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To restore tradition


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9th of Malin’s Welcome, 44 SA

To restore tradition, The Blessed Maheral


From the beginning of our kind, we have faced many difficulties, hardships, and even the destruction of our home by evils that stain these realms. By Larihei’s guidance, however, we have overcome and continued to prosper.


We have been led by multitudes of great Sohaeran, whose chiefest duties said continued prosperity of the Motherland and the safety of her citizens.  Aided by our most respected Elheial’thilln, the Sohaer works tirelessly to maintain our course. However, the Sohaer is but a humble ‘thill, no more, nor less, than any other among us. 


Right now, we are without guidance. We are without the wisdom of our Mother, Larihei, and her chosen representatives, and this has made us lose our path.


Our shared Haelun, she who brought us unto those sacred pools that heralded our rebirth, would be saddened to witness the state of our silver nation.


I am but a young Mali, my return to the Motherland recent - yet the stories I had long been regaled with of the cihi upon the hill did not match what I returned to see. Okariran defending lesser cousins when they have broken our sacred laws and rodents working in elsillumiran greeted me.


Larihei left in her place a chosen representative, the second Maheral - one that might administer her wisdom, and correct our path, in her absence.


Sohaeran, Okariran, Lauriran, and all those of Silver are left unguided without the wisdom of Larihei. The epitome of purity, one we might all endeavour to follow in the traditions of the State, is a vacancy - and this has left a poor example for those that remain.


Thus we humbly request the following,

  • The seat of the Maheral shall be filled at its earliest opportunity. Our people shall no longer remain unguided. The Maheral will be anointed by Elheial’malauriran as is custom to our ancient traditions. 
  • The Office of the Maelunir will be reinstated within the government of Haelun’or. The Maelunir shall act on behalf of the most pure until the new Maheral has been anointed. The Maelunir will be in charge of upholding the purity of our people and translating the wisdom and clarity of Larihei in the absence of the Maheral. The Maelunir shall also summon elheial’malauriran as soon as possible.
  • The Maelunir shall be chosen either by a fair election between those who wish to nominate themselves for such a position or by a vote by Elheial'thilln (Duly note, the position is temporary & the new Maheral shall appoint their Maelunir).
  • The current Government of Haelun’or, within their discretion, may or may not allow the interim-Maelunir to participate in the workings of Elheial’thilln. 


Written by, 

Usamea An'asul



- Usamea An’asul

- Caranthir Gve’el Me’v

- Chiyo Osser

- Astraea Len’irrin

- Alfér Elibar’acal

- Aelgifu Amlugol



[!] A noted was added to the letter "We ask that all those concerned of the traditions of our kin sign this. For the Sake of Larihei. ((there is enough space to sign in the comment section)). 


Thanks to my eda*** @bickandoon being a native speaker and turning this letter into a juicy spicy rp post <3


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The local construct of the Silver State catches wind of the news. They hold the very pamphlet upside down as they cannot read. They stand their for a while attempting to decript the dribble given to them by their creator. Clearly unable to understand

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7 minutes ago, ItsMeDontWorry said:

The local construct of the Silver State catches wind of the news. They hold the very pamphlet upside down as they cannot read. They stand their for a while attempting to decript the dribble given to them by their creator. Clearly unable to understand

[!] Orinmon passes by the construct, noticing their confusion. He then walked towards it, aiming to help. Elf chuckled, seeing Mountain's mistake and petted him on the the shoulder. He then would flip the pamphlet and pointed "Stoo - oopid." He then walks away, with a grin of his face

Edited by _ZONTY_
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Haskir looks over the missive, baffled. The signatory Usamea sought to implace themselves, or someone as Maheral yet ... Larihei was Maheral. He shakes his head confusedly. "Sohaer Othelu Orrar had made Larihei the eternal Maheral. How can they replace Larihei?"


"Madness." He says, disappointed.

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Joseph Brandt, the Lord Marshal of SAVOY, spat on the floor of his office as the missive reached him. An unfortunate byproduct of their vassalization under the CRADLE OF MAN.


"Hate elves..." he drawled to himself, pausing as he crumpled the note and tossed it into the pile labeled 'letters from Haelun'or'. A pile which was growing by the day. "Not racist, just don't like em."

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"Hey, I've seen this one before...", remarked a particular Iyathir from someplace secluded. 

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