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[Accepted] Settlement Application | The Principality of Aeltarys


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On 7/7/2023 at 4:28 PM, Llir said:

Please have your 15 signatories reply to the post with their username, persona name and persona ID (not the #0-4 slot ID, the gray 4-6 diget number from the top of /card)



Rhaelyx Artheon

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rathat, Aegon Scrivener, 67558

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I'm gonna be real and say that, although well-written and clearly based on a lot of passion for that GoT/HotD aesthetic, I don't think this warrants a unique and independent culture divorced from the rest of human players.


Normally I wouldn't take this view -- I believe one of the genuine appeals of LotC is the ability to try make your creative ideas into a reality, but, at the same time, this has to be balanced with regard to the actual state of the server. By that, I mean there is already an abundance of human groups and smaller unaffiliated in which this faction could thrive. Because there's already a bunch of human groups, I don't propose splitting that human playerbase any further nor setting the precedent that this can/should be done. Humans thrive on large groups and clashing factions, and this is a major appeal for new players and the human race as a whole -- the idea of dividing humans more than they already are only waters down that experience and scatters roleplay. I'd always be inclined to think a city with 30 people in it is a much better asset for the server than 6 cities with 5 people in it (absurdism example, but you get what I mean). I think you and the Staff appraising this application need to consider that there are already six independent human nations on Aevos, and this isn't accounting for smaller unaffiliated nations which this aesthetic has the potential to fit in (Vortice, Lurin, etc.). 


With that said, that hesitation can be of course be overcome, but I wouldn't be convinced that's the case here. While the passion evident in this project is commendable, I also think it is a bit of lengthy stretch to say that this couldn't exist within one of the existing human or smaller nation aesthetics. A rigid nobility structure wrought with intrigue is not an exclusive factor that can only work in its own vacuum; nor is reverance for a bloodline, nor is political and factional intrigue, and the staple of the religion based on the documents linked is a symbolic focus on dragons but otherwise cites no doctrines or creeds that would render it incompatible or uncooperative with existing human religion (bearing in mind you can also settle in a secular nation).


I want to be explicit in that I don't nor ever want to stifle creativity or people's ideas on a server meant to facilitate them, but again we have to remember none of our ambitions or plans exist in a vacuum. I don't think there's a reasonable argument to be made that the continued fragmentation of human RP is beneficial for the race or the server (when humanity is theoretically meant to represent the opposite ideal). In other words, though, I don't think the success of a great idea like this is contingent on getting independent realm/lair/settlement/whateveritscalled status. 


What I would prefer to see if for a group like this (which, again given its very obvious inspirations is 10000% compatible with the basic political gist of most human nations) is to either take over an existing human group either organically or via conflict, which would represent a much more natural development, staunch human fragmentation, and secure a much larger and longer legacy for a group like this. 

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This applications is pending. A treasury account has been setup for you to deposit the 5000 mina startup fee into. Once that is complete, the signatories will be validated and the realm will be created.

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Application accepted. You will be contacted by staff on next steps.

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