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Issued by the


On this 4th day of Wzuvar and Byvca of 485 E.S.


 On this day we place our son in the Lord’s care,

It is with pride that the Duke and Duchess of Reinmar, after taking advantage of about two years worth of privacy with their firstborn, announce the proper introduction of the Duchy’s heir to the realm. Welcomed into the world peacefully and healthily on the 3rd of Tov and Yermey 483 E.S. / the 3rd of the Sun’s Smile 1930 as by the old Imperial calendar, the new Baron of Sigradz is said to greatly resemble his father in temperament and appearance both.

Named Alfred Konstanz Barclay in full, the young heir was named firstly in honor of the late Venerable High Pontiff Tylos I, who bore the name Alfred prior to his ascension to the Immaculate Throne, and secondly after his ever diligent and faithful uncle, Konstanz Barclay.

In accordance with good Canonist tradition, though ever with the desire for privacy, the Duke and Duchess of Reinmar duly invite all close family and certain personal invitees to attend the baptism by affusion of their young son come the approaching month of the Sun’s Smile this year. 




His Princely Grace, Manfred Johann Barclay, Prince of Sutica, Duke of Reinmar, Count of Freimark and Kretzen, Baron of Madvon and Freising, Lord of Wilheburg, Erwinsburg, Freiburg and Rozenfeld, Chief of the Reinmaren

Her Princely Grace, Ravenna Isabel Barclay, Princess-Consort of Sutica, Duchess-Consort of Reinmar, Countess-Consort of Freimark and Kretzen, Baroness-Consort of Madvon and Freising, Lady of Wilheburg, Erwinsburg, Freiburg and Rozenfeld



2 commence 3pm EST next sunday. special invitations will (probably) be issued thru aviary in the coming days 


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Wilheim Barclay scowls, horrified to be a grandfather before sixty.

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[!] A message arrives at the flourishing Duchy of Reinmar, attached with thick twine to the leather collar of a swift Krugmarian Courier Vinix. The winged, rabbit like hybrid glides down from a nearby branch, and the delivered parcel is a scroll of orcish make. Dense papyrus parchment unfurls from the scroll of hollowed sugarcane, displaying a legible and precise message writ in vivid desert inks. The light aroma of blood lotus and oasis berry wafts up from dried blocky letters. [!]




To the Duke agh Duchess of the ancestral spirit Barclay,

The Iron Horde is glad to hear of your new cub Alfred Konztance of Clan Reinmar, and the growth of lat's family. Such events are a time of celebration, and as such the Clans would like to send a shaman well versed in the rites of your people to attend, bearing a gift for the newborn. We understand the Faith in Holy
Kanon is exclusionary to any other spirit, and Kor'garr is knowledgable in such practices, as well as interested in the ritual of baptism mentioned in your announcement. Bringing up such youths in proper Kanonist values is both essential and well commended; as such we give the Reinmar Clan our fondest regards and well wishes.


With Faith in the light of Kanon,
Skriptgoth of the Iron Horde


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Somewhere a still mourning woman tugged a wool cowl about her shoulders solemnly, drained of energy. She anticipated visiting her grandson again when she may.

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Heinrich II von Alstreim clapped for his cousin as he and Aleksandra awaited the birth of their own child

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