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A Letter To The People; In Defence of Our Homeland


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So came a small puff in the air, Frisket was sitting in the garden as she looked up to Zackery, who stood in front of her and at Ruby as well,  Kai who sat next to her along with Violet and her partner along with Dhyvo, Cesar and her Husband, and those who beard her name. A heavy sigh came from her. they were all awaiting her response. Never had she faced the same extinction issue her father once had faced. First Oren, now the Uruks, she knew the truth, war never leads to freedom and or a morale high ground. Or even peace, she knew what would come of this and what would come of if she stayed or kept her own family here. She stood up, still holding her kiseru as she  then nodded

"Pack your things....your all leaving, and not turning back, after the war......Pray I return"

She then turned back, as the Monets began to do what she said she looked to her sleeping husband, kicking his knee, as she chuckled.

"Levantate, your also leaving.....My love"



6 hours ago, DrunkPapaBear said:

The Rex shows the missive to the proud Elysians who saw through the lies of their leaders, and who now live free and safe in the Iron’Uzg.


« Thiz iz what they zhow you every day? » He asked in a broken common tongue.


« They talk to you like they are da good guyz, twizting da truth. » The Rex continued as he spoke to those gathered.


« When we zaved Plume from da guardz of Elyzium trying to kill him, when we brought him to zee da zpiritz, he waz happey. When the mercenariez from Blackvale were zent to take him back home, they left az they realized he waz zafe. They blah of peace, when all they offered uz iz war. They killed our bruddahz, olog, uruk, goblin and honorariez alike. Even children, az the honor of the toxic leaderzhip of Elyzium will alwayz ztep zo low. » 


The tall uruk then rolled the missive into a ball and motionned to the free Elysians who managed to leave the abusive leadership.


« Now go back to your city, zpread the word that we will not kill the opprezzed people of Elyzium, we will only punizh thoze who zeak to do them harm. Leika Nub’Handz and Eugeo the coward who hide in hiz tower. Go now and zhow them truth. »


And with that, the Rex hoped that the free people of Elysium would act to save their friends and family from the toxic, racist and abusive leadership that Elysium was stuck with for years. The same leadership that drove people out of their community for treating them badly.


6 hours ago, Tigergiri said:




Dear Elysium, there is no simple tangibility that I can provide you with about war. 

There are many things that can be said about this war, there are many stratagems that have been thrown around, I am here to put them to rest. For this is a defensive war. We didn't attack Krugmar we never even raised a weapon before this war started. They decided that if we were to simply walk away from their demands that we were the enemy! Demands that would put Orcs and elves alike, that have oppressed our people, in places of power. Stripping the good people who try to keep you safe, to the people who would let Orcs and dwarves storm in  during a wedding so they can talk about war!


 There is a time and a place for war, and there is a time and a place for discussion. I wish to speak to you about the very things that seem to be at the core of this war. I shall mention only what I know; then you, our people, can make your own decisions on whether to believe me or not. But nothing I say will be a lie within the confines of these words. The question remains, at the end of this should you fight? If not, fight for me, fight for your nation, fight for your independence, fight for the freedom to be you.


Fight for the right to question the people who tell you lies. 


What do you think will happen, Elysium? That if they win the war, their promises of democracy will happen? The very democracies that they demonstrate in their own nation?  Talks and peace we tried during our own treaty? Look where that got us. Even when we had a treaty, they still acted like we were the dirt under their toes, that they could call us around like dogs to go into our own cities. We offered peace, we offered friendship, and I even invited all the orcs to my official wedding. But what was given back? Truly, what was given back other than lessons and betrayal? 


How long will it take for us to realize they gave us false hopes and promises?  


The orcs lie. Don't let them delude you. Do not let the orcs fool you, for they talk of peace, but what peace do they bring when we send diplomats, and they lose arms, eyes, hands, or even their lives? They talk of honor, yet what honor do they bring? The honor of not killing and kidnapping children? On that day, at the beginning of the war, they stormed our roads and slaughtered everyone, even a child caught in the midst. Not even just a month ago, they kidnapped another from our roads. They say they will not hurt our children but will capture them and bring them back traumatized with injuries and broken bones.


