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Il Courta Cometa

The Palatio Arancione

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IT IS NAUGHT BUT WITH A HEART FULL OF JOY that I, Princess Mischa of Haense, announce a new era for Balian. Gone are the lulled days of our previous queen, and on come the days full of splendour by our Princess-Heir Sybil, as the head of our court in place of the last. From the moment she joined my court as Curador, to the day she was announced as heir, I knew we had struck gold. She has both promised and delivered nothing but excellence. Our future Queen-Regnant will be one we will soon not forget—and with this—the ESTELLAN era begins.


With the Princess-Heir’s rise as the Head of Court, much will change, but our principles will not. We maintain a vision for Balinese excellence, fostering a community for knowledge, creativity, and freedom to flourish.








Chart drawn by the Princess Palatiodora.




I. The foremost expectation within the esteemed Courta Cometa is the steadfast commitment to the established chain of command. All courtiers and officials are anticipated to rigorously observe this hierarchical structure, respecting the authority and directives of superiors with absolute fidelity.


II. It is expected that every member of the Courta Cometa shall exhibit proactive engagement in their respective roles and responsibilities. Anticipate the needs of the court, anticipate the desires of the Crown, and take initiative to fulfil these obligations in a manner that enhances the Court's overall functionality and prestige. Those who fail will be removed and superseded.


III. In the latest organisational overhaul, our establishment is undergoing a transformation into four distinct departments and two divisions to meet the demands of this new cultural mission. 

The Office of the Household will uphold the spirit of servitude, diligently attending to the needs and requirements of our esteemed patrons. This Office belongs to the Division of Servantry.

The Office of Entertainment will focus on events, celebrating joy and revelry, ensuring that merriment and mirth are always in abundance. This Office belongs to the Division of Enlightenment.

The Office of Enchantment is dedicated to safeguarding and cautiously educating individuals in the arts of the Arcane, Alchemy, and other mystical pursuits, ensuring their responsible and ethically sound application. This Office belongs to the Division of Enlightenment.

The Office of Cultivation, devoted to safeguarding the Balianite culture, fostering intellectual pursuits, and relentlessly pursuing knowledge, all with the overarching goal of enriching the kingdom and nurturing the limitless potential of the human mind. This Office belongs to the Division of Servantry.


As part of this restructuring, redundant positions will be phased out, making room for more relevant roles that align with the vision and goals of each division. This reconfiguration promises to bring about greater efficiency, productivity, and a harmonious balance throughout our court.


V. Efficient and effective communication is an imperative expectation. Courtiers must employ clarity, transparency, and timeliness when conveying information, instructions, or reports to superiors and colleagues. This promotes synergy and ensures that the Court operates as a unified entity.


VI. Synergy, the harmonious cooperation of all Court members, is of paramount importance. Expectation dictates that individuals shall work cohesively, transcending personal ambitions for the greater good of the Courta Cometa. Collaboration fosters an environment of excellence and ensures that the Court's collective endeavours surpass individual aspirations.


VII. Every member of the Courta Cometa is expected to embody the highest standards of conduct and etiquette, both within the Court and beyond its hallowed halls. Uphold the reputation of the Court by exhibiting grace, decorum, and propriety in all interactions, demonstrating to the realm the pinnacle of sophistication and refinement.



TO PROVIDE FURTHER ELABORATION, the duties of all positions within the court will also be outlined as follows:




HRH, Sibyl Gwyneth



Head to all the courts.


The Head of Court serves as the supreme authority to whom all members of the court are obligated to defer. The Consort wields direct dominion over the configuration, culture, operations, and established customs of their court, holding the prerogative to appoint individuals at their discretion. In accordance with their respective positions, the reigning Head shall exercise a more immediate authority than the Palatiodora. However, in instances where the Head’s presence is absent, the Palatiodora shall assume the responsibility of wielding this authority on her behalf.


