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5th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 1845 | 5th of Vzmey & Hyff, 398 ES.





HIS HOLINESS EVERARD VI, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD does decree…




SECTION I - Opening Prayer

SECTION II - Synod Appointments

SECTION III - Curia Appointments

SECTION IV - On Anders Cardinal Jorenus

SECTION V - Annulments and Dissolutions

SECTION VI - On Queen-Mother Mariya of Haense

SECTION VII - Beatifications

SECTION VIII - Canonizations






Almighty and eternal God, who gathers what is scattered,

Look kindly on the members of your flock,

That those whom one Baptism has consecrated

May be joined together by integrity of faith,

And united in the bond of charity, Amen.





It is through Our Apostolic Right, bestowed unto Us through the Laurel derived from the Exalted that We make these affirmations, alterations, and additions to the College of Cardinals. We decree these appointments…


TMR, His Eminence, Fr. Casper Cardinal Providentia

TMR, His Eminence, Fr. Jordan Cardinal Jorenus

TMR, His Eminence, Fr. Francis Cardinal Albarosa

TMR, His Eminence, Fr. Alfred Cardinal Nescia

TMR, His Eminence, Fr. Johan Cardinal Allobrogum




It is through Our Apostolic Right, bestowed unto Us through the Laurel derived from the Exalted that We make these affirmations, alterations, and additions to the Curia. We decree these appointments…


Vice Chancellor, His Eminence, Casper Cardinal Providentia

Prelate of the Clergy, His Eminence, Jordan Cardinal Jorenus

Ecclesiastical Auditor, His Eminence, Alfred Cardinal Nescia

Pontifical Secretary, The Reverend, Father Ernst

Pontifical Chamberlain, His Eminence, Johan Cardinal Allobrogum

Apostolic General, Her Excellency, Faux Amati

The Holy Mother, Her Excellency, Lotte-Adelinda von Alstreim





We recently heard of the disappearance of Our brother in faith and Prelate of the Priesthood, Anders Cardinal Jorenus. We now announce in sorrow that the Cardinal is deceased, his soul enjoying eternal life with God in the Seven Skies. Cardinal Anders was a man that We knew well, having served first as his bishop in Karosgrad then as Patriarch, and now as Pontiff. His passing leaves a hole that We can only strive to fill. We pray that his life may be seen as an example to all young men and women who seek to serve the Church. Look to him for guidance on how best to serve God, and as a guide for what We expect all clergy to be.


Therefore, through Our Apostolic Authority, We affirm the following veneration.



Made Venerable for his faithful service to God, dedication to his flock in his station as Anders Cardinal Jorenus and in his role as Prelate of the Priesthood, devotion to the faith and sacrifice in his pursuit of justice through the Azdrazi Inquisition.





Through Our Pontifical authority, We declare the union between Rev Vuiller and Katerina Willows dissolved, on account of the latter’s abandonment of her marriage and duties as a wife. Their children shall remain legitimate in Our eyes. Additionally, We see it fit to annul the marriage between Arthur Galbraith and Safiya Oma Basrid, on account of the marriage being unconsummated. We pray for these people, that God may aid them in finding love in the future.





Recently We were made aware that Queen-Mother Mariya of Haense, who We had assumed dead many decades ago, is alive and living in secret in Providence. When the Queen-Mother approached Us to confess her sins, We did not recognize her immediately, but over the course of her confession the Queen-Mother made her identity known to Us. She informed Us that she had faked her death and appearance through alchemical means in order to flee her marriage with Heinrik II of Haense. We do not know what events may have occurred in that marriage to lead to the Queen-Mother to believe she had no other option than to fake her own murder and commit such a great sin, but our God is a merciful one, and through the sacrament of confession the Queen-Mother has been forgiven for her sins. We urge Heinrik II to seek confession as well, should whatever occurred in this marriage require God’s forgiveness.


However, this revelation calls into question two things, firstly, the legitimacy of the marriage between Annika of Astfield and Heinrik II, given Heinrik’s status before God as a man still married to Queen-Mother Mariya at the time, and secondly, the legitimacy of the children produced by this marriage. We are a firm believer in the principle that no child should suffer for the sins of their parents, and so, hereby issue a back-dated dissolution of the marriage between Queen-Mother Mariya and Henrik II. Any children produced by this marriage are legitimate before God, as are children produced by the marriage between Annika of Astfield and Heinrik II, which shall also be confirmed as legitimate through this back-dated dissolution.


It is Our wish that all parties should reconcile, that the Queen-Mother may safely return to the lives of her children and seek their pardon as well. God is loving, and He desires that all Men should love each other. Let all Canonists heed His call and answer to the best of our ability.





Through Our Apostolic Authority in the Pontificate, We do affirm these beatifications.



Bl. Jago Brownfolk was born in Brandybrook, a halfling village in the frontiers of Arcas. In his youth he was a drug dealer and sinner, but decided to seek God’s grace; he traveled the continent meeting with pagan and Canonist religious leaders, eventually finding peace in the priesthood. Thereafter he served faithfully as Bishop of Korvassa for 15 years, tending to his flock with such tender care that he even walked the desert to save lost or missing travelers. Bl. Jago perished at the last battle of the Inferi War, becoming a martyr of the Church.


