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[✗] [Magic Lore] The Grand Shamanism Rewrite


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All Shamans (Farseer, Witchdoctor, Lutauman, Animism, etc) will stay at their current tiers if this lore is passed. 




All Shamanism TAs will become General Shaman TAs condensed into a singular magic with multiple subtypes. Shamans may teach any subtype of Shamanism so long as they possess a pact with the correct type of Spirit[I.E Teaching Animism with an Elemental Pact, or Teaching Lutaumancy with a pact with Kor. Teaching Farseer or Witchdoctor will still require the Shaman to be T5 and possess two slots dedicated to Shamanism to teach the magic.



When the Spirits descended upon the Mortal Realm- a power beyond mortal comprehension, it was Krug who first carved their strength into tangible hands. As a titan who stood against Iblees, his courage was something to be coveted. The Spirits forged a covenant with the great warrior, bestowing the first of the Orcs with unbridled power. Volatile and unwieldly, Krug's magic was later tamed by his first daughter. Dom, The Mother of Shamanism, lacking her father's brutality, saw to it that their people were capable of evoking the powers of their greatest ancestor.


She created the first pacts, establishing a truer connection with the Spirits in an attempt to sift through the strength and chaos of her father. In imbibing their power however, she consumed the raw chaos of the realms beyond. Life and death, fire and water, disease and health- the world unraveled beneath the Truth, and their desires became hers. The Spirits had bound themselves to her soul. A Shaman had been born.



Shamans are the Descendant conduits of the Spirits on the Mortal Plane. By pacting with a Spirit, Shamans are able to invoke the power of the Spirits they wield. Shamans without an additional subtype (Animism, Lutaumancy, etc) are only capable of contacting the Immortal and Elemental Spirits. Unless specified by other lore pieces, each pact will cost [1] Magic Slot in accordance with Spirit Pacting lore. Pacting may be formed on a Spirit Walk or its variants, at a T2 Shrine of a respective Spirit, or through the use of the Remnant Hexes whether through ST or player intervention. Players who do so still must uphold all the requirements documented in Pacting Lore, and should they pact with a specific entity must document it. Shamans who possess a TA in a respective field, I.E Animism or Lutaumancy may also teach and create these Shamans without the need for a Spirit Walk.




Once a Shaman reaches T3, they are capable of choosing between two practices of the magic, Farseer and Witch Doctor. Witch Doctor utilizes the wrath of the Spirits for harming and maligning souls, while Farseer focuses on wielding their power for beneficial means. Despite this difference, both are able to contact the Immortal and Elemental spirits. In addition, they may self-teach themselves Animism or Lutauman by going on a Spirit Walk to pact with an Elemental Spirit or Kor respectively. Due to Animism and Lutaumancy being separate magics, their Tiers will be separate from base Shamanism.



Spirit Realm: A deific plane where all Spirits reside. This plane is divided further into different realms, separating the different kinds of Spirits. This realm is attached to the Soulstream, allowing for willing souls to enter it upon death, or most commonly through Spirit Walks in the subtypes of Shamanism.

Greater Spirit: A Greater Spirit is the most powerful Spirit of the aspects and concepts it rules over. A host of Lesser Spirits sit beneath it as proxies, envoys, and workers. Greater Spirits own their own domains within Spirit Realms, from which Lesser spirits carve up their own territories.

Lesser Spirit: The most common kind of Spirit and the Spirits shamans pact with to utilize the different subtypes. Lesser Spirits exist under Greater Spirits, and so their aspect reflects the Greater Spirit they exist under.

Elemental Spirit: The first and most powerful Spirits, the Elemental Spirits are volatile and impossibly temperamental. Elemental Spirits commonly represent the most fundamental aspects of nature - Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and so on.

Immortal Spirit: Immortal Spirits represent concepts, emotions, and the material aspects of the Mortal Realm like Swamps and Cities.

Ancestral Spirit: Mortal Souls who die and are honorable may pass onto the Ancestral Realm to become Ancestral Spirits.


Magic Explanation

Shamanism is gained as a magic when a player pacts with a lesser Immortal or Elemental spirit. This in turn will make up the one [1] slot as per the spirit pacting lore. One pacted slot is always needed to allow the user to use all Non-Path Abilities.


