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This open-proposal calls for the immediate arrest of the Duke of Adria and his band of warmongerers. Addressed to all of the Canonist Nations.


Dearest reader,


It is with great concern that I write to you today about the crimes committed by the Neo-Renatians against humanity. The atrocities committed by this group are deeply disturbing and cannot go unpunished. This also concerns their most recent crime of burning down the Moot Hall of Minitz which could have ended in casualties of civilian origin, not military ones.


The Neo-Renatians have committed heinous crimes against innocent people, including murder, torture, and genocide. Their actions have caused immeasurable suffering and devastation, leaving families torn apart and communities in ruins. 


The time has come for justice to be served. We cannot allow these crimes to continue without consequence. It is the responsibility of all Canonist Kingdoms to hold these individuals accountable for their actions and see to it that they are arrested within their own jurisdiction. 


We call upon the monarchs of the Canonist Kingdoms to work together to prosecute the Neo-Renatians for the crimes they have committed. We must bring these individuals to justice and ensure that they are held accountable for their actions. During Heinrik's reign, the Neo-Renatians engage in a campaign of terror and violence against innocent people. They committed countless atrocities, including murder, torture, and forcing the neutral Adrians off their lands. They show no regard for human life or dignity, and their actions were a stain on the history of humanity.


Despite these atrocities being well documented, The Anathema, Duke Heinrik, and his so-called ‘government’  turned a blind eye to the suffering of the people, and allowed these heinous acts to continue with impunity. It is also him who must be brought to justice, by any means necessary, even if it means him getting the final judgement by GOD.


We must also provide support and aid to those affected by the actions of the Neo-Renatians. We must help them rebuild their lives and communities, and provide them with the resources and assistance they need to move forward within their own vassals. 


Let us stand together in solidarity against these atrocities and work towards a better future for all humanity. We must work towards a world where justice, equality, and human dignity are upheld for all. The Duke and his Renatian bandits must be brought to justice.



Caius Godwin Alstion




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Constantine attempted to find documentation to prove this pup's accusations, but finding none, he shrugged. "Got no evidence for any of this, because none of it happened. Your family lurked around my business and wouldn't leave until we told your scoundrel father that he was not going to marry my sister, because he was so persistent, and degenereate about it. And I can even prove that! Many citizens saw you and your father hanging around my Pub, and speaking very sinful topics, including some of rebellious nature against Charlie's heir.

How the coin turns, huh? But it is to be expected of a crumbling house to levy such hollow accusations."





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"Cacius is a real one" Yvian read the missive, nodding

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11 minutes ago, chaotikal said:

Constantine attempted to find documentation to prove this pup's accusations, but finding none, he shrugged. "Got no evidence for any of this, because none of it happened. Your family lurked around my business and wouldn't leave until we told your scoundrel father that he was not going to marry my sister, because he was so persistent, and degenereate about it. And I can even prove that! Many citizens saw you and your father hanging around my Pub, and speaking very sinful topics, including some of rebellious nature against Charlie's heir.

How the coin turns, huh? But it is to be expected of a crumbling house to levy such hollow accusations."





"If I was truly so rebellious why am I not an international victim and hunted like you lot? You spout quite some preposterous nonsense there my friend!" Caius merely remarked whilst drinking some Waldenian bier.

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"Again you useless buffalo, the Adrian people elected Heinrik and stands behind him - how often must he be reminded of such?" a tall knight wondered as he read the piece of propaganda. He just tossed it away.

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8 minutes ago, Laeonathan said:

"Again you useless buffalo, the Adrian people elected Heinrik and stands behind him - how often must he be reminded of such?" a tall knight wondered as he read the piece of propaganda. He just tossed it away.


"And how many of those Adrians who elected your Duke are left other then Renatians who currently populate the Duchy?" Caius inquired of the Knight after reviewing the statistics of immigrants coming from Aeldin who are of Renatian origin!

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Valentin wonders if Caius has a sore hand from all the writing.

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Ser Viktor mused at the letter to soon toss it aside as he had a poor ability to read.

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"If we burn, you burn with us." Yawned an Adrian Adunian from atop the Velec gatehouse.

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A drunken Adrian glanced at the missive within the depths of some tavern, letting out a hiccup for a response in his stupor as he continued to drink a copious amount of alcohol.

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A young boy by the name of Francesco Sarkozic sat amongst a small library, dutifully listening to a retelling of the fourth dumapalooza from his mother, where few true Adrians elected a certain future anathema as the Adrian Duke.

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"... WAIT. Are we the BAD guys?!" exclaimed Wilhelmina in distress. She had not known about the murder torture and genocide - perhaps... because it did not happen?

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