Miracle: A party of missionaries became lost in the southern desert, with very little water left. Their pastor prayed for Bl. Jago’s intercession, and upon waking in the morning the shadow of a halfling was visible on the horizon. Over the course of a week, the party followed Bl. Jago’s apparition to several unmapped oases and finally to the desert’s edge.





Through Our Apostolic Authority, and with the approval of a majority of the College of Cardinals, We hereby Beatify and Canonize the following:



Patron Saint of Archers, the Forest, and Servitude.


St. Arianne Helvets was born in 1729 in Ves, the capital city of the Kingdom of Kaedrin, to King Adrian Helvets and Queen Annabelle Lorin Sparrow. She was kept within the palace for a majority of her time, and often wreaked havoc among the palace staff with her little childish shenanigans and fiery spirit. To the displeasure of her mother and amusement of her father, Arianne often dirtied her dresses with her roughhousing or wild adventures in the royal gardens. She was a curious and lively child; there was hardly anything that could keep her from having her fun.


Despite Arianne’s ungovernable behavior, she was a good and loving daughter.  Her love for her parents and her siblings is immense, and shall always remain that way. Arianne’s parents ensured that she was raised with proper education on etiquacy as well as other arts, which the young princess did her best to follow; not wishing to disappoint her mother and father. As Arianne came of age, she was betrothed to Prince Andrik Petyr, the son and heir of King Andrik III of Haense. In time, Arianne would have become Queen of that country when Prince Andrik acceded to the throne of Haense.


Arianne’s path led her elsewhere, however, as she disappeared a few years after the betrothal was announced. No one truly knows where she was during these years, but when she returned, her archery and woods skill had significantly increased. By this time, Prince Andrik had become King Andrik IV and married Maya of Muldav and Arianne, feeling guilty for having missed her opportunity to become Queen, swore her life in service to Haense.


The rest of her life was devoted to doing good wherever she could, volunteering as a medic with the Haeseni army during the time of the Scyfling invasion, showing kindness to Scyfling refugees and assisting them with integrating into Haeseni life, and protecting the Barbanov children. In 1768, Arianne Helvets died shielding Princess Amelya Barbanov and Prince Godfric Alimar from Scyfling arrows. It is said that in her last moments, she prayed on the Lorraine Cross she wore around her neck, one that her mother had given her as a child.


Miracle 1:


A Haeseni woman, a mother, discovered that she had lumps in her stomach that could not be removed without killing her. Resigning to her fate, a death by illness, she prayed to Arianne Helvets that her death be quick and painless, and that her children would not suffer much after her passing. The next morning, when the woman went to be checked by a medic, the lumps had vanished entirely and the woman was cured.


Miracle 2:


In the years following the Scyfling War, a Scyfling hunter in the Wickwood was hunting when a Haeseni moose charged him. With no chance of escape and his death seeming imminent he prayed to Arianne Helvets, whom he had met when he was a young boy, and the moose stopped in its tracks. Instead of killing the hunter, the moose fell to the ground dead, and the hunter was able to take the carcass back to his family to feed them for many weeks.




Under GODAN. maintained by His Holiness Everard VI





Metropolitanate of Providentia



Archdiocese of Albarosa



Patriarchate of Jorenus



Archdiocese of Nescia



Archdiocese of Allobrogum





Vice-Chancellor of the Church of the Canon



Prelate of the Clergy of the Church of the Canon



Pontifical Secretary of the Church of the Canon



Ecclesiastical Auditor of the Church of the Canon



Pontifical Chamberlain of the Church of the Canon



Apostolic-General of the Supreme Order of Ex. Owyn



Holy Mother of the Canonist Church







Encompassing the seat of the Fidei Defensor and the Holy See, to be shepherded by Metropolitan Casper Cardinal Providentia.





Encompassing the entirety of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska & the Kingdom of Norland, to be shepherded by Patriarch Jordan Cardinal Jorenus.



DIOCESE OF HENRIKEV, encompassing the entirety of the Capital City of Karosgrad, to be shepherded by Patriarch Jordan Cardinal Jorenus.



DIOCESE OF VALWYCK, encompassing the lands to the north and east of the Capital City of Karosgrad, to be shepherded by Karl Otto Bishop Valwyck.



DIOCESE OF REINMAR, encompassing the lands to the south and west of the Capital City of Karosgrad, to remain in sede vacante.


TITULAR DIOCESE OF LEUMONT, encompassing the city of Leumont and the region of the Kingdom of Norland, granted to Patriarch Jordan Cardinal Jorenus.





Encompassing everything beyond the Capital City of Providence that is within the Holy Orenian Empire, to be shepherded by Archbishop Francis Cardinal Albarosa.



DIOCESE OF ROCHEFORT, encompassing the Municipality of Redenford, and the surrounding lands including the County of Halstaig, to be shepherded by Archbishop Francis Cardinal Albarosa.



DIOCESE OF BURON, Encompassing the Municipality of Dobrov and the surrounding lands, to be shepherded by Vinzant Bishop Buron.





