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Meditations On Sunlit Justice


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Meditations On Sunlit Justice



The creation in which we descendants inhabit often has subversives who seek to dismantle our natural laws prescribed by the creator. These darkspawn continue to undermine our institutions, yet, we have become ignorant to the true enemies of mortal kind. We divert our attention over petty squabbles to remedy our honour or bandy meaningless words to achieve faux notions of grandeur. These are the subjects of the common rabble. For the impoverished, their plight becomes their center, their focus, leaving them little mind. They are blinded to the true evils lurking past our plane and dwell in their fabricated world. Yet! How could they not? When bandits rearing their heads from a dip in the road becomes the topic of true villains, true villainy ceases to make a presence in the concerns of our minds.


The order imparted upon mortal kind by our true sovereign, GOD, is constantly at risk of dissipating away into the abyss. The realm was made for the four descendent races. The realm was made for mortals to live an infinite life of paradise. The realm was made for us to thrive. Many had thought Aegis was an anomaly among the wars of the Aengudaemons, yet the calamity of Arcas repeats our struggle on the land of the first kingdoms. It is clear now that the realm is ours to maintain, since it is clear apathy will lead to nothing but our downfall.


“Order & Guardianship” the words associated with our beloved protector are uttered in a phrase as they are directly connected. To have any order imposed, guardians must be present to stave away the chaos which looms to destroy all progress at any moment. We are left in reliance upon our sunlit lord. The only salvation left in a plane interfered by Aenguls, Daemons, and Undead is provided by Janus. Yet, his enemies are many and his agents are few. 


We descendants are GOD’s chosen. He had left this mortal realm for us to inhabit and nurture.  We carry on the never-ending crusade to retain what is left of our sovereign’s creation and perhaps even restore our true form. The rabble cannot be convinced of the true enemy, so the call is necessary for those of the sunlit path to uphold the burden of ensuring the realms of man's persistence on this mortal plane. To preserve this order, we are tasked to actively hunt the cretins of the world; allowing these blights to spread only leads to the starvation of our kind. 

For the pious, our true purpose upon this plane is to carry on the crusade of Janus. We are not to be the mere sheep that rely on our shepherd’s protection. The burden falls upon us to take upon the golden lance and purge the world from the horrors that infest it. Order can only subsist when there are watchers to oversee and enforce Janus’ light.

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A certain Athna smiled upon their dear friend, remarking quietly to him, "Our lord shall redeem this corrupted world to be as glorious as the Lord in the Heavens above wished it to be so. Look to the Skies and await the coming Messiah that shall save us all."

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'Lo, for 'twixt the din and and ken of primitive crane and the settling of brick and mortar, a lady in silver regarded such a missive. She hummed as her gaze scanned the parchment, a small smile stretching across crimson lips upon divining its exhortations. Though perhaps not necessarily in agreement with its contents, she would nod in approval regardless, filing such a deliverance away into her lockbox. 


"I applaud his faith, for it reminds me of myself, not too terribly long ago... He speaks many truths, though clouded yet by the callowness of youth and the deeper truths that might only be found in aged wisdom. Still, I must commend his thesis; For indeed, he echoes the statements made by Hilan, on that forlorn mount celestial..."


And so, with her peace spoken into the winds, she returned to her prior task - overlooking the construction of a grand bastion, borne of Sunbreak.

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A regal Mali' shudders with mem'ry of being hounded for The Lance of Order by the Nephilim. However, his boon was not of Order. Instead, he found wisdom and comfort in the roots of the world - despite the deceptive appearance his ivory and steel painted him in. This son of two forgotten holy magi lumbers on, pondering when and where prologue would end and the true fight begin.


"Once its name was Thule, where the Four gathered in unison. What bleak reminder, that shadow that is Aegis - a haunting memory that must ne'er be put from the mind. For with failure and refusal to protect the lands we occupy, we usher forth generations of kin who not what it means to belong anywhere."

Such words fell to the ears of masked neophytes. In another tongue, Redshrouds by design. Their naivete was almost coveted, for they knew not what it would mean to lose many realms before now. It would be a wretched thing to experience, when the time would surely come again.

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Far below the ground a youthful yet scarred elfess lingers. Off-white cloth binds her silver-grey eyes from the lantern's illumination, the dancing shadows along the greyed stone, brought to life by the wisping flame which poised itself with a flickering threat of fading. The constant dripping of water lulling her into a state of tranquility. She had not received word on this meditation, these reflections of a youth newly devoted to things beyond comprehension. Yet- all the same a smile formed on normally stoic lips, her hands resided on her lap, and she reflected on the past, of Hilan on that mountainside. Then she thought of her students, of acolytes she had not yet met but had been informed of. 


"Where the past generations have failed the new will prevail. . .

And so that cycle will continue so long as His embers warm our souls. . ."

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