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What has been done, cannot be undone


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*Notices are posted upon the boards within the lands of the Iron Horde and passed about the realm by couriers.*

On war

A war, declared by a group of honorable descendants. Many come to claim war against such dark creatures and dark magics and yet, they do nothing. Many claim to enact upon their righteous ways, sentencing those whom wish nothing more than death, destruction, and rot to rule over this world and yet, they do nothing. Many come to the urukim, offering aid and support against the darkness and yet, they kill their own and blame their brothers and sisters for his passing rather than blaming the one that struck him. Many come to claim they are most pious and yet, when darkness comes to them in the middle of the night, they crumble and fold under the pressure.

The war of the Iron Horde, the war of the Urukim, is that of the Iron Horde and the Iron Horde alone. This is a war sought out by the Iron Horde to rid the lands of the darkness and the shadows it casts upon our realm. A realm that should live in peace and prosperity rather than fear and cowardice. Instead, we have seen many come to offer assistance in ways they believe to be fit. Yet, when it is time to do the job, we are left alone upon the fields of battle with no aid.

To the rest of the descendants whom may pledge their blade to our cause:

Your word means nothing to us. Your actions speak for yourself.


On the whitewashing of Un’satum

After individuals of your group had come upon the lands of the Iron Horde with weapons and armor, without ever speaking to any of the leadership of the Iron Horde. To fight a war that is not yours to fight. To aid in a battle, that was not yours to battle. To slay beasts and dark creatures, that were not yours to slay. Instead, your poor choice to come upon the lands of the Iron Horde after publicly denouncing it and its people with weapons ready to fight was not only a crime against uruk-kind. But to all that Krug had fought for and what his descendants continue to in this very day to fight for.

In this lapse of judgement by your kin, you failed to slay any dark creature and instead slayed the eldest and most respected uruk of all the Iron Horde. Including my closest friend,


The Honorable, Skaatchnak'Akaal

For these actions and your public disdain and hate for the Iron Horde, your settlement and its citizens were whitewashed. Your apology upon a sheet of paper which asked for us to travel to your lands felt heartless and meaningless for killing the most respected uruk of our generation. But, I am not one to offer you no way out of this.


If the people of Un’satum wish for the whitewashing to be lifted, they are to bring me the alchemist that had slayed Skaatchnak’Akaal of the Iron Horde, dead or alive. Only then, will you prove yourselves honorable descendants and truly sorry for the actions that had transpired on that day. Only then, will the urukim of the Iron Horde forgive you for what you have done and your whitewashing to be lifted.


REX, Willy of San’Velku and The Iron Horde


Please note that I do not hold disdain for the actions of those within Un’satum and its leadership. By no means did I ever wish for them to be whitewashed OOC’ly as I respected their choice to be free and independent from the actual orcish nation. I know much has transpired since the event that took place and I can understand how some may feel a certain way (i.e it being targeting a community, etc.) but I can assure you that the reason the settlement was whitewashed was purely out of roleplay and not out of ooc hatred or disdain towards that respective group of players. I am fully aware of the community's stance amongst the orcs and its players and I can assure you that a majority of the community that was once harsh, rude, annoying, or downright uninviting has changed their ways. We do not wish to force anyone into doing anything (whether that is forcing them to become a shaman, forcing them to speak blah, etc. etc.) that they themselves would not want to do. There are a few select players that might hold a disdain for individuals within Un’satum for their actions prior to them leaving the main orc nation and post leaving the orc nation but these are the opinions and words of individual players and not the entire community as a whole.

Many of the orcish community would rather move on from the past but every attempt made is ultimately thrown back into the face of the average orcish player. For toxicity, hatred, and grudge holding is not just a trait of one particular community within LotC. It is an issue that plagues the entirety of LotC and is not representative of 1 particular group, nation, settlement, etc. For years, the entirety (aside from the very few, generally 3-4 players) of the orcish community had been harsh and brash towards new and old players alike. This is no longer the case. I can assure you that certain comments made by individual players are not reflective of entire communities that they are currently not a part of. I wish for those players of Un’satum to enjoy their new ways of orcish roleplay and wish to see them succeed rather than fail like many settlements have in the past and continue to do. In no way, just like I have said about the synod community for our war against them, would I wish to bully a community or target them over some OOC grudge. At the end of the day, this is a video game and we’re all here to have fun in our own ways. Regardless of that, there are individuals that will hold disdain against you no matter what it is you do. Those individuals I do not have control over and ultimately it is up to staff to deal out punishment for their actions.

I truly hope all the players of the Un’satum community (and the synods even though I didnt mention them in this OOC section much because I feel the intentions were cleared up amongst us) continue to exist and have fun whilst sharing enjoyment for a video game we’re all part of. Regardless of what happens IRP, I can and continue to assure you that the orc leadership of the main nation are not ooc’ly plotting against you guys every step of the way or turn of the corner. I would not allow it to happen within the leadership and the rest of the orc leadership is very aware of this. I hope everyone continues to have fun and have engaging roleplay.


