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[Prophecy] Echoes of Darkness


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Echoes of Darkness

[Only personas with an approved application for the scrying of prophecies may observe the content of this prophecy post:
those with prophetic visions gifted by Farseer, Mysticism, Naztharek, Seer, Vivification, and so forth.]




Dink... Dink... Dink...


Each resonant echo of the pickaxe's strike reverberates through the oppressive darkness that envelops you, leaving you feeling as solitary and isolated as your surroundings. The shadows hang thick in the air, obscuring your vision and dulling your senses, yet within their depths, an eerie sensation gnaws at you—a haunting awareness of being observed.


Dink... Dink... Dink...


The relentless rhythm of metal on stone persists, a disconcerting but oddly comforting melody that momentarily eases the tension that the shadowy shroud brings. With closed eyes, you concentrate, straining to locate the source of the rhythmic sound, but strangely, it eludes you, leaving only an eerie silence in its wake.


The ground beneath your feet trembles, the very earth yawning open as if to consume you whole. Jagged rocks, like the gnashing teeth of a ravenous beast, line the soil, and an undeniable presence lurks beneath the dirt—an entity, angry and ravenous, fixating its gaze upon you from some unfathomable abyss.


Your heart pounds in your throat, your body aches as you battle against the relentless onslaught of the landslide that threatens to swallow you. Desperate pleas for help escape your lips, but they are stifled, drowned by the sheer terror coursing through your veins. It is a futile struggle.


As the encroaching darkness threatens to engulf you entirely, a solitary ray of light pierces the void ahead, revealing an immense, archaic doorway shrouded in chains and sealed tightly shut. The black stone, weathered by untold eons, stands resolute amidst the encroaching darkness, beckoning you forth.


One last, overwhelming surge from the lurking presence in the shadows draws your focus, the earth groaning as though it voices its displeasure, and then, in an instant, you are consumed, as light and darkness give way to earth and mire.


You awaken, drenched in perspiration, the feverish remnants of this harrowing nightmare clinging to your consciousness.


As you gaze out the window, the solitary sound of a pickaxe striking stone echoes within the darkness of your mind..

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 A Cleric awakens. She is not surprised. To her, this has been a known providence. Others hear the call she proclaims.

"Dig! We must dig!"

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“Ni…ni…EmBers to ash….ash…EMbers To ash….” The light which now faded in the dream now soon turned to a pitch black darkness, a the sound of pickaxes and crows now converse her driving her nightly rest, even short- shorter


”LEAVE ME ALONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” The farseer princess cries out from the window rummaging to her washed hair as she tried to get the noises of her head, she sobbed repeating the words in the rhythm of the pickaxe “EMBERS TO ASH EMBERS TO ASH….EMBERS TO ASH!! LET ME LIVE IN PEACE!!!”

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cried a witch in the morrow. The thought of being swallowed by giant dragon, no doubt, bringing tears to the eye.

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The towering Azdrazi awoke within the jagged hole of its blazing chamber. Cinders and flames died down from the edge of its eyes, ashes clinging to its form as it hastily ascended its deep resting hole. Staring into a pillar of flame dancing by the wall— a rush of fury and malice washed over him, flashes of the foreboding dream flickering through his fiery gaze.


"A beast stirs." was all the Azdrazi could quietly muster, peering down to the ground beneath his feet.

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Hera gasped, surging up from where she slept. A hand rested over her heaving chest, heart beat wild and erratic. 


A door wrapped in chains. . . 


"Oh, ****. Not again."

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