Other shaman subtypes will have respective lore describing their requirements, so long as the player possesses a pact of that respective lore (meaning one [1] magic slot) with an Elemental, Immortal, or Ancestral Spirit.


Non-Path Abilities are self taught, with the exception of Old Blah. However, RP is encouraged to flesh out this progress.


Once a Shaman reaches T3, they are capable of specializing in the arts of Witch Doctor or Farseer. Choosing either of these paths takes up one [1] additional magic slot. Although a shaman can take many paths, the path between Farseer and Witch Doctor is mutually exclusive. A shaman may switch between Farseer and Witch Doctor by reverting to T2. This switch must be applied for with another MA as self teaching and a link to their previous MA.


Shamans are limited to casting a certain amount of spells per day with their spell usage returning every 24 OOC hours. As a Shaman nears the limits of potential casting their body grows exhausted and Spiritual wounds begin to manifest on their flesh. These wounds will only vanish if the Shaman rests. Should a Shaman try to cast beyond their spell limits, their spell would fail and they would be knocked unconscious.


If a shaman has not pacted with a specific yet as a requirement for this lore, they must choose one to reflect the aesthetics of their abilities. A Shaman must have a pact with a specific Spirit to utilize shaman spells.


The Tenant(Compatibility)

The spirits are forgiving beings, however, there is one tenant in place in which a shaman may not break lest they lose their pact(s) and thus their connection to the magic.


Shamans cannot use the magic, feats, or enchantments of Aengudaemons, Voidal Magic, Necromancy, Mysticism, and other magics or CAs which corrupt the soul are incompatible with Shamanism. Exceptions to this rule are magics that are explicitly said to be compatible in their respective lore or use personal mana such as  but not limited to Seer, Housemagery, and Blood Magic. CA's or MA's which warp the soul or have them claimed by other sources would also make someone ineligible for Shamanism.


While shamans may keep and physically use the trophies of their enemies, they are incapable of casting or using their own enchantments when these items are in their inventory. Should the enchantment require a magical catalyst  or reagent of corrupted nature (i.e ectoplasm), a shaman would be completely unable to utilize its effects. 


List of Spirits

The Spirits are divided into different realms all within the Spiritual Plane. Each Plane hosts its own assortment of Greater and Lesser Spirits, forming allegiances as they bicker and fight over power and followers. The realms are divided thusly.


Players and ST are free to create their own Lesser Spirits so long as they derive from a Greater Spirit, and so this list will document all of the available Greater Spirits and a handful of Lesser Spirits. Spirits are capable of an assortment of identities and manifestations- adopting countless names by mortality, and so their names, visages, and personalities may differ in roleplay or player experience.



The first and most powerful of the Spiritual Realms, the Elemental Spirits birthed the Elementalists of ancient lore, and the Animists of today. Due to the intense power of the Spirits, the only Spirits capable of ever being interacted with are marked with a *. The first six spirits are the only ones able to be contacted; the last eight cannot be pacted with, spoken to, or interacted with in any way. Lessers of these Spirits cannot be made.



Skathach - Spirit of fire, depicted as a burning wolf. *

Akathro - Spirit of water, depicted as a half woman half fish. *

Bregthar - Spirit of earth, depicted as an aged stone behemoth. *

Fiarza - Spirit of air, depicted as an agile woman adorned in feathers, able to shift shape into any flying animal. *

Kulthark - Spirit of metal, depicted as a hollow suit of armor that can shift shape into a variety of forms. *

Neizdark - Spirit of storm, depicted as a mass of thundering clouds that can take on any shape. *


Binazdar - Spirit of Light, depicted as a bright white cat, the brother of Radzanib.

Radzanib - Spirit of Dark, depicted as a jet black cat, the brother of Binazdar.

Fanzra - Spirit of Chaos, depicted as a hydra that never ceases to move its heads, the brother of Andrif.

Andrif - Spirit of Order, depicted as an aged and calm dragon, the brother of Fanzra.

Ringat - Spirit of Life, depicted as a white wolf, brother of Tagnir, they are always seen chasing each other's tails.

Tagnir - Spirit of Death, depicted as a black wolf, brother of Ringat, they are always seen chasing each other's tails.