The current Head of Court is Her Royal Highness, Princess Sibyl Gwyneth, Princess of Monterosa, Duchess of Atrus.





HH, Mischa Florentina of Florentine



Head to the Council of Monterosa.


Whosoever assumes this position shall be vested with the honour of becoming the preeminent member of the Council of Monterosa, entrusted with the formidable duty of stewarding the Court in the service of the Head of Court, actively contributing to its efficient administration and sustained well-being. In light of these weighty responsibilities, it is imperative that this individual not only possesses a comprehensive mastery of court protocol but also exhibits an exceptional and commanding capacity for leadership, as they shall wield the utmost authority within the Council.


The current Palatiodora is Her Highness, Princess Mischa Florentina Lesanova-Barbanov, Princess of Haense, Duchess of Greywyn and Countess of Florentine.









A painting of the Palatio Arancione.


At the commencement of a new epoch for the Council of Monterosa, a transformative mandate has been initiated. Beyond the traditional scope of providing counsel, council members are now enjoined to assume an active and substantive role in the efficient administration of diverse court departments. The prevailing expectation is that each council member shall manifest consummate mastery within their respective domains, thereby ensuring that their proficiencies and guidance concretely yield discernible outcomes. Through this paradigmatic reconfiguration, the council's function evolves into one of active leadership, nurturing a unified and meticulously structured governance. By seamlessly amalgamating their vast reservoirs of knowledge and experiential acumen into the management of various departments, the council shall play an indispensable role in cultivating efficacy, fostering synergy, and propelling progress throughout the realm. This progressive modus operandi embodies an unwavering commitment to attaining hitherto unparalleled echelons of excellence in every facet of the court's operational purview.


The present era marks a profound departure from the longstanding tradition of reserving this esteemed position exclusively for consorts of the highest pedigree. Instead, it heralds a new paradigm wherein merit serves as the paramount criterion for the appointment to this illustrious role. Henceforth, candidates aspiring to assume this pivotal position must not only possess an impeccable understanding of courtly protocols but must also demonstrate a profound awareness of the intricate needs and aspirations of the Balian populace. A Royal Councillor is now tasked with maintaining a vigilant awareness of the realm's dynamic pulse, comprehending the nuanced challenges faced by both courtiers and commoners alike. By promoting individuals distinguished by their competence, sagacity, and empathy, the court endeavours to cultivate a governance that is both responsive and compassionate, meticulously tailored to address the genuine exigencies of the realm. This transformative approach holds the promise of endowing the court with a more cohesive and effective operational framework, thereby earning the respect and admiration of all its constituents.


In congruence with the preceding prerequisites and responsibilities of the Councilors of Monterosa, a limited cadre of Royal Advisors shall be duly appointed to the council. Their primary mandate shall be to proffer counsel to the Consorts and the Palatiodora with a point of view outside the courts, whenever it is deemed necessary. These esteemed advisors shall be mandated to attend the Council's deliberations, yet it is to be explicitly understood that they shall exercise no executive authority therein.



HE, Peter Theodoric d’Arkent



Head to Division of Servantry, head to the Office of the Household.


The Zelador assumes a paramount role in preserving the household's unity and operational efficiency. Their responsibilities encompass the supervision of the household staff, including the handmaids, management of the court's finances, and judicious allocation of palace accommodations, thereby upholding a position of elevated significance within the court's personnel hierarchy. Additionally, the Zelador exercises authority over the Office of Entertainment, guaranteeing that the Amfitiro is endowed with requisite resources and steadfast support. It is noteworthy, however, that their authority is superseded by that of the Queen and the Palatiodora in matters concerning the court's daily administration. Should both the Head of Court and the Palatiodora be absent, the Zelador shall stand in for them at functions of the Courta Cometa.


The current Zelador is His Excellency, Lord Peter “Teddy” Theodoric d’Arkent.


Those under the Zelador’s authority include;

The Amfitiro: the duties of this position will be outlined below.

