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how do you pronounce tomatoes

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17 minutes ago, Jihnyny said:

Favorite rp moments?


what will you do once you get unbanned?

Depends on what is happening if I am gonna be honest. If it's juts casual rp with no real or heavy consequences then it has to be when you and I went out robbing and raiding as skaviks alongside many other moments such as me maxing out the bench press as a 40-50 year old Ragnarr to join the bronze band before the siege of elysium. One of my more recent favorite rp moments would be something I would rather describe as a chain of events and the rp around it. Rumours of Björn being a vampire surged up (which he was) before and after Björn had killed his brother in a honor duel that lacked alot of honor. Getting driven out due to these rumours to ensure Björns safety and then eventually being tested by the king of balian and some templars to see if I was a darkspawn. Turned out as negative ofc. Alongside having to keep it secret that I was a vampire while still leaving clues for others to pick up on. Like when you found me covered in blood in celia. 

Secondly is probably reviving the Mösu alongside trying out new cultures and races such as orcs, offend some people, make some innappropriate jokes and then get banned for going too close to the edge again after 6 months of being unbanned. 


13 minutes ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

how do you pronounce tomatoes




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What's the biggest mistake your character has made?


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18 hours ago, TrueProfessor said:

What's the biggest mistake your character has made?


Björns biggest mistake? ******* an adunian who wasn't gonna support his dreams and ambitions.

17 hours ago, Ramon said:

whats the inspiration behind the name misterblitzkrieg

We don't talk about that...
Patrick Bateman American Psycho GIF - Patrick Bateman American Psycho Cold Glare GIFs



Old ass name from my edgy days as a shitty little neo nazi who didn't even know his grandpa was a jew alongside being passionate about military history and history overall. Nowadays I just go by it since most people know of me as "Blitz" and I can't be bothered changing it besides it's pretty cool if you ask me.


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