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Codex of Lurin Law


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The Codex of Lubban Law,
Year 95 of the Second Age





With our recent move to the south and protection of vassalage stripped from us with our leave, it is time to amend our laws to fit The Silver Lubba’s new holding and operating most effectively with this set of rights and rules. Our centurions are at the ready to protect the realm from crime and hostilities alongside our Knightly Order of The Lubba.

Eternal We Stand, Eshtael Keeps Balance




Table of Content


I. Rights Granted By The Silver Lubba


I. Civilian Rights
II. Guild Rights


II. Crimes of The Silver Lubba’s Holdings


I. Pertaining Acts of Theft

II. Pertaining Acts of Violence

III. Pertaining Acts of Malicious Intent

IV. Hunting and Poaching

V. Dark Acts

VI. Public Order

VII. General Safety

VIII. Band Laws

III. Punishments


I. Use of Punishments

II. Crime Punishment





I. Rights Granted By The Silver Lubba


I. Civilian Rights


I. The Right To Live

One may live as they wish as long as it is not deemed harmful to the general public.

II. The Right To Defend

One may defend themself, others and their property freely without judgment as long as a credible threat is provided.


III. The Right To Seek Wealth

One may freely barter, trade or offer their services within Lubban Territories without obstruction to earn their coin as long as such is seen as moral and legal. With this also comes the right to create a guild.


IV. The Right To Worship

One may worship their deity freely within the confines of Lubban Territories as long as not deemed to be harmful by The Silver Lubba.


V. The Right To Be Free

One may declare themselves free, stripping them of all duties, titles, holdings and rights, making this individual stand outside the law and no longer considered an entity by law.

VI. The Right To Seek Happiness

One may seek happiness through any means as long it does not harm others without their consent.

VII. The Right To Legacy

One may build their legacy within the Lubban Territories as long approved by The Silver Lubba.


VIII. The Right To Trial

One may call for trial if crimes committed are deemed invalid by the individual, granting them the right to hire legal aid and to be judged before a Lubba Judge.


IX. The Right To Duel

One may call for a duel with another without interference from others as long as performed in a suitable location which bars none and poses no harm to others.

X. The Right To Clear Debt

One may clear their debt through offering themselves to become an indentured servant as compensation and serve for as long it takes to clear this debt.

II. Guild Rights


I. The Right To Perform

A guild may perform their purpose freely as long as they are granted the permission to do so by The Silver Lubba.

II. The Right To Secede

A guild may choose to secede from Lubban Territories and is free in doing so, being granted 3 stone days to vacate the area and move elsewhere.


III.The Right To Create

A guild may create any good they wish to manufacture regardless of nature unless found to be dark.


IV. The Right To Settle

A guild may with the blessing of The Silver Lubba occupy a section of Lubban Territory to perform their purpose.


V. The Right To Wages

A guild may solely run on indentured servants as long as they are all registered as such. Alternatively they may choose their own wages freely.



 II. Crimes of The Silver Lubba’s Holdings


Actions forbidden in The Silver Lubba’s Holdings by The Silver Lubba


I. Pertaining Acts of Theft


1) Burglary; defined as the stealing of goods from one’s property.


a) Minor Burglary (Class D)

The theft of 25 minas or less, in equivalent goods or coin.


b) Burglary (Class C)

The theft of 100 minas or less, in equivalent goods or coin.


c) Major Burglary (Class B)

The theft of 250 minas of less, in equivalent goods or coin.


d) Grand Burglary (Class A)

The Theft of greater than or equal to 501 minas, in equivalent goods or coin.



2) Robbery; defined as the stealing of goods from one’s person.


a) Minor Robbery (Class C) 

Brandishing a weapon or threatening violence to achieve the theft of less than 25 minas, in equivalent goods or coin.


b) Robbery (Class B)

Brandishing a weapon or threatening violence to achieve the theft of less than 100 minas, in equivalent goods or coin.


c) Grand Robbery (Class A)

Brandishing a weapon or threatening violence to achieve the theft of greater than or equal 500 minas, in equivalent goods or coin.


d) Breaking Contracts (Class C)

Violating a previously agreed upon contract between two parties, in order to boost profits or deprive the other of their labors.