I apologize for how long this has taken me to get out as my computer had ate up 4 different parts within a 3 day period right after I had gotten over the flu. My computer has only been up and running without issue since the day of this posting and it had been either completely dead or shutting down every 10 minutes without warning since the 17th.  I did plan to get this post out much sooner.

Happy holidays



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Raiding people on holidays is genuinely despicable conduct. God bless Krugmar for being homies throughout it all.




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1 minute ago, Valannor said:

Raiding people on holidays is genuinely despicable conduct.

it was a heist while krugmar orcs were quite literally present and watching us do it 🤷‍♂️ no need to flame


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18 minutes ago, Valannor said:
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Raiding people on holidays is genuinely despicable conduct. God bless Krugmar for being homies throughout it all.






The post doesn't even talk about this at all.


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5 hours ago, Valannor said:
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Raiding people on holidays is genuinely despicable conduct. God bless Krugmar for being homies throughout it all.





Thanksgiving isn't an issue when their activity is 2-3% on a good day anyways 


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Zugha'Gorkil had read the missive, pacing in his hut in Un'Satum as he did so. He continually had to stop mid-paragraph and return to the beginning again, losing his place as his breath got heavier and heavier and his eyes began to see tunnel vision. As he reached the end, the page slipped from his grasp and his palm slammed into his door, cracking the hinges as it swung open. He stalked out and, for a time, there was peace in the hut.


Several minutes later, Zugha's shadow crossed the threshold of his hut again. His breath was level as he entered and he moved to a small basin where he washed his hands. That being done, he took a long breath and looked down at his arm, the lines of his muscles marred by a long, thin scar that ran from elbow to wrist. One of many throughout his body, but admittedly his newest. He left the hut again, moving past the stable where the corpses of many a cow now lay, towards the fire pits where several uruk and goblins were sitting. He stood on the cliff above them and shouted.


"Sons of Krug, hear me! We have all read the words of San'Velku's Rex. We know what they say! Let me tell you what I say!"


Eyes turned toward him.


"Like you, I have chosen Un'Satum. I have chosen Un'Satum, for I see, in the eyes of my kin here, honorable souls worthy of the legacy of Krug! I have chosen Un'Satum, for I see those who revere the spirits as much as I do! I have chosen Un'Satum, for I know that those here would fight at my side at a moment's notice, and drink with me in Stargush'Stroh should we fall together!"


He reached up and undid the clasps on his breastplate, letting it fall to the ground. Then, he ripped off his shirt, showing the deep scars that lined his chest. "Once, I wandered the lands, homeless. I knew not father or mother. I knew not clan. But I needed more, and I sought those who knew what it was to be urukin. I wandered into San'Velku and I found those who knew me. Understood me. And I did the tests, and I did lay on the altar of Gorkil!" He slammed his fists against his scars. "And I did bleed for my newfound bruddahs! But I could not stay amongst them, for deep within San'Velku, there was a rot, the same rot that they now accuse us of. Honor would not let me stay amongst them, the same honor bestowed to us by Krug and to my clan by Gorkil. Note now how the name Gorkil does not grace the halls of San'Velku and ask yourself why!" He paused for a moment and his next words came out much softer. "I know why..."


Then, louder again. "They say they have changed, Sons of Krug. That they have cast out those that welcomed filth and dishonor into their city. Perhaps it is so. Perhaps. But we must show them that we never need be changed, for honor has always filled our every action." He raised his hand, displaying the fresh scar. "Let me tell you the tale of this scar. I strode, once again, into the walls of San'Velku. I struck their war bell. I declared myself there to account for my part in the death of their Elder. And I did leave there with my arm dripping of mine blood, and my sword dripping of blood not my own, with the words of San'Velku's Dominus ringing in my ear. And I repeat them to you this day: 'the spirits are with you, Zugha'Gorkil!' And if we wish to keep it that way, then I say we meet their words with proof. Let us find the alchemist and I will take his arm with this one here, and thrust them both into the fire. And, as our arms burn, we will prove that we are a people of honor. And if one arm does not burn, we will prove our honor by delivering the body attached to that arm to San'Velku.


"I say this to you, Sons of Krug! It was a party of Un'Satum urukin that did attack the darkspawn at the gates of San'Velku where the alchemist in our party did throw the fire that killed Skaatchnak'Akaal. Of that, we cannot and should not deny. Nor is it unexpected. We, of all the descendant races, know war the best. We know that death comes in war and bystanders are not always spared. And we know that we do not always get to choose when the battle comes. But when it arrives, we are to meet it head on. No Son of Krug would tell another not to join a fight to help their bruddahs. I would join that fight again in a heartbeat. Draw my club again without a moment's hesitation. Strike against the darkspawn attacking my bruddahs without a falter in my stride.


"But I also know that we, Urukin of Un'Satum, do not accept the darkspawn nor the dragonspawn in our walls. And if we have one, we must purge him. And any anger we have towards those in San'Velku who question our honor should not change that. I don't give a shit about what they call us or what they deem us, but we will not let the taint of the foul tarnish our honor. What say you?!"

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23 hours ago, Burnsider said:



ok im dreaming, when tf did burnsider get an orc 



its based but there i somthing just jaring about seeing a church player, play an orc 



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