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[Prophecy] Light


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[Only personas with an approved application for the scrying of prophecies may observe the content of this prophecy post:
those with prophetic visions gifted by Farseer, Mysticism, Naztharek, Seer, Vivification, and so forth.]




A vision unfolds before your palms, between incense and dreaming - the scent of sea water rising around you. Your hands are wet with white sand, which escapes between your fingertips. Warm sea water rushes around you, revealing the eyes upon your palm. Your sight lifts from coastal sea water to a busy port, bustling with trade. Walls glint in the sun like seastone.


Your attention rises to bright light, wrought from heaven-made intensity, so bright it hurts to look upon too long. In its wake, brilliant lux trails in its wake, white and Pure.


Heavenly light drifts into a temple, flickering candle light as it passes through, and you follow its path. A silver hand rests upon the lectern of the altar, and upon it lies the image of a Silver Stag. You watch as words are written into the tome.


“Purity’s Arm has touched the world.”


The arbiter of the heavens looks upon you, waiting and watching - and as you awaken, you remember the light and the words upon the altar.

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17 minutes ago, Wand said:

“Purity’s Arm has touched the world.”


"I am going to kill you." A Nephilim proclaimed.


"I am going to kill you, and then I am going to eat you." A demon proclaimed.

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And upon a throne of alien stone, a thing woke.

From that Silver Purity; white hot scorn was born.

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Ember seemingly awoke from the deep meditation under the ocean filled altar, she opened her eyes, her sea weed locks floating amongst her pink tulip hair. She looked up as she began her ascension to the top.


The farseer pondered about what she saw, what she read, what the stag was… one thing was certain to her


”This isn’t the spirits, but it’s also nothing daemonic…what is it?” She asked as she arose from the altar of the Water spirit drenched in salty waters 

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A fatigued elf sat at the edge of her bed, contemplating her prosthetic in the silent morning.

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A certain Craftsman received this vision, his form coming to jolt awake, as he looked towards the night sky. The distant sound of crows could be heard overhead, he rubbed at his aged visage , contemplating all he had just been witnessed to. "Balance will soon find itself restored, for if purity comes to grace us with its presence, so shall corruption soon follow it." The corners of his lips drew into a thin smile, the man slowly rising as he began to to assemble what he needed, the large ivory skull coming to rest upon the withered wildwynns face, before he left to inform the others. 

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A veiled human opened her eyes, her head tilted slightly.


"Purity. . . What an interesting concept." 



On the other side of the continent, a farseer stared into the flames. She grimaced at the feeling of water, blinking away the vision. ". . . Huh." Hera stood, ambling off to find her sister of water. 

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