4) Other;


a) Animal Theft (Class B)

The theft or slaughter of any domesticated animal(s) belonging to anyone other than yourself.


b) Animal Battery (Class C)

The attack on any domesticated animal belonging to anyone including yourself.


c) Major Animal Battery (Class B)

The attack on any domesticated animal belonging to anyone, inflicting grievous wounds 


d) Donation Chests (Class C)

The placement of misleading and or unlabeled donation chests within the Lubban Territories in order to gain goods.


e) House Squatting (Class C)

The moving into of any open or used house without the permission of a steward or owner of the house. (Violation will also blacklist one in the housing registry, making one unable to own property within the holdings of The Silver Lubba.)



II. Pertaining Acts of Violence


1) Assault; defined as a credible threat or attempt to cause battery.


a) General Assault (Class C)

Making an immediate, credible threat or attempting to cause battery through one’s actions.


b) Aggravated Assault (Class B)

Making an immediate, credible threat or attempting to cause battery while casting vile magic or wielding a weapon.


c) Verbal harassment of a higher official  (Class C)

Making a direct attempt at making a Lubban higher official feel unsafe through words without a credible threat for a prolonged time.


2) Battery, defined as any form of unwanted physical contact (either with one’s person, an object, or through magical means) to cause harm


a) General Battery (Class C)

The unwanted, purposeful, and unlawful physical contact of any individual with the intent to offend, or any actions which would lead to the offending physical contact.


b) Battery Occasioning Bodily Harm (Class B)

The unwanted, purposeful, and unlawful physical contact which leads to bodily harm in the form of bruising, bleeding, or other minor injuries, or the excessive injuring of another in self-defense.


c) Battery of a Lower Official (Class B)

The unwanted, purposeful, and unlawful physical contact with intent to offend, or any action which would lead to the offending physical contact against a member of The Silver Lubba Band.


d) Grievous Battery (Class A)

The unwanted, purposeful, and unlawful physical contact which leads to lasting, permanent, life-threatening, inhabilitating, or otherwise grievous injury, or the excessive injuring of another in self-defense.


e) Battery of a Higher Official (Class A)

The unwanted, purposeful, and unlawful physical contact with intent to offend, or any action which would lead to the offending physical contact against a Lubba Knight, Lubba Council Member, High Ranking Official or The Silver Lubba themselves.



3) Murder; defined as the unlawful killing of one.


a) Attempted Murder (Class B)

The attempt of taking another’s life and failing in doing so.


b) Manslaughter (Class B)

The unintentional taking of anyone’s life.


c) Murder (Class A)

The taking of anyone’s life with malice.

d) Domesticated Animal Murder (Class B)
The taking of a domesticated animal’s life. Further this will bar one from legally owning domesticated animals themselves.



4) Other;


a) Affray (Class C)

The partaking in a public fight between two individuals to the potential terror of citizens.


b) Riot (Class B)

The partaking in an assemblage of three or more individuals who threaten to use violence against individuals or provide a danger to property for a collective goal. The individuals do not need to threaten violence simultaneously.


c) Raid (Class A)

The partaking in an assemblage of three or more individuals who use violence against individuals or provide a danger to property for a collective goal. The individuals do not need to commit violent acts simultaneously.

d) Stalking (Class C)

The act of following one’s way through the city or home without legal backing or consent for a prolonged time throughout Lubban Territories.



III. Pertaining Acts of Malicious Intent


1) Fraud; defined as deception for unlawful gain.


a) Impersonation (Class C)

Impersonating another, guard, noble, or otherwise.


b) General Fraud (Class C)

Purposely deceiving another for unlawful gain.

(Does not include signed contracts)


c) Civic Fraud (Class B)

Purposefully deceiving a member of the Lubban Council for unlawful gain.