Omnizan - Spirit of Space, depicted as a red snake, intertwined with its partner Sandru. Also take the form of a colossus wielding a shield made of the universe.

Sandru - Spirit of Time, depicted as a blue snake, intertwined with its partner Omnizan. Also takes the form of a colossus wielding a staff made of all time.



The Immortal Realm is the most plentiful and chaotic of Spiritual Realms, filled with countless aspects, emotions, and properties of the Mortal Realm. Spirits within the Immortal Realm spill their power into the Mortal Realm, most commonly shaping Witchdoctors and Farseers to carve their power.



Votar - Spirit of the hunt, depicted as a giant half-wolf-half-stag with a bloodied snout. Governs the art of hunting and is often praised by offering tribute in the form of hunting trophies.

Freygoth – Spirit of the wild, animal instinct, and plants/animals, depicted as any natural creature.

Enrohk - Spirit of bloodlust, savagery, and war, depicted as a berserker covered in blood.

Vulka - Spirit of warfare, strategy, and siegecraft, depicted as a woman made of bronze that is always preparing for war.

Jevex - Spirit of order, hard work, and self-sacrifice depicted as a humanoid composed of interlocking gears. 

Shezept - Spirit of revenge, plots, and stealth depicted as a woman with the lower body of a snake. It rewards those that tell it their darkest plots and secrets. Has a fascination with personal vendettas.

Ixli - Spirit of forbidden knowledge, truth, and judgement depicted as a giant staring eye. It provides knowledge at the cost of sanity. A malevolent Spirit said to have created the Dark Shamans of old.

Ogrol - Spirit of despair, sapped strength, and entrapment depicted as a large cage full of writhing bodies. It attempts to lock all who summon him away in its prison.

Kor - Spirit of the dead depicted as a cloaked man with a bony open hand and a lantern. Kor guides the souls of the departed to the Ancestral Plane. He is the gatekeeper of Stargûsh’Stroh. It is Kor and the Greater Spirits of the Ancestral Realm that provide the art of Lutaumancy.

Ankrus - Spirit of the sea, marine life, and sea-faring depicted as an aquatic woman wielding a trident. Said to bless ships of honour in their oversea journey, though is without mercy for ships that dare defy its will. 

Arwa - Spirit of bounty, harvest, and farming, depicted as tall scarecrow with a pumpkin for a head.

 Anyhuluz - Spirit of destruction, malicious intent, and internal strife, depicted as a warrior covered in open wounds.

 Akezo – Spirit of health, vitality, and healing, depicted as a winged serpent surrounded by a blue aura.

 Paxahru - Spirit of arrogance and stupidity, depicted as a boasting fool.

Ublulhar - Spirit of hope and new beginnings, depicted as an entling bursting from the ground.

 Ghorza - Spirit of travel, movement, commerce, and fortune both bad and good, depicted as an old traveler with a walking stick, with various fetishes attached.

 Rolfizh - Spirit of murder, the clandestine, and poison, depicted as a dagger-bearing figure made of shadow.

 Trokorl - Spirit of engineering, machinery and construction depicted as a pile of building materials and metal that can take any shape.

 Luara - Spirit of the moon depicted as a pale white wolf. While Luara possesses her own realm, she is often seen in the Ancestral Realm as well.

 Kezt - Spirit of honour and bravery, depicted as a bright silver hoplite.

 Ramakhet - Spirit of the desert, barren lands, and sand. It is never seen and therefore is only represented by its name. Sworn to scour the world of all life at the end of time.

 Krathol - Spirit of pain, suffering and starvation depicted as a skeletal vulture, endlessly picking at its bones.

 Gazigash - Spirit of blood, bones, and flesh, depicted as a woman made of blood adorned with bone jewelry. A common Spirit for haruspex and other soothsayers to worship.

Veist - Spirit of illusion, tricks, and thievery, depicted as a faceless man with a thousand arms.

Glutros - The spirit of greed and gluttony, depicted as a large serpent coiled around a pile of gold and treasure.

 Isuz - Spirit of platonic love, caring, and tranquility, depicted as a warmth to every beating heart.

 Kinul - Spirit of disease, pestilence, and failure, depicted as a wailing man with limbs constantly growing then falling off due to necrosis.

