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[✗] [Invention Lore] Sinker Apparatus 1.5


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The Sinker Apparatus (1.5)

(Taken from Pinterest. Original image here: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/722827808938313357/)

The Sinker Apparatus, or simply called a ‘Sinker’ are heavy suits of armor designed to fully encase the wearer within. This is to protect descendants and other living/more delicate creatures from the crushing depths and dangers that they may come across within the ocean’s deeper ends. Their designs and components are as varied as their creators, however the bare minimum these creators require is knowledge on Automaton Crafting. Physically, a suit has 3 main components- the frame, the mechanisms that allow the frame to bend, and the plates/hide stretched over the frame to keep the water out.

General Mechanics (Applies to all Suits)

- Sinkers naturally protect the wearer from all manners of water pressure, even without any modifications.

- The weight of a suit is comparable to 1.25x the weight of a suit of armor made of the same material, greatly reducing agility.
- A person within the suit cannot swim effectively, hence the name 'Sinker'.
- The wearer may jump up to 2 blocks vertically without climbing if underwater.

- A suit passively is compatible with the Life Supports System unless specified otherwise in it’s item description.

General Redlines (Applies to all Suits)
- IMPRACTICAL ON LAND. When not fully submerged in CRP on land, their movement speed is decreased by 25%, rounding down to the nearest whole meter. This cannot be circumvented with the use of MAs or FAs.

- A suit has 2 Modification slots.

- A suit of ferrum plating will on average sustain 3 hits on the same spot before becoming punctured, while mechanical joints may be damaged in 2 strikes, preventing that limb from moving until repaired. This durability may be reduced within the twilight zone or deeper due to pressure at the ET's discretion.

- Cannot be put on during combat due to bulk.

- Locked behind T4+ Automaton Crafting, considered an uncommon 'recipe'.





(Original Image: https://chiaragatti.cgsociety.org/7dce/the-blacksmith-forge)

These suits, while often made durable, may come in great varieties depending on the materials used to forge it. Suits only have 2 requirements- a ferrum-strength (or greater) frame, and plates/hide to keep the water out. Like any suit of armor, one may decorate or use any material they wish, the suit of armor gaining the consequences or benefits of implementing such.

One should take note that one MUST know at least T4 Automaton Crafting, as any attempts without proper knowledge may result in faulty designs.

It is also not uncommon for these suits to be damaged underwater and require repair on the spot, however. This may be done in a multitude of ways, like voidal transfiguration or through the use of alchemy potions to seal up the holes as temporary fixes.

- Requires T4 Automaton Crafting to make a Sinker Apparatus

- Voidal Mage strength creatures will have to wear suits equal to iron wood or other equivalents in weight + durability.
- Using magic to repair a suit will have to follow all the redlines of the magic/spell being used.
- Repairing a suit with an alchemy potion will require 2 emotes (Prime > Apply)
- If a material uses an ST signature, it has to be ST signed.

- Repairing a suit with an alchemy potion will require 2 emotes (Prime > Apply)

- A previously damaged area needs only 1 blow before prying back open if sealed.

- Voidal Mage strength creatures, if capable of casting magic, will take 1 extra turn to call forth the spell when in a suit. This is not circumvented if the suit is made up of a lighter material.



Life Support Systems 


(Original Image: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/220676450467173580/)

Life support systems are what allow the living, beyond the immense weight of the ocean upon their backs, to survive and sustain themselves properly within the alien realm that is the deep sea. Some are more effective than others, at a cost. They are not necessary within a suit, however,l though unless specified otherwise all suits will be capable of the following:


- Air Pumps/Tethers
Utilizes a redstone circuit encased in water-tight rock, a leather sack and a singular piston to repeatedly push/pull air in and out. This option mostly consists of a large tube that extends between where the divers are and the leather lung being abused by pistons, giving those attached to it a constant, fresh flow of air.


- Air Tethers have a maximum length of 96 blocks (Max range of a conduit), restricting how far a diver may travel.
- Stationary when active. Has to be disassembled then built up again if it is to be moved.
- Must be exposed to a source of fresh air, usually partly above the surface level.