They speak of racism, but what racism is there in the free city? Freedom from so many entities; freedom from religion, freedom of speech, and freedom to be who you want to be. The only freedom we will not give you is the freedom to kill, and that is precisely what they were doing. That is what they have done.  We denied them the chance to hurt, to slaughter, our people. So, what was their response?


To label us racists.


They want the freedom to kill and slaughter us in our own homes, to allow us just to watch and not do a single thing. So how is that right? How is that even equal to the people around us, that we just watch as the people -Ologs, akin to kids, as the orcs named them- beat and steal from women and children? Is it not the parents' fault that their children do not behave? It's not right, and it's not racism if we call them out for the misdeeds they bring upon our citizens. It seems the orcs have misused the term "racism" for the word "justice." When did we become racists? They go out and purposely kill our mages just because they are voidal? To take their eyes and hands because they are not what the orcs want. I reckon they are the boys crying wolf. Big bad wolf. And if you know the tale, you know that their word only means so much the first few times.


So how long will we let them label us?


Elysium, The Crown and our governance have worked tireless hours to make sure you are happy. And if you are not happy? There’s always a seat open in the government. You are always allowed to ask and look for employment there. We have always listened to the people and their votes where we could. No word that I have said has been a lie, not as blatant as what our opponent has done. I will not sugar coat my words; it will not be easy. No war is. I will not give you false promises and hopes, I will make those amends.


You will always have a voice as long as you are in Elysium. As long as we are the Kingdom of Elysium. If we stand together and fight, we can push back our enemies. 

"Honour with strength bound, Grounded by Humility."




Yours truly, Elysium's companion first, the Heir apparent second.





The Old hyspian then Entered her chambers and sat down infornt of her desk as she looked at the parchments from the missives. as she shook her head. Was it of Anger, Was it of frustration, maybe. Only but slightly, however it was utter disappointment. 

"You ask of us to fight a war, we cannot win. You both insinuated a war to endanger our Denizens, and the innocence of the youth. and you call yourself Right in the argument. Where as one side claims the other to be racist, where Elysium allows many to roam free without being persecuted or thrown into pits of Acid or hung like Hunting trophies. Where as another side claims to be righteous, when they ring the bell for a simple Olog. You both claim to fight for freedom, and yet, in all its truth, all your fighting is for control. No, no mas- I will not allow my family to be hurt or harmed, so long as I fight- I will not fight not for a government that doesn't see the ways of its own failures. And I will not be ruled by those who wish to oppress our voices, one which we sore heartedly fought to free from the grasp of corrupt Councilors. I will fight for the Survival of My family and my Hyspians, And for my pride, as a warrior, for that's what Ellanore taught me, and Absolon showed me."

She then begun to write something else, preparing for whats to come

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The Hyspian 'ame shook her head, laughing as her eye scanned the missive. Suddenly she stopped as she read 'You will always have a voice as long as you are in Elysium.' She let out a scoff, "Will always have a voice? I spoke up once, ONCE, and I was thrown out like trash. Por favor. Que tonterías."

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The daughter of a particular purple-haired 'ker huffs at the missive, deciding that if no one will teach her to use a blade, she will teach herself how to do so or die trying in the coming battle. "At least I'll be fighting against racism," the timid elfess tells herself as she swipes a blade from a smith and begins trying to wield it properly.

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A certain mouse of Hyspian tongue, an older fellow who had journied far and wide, soon to return home from a long... long penance had procured the missive from a curious onlooker in the conflict.  


He didn't need to speak towards the empty rooms, in its stead he merely waddled along in his older age.  Knowing damn well the homies of Krugmar would get their revenge against the racists.

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Aobh would yoink her fishing pole back as a rather large fish took the bait. She would reel the beast in, put it in her basket where two others were, before rising to go cook her daily meal and continue rebuilding her boat to escape wherever she had crash landed. Thereafter, she would send her messenger bird off with a letter bound to its leg. The letter would find its way to Tarathiel and read: "I care little for their mortal war but once I am able to return I will ensure any paladin who fights in this conflict is disconnected. I hope we are in agreement on this haelun. - A."  @Valannor

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