 Urin - Spirit of weather, seasons, and climate, depicted as a raven that changes colour and temperament with the seasons.

 Kesaroth - Spirit of envy, hatred, and jealousy, depicted as a golden bull.

 Leyd - Spirit of dominance and physical strength, depicted as a strong orc with burned off skin and blackened flesh.

 Scorthuz - Spirit of cleansing, purity and purging, depicted as a watery mass that takes many forms.

 Aztran - Spirit of the sun, stars, and the ethereal, depicted as a deep purple and orange Qing Long.

 Theruz - Spirit of intelligence and learning, depicted as a wise old teacher. Sibling of Betharuz.

 Betharuz -Spirit of alcohol, cactus green and celebration, depicted as a jovial young man, in direct contrast to his sibling, Theruz.

 Velkumezt - Spirit of cities, settlements, and the law, depicted as a giant carrying a hammer. With a single smash he can erect a city around him.

 Gentharuz - Spirit of smithing, smelting, industry and forging, depicted as a huge swirl of matter in the shape of a man’s torso, hammering a cosmic anvil.

 Ikuras - Spirit of fear and insanity, depicted as a dark void with tendrils creeping out. The rumination of Ikuras were lost to time, and few know of the Spirit.

 Brimztra - Spirit of creativity, art, and music, depicted as a blank page that fills and empties itself with words, music notes, and art.

 Drelthok - Spirit of sleeping and dreams, depicted as a drowsy bear.

 Eathruz - Spirit of dawn and dusk, depicted as a red woman able to transform into a fury red hawk.

 Kotrestruu - Spirit of memory and the recording of knowledge, depicted as a wizened old man made up of scripture. Is known to carry a vial that acts as a canister of memories taken from mortals.

 Letrothak -Spirit of hindsight, warnings, and excuses, depicted as a small man with a head completely covered in eyes.

 Xaakt - Spirit of rebellion, depicted as a ghastly figure that can take on any form it wants.

 Etna - Spirit of melancholy and depression, depicted as a sluggish six-legged donkey.

 Âmul – Spirit of wisdom and foresight, depicted as a robed figure bearing two carved tablets with ever-changing words on them. One bears the wisdom of elders, the other bears warnings of the future.

 Dazkur - Spirit of protection and loyalty, depicted as a large man in steel armor, carrying nothing but a shield.



Aglazek - Spirit of progress and innovation[Under Trokorl]

Laklul - Spirit of swamps and swamp life[Under Freygoth]
Jezdurka - Spirit of animal dragonkin [Under Freygoth]
Krap - Spirit of Garbage, Refuse, and Vermin [Under Kinul]

Naztkrank - Spirit of Scaddernaks [Under Freygoth]

Zagbal - Spirit of Jungles [Under Freygoth]



The Ancestral Realm was created by Krug and Kor as a place for the noble descendants to rest once their live had ended. The Lesser Spirits within this realm are the Spiritualists and honorable descendants who passed on from the Mortal Realm in death. The Greater Ancestral Spirits are then the famed heroes of the realm who truly changed the Mortal Realm.



Krug - The first Descendant to encounter the Spirits. He is the one who refused Iblees' deceit and fought the Arch-Daemon singlehandedly.

Lur - Said to be the greatest hunter in history.

Rax - Said to be the greatest warrior of all time.

Gorkil - Known as a great military strategist and tactician.

Braduk - Famed as a great chieftain.

Dom - Mother of Shamanism, it is she who discovered the nature of pacts and established the many forms of Shamanism.

Ugluk - Third born kub of Gorkil, renowned as a great warrior.

Azog - Said to be the greatest smith in history.

Kurak - Also known as the wolf of Lur.

Tor - Also known as the Fist of Lur, renown for his calm, collective intellect and physical strength.

Trickster - Trickster of Lur, he was renowned for his subterfuge. His skills at deception and diversion were so great his identity was unknown.

Bralkor - The Axe of Lur, known for his great resistance to physical damage.

Jarkun - The Sword of Lur, known for strength combined with dexterity and speed.

Yar - Descended from Dom (though unknown to be so), known for his great wisdom and spirituality.

Yaggo - Sometimes called the greatest rider of all time.

Dregort - The greatest boat builder and captain to have ever lived, legend holds his mother was Ankrus herself.

