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Twice Stricken

Storm ll




Deep within the parched deserts of Aevos, the scorching sun beats with a cruel heat upon the sands. The grains shift gently as heavy footsteps dig into them. Across the mirage of the dunes, an Uruk garbed only in hide and linen cloth marches, fatigued. His green skin glistens with sweat as he grasps a leather waterskin from under his hide cloak, hoisting it in the air to drink. Alas, the container was already emptied long ago. The Uruk curses silently under his breath, followed with a frustrated sigh.

BOOM. The sky echoes with the rolling of thunder. The Uruk sets his gaze to the heavens, stopping at the horizon. CRACK. The darkened clouds streak across the sky over the Uruk, fast as lightning. The skies opened, letting forth a monsoon. The Uruk grumbles at the sudden turn of events as he begins to march once more across the now-drenched dunes, sploshing beneath his feet. He pauses as he sees a silhouette through the downpour. The Uruk narrows his eyes, as he observes the being upon the apex of the dune. Blue lightning crackles upon it. But before he could fully observe it, the being dashed away. The Uruk takes a few steps forwards, in an attempt to follow it. However, lightning struck the dune before him, as if warning. The Uruk toppled onto the soaked dune, rolling downwards. The Uruk fades from consciousness…


The next morning, a papyrus flier is pinned upon the notice board of San’Briu:



The dissipation of an unnatural storm which has terrorized travelers at random locations within the Deserts outside San’Briu. Brothers of the Iron Uzg are encouraged to go out in groups to avoid injury.




Player run event being held on Tuesday, July 25th, at 6:00 PM EST.

Time is subject to change, for more information contact Astrophysical in game or cosmiverse on Discord.


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The Voice of the Spirits grabbed the missive, giving it a quick look.


"Neizdark ahm angry kranklûks. Let us hôn whub he wants from we."

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