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The Little Witch of Wrath


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The Little Witch of Wrath


Art Credit: @Heartesy

Ooc PSA:


This is a short story of a frost witch that is entirely for my ooc joy and does not pertain to the events or things going on at this moment in roleplay. This is a persona on the server and based loosely on an irp story. Any use of this story against the persona or spoken of in general is Metagaming and should be avoided.




Soft charming noises filled an old palace crippled in the decay and ash that was left of the voidal horror. The palace once filled with a beauty that held magic at its talons and shared the life that breathed in the sky. When it fell they rebuilt. They remade the functions and built a palace ment for a prince or two. Instead creatures that lurked below chased them away. It was burned to the ground.. Than frozen into a hell that was a lot colder than any mortal would like to stand. 


Moirai had not rested in almost fifty years, her eyes couldn't settle closed. She was unable to sleep, to rest.. to breathe.. The creature was left in her small dimly lit palace rooms to raise her vultures. To eternally kill, to eat, and to stay cold and frozen. She in fact couldn't die or live. 


The monster looked though she would turn to a statue, her eyes discolored one of her mother the Witch of the north, the creature who’d caused an eternal winter. The other eye of her father, the man her mother ate while the young child had watched. 

She was disgusted

Pristine white hair and skin grayed over with her crossed lineage the creature looked frozen in time. there she’d stood a statue in her own baren kingdom. She would’ve stood there forever. had the voices gone dormant for so long that she could.


“Tashnal Bhrun”

The voice’s words would be a nail deranged and scraping at the ends of a chalkboard with a crisp whine. However to the frozen creature the words were a reminder of the choice she hadn't made.


The voice sounded louder banging against the steel ice caves of the monster’s mind

“I am no longer the youngest. The creature spoke to the voice; her tone was a careful anger storming in a field of snow. 

“I am in fact an ELDER” she hissed out her talons wrapping around a thin beam holding a iron cage up to the ceiling

The room shuddered a silence had crept into the palace once more

“You cannot run Bhrun

The voice sounded firm knowing and willful

“I cannot or I will not?” She asked her tone, sliding into a more passive manner the discolored creature hunched over with frazzled white hair stood straighter, a shift taking over her form and leaving behind a beautiful elfess with skin that looked like smoke and eyes brighter than the ocean and skyline. The frazzled hair settled into unruly curls that wrapped around her arms and filled her face with definition. “Do not speak to me unless you intend to finish the conversation” she muttered while swinging her clawed hand towards an old wardrobe. 

“Serhiem has fallen Tashnal Bhrun, You are the princess of nothing”

The little creature standing around 5’7 looked up as though the voice was not in her own head “I was never the princess of Serhiem. Ma’ wishes to see me follow her steps. I wish not to.” She sounded like a young teenager, defiant and wishing to prove something. 

“Tashnal Bhrun you grow hateful.” 

“I am not the youngest witch!” she protested flinging her hand and fishing out a set of robes that shared a blue and white coloration dancing freely at her form 


 the voice demanded its words impossibly loud dancing around Moirai’s head 

“I will not kill anymore, I am through with that. I will eat what is provided I will not murder I didn't choose this!” she hissed out stomping her foot on the ground letting out an irritated yell “I would rather STARVE then let mother win.” she screamed the halls of the palace shuttering slightly at the drastic yell 

“You’d live in denial than chase what you wish”

“Think that as you will, we had an agreement” the woman mustered out a few scowles 


“I'm the selfish one now?” she asked cursing under the little air in the castle

There was silence. Moirai's gaze closed and the wind was still, she had not consumed air in almost a decade. “Is she really dead.. the ome’ii?” asked the immortal creature 


There was a long moment where nothing was said and the creature’s mind lay baren of voices. She spoke her words with a soft and careful attention “I wish to be more powerful than her, I will take her power.. I will take her people, I will become what she will fear.” the witch spoke her voice not faltering once

“Then wake up”

The witch’s nose wrinkled up as a small flurry of cold air brushed against the creaking palace snow began to trail down the water’s slowing into a frozen wasteland the charred tattoo’s along the creatures arms and legs glowing a white then blue the snow was coating the palace it must’ve been.

“Al’ Tashnal Bhrun zu’ pzym”




The witch opened her eyes before her were the last remnants of the palace, looking as though they had been tarnished and destroyed for many many years. There was no snow, there was no ice, there was a barren world and a dangerous creature which had been let out into the open once more. The woman looked like a beautiful embodiment of death. She looked calm, as she took in a breath her glare pinned startlingly to a monster next to her, coiled in smoke and a dusty ash. The monster looked like a bird, a vulture’s shape with talons twice the size of a large one. The monster looked at the witch and the frozen creature looked back.


“Ulde al’ pzymzol.” 

Moirai stated her eyes turning into a dim blue, the beautiful discoloration similar to a cat dissipated leaving behind no trace of the mortality she often pretended to have. 

Moirai had awoken, a terrible fate the world would share



Ooc Translations:




 Ulde Al’ pzymzol: To awaken the Wrathful

Al’ tashnal bhrun zu pzym : The Little/young witch of wrath

Ulde: To awaken

Dektu: To Punish

Vorkuhz: To die

Kex: yes

Azunul: Selfish

Tashnal: Young/Little

Bhrun: Witch


Ooc notes:


This is a story of my little frost witch losing her mind. Should you meet her irply there should be no mention of this story, tysm for reading!

P.s Im not back on lotc really, just got bored and made a short story



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 @exooI'm sadly not! Check the spoilers at the bottom

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I miss you


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