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The Pact of The Blazing Horizon


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Pact of the Blazing Horizon

By the Authority and Will of the King of Norland and the Princess of Talar’nor

Issued on, 15 th of the Amber Cold, 134 SA
Issued on, 15th of Edvard’s Ire, 460 FifAe


The Kingdom of Norland and The Principality of Talar’nor have come to agree in their mutual desire for a lasting peace, and as such form this pact with one another. Though the days of Celia’nor provided little common ground on which to build a relationship those days have since passed, and Talar’nor is born anew from the ashes of what once was to form a brighter future, striving towards what might come. This pact is symbolic not only of new friendships, new beginnings, and peace from West to East but also of the commitment both nations uphold in their desire for a more peaceful world for all.



ARTICLE I. Sovereignty

The Kingdom of Norland and the Principality of Talar’nor, hereon referred to as ‘the Signatories’, do hereby agree to recognize each other’s sovereignty as independent and autonomous realms. This includes the right to fully rule and govern their Realms, territories, and protectorates as they see fit and take a non-interference policy toward said governance.


ARTICLE II. Free Movement

The Signatories do hereby agree to allow for free movement between their lands, allowing their subjects to travel unbothered. This does not extend to criminal acts or suspicious behavior. If a subject of either Signatory is barred from travel, the other shall be informed promptly within a single fortnight.



(24 OOC Hours)



The Signatories do hereby agree to hand over the subjects of their respective Realms should they be found accused of a crime An observer from the offended Realm is authorized to observe the criminal process as to ensure this article is not violated. 



The Signatories do hereby agree to act honorably and in good standing towards one another to ensure that relations between the two remain close to retaining a healthy respect between the Signatories.


ARTICLE V. Defensive Agreement

The Signatories will commit to a defensive pact whereby both nations shall promise to withhold from any offensive actions against the other and provide military support in defense, should foreign parties aggress upon them. Any violations found in respect to this article shall be handled diplomatically between the two parties to prevent misunderstandings, and violent conflict, and to make any amends if needed.



The Signatories do hereby agree to hold a recurring feast recognizing their collective achievements every 5 years. This feast must serve specialty dishes originating from each nation as a symbolic gesture towards the recognition of their cultures.



The Signatories both agree that if any racism is committed by either party in the other’s walls, the guilty individual will either have their ears clipped or grown alchemically to resemble the other race. This cannot be punishable by either of the signatories’ laws.



The duration of this pact lasts 20 years, and will be up for reconsideration if either nation appoints a new leader within those 20 years.




Our Will be known to all on the

15 th of the Amber Cold, 134 SA at Vjardengrad, Kingdom of Norland,


Princess Veralya Wynasul, Light of Talar’nor


By the Blood of the Herald, Odin Freysson Ruric, King of Norland, High Chieftain of the Rurikkid, Jarl of Vjardengrad, Chieftain of the Freyssons


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Hilda Freysson eagerly anticipates witnessing one of the famed Talar'norian geese races!

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Oldoln reads and acknowledges the decree

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Vykk's eyes scan the contents of the pact, carefully digesting each word and provision. As he reaches the end, a satisfied nod of approval ripples through his features, acknowledging the significance of the document before him. A soft chuckle escapes Vykk's lips, laden with warmth and amusement. "Very cute!" he exclaims, the words infused with a touch of playful affection. His chuckle is a testament to the joy he finds in the intricate diplomacy and agreements that bind nations together. As he sets the pact aside, Vykk carries with him a sense of satisfaction and an undercurrent of mirth. His chuckle serves as a testament to his ability to find joy in the intricacies of diplomacy and his recognition of the role it plays in shaping the destiny of both Talar'nor and Norland. 

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"Norland ... and the Voidal Magi?" An elf with floral hair muses to themselves on their way to visit a similar tree-like friend in the North. "Not to mention the hoard of soul-suckers that plague their seemingly stain-free walls ... I suppose the only word I have for this is ... interesting?" With a snort, they turn back on the path to head back home, feeling as if a letter and a bird will be wiser than to visit in person.


"The 'All-Father' doesn't seem to be guiding them very well if this is the path they're going down."

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A dark eyed 'ker sits in his tent upon reading the news, an unapproving frown settling upon his features. "Surely their other allies will think kindly of this..." the man would huff out, setting the missive on his table. "Being a friend to everyone seems like a terrible idea in hindsight." The 'ker then proceeded to write a note to his friend up north to check in on their wellbeing.

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“Norland…allied….with mages…. Oh no” said a certain princess from her room 

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The King of Norland added his signature to the treaty, just below that of King Odin 'The Peacemaker'

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