Encompassing the southern region of the northern continent, including the land of the Vasoyevi, Sedan, and Du Loc, to be shepherded by Archbishop Alfred Cardinal Nescia.



DIOCESE OF AQUILA, encompassing the lands of Sedan and Du Loc, shepherded by Alfred Cardinal Nescia.





Encompassing the entirety of the Principality of Savoy and the lands of the Southern Continent, shepherded by Archbishop Johan Cardinal Allobrogum.



DIOCESE OF SAN LUCIANO, encompassing the city of San Luciano, shepherded by Christoff Bishop San Luciano.





Edited by Pureimp10
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23 minutes ago, Pureimp10 said:



Through Our Apostolic Authority, and with the approval of a majority of the College of Cardinals, We hereby Beatify and Canonize the following:



Patron Saint of Archers, the Forest, and Servitude.




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Holy Sir Philip Hughes de Rosius would nod with a smile in regards to the appointment of his dear grandfather Cardinal Casper  - Penning a letter at once to be sent off! 


"Dear Grandpapa,


I am proud of your ascension to Vice-Chancellor of our most beloved Holy Mother Church. I shall pray to GOD that you will do your best like you always do to represent our faith in the times to come.


From your grandson,


Holy Sir Philip Hughes "The Kind" de Rosius"


With that being done, the Holy Sir would sign the Lorraine and pray for his grandfather.



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46 minutes ago, Pureimp10 said:




Through Our Apostolic Authority, and with the approval of a majority of the College of Cardinals, We hereby Beatify and Canonize the following:



Patron Saint of Archers, the Forest, and Servitude.


St. Arianne Helvets was born in 1729 in Ves, the capital city of the Kingdom of Kaedrin, to King Adrian Helvets and Queen Annabelle Lorin Sparrow. She was kept within the palace for a majority of her time, and often wreaked havoc among the palace staff with her little childish shenanigans and fiery spirit. To the displeasure of her mother and amusement of her father, Arianne often dirtied her dresses with her roughhousing or wild adventures in the royal gardens. She was a curious and lively child; there was hardly anything that could keep her from having her fun.


Despite Arianne’s ungovernable behavior, she was a good and loving daughter.  Her love for her parents and her siblings is immense, and shall always remain that way. Arianne’s parents ensured that she was raised with proper education on etiquacy as well as other arts, which the young princess did her best to follow; not wishing to disappoint her mother and father. As Arianne came of age, she was betrothed to Prince Andrik Petyr, the son and heir of King Andrik III of Haense. In time, Arianne would have become Queen of that country when Prince Andrik acceded to the throne of Haense.


Arianne’s path led her elsewhere, however, as she disappeared a few years after the betrothal was announced. No one truly knows where she was during these years, but when she returned, her archery and woods skill had significantly increased. By this time, Prince Andrik had become King Andrik IV and married Maya of Muldav and Arianne, feeling guilty for having missed her opportunity to become Queen, swore her life in service to Haense.


The rest of her life was devoted to doing good wherever she could, volunteering as a medic with the Haeseni army during the time of the Scyfling invasion, showing kindness to Scyfling refugees and assisting them with integrating into Haeseni life, and protecting the Barbanov children. In 1768, Arianne Helvets died shielding Princess Amelya Barbanov and Prince Godfric Alimar from Scyfling arrows. It is said that in her last moments, she prayed on the Lorraine Cross she wore around her neck, one that her mother had given her as a child.


Miracle 1:


A Haeseni woman, a mother, discovered that she had lumps in her stomach that could not be removed without killing her. Resigning to her fate, a death by illness, she prayed to Arianne Helvets that her death be quick and painless, and that her children would not suffer much after her passing. The next morning, when the woman went to be checked by a medic, the lumps had vanished entirely and the woman was cured.


Miracle 2:


In the years following the Scyfling War, a Scyfling hunter in the Wickwood was hunting when a Haeseni moose charged him. With no chance of escape and his death seeming imminent he prayed to Arianne Helvets, whom he had met when he was a young boy, and the moose stopped in its tracks. Instead of killing the hunter, the moose fell to the ground dead, and the hunter was able to take the carcass back to his family to feed them for many weeks.



Thomas Andrew Helvets celebrates with his family!

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Erwin Bishop praises gott

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17 hours ago, sashimichopped said:

Holy Sir Philip Hughes de Rosius would nod with a smile in regards to the appointment of his dear grandfather Cardinal Casper  - Penning a letter at once to be sent off! 


"Dear Grandpapa,


I am proud of your ascension to Vice-Chancellor of our most beloved Holy Mother Church. I shall pray to GOD that you will do your best like you always do to represent our faith in the times to come.


From your grandson,


Holy Sir Philip Hughes "The Kind" de Rosius"


With that being done, the Holy Sir would sign the Lorraine and pray for his grandfather.




The aging Metropolitan would read the letter by his desk, smiling at its contents. He went to sign the Lorraine, going to pray for his grandson in return as a token of gratitude. "May you prosper in the ranks of the Supreme Order of Ex. Owyn." The Cardinal spoke as he placed the letter in a drawer.

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      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

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      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

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    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

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      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

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