The Court Physician [Lady Callista Kervallen]: A Court Physician occupies a pivotal role in the palace court, serving as the guardian of the health and well-being of the court's inhabitants, including the royalty and esteemed members of the court.

Governors and Governesses: These courtiers are tasked with the care and education of both the children of the court and of the Royal Household. As such, they must be exceptional in intellect and know the virtue of patience.

The Servantry: The long-standing neglect of servant duties should not obscure the crucial role they play in maintaining the Palatio Arancione's seamless operation. All servants are obligated to ensure the palace's pristine condition, with butlers, maids, and chefs ready to cater to the needs of events hosted within the Palatio Arancione.




HE, Casimir Marius Vilac ⥽ 



Head to Division of Enlightenment.


The Camareiro, in their august capacity, assumes a broad-reaching mandate that encompasses the supervision of all court publications and literary works, as well as the diligent oversight of the Office of Enchantment and the Office of Cultivation. Furthermore, their responsibilities have been thoughtfully expanded to encompass the guardianship of the intellectual arts and the preservation of the venerable Balianese cultural heritage, a task that is executed in close concert with seasoned historians of great repute. In this elevated role, the Camareiro occupies a central and pivotal position in the meticulous curation and preservation of knowledge, literature, and intellectual pursuits within the court's confines. Their profound expertise and wise guidance serve as the linchpin in nurturing a thriving intellectual milieu, thus ensuring that the court maintains its preeminent standing on the precipice of erudition and enlightenment.


The current Camareiro is His Excellency, Lord Casimir Marius Vilac, Baron of Valio.


Those under the Camareiro’s authority include;

The Arch-Magus: the duties of this position will be outlined below.

The Curador: the duties of this position will be outlined below.




HE, Dimitri Otto Kortrevich



Head to the Office of Entertainment.


The exalted office of the Amfitiro assumes the august responsibility of presiding over the entire spectrum of entertainment within the Palatio Arancione, an ambit that encompasses a diverse array of artistic virtuosities. The meticulous orchestration of grand events and soirées falls under their purview, ensuring that the court's revelries and festivities are executed with the utmost precision and finesse. With consummate skill and discernment, the Amfitiro adorns the Palatio Arancione's cultural tapestry with resplendent threads of artistic excellence, offering a resplendent tableau of diversion and delight to the discerning courtiers and esteemed guests who grace its opulent halls.


The current Amfitiro is Lord Dimitri Otto Kortrevich.


Those under the Amfitiro’s authority include;

The Revellers: Revellers, as the Palatio Arancione's event planners, meticulously orchestrate gatherings and ceremonies, ensuring flawless execution and perfection in both planning and execution, spanning from courtly affairs to national events.

The Bards: A bard occupies a revered position as the custodian of storytelling and musical artistry, enchanting the courtiers with tales of lore and melodies that resonate through the hallowed halls, whether it be during events or on their lonesome.

The Jesters: A jester occupies a whimsical and cherished role, bringing laughter and levity to the often formal and serious atmosphere through their clever jests and jestful antics.







Head to the Office of Enchantment.


The office of the Arch-Magus within the Courta Cometa is an exalted and solemn position, entrusted with the comprehensive management of the arcane and alchemical arts within our illustrious nation. The Arch-Magus is the vanguard of ethical and responsible usage of mystical knowledge, ensuring that the potent forces of the arcane and the transformative powers of alchemy are harnessed for the betterment of our realm. With a keen sense of wisdom and discernment, the Arch-Magus navigates the intricate webs of magical and alchemical practices, meticulously safeguarding against misuse or malevolence, and maintaining the court mages and alchemists as they spread their knowledge. Their solemn duty encompasses not only the preservation of ancient traditions but also the judicious exploration of new avenues of magical discovery, always with the welfare of our citizens and the integrity of our nation at the forefront. In their unyielding commitment to ethical practices, the Arch-Magus stands as a stalwart guardian, ensuring that the arcane and alchemy remain instruments of enlightenment, progress, and prosperity for Balian and her people.