2) Espionage; defined as the unwarranted spying upon another citizen


a) Minor Espionage (Class C)

Spying upon a citizen to achieve unlawful gain or knowledge.


b) Grand Espionage (Class A)

Spying upon an appointed official or location to achieve unlawful gain or knowledge.


3) Vandalism; the unlawful destruction of property


a) Window Vandalism (Class D)

Unwarranted Destruction of windows within the Lubban Region.


b) Minor Vandalism (Class C)

Graffiti, Etching, or other unpermitted markings on property or the damage or destruction of property which is valued at less than 10 minas


c) Major Vandalism (Class B)

Destruction of larger property such as stalls, shrines, or other small structures or damage or destruction of property valued at less than 25 minas.


d) Grand Vandalism (Class A)

Devastating destruction of whole houses and major structures or the damage or destruction of any property valued at greater than or equal to 50 minas.



4) Kidnapping; the unlawful seizure or holding of another in one’s custody.


a) Kidnapping (Class B)

Capturing/ holding one against their will unlawfully.


b) Grand Napping (Class A)

Capturing/ Holding of any member of the Lubba Council against their will.


c) Slavery (Class A)

The keeping, buying, or selling of slaves within The holdings of The Silver Lubba. (Indentured servants are exempt from this law.)



5) Aiding an Outlaw; defined as granting aid or shelter to a fugitive of The Silver Lubba’s holdings.


a) Petty Aid (Class C)

Providing a fugitive sustenance or any means to escape capture.


b) Aiding (Class A)

Providing a fugitive shelter or knowingly aiding them in escaping capture.


c) Accomplice (Class A)

Knowingly helping a fugitive further commit crimes within Lubban Territories before their escape.



6) Undermining Authority & Defenses; defined as knowingly acting against the Lubban interest


a) Circumventing defenses (Class B)

Digging tunnels or otherwise circumventing defenses to provide unlawful entry to the holdings of The Silver Lubba

b) Undermining Authority (Class B)

Undermining the authority of any member of the Lubban council or high ranking officials through malicious acts or words in the aim of harming citizens.


c) Treason (Class A)

The plotting of conspiracy against the Lubban Territories and The Silver Lubba.


d) Obstruction of Justice (Class C)

Prevention of the pursuit of justice through resisting arrest or through physical and or magical violence or threats to circumvent the legal process.



7) Trespassing; defined as the unwanted entrance of an individual into a private area


a) Trespassing (Class D)

The unwanted entrance into a private area.


b) Breaking (Class C)

The use of words or actions to gain entrance into an area which is prohibited to general entrance.


c) Invasion (Class B)

The entrance into an area prohibited for entry with malicious intent.



IV. Poaching and Hunting


1) Poaching; defined as the hunting of animals in the Lubban Territories without permission granted by The Silver Lubba


a) Petty Poaching(Class C)

Unlawfully hunting & slaughtering any animal in amounts no more than 50 minas.


b) Grand Poaching (Class B)

Unlawfully hunting & slaughtering of any animal totaling more than 50 minas.


c) Slave Hunting/Capturing (Class A)

The hunting or capturing of members of sentient races for the purpose of slave trading.



V. Dark Acts


1) Iblees Worship; defined as the unlawful worship of Iblees, Daemons or dark magic creatures


a) Worship (Class A)

Worshiping Iblees, any evil-natured Daemon or inferi, including providing aid to any worshiper.

b) Assisting/being dark creatures (Class A)

The keeping, or assisting of any dark magic creatures by any means. Includes housing, feeding, sympathizing, Dark Creatures being Creatures such as Undead, Shade parasites, vampiric beings and general Abominations of Life which act with Malicious intent. The same applies for being a dark creature.


c) Practice (Class A)

The practice of any Dark Magic that has been confirmed as Dark Magic by the Lubba Council.



