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The Paramount's Fall [PK Post]


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The news of Ser Cedric's passing would soon enough reach The County of Sarissa, where its count, Ser William, happened to be dining one faithful midnight. The weary courier set a pile of letters atop the table, departing once all the usual formalities were exchanged. He skimmed through the parchments hastily, until coming across the one regarding Ser Cedric's death.

An unusual sense of dread rushed through his body; perhaps it was knowledge that his own time would come soon- a reminder of his own mortality.

"I didn't know you all that well, friend. But you were a truer night than anyone could hope to be. Where are you now, huh?"  He thought those words in silence though his lips moved ever so slightly. He approached the window, peering up at the night sky, where a new star seemed to shine... or, at least to William. Not like he kept track the stars. He offered a two-fingered Sarissan salute, muttering, "Rest en peace, Ser. May wha'e'ers up t'ere treat ye well..."

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Katerina Ceciliya let out a heavy sigh upon hearing the news of Cedric's death. He had been one of few that she had looked up to from childhood to adulthood. She remembered how he would often look out for those that needed it and had never once said no to her hiking trips for herb to the clinic. 


"It seems we did niet get to patch vy up this time, though I know vy now have peace" she uttered as she gently stashed her paperwork away. Not feeling like working at the moment. She wandered the building like she had so often done while memories brushed her mind. She thought of giving the Barclays a visit to offer her condolences, for she knew Cedric had been dear to them all. And so she began to trot towards Reinmar while she looked up to the sky.  


"May we meet again..."

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Lorenz Barclay sat on his chair, his eyes were fixed on the wood burning before him. His mind was absent, his emotions were disturbed and his soul was confused....the last person he ever considered a pillar to lean on finally crumbled. . . . he leaned forward on his chair, hands clasped to forcefully stop them from shaking, the shaking then reached his full body, Lorenz still tried to hold his emotions back and control himself at that moment. . .but it was no use, he finally realized that the thread that held what left of his miserable life together has already been broken. at that moment Lorenz, for the first time in 19 years, he cried, he cried in one of the darkest and coldest corners of Reinmar. The crying man cried in silence, but his rage was too strong to control, he went with a grunt, and started to punch the wall, he punched, punched, and punched, until his fingers bled and were most likely broken. His sadness made him forget the pain in his hands. he fell on his knees, the shaking now stopped after he let out all of what was inside of him on the now bloody wall. "You were the second man i looked up to after our Vater....I wasn't always around you through most of my life.....but you were always in my heart, you gave me courage and strength to continue and serve my kingdom, But.....now....i cant say that i have the strength to serve....." Lorenz mumbled as he looked out the window looking up to starry night. he coughed after saying those words, there was blood. . . . The loss of his brother might not be the only thing that's stopping him from preforming his duties as a protector of The Kingdom Of Haenseti-Ruska.... Time shall only tell.

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Twenty years later and Aeira finally opened the letter after taking her husband's death like a cannonball to the stomach. Her room was filled with constant cries of pain and wanting to be released from the earth. 


OOC: Cedric = best boi to rp

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