- Air Pumps

- Compatible with all suits unless stated otherwise.
- Surface Pumps must be physically represented by a mechanically functional conduit.
- Air Tethers have a maximum length of 96 blocks (max range of a conduit), restricting how far the diver may travel into the depths.
- Suits using this do not require an ST signature unless using an ST material or item, however the mechanical representation of the Pump needs an ST signature.
- Requires Automaton Smithing in order to create an Air Pump.



- Water Breathing Filter
Suits using these require little advanced technology, relying solely on the potion to sustain a steady air supply. This grants the wearer significantly more freedom than their Air Tethered counterparts, however it can be far more risky if one does not bring spares or keep track of how long their filter has been going for. These issues can be delayed if one brings more potion, however the more one brings the more storage the suit will require in order to use the fluid effectively.


- Adheres to all redlines and mechanics of the Water Breathing potion.

- Compatible with all suits unless stated otherwise.
- Can be made without FAs, however will not be functional until paired with a potion of Water Breathing if not already treated on it.



Further Modifications


With the fear of the unknown deeply ingrained into the minds of descendants, those that tinker may apply their skills to the craft in preparation to face off against whatever madness may lurk below if they are forced to do such using rarer knowledge or greater powers they have bound to themselves. While the most obvious may be modifications for combat, others may be for hiding, an enchantment, and so on. An example may be retractable automaton climbing hooks. 


- A Sinker Apparatus may be enhanced, smithed with, or edited like any other suit of armor, so long as external FAs and the materials at play follow their limitations and redlines.
- Mundane smithing will not count as a Modification.
- A suit may hold up to 2 Modification Slots.
- FA related enhancements take up 1 Modification Slot each.
- Major Enchantments take up 2 Modification Slots.

- Minor Enchantments (Cosmetic only) take up 0 Modification Slots, but there may only be 1 per suit.
- Requires an ST signature, unless the external lore being used states otherwise.




OOC Purpose:


With a new focus on vertical exploration, I think it would be quite interesting if we looked at a different kind of 'deep'- the oceans themselves.

This lore is to present the depths as an accessible though dangerous manner to your average joe player, while also providing them new tools to mess around with the unique environment.

event runners would also be given more possibilities for their shenanigans while the ST lore writers could have a complete field day to write lore about new materials, alchemical regents, ecosystems, and maybe even a couple proper event creatures (which the setting is almost too perfect for) beyond the generic though still great kraken.

My goal with this post is to help with establishing a platform or new 'genre' of adventure rp, to which then others may build off of, just like how Werewolf's Thassallos (Or however you spell it, you know the one) magic submission was the original spark of inspiration for me to make this significantly less fancy invention post.

Any and all criticism (Yes, even you mr ghost viewer) would be highly appreciated, so if you have something to be said about this post please let me know below.


This post is also being placed in conjunction with another post: ‘[World Lore] The Abyss Below - Ocean’s Depth System’.







Hyperdron - checked over for inconsistencies/errors, handed out useful advice and criticism. Absolute mvp here
Aehkaj - reported inconsistencies/errors
Dominic - Provided useful and more importantly practical ideas/suggestions
PrimaQuorum - Offered IRL experience, and gave out useful suggestions like locking it behind a proper alch FA
Mannamannaa - Gave proper feedback back in 1.0, gave great suggestions to simplify things mechanically. love em
Olandyr - Gave a big blob of useful comments on the first post
Rdowdy + Nightcastorkitty - Bringing it to my attention that there was no in place system for the ocean’s depths


Edited by SlitheryC1
No more plans to make a creature lore to go with this.
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Like last time this was submitted, I'm glad to see things being developed to enable deep-sea exploration. This one in particular being locked behind Automaton Crafting, I'm not too bothered about - as long as other avenues are explored through other lore! I wouldn't want the playerbase that can do such exploration to be too restricted.

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As someone who criticized a lot of the underwater diving suits/diving bells in the story team discord. This has become something I absolutely adore. I'm also super excited to see the interactions with other Magics or Feats. 

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Very cool. Now I need to get Automaton Crafting so I can actually utilize it.

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