VI. Public Order


1) Disorderly Conduct; defined as conduct which creates a public nuisance or disturbs the general public.


a) Disturbance of the Peace (Class D)

The use of loud, explicative, or speech which riles up or actions which threaten the general public order.

b) Unauthorized Sign Placement (Class D)
The act of placing a sign within public parameters advertising or providing knowledge without permission or knowledge of a Lubban steward.


c) Blockade (Class C)
The obstruction or privatizing of Lubban roads through any means.


d) Claiming (Class C)
The act of seizing a stall or home without permission or knowledge of a Lubba Council Member or appointed steward.

e) Modification (Class B)
The act of unauthorized modification / expansion of one’s own and surrounding property without explicit permission of The Silver Lubba or their High Lubba Council.


f) Public Display of Affection (Class D)
The act of overexpressing your love to someone in a public area. While a peck on the cheek will be fine, making out with someone, pressing your body upon someone else for a prolonged amount of time or other acts of affection deemed to stretch regular affection in a populated public area is disallowed.


g) Unlawful Preaching (Class D)
The act of preaching your religion or cult without approval of The Silver Lubba or Lubba Council in a public area outside of their religious buildings. Local preaching in vassal locations needs approval of the local leaders. It should be noted that informing is different from preaching and that informing without forcing this upon them is no breach of this law, the difference being that one has to ask to be informed.


h) Unlawful Recruitment (Class B)
The act of recruiting individuals for foreign groups outside of The Silver Lubba’s Holdings without specified and documented approval of the current Silver Lubba or in the vassal locations if approved by their leaders. Approval of Vassal leaders is allowed to be declared null if The Silver Lubba disapproves of such.


i) Excessive begging (Class B)

The act of persistent harassment to one for acquiring certain goods, knowledge or getting someone to act for them. Those in violation will be dealt with appropriately through detainment and removal from the Silver Lubba’s Holdings.


j) Flirting with the Vertically Challenged  (Class B)

The act of trying to seduce an individual of 5ft and under without these feelings being reciprocated in a timely fashion.


k) Unlawful Drug Use  (Class C)

The act of using substances classified as drugs outside of state mandated hoo-kah zones or the confines of one's home.


l) Street Fishing (Class C)

The act of using fishing equipment in the square, water surfaces where fish realistically could not survive or privately owned ponds not owned by the offender.


VII. General Safety


1) Littering; defined as making any public place untidy with rubbish or a large number of objects left lying about.


a) General Littering (class D)

The throwing of any non hazardous goods on the ground or into the waters around Lubban Territories.


b) Hazardous Littering (class B)

The throwing of any hazardous goods that can affect the lives of citizens on to the ground or into the waters around Lubban Territories.


2) Negligence; defined as the inability to take proper care which leads to direct offense


a) General Negligence (Class C)

The causing of offense or harm to an individual or their property because of an inability to take proper care in a situation and the risks of said action were unknown.


b) Property Negligence (Class B)

Allowing another individual’s self or property to come to harm due to a lack of proper care of one’s property.


c) Recklessness (Class B)

Causing harm to another individual or their property due to a lack of proper care in which the risks of said action were known.


3) other; 


a) Unlawful Duel (Class C)

The act of Dueling within The Silver Lubba’s Holdings without taking the safety of citizens into consideration or the lack of rules during such Duel making it dishonorable.


b) Duel interference (Class B)

The act of disturbing or stopping a previously agreed upon Duel as a third party with the Duelers taking offense to such.


c)  Nature Poisoning (Class B)

The act of intentionally Destroying, Killing off, poisoning or withering away Nature from the parks, homes or nature reserves of The Silver Lubba’s Holdings


d)  Mask Donning (Class D)

The act of wearing hoods, masks or any non-approved face covering wear. A first offense will result in a warning instead of being arrested for such if the person complied to remove the mask. 


e)  Self Harm (Class C)

The act of harming or maiming oneself on the lands of The Silver Lubba for whichever reason deemed unsound. 


f)  Fortune Telling (Class C)

The act of an attempt at convincing one of a falsely determined fate with no sound backing. one who commits this crime is subject to a mandatory spook test.


VIII. Band Laws


1) Desertion, defined as leaving your post, assigned task or making attempts at leaving the band without informing a high ranking member.