The current Arch-Magus is VACANT.


Those under the Arch-Magus’ authority include;

Court Mages: A court Mage occupies a prestigious position within the palace court, utilising their arcane expertise to safeguard the realm and enhance the wisdom of the royal court.

Court Alchemists: The court Alchemist occupies a revered position within the palace court, wielding their profound knowledge of alchemy to offer transformative insights and solutions that transcend the ordinary boundaries of science and nature.




HE, Poppiya Sosina Amador



Head to the Office of Cultivation.


The role of the Curador is comprehensive, entailing the supervision of all court publications and texts, as well as the preservation of Balianese culture. This role has evolved to encompass the realm of intellectual arts, involving close collaboration with esteemed historians. The Curador holds a central position in curating and safeguarding knowledge, literature, and intellectual endeavours within the court. Their expertise and guidance significantly contribute to the cultivation of a vibrant intellectual atmosphere, thereby ensuring that the court continues to occupy a leading position in the realms of knowledge and scholarship.


The current Curadora is Her Excellency, Poppiya Sosina Amador.


Those under the Curador’s authority include;

Keeper of the Crown Jewels [Vacant]: The Keeper of the Crown Jewels occupies a position of utmost trust and responsibility within the palace court, safeguarding and preserving the treasured regal ornaments that symbolise the nation's heritage and monarchy.

Royal Archivist [Vacant]: The Royal Archivist plays an indispensable role in a palace court, meticulously preserving and cataloguing the historical records, documents, and artefacts that embody the rich tapestry of the realm's heritage.

Keeper of the Wardrobe [Annette Roelle]: The Keeper of the Wardrobe oversees the opulent attire and regal accoutrements within the palace court, ensuring that the sartorial splendour of the nobility remains impeccable and befitting of their esteemed stature.

Royal Librarians: A Royal Librarian curates and safeguards the repository of knowledge that enriches the intellectual tapestry of the realm.





If one aspires to become a part of the esteemed Palatio Arancione, it is advisable to reach out to the Palatiodora, who serves as the pivotal point of contact. Their guidance and direction will illuminate the path toward one's desired pursuit within this illustrious institution.


Should one harbour an earnest interest in undertaking a wardship within any of the esteemed Offices, it is advisable to initiate contact with the respective head of the Office in question or, alternatively, seek an audience with the Palatiodora. These dignitaries serve as the custodians of opportunities and knowledge, capable of guiding aspiring individuals towards a path of erudition and service within the Court.






Hello everyone! If you’re interested in any position labelled vacant, please reach out to me. Online or on discord, whatever works best for you!

Everyone from everywhere is welcome for an interview. Thank you!


Melpomenne#0001 / Melpomenne




Writing: Melpomenne
Formatting: Esotericas


<end spoiler>



Change Logs




What was changed
What was it was → What is it now


November, 24, 2023
Court name
The Andromedan Court → Il Courta Cometa


November, 24, 2023
Head of Court
Queen Andromeda → Princess Sybil


November, 24, 2023
Princess Sybil → Poppiya Sosina Amador


November, 24, 2023
Yvonne Mondblume → Vacant


November, 24, 2023
Vacant→ Dimitri Kortrevich


November, 24, 2023
Vacant → Peter Theodore d’Arkent


November, 24, 2023
Keeper of the Wardrobe
Vacant → Annette Roelle






Her Royal Highness, SIBYL GWYNETH, 

Princess of Monterosa, Duchess of Atrus,  Head to Il Courta Cometa





Princess of Haense, Duchess of Greywyn, Countess of Florentine,

 Princess Palatiodora of the Palatio Arancione



Edited by The Palatio Arancione
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Liridona is very proud of her Haeseni niece being in charge of preserving Balianese culture.

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