Grumbag - Known in life as a great builder, he is the patron of all Yazgars.

Vargo - Known for being a great alchemist.

Kharak [Smawton] - An exceptional Orcish Rex who created the world's greatest ever tribute to a Spirit in the form of the Orgonic plague. This plague destroyed the continent of Vailor and forced all descendants to move to Axios.



Phaedrus [Cosmicwhaleshark] - Liberator of the Wood Elves, and first Elven Rex of the War Uzg as well as a great shaman. Renowned for his honour, wisdom, integrity and tenacity.

Kulgarok [Panashea] - The only Dark Shaman Rex, who carved the mountains of Devirad and brought forth a new generation of Dark Shamans. Despite his ruination, his belief in orcish Xionism still pervades to this day.

Skalp’Raguk [Minagobbler] - A red-skinned orc who rose to Rexdom at the tender age of 12, and united his brothers through a long, popular, and successful Rexdom. His final act of devotion to his people was to take his own life via an explosive vest in the Dwarven throne room, along with that of several dwarves in an act of retribution.






Spell Uses: 

Abilities marked with a * represent Witchdoctor or Farseer exclusive abilities. Abilities marked with a [P] represent spells that require at least two slots dedicated to Shamanism.


T1: Old Blah, Incitement{Unlimited} 

T2: Spirit Walk {2}, Imbue {5}

T3: Soul Cleanse{2}, Curse{3}*, Farsight*, Consecrate*

T4: [P] Avatar {2}, [P] Circle Magic {2}, Inflict*, Venerate{3}*

T5: [P] Rebuke{2}, Spirit Binding{3}*


Old Blah [Passive] [T1]

Old Blah is an ancient and complex language, perhaps the oldest language known to descendants. This speech is how the Spirits communicate and thus how Shamans draw power from them. To learn this language is difficult, taking two [2] OOC weeks to be comprehensible. As time continues, the shaman will become fluent in the language. 


Old Blah Redlines:


It takes 2 OOC weeks to learn the language at the bare minimum.

Spirits will not respond to Old Blah chants that are the same word repeated over and over, demands for power, or anything insulting towards the spirit being spoken to.

Old Blah must be learned from a teacher or a T5 Shaman with an accepted MA who knows the language.


Incite [Non-Combative] [Cantrip] [T1]

Shamans are able to incite their pacted spirit in minor feats of spiritual power. These aesthetic displays of a spirit’s domain are invoked whenever a Shaman casts a spell or by choice by holding their focus for one [1] emote. The spell will last as long as the shaman holds focus. While focus is held, the shaman can speak and walk normally. However, Incite by choice dispels once the shaman enters combat or makes an attack upon another. 


Incite affects the shaman themselves or in the area around them in a two [2] block radius. Incite may not affect any non-shamanic items or other characters and figures.



- A shaman of Laklul will create a swampy area around himself.

- A shaman of Fiarza will have gust in their hair.

- A shaman of Ixli will have multiple eyes forming around the ground.


Incite Redlines:


Although non-combative, this spell can be used as a shaman tell for combative spells as long as it does not affect combat.

Effects cannot exceed further than two [2] blocks from the shaman. The only exception to this is contact with an imbued object.

Although the environment may change around the Shaman, this is only temporary. This means the environment will return to normal after focus is broken.

All effects are purely aesthetic and flavorful and must relate to a pacted spirit’s domain.

A shaman with multiple pacts may only incite one Spirit at a time.


Spirit Walking [Non-Combative] [Active] [T2]

Shamans are able to meditate or commence a ritual, with optional assistance of drugs / narcotics and Old Blah or use of an Incited Tool, to allow a connection to the Spirit Realm. Shamans are only able to visit the Immortal and Elemental realms of the spirits. Only Lutaumen can visit the Ancestral Realm.


It requires three [3] emotes to connect one's soul and those present to the Spirit Realm. After this, all present will be rendered unconscious. Once there, it is the Shaman’s responsibility to create an enjoyable experience for those present, describing landscapes, characters, and event points. Shamans may also use this ritual to self-teach themselves further rituals within the magic, or other accepted lore piece rituals like the Remnant Hexes. With ST permission, Shamans may use this ritual to learn how to recreate Shamanic MArts or create new MArts.


