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A purging of Darkspawn.


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Everything in this post is public knowledge.


These were the words that rung out in the square of Valdev. A great pyre could be observed, the smell of burning wood and flesh filled the streets of the Haeseni capital.
The Church strikes down again!
They said. It was, however, all lies. For it was not the Church that killed him, but his own sister-in-law.

Uncaring for such formalities, the pyre calmly burned in the square. Many were relieved, some were horrified, few rejoiced.

Now, I believe an explanation is due.

 Tensei, an automaton of the BSK, committed crimes that were deemed unforgivable by Ser Audo Weiss. His lifeless body sat in the holding cells of the barracks, his gear-heart presumably in the possession of Audo. And so, upon seeing such a display of fratricide, Talinn asked of such events from Audo, which were retold to him shortly. Then, an argument broke out between the two, about the Oath they both took. Talinn claimed it to be a useless display of faith. This then, turned into a lecture by Ser Audo, who took Talinn inside the barracks and showed him the flag. Once this lecture concluded, he was let off with a few words.
"Fix your attitude."
To which Talinn replied:

"My attitude needs no fixing"

This, however, angered the Royal Captain, and so he ordered the lashing of the Tordove. And so it happened, he went to retrieve the lash, and stood him against the wall.
"Five lashes."
Two things came as a response:
"Make it ten"

And of course, a laughter.

Now this really angered Audo, and so it turned from a lashing to a beating. He was beaten down, his jaw broken, yet a wicked smile plastered over his face betrayed a crucial fact.
Audo made a new enemy.
And so Talinn simply laughed in his face. Respectfully, the Captain offered a hand to the man after he was beaten down, yet this was refused with another chuckle, and the man stood up. His jaw dislocated and broken, yet that wicked smile glued to his face, he gripped his own jaw and popped it back into place. Audo was, understandably, taken aback by such a display, and stumbled back.

"You cannot change a man who is ascended."
Audo, upon hearing heretic words like that, and having just witnessed a seemingly lack of pain, arrested the man on sight, and put him in a cell. It is to note, Talinn was quite co-operative, and as confirmed by multiple sources on multiple occasions, consented to any and all tests he would be subject to. And so there was a discussion, and testing concluded with no results. He was, indeed, not a vampire or undead.

And so he was released.

A couple days later, however, he was heard talking to a bard and a fellow BSK member about Audo. He claimed his horses were slow, and his mental health deteriorating. Audo, having recently entered the barracks, heard this, and came downstairs. He challenged the accuser to an honorable duel, which Talinn promptly declined, and so Audo decided to take it to court. A jovenaar was found, and brought to the courthouse. There, a trial was held, where Talinn plead guilty to the charge of slander, and was sentenced to pay 100 minas to the Crown, and it was offered to Audo that should he wish, he could take one of his hands. Talinn, seemingly crazed at this point, offered it himself. They went outside, and Otto Ludovar promptly cut his left hand off. The man showed little pain, rather he instantly got to treating the wound and packing the hand away.

That is when,
 Demitrey Novikov walked into the square.
"Talinn Tordove, Vy are hereby charged with Affiliation with Darkspawn, and knowingly setting up Brotherhood Members by sending them to Necromancers, leaving them with Necrosis. How do Vy plead?"
The man broke down laughing, and upon regaining himself, he stood up, and calmly stated
"Not Guilty."
And so a trial was held in the throneroom, where both sides of the case were presented, he was tested by an alchemist once more, which showed no results, and was to be held in Valdev for a Saint's Week. That is when Ser Andrik var Ruthern walked in, offering to call a paladin. Knowing his fate, Talinn simply declared himself guilty on all charges, and was to be burned at the pyre. And so he was gagged, blindfolded, and taken to the square where a pyre was set up. He was strapped to such, and was observed praying to a deity known to few. After he burned, those words were uttered, and the crowd rushed to the beavers outside the town.

Talinn was dead. No monk came to collect his remains, nor was he saved by a deity, his soul travelled straight to the



From this point, nothing is public knowledge and only known to those who received a letter.

Dorn, a servus golem purchased by Talinn to assist him with gathering herbs and carrying his weapons, waddled around Valdev after the burning. He delivered pre-made letters to people he was instructed to give them to.

One of these arrived at the doorstep of Evangeline Tordove, Talinn's wife. It read:

I will come back. Do not mourn, for you shall see me soon.

Your husband.

Another came to Leonin, his adopted son.

You will hear things in the following days, do not believe it all. I will be back.

You papa.

And lastly, one came addressed to the Virralei-Tordove family. It read:

Rolim, I shall be back. Expect my return, and prepare a bottle of Carrion for when you see me again, for that day will come soon.

Your brother.


OOC note, I hope everyone involved enjoyed the RPs, I certainly had a lot of fun. And, as many before me have stated...

Who said this was a PK post?


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Tensei would stand upon the walls of Valdev, looking at the sun set over a quiet city, the breaks in his metal exterior whistling in the wind, and his cloak blowing behind him.


[Reflection. . . Dishonesty. . . Betrayal. . .]


He did have some respect for Talinn, despite everything. For, Talinn did betray orders for what he thought was personally right. A trait seen by Tensei on multiple occasions.



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Ser Audo Weiss rolled his wheelchair to more solitary confines once home, moving to rub his fist. Talinn's hand, in an act perhaps a little sickly, he had so placed in a preservation jar.

He still did wonder if issuing a beating over lashings was the right call, and yet, he had orders he'd recieved to fulfill. Perhaps it didn't matter, for it seemed that the man was filth anyway and there never was anything to teach him. A stain upon the world.

"Good riddance." He eventually muttered to himself.

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"An honorable man dies..." *Comented the elf inside of his house with a sigh having not witnessed most of this all. But hey, he knew enough to respect the mans dedication to whatever his couse was. Not like what he done was something he could disagree with now was it? If only he wasnt as selfish he likely would have ended the same loooong time ago... Unable to hold it in the man let out a quiet chuckle at such a though mumbling to himself* "May we meet again. Sooner, or latter. Stone to mountains, but they time is not yet I would bet..." *Musing over the thought of what he might have been, if not a simple fanatic. Making a rather bold bet. But hey, couldnt he at least think over such?*

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Beatrice smiled at the mention of her as the alchemist in the missive. Her ego stroked.

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