing to move soon, so TBA in August or September due to healing from a car accident for my wounds)


Days during the week the tournament will be held?: Entirely up to the discretion of all parties involved, so any day of the week that suits all four players within the round.


There will be a small fee of five minas per person if they wish to enter the tournament. All donations and tournament fees from the participants will be donated to the city and our rural subjects for food.


Reward: Prestige and Pride, of course!  Also, there will be gems created for first, second and third place participants.


List of players attending:

1. Karl Ruslan Amador - Paid

2. Deme - Did niet pay yet

3. Dmtri - Did niet pay yet

4. Dame Viktoriyah - Did niet pay yet

5. Britannus Vanir - Did niet pay yet

6. Klaus Barclay - Did niet pay yet

7. Nicholas Arc - PAID



A little guide on Haeseni-Chess. Haeseni-Chess for Dumbies:


What is Haeseni-Chess you may ask? It is a game similar to the real-life game, Trouble! You have four options in colors: Yellow, Green, Red and Blue! The goal of this is game it to go around the board and into your home base, aligning all four pieces on home base like so:



The player that rolls the highest out of twenty will be the first one to roll on the board itself, the second highest will be the second one to roll and vice versa.


You have four pieces at your starting base like so: 2xFPwECF0MiBoB7rSEg-njuWc0jHyjcz50ekgVThEjmXyGisU_t-Zcl2j6bNlztFkBm01QDgl46FfBvkbUjgNs_y3X3qcTlNfkTsplRYi1B9qL4wYsY15b_IQ7fuOM7Dy-jm9_amIn order to place a piece on the board, the player must roll a one or a six. The player has three attempts at the start to either roll a one of six, failure to do so, the player loses their turn and the other player’s turn is next. If the next player rolls a one, they will be able to place their piece on the startup square like so: DUjN1QGH8coqFyPyye12LIpx5t-pZ_6s-RR6IkFjwDLXr62PGYHCivVAnL5hx9BKwIkcfsx-C4ZRIRRrpUp_4zWrGdOwTUBK2gQLs6toEQGPCGFRZbGBm71Q-WKtKjq6_HyvTWHg. If the player, however, rolled a six that means the piece is on the board and the same player can roll again for the second time. If the same player rolls another six they will go again until they either roll a one, two, three, four or a five, then their turn will be over and it will be the other player’s turn. 


So, the player’s piece is on the startup square and you roll a five for your next turn. Your piece hits the teleportation square like so: 

0MTedTY7SYWCLYNnxxZZDh8jKPLeTzZsap5Fjfcdngif-oRQQI5SZ2h0gbtvTIoOw_f8yg6WcVcZFa2sjjgZbC49mpCAZTO0b4TzmlZlE5uTgTW5GuOD6GrFEtCzTZ6lEaJQEcWF D4QgPtBY8vd-yIII3tIo-7jI6OWx-lwLkAUGPaVu2HTCTKB30lPRRDEWIbp-S01rl4-gixxmAQY7MRjsMRZ4hwt4ogs4vAQOsyISexcpTFeiTSE1hPsyrbw0JNR7gRk11qXeylMK

 If your piece lands on the teleportation piece, it will ascend to the other side of the board, like so (example will be above). Let’s backtrack, if your piece lands on this particular piece, it will be able to protect your piece and if another player lands on it while your piece is on it, they will go back to their start up square from the examples below:



However, if the blue opponent had another piece and had the choice not to move that piece, then the entirety of the scenario will be different. Like so: 



Instead of rolling three tiles towards the red pieces protection spot that it is currently on, blue can roll three tiles onto the tile of where the blue’s opponent's other piece was and it’s called a double stack. If it is a double stack like this, both pieces are safe from the other colored opponents and they will not be able to get any of those pieces out until the blue opponent moves one of the blue pieces away from that square. 


Let’s backtrack a little bit, shall we? If the blue opponent landed on the red’ s start up square and red had to get pieces out from the startup square, then the blue piece would go out. If red rolls a one or a six when the blue piece is at red’s startup piece, the blue piece will go back to the startup square once again like so:


r2Q7e1ssTUSu45IQj5U98-5XvZcXN7zky9p4Q83jf3lPrYu3zcqFUFwU3_SvI2NInMsJjgwcvj-7bn_KJX3x2MFqvOEhYxPzntKH33Ry6vgC7mpDD2F4RYrXkqctsw2p5OlxmVT9(Again if the player rolls a six, the same player gets to go again.)


Well, now here is a different scenario when a particular player is on their start up piece. Let’s say blue was on the protection piece, they rolled a three and landed on red while it is on the red’s startup tile. In this scenario, blue will be out and here is a picture depiction of the example below:



So, now it is red’s turn now and they rolled a four. What happens next? The blue piece will be out. Like so below:



Here is a different scenario for you, if red landed on their teleportation, it will go on the other side, correct? However, what if there was another player’s piece that landed on the same teleportation tile and landed on the opponent’s piece? Well, red’s piece will be out and will go back to the startup square like so:



In that scenario above, red rolled a three and teleported to the other side and when it was green’s turn, they rolled a two and landed on the same teleportation square and ended up on red’s piece, making them disperse back to their startup square.


So, green is currently on the teleportation tile.. Fast forward to their turn again, they roll a five and end up going to their home base tile from the spot of where they were at. If the piece lands on the homebase tile, they have one out of four pieces to complete the game like so in a example below: 



Again, like I have said in the beginning, the goal here is to line up all your pieces on your homebase to complete the game. Watch out for your enemies while playing, you might also be betrayed by people you ally within the game.. My suggestion is do not trust anybody but yourself! Once all of your pieces end up on the home base, the particular player will win like so:



If you are still confused, check out what @Unbaed (Molia Hazmezul) has written in the general Haeseni chess book located right here. The explanations and rules of the game will be displayed inside.


If you have any questions please message me on discord: Brain#8466. I will also be looking for tournament officials and staff if there is a lot of interest. My ingame name on Minecraft and LOTC is obviously giambro. Thanks and keep on gaming, gamers!




383 ES

The Humble, Ser Karl Ruslan Amador, Knight of Haense, Detective, Grand Maer of Karosgrad

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"Oooh! Sounds fun!" Dame Vik grinned, nudging her son, Demetriev, with her elbow. She set down the thick stack of papers for her bills as a Royal Alderman, as she turned toward them both. "Deme, Dmitri, vy both should join! Mother-son-and-son trio!" that woman snickered.


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Britannus Vanir puts his name into the fold

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Klaus Barclay signs up hastily as he reads about the new act by the Grand Maer.

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Nicholas Arc gives a nod as he reads the missive before signing up "I may have no idea how to play but I'll try it out!"

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