Spirit Walking Redlines:


All participants of a spirit walk must give RP consent. The Soul Tether acts as consent to the spirit walk. It spreads from the shaman to the souls they wish to bring to the spiritual realm. If the persona fears the Tether it will not connect to them.

Participants within the Spirit Walk are unconscious once the ritual is completed and until it ends- even if exiled prematurely. They must to wait till everyone wakes up collectively or the Shaman ends the ritual early.

Requires focus and cannot be cast in combat. Being cut or stabbed will interrupt the casting.

Animists perform a variant of this spell known as Commune to interact with their Elemental Spirits.

Shamans cannot interact with Greater Spirits without ST oversight.

Should a participant or shaman die in the spirit realm, the connection is severed and the participant returns to their body.

Should a shaman or participants die in the Mortal Realm while Spirit Walking, only the leading shaman is considered trapped within the spirit realm and must PK.

 A Spirit Walk is merely a travel of the souls to another plane, and as such, no weapons, items, or other physical objects travel to the Spirit Realm while Spirit Walking. Items and objects may not be brought back for the same reason.

Information considered “rare” or “not well known” gained from PK characters or Lesser Spirits must be approved from appropriate staff first, this does not apply to information considered common or helpful to the spirit walk experience.

 A Shaman is incapable of bringing targets to the Spirit Realm if the soul is incapable of being moved or brought into deific realms. The Spirits would find grievance with permanently transmuted and warped souls along the likes of CAs like Inferi, Frost Witches, and Wights, and Azdrazi and so these creatures would be incapable of traveling. Dark arts incompatible with Shamanism and other aengudaemonic magics (excluding Seer and similar magics) would receive the same treatment.

Creatures without a soul like Homunculi or Sorvians would be incapable of Spirit Walking.

When in the Spirit Realm, the nature of the travelers' soul blueprint is entirely visible. This may result in revealing enchanted disguises or one’s corrupted nature and so the target may choose to flee or refuse the tether before being ushered in. 

The Shaman is capable of ejecting those brought along their journey at any time through touch or chanting for three emotes asking the appropriate spirit to usher them back to the Mortal Realm. This is to prevent abusing the PK clause.

A Shaman abusing the tenants of a Spirit Walk and killing someone within the Spirit Realm while on a Spirit Walk will have the Spirits intervene, locking the shaman away (PK), and returning the victim. This requires ST approval and evidence.

At T2, a Shaman can bring an additional 1 person. At T3, a Shaman can bring additional 3 people. At T5, a Shaman can bring additional 5 people. 

If used in an ST overseen scenario, this number can be bent with approval of the presiding ST.

Any player character that exists in Spirit Realm requires that person's OOC permission to roleplay them or have them be roleplayed by said player.


Imbue [Non-Combative] [Active] [T2]


Imbue is a spell that allows the imbuing of items with the energy of a pacted spirit’s domain. The creation of such items requires an existing item and a four or more [4+] emote ritual including Old Blah.



Imbued items can provide weak connection to Spirits, allowing a Shaman to construct a false vision from within the object should they actively perform a ritual where they incite themselves and the object. Imbued items once incited may act supernaturally -  floating, moving, emitting harmless sparks, or speaking while they are channeled upon.


Imbued items allow for Shamans to channel Incite to a larger radius, expanding the spell’s range to a five [5] block radius should the Shaman remain in physical contact with the object.


Handheld imbued items are player signed describing their channeled effect from the Shaman who created it. 


Larger items, whether for religious purpose or aesthetic may be imbued so long as RP signs label its effects. These large items may only be made once a week, and are ST signed.


- A weapon imbued by Skathach that exhibits harmless flame that wreaths the weapon.

- A glass orb imbued by Ankrus will transform it into a pearl-like visage capable of showing visions of the Spirit’s will.

- A warhammer imbued by the Great Maw will grow teeth and a mouth that will try to eat nearby foods.


Imbue Redlines:


Imbue only gives non-combative features to items relating to a respective pact, meaning the aesthetic cannot assist in combat or in any way mechanically.

Handheld items must be signed.

Larger Imbued items are ST signed and are a maximum of 3x5 blocks in size. Larger areas require a MArt.