The punishments of these crimes may be executed by higher ranking members of The Silver Lubba Band.


a) Leaving Your Post(class D)

The act of leaving the post you have been assigned for during your service under The Silver Lubba Band without proper excuse to do so. 


b) Minor Desertion(class B)

The most dishonorable act of one leaving any Silver Lubba Band division without proper demotion or release from their position for two years or less.


c) Desertion(class A)

The most dishonorable act of one leaving any Silver Lubba Band division without proper demotion or release from their position for three or more years.


2) Misconduct, defined as going against protocol, word of an officer or law to get the desired result, though often at a cost.


a) Minor Misconduct(class D)

The act of misconduct during one's task, causing minor unwanted results.


b) Major Misconduct(class B)

The act of misconduct during one's task, causing catastrophic unwanted results.


c) Undermining authority (class C)

The act of undermining direct orders of an officer of the band with adverse results coming from this.


d) Failure to perform (class D)

The act of standing idle as a band member during a deemed critical moment of conflict, task or work.


e) Sabotage (Class A)

The act of sabotage upon band equipment, property or members to hinder the efficiency of the band with malicious intent.






III. Punishments


I. Use of Punishments


-Punishments shall be handed out according to the class of crime which is being charged with multiple offenses stacking.


- Jail Time consists of imprisonment within a small cell with little to no outside interactions.


- Duels are exempt from crime if both parties consent and the rule set is clear.


- Jail Time may also consist of interrogations by the guard force. Advanced interrogation techniques may only be used when a higher ranking official is present and gives verbal permission for advanced interrogation methods to be used.


- Those who use advanced interrogation methods without approval or abuse the power will find themselves being stripped of their rank and have to answer to The Silver Lubba for abuse of power.


- Any member in service of The Silver Lubba  is counted as a Lower Ranking Official. Administrative functions count as Higher Ranking Officials.


- Any amount of jail time can be exchanged for a Duel upon discretion of the highest ranking guard present. If won, jail time will be removed from the punishment they face. If lost, jail time will continue as per normal.


- Any crime committed left unpunished or without verdict for more than one year / elven week will be pardoned out of courtesy of The Silver Lubba for being outdated in nature. Desertion is excluded from this conduct.


- A name may be removed from the offenders list at the discretion of an Auditor, or The Silver Lubba


-Banishment may be used as an alternative punishment for execution, in which all ranks of residency shall be revoked, all titles and claims stripped, and the individual shall be barred from entry permanently barring a pardon from The Silver Lubba, and any entry into the holding shall lead to the punishment of execution immediately.


-Blood Payment should only be used as an alternative for paying debts, except in the case of a Class A crime, if the criminal refuses to pay their fine and shall serve as an alternative to the normal fine.


-Execution may be used if in a single instance a total fine would be over 1000 minas in total, or on the third repeated instance of a Class B crime.

-One may clear all their crimes in a duel with the one issuing the punishment or their champion. Both parties will have be allowed weaponry, though no other items of their own, unless provided on the site of dueling to both parties equally.

-Champions may be used to clear ones crime in a duel, though they may not argue with the verdict of this duel if this option is chosen.


II. Crime Punishment


1. Class D Crimes

Class D (Petty Crime): 50 minas fine or a non-lethal cut upon their arm as Blood Payment and Community service or labour up to the estimated sum of 100 mina’s work. The particular service or labour is up to the discretion of those overseeing the crime and its punishment.  


2. Class C Crimes

Class C (Minor Crime): 100 minas fine or a finger, toe, ear or all hair on one’s head as blood payment and jail time of no longer than an hour, Jail time can be commuted in turn for community service/labour to the estimated sum of 200 mina’s worth of work.


3. Class B Crimes

Class B (General Crime): 500 minas fine or a limb, eye, tongue as blood payment and jail time of no longer than two hours. The Jail time can be commuted in exchange for community service/labour to the sum of 750 mina’s worth of work. 


4. Class A Crimes

Class A (Major Crime): Execution, Bannishement, or  a Fine of 1000 minas. Those found guilty of a class A crime will find themselves imprisoned for no less than two hours in jail followed by forced labour to the sum of 1500 mina.



Edited by mika1278
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