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[✗] [Alchemy Addition] (Hunters Alchemy) Roy's Bread


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Roy’s Bread



An alchemical creation meant to be a temporary portable and filling meal for hunters on the go… 


“Roy always said he was a baker, I thought he was joking”



Base: Aqua Vitae

Flour ,Yeast ,Salt ,Water. 

(Basic Bread- Recipe can be expanded depending on what type of bread you make)


N/A | Vigour -  x2

N/A | Rigidity - x2

N/A | Life - x1



Prepare freshly made bread dough. This can vary depending on what type of bread and if the alchemist wants to add more flavor into the product.


Prepare each symbol in its powdered form, pouring one portion of equal parts powdered Vigour and Rigidity symbols with aqua vitae, mixing until homogeneous.
Wait for it to settle and repeat with the rest of the powdered symbols, now including the life symbol into the mixture.


Mix until the consistency of paste, then knead it into the freshly made bread dough.


Bake the resulting mixture and a brittle but dense cracker like substance will be the result.  



One ‘loaf’ of ‘Roy’s Bread’ can keep a grown man full for an entire day.

Although due to its nature it does not provide proper nutrients and must not be relied on as a main food source for an extended period of time.




-Cannot be used to ‘over feed’ someone and cause harm to them

-Cannot be used as a main food source for more than three days due to its lack of nutrition.

-Does not require ST signing.





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I’m sure their is a joke to make about the cracker like substance part. But I’m sure it will crumble. +1

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Overpowered. If you coated your body in this "bread" you would be totally immune to malflame!

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