Imbue cannot change an item’s core appearance if it is a lore material, meaning the material it is made of must be recognizable.

Imbue will not affect MArts or other enchanted materials.

Imbued items and constructions are player signed or have a sign placed describing the effects.

Imbue can only be done once per OOC day and Larger Imbued items can only be made once a OOC week.


Soul Cleanse [Non-Combative] [Active] [T3]

Shamans have the ability to purify areas and affliction of the soul or stagnate lifeforce such as Heith-Hedran and other lore significant areas capable of being cleansed by deific magic. This spell requires at least four [4] emote ritual including Old Blah. Different regions will require a different number of shamans, described in their respective lore pieces, or at the discretion of ST. At a minimum, this ritual requires at least 3 T4 Shamans, their success determined by a D20 roll, with each T5 Shaman acting as a +2 modifier. These numbers may be shifted at the discretion of ST.


At T4 any Shaman is capable of purging soul curses and afflictions capable of being removed by deific magic, performing a [4] emote purging ritual for afflictions like a necromancer’s curse should it be capable of being removed. This spell cannot be used on targets with corrupted souls or by enemies of the Spirits should their identity be easily seen. Should a Shaman try these effects on a disguised/husked character who was corrupted, the spell would simply fail.


Soul Cleanse Redlines:


Without explicit mention of deific magic as a cure, this spell has no effect.

This spell cannot be used to remove magic, feats, or creatures without its explicit mention in their respective lore.

Purification of lore significant areas or event sites require ST supervision from which success or failure is completely at their discretion. Soul Cleanse upon individual cannot remove [MA's, CA's, or other] permanent soul additions to the character unless the lore explicitly cites it as a cure, i.e Corcitura.

Shaman cannot use this ritual to metagame or determine what affliction someone might have.



Non-Path Multi-Pact Abilities 



Once a Shaman reaches T3 they are capable of taking up additional pacts with Spirits, allowing them to take up additional archetypes and additional spells.  Spells that require multiple Spirit pacts are marked with a [P], requiring the Shaman to have at least two [2+] magic slots dedicated to Shamanism. This may be done by taking up Witchdoctor or Farseer, or additional pacts for Lutaumancy/Animism, a Shaman would receive these spells.


[P] Avatar [Non-Combative and Combative] [T4]

Avatar is a spell which requires a shaman to have pacts with multiple Spirits, allowing them to manifest the marks upon their soul as spiritual energy around their body. These semi-permanent manifestations represent the multiple connections bound to a Shaman’s soul through their pacts, an amalgamation of their psyche and the power they wield. This can be considered an upgrade to Incite, which comes with unique Effects. 


These effects manifest over the course of two [2] Emotes, and will remain active indefinitely unless struck by Thanium, Voidal, Aengudaemonic, or Dark magic spells of the same tier. Should the Avatar be forcefully dissipated, it requires four [4] emotes to remanifest until the end of combat.


Should a shaman spend [2] emotes to summon their Avatar within combat, all combative Shamanic spells are shortened by one [1] emote (usually one less old blah emote) until the Avatar is forcefully dissipated, or the Shaman de-manifests them.  


An Avatar’s manifestation must be an ephemeral spiritual being which stays in close radius to the Shaman. The Avatar may also manifest as a visual aura or construct of the Shaman’s mana. A Shaman of Kor may possess a ghostly shade while casting spells. A Shaman of Leyd may have their muscles naturally writhe. These effects can affect the environment around them non-combatively and vanish immediately once combat begins.


Wielding an Avatar in combat is physically exhausting, restricting the Shaman’s movement by one block for all actions within the duration of its summoning. A Shaman may only summon their Avatar twice per day.


Avatar Redlines:


This cannot change a person’s physical appearance, it can only act as a layer of spiritual energy.

The Avatar cannot conceal a person and they must be recognizable.

These visual effects are purely aesthetic and cannot give aid in combat.

Spells affected by the ritual aspect of Avatar still adhere to all their redlines.

Avatar does NOT increase the amount of spell uses a shaman has.

A Shaman with a summoned Avatar reduces the range of all movement emotes by 1 block while in combat.


[P] Circle Magic [Non-Combative] [T5]

Circle Magic allows a shaman with at least two pacts to channel a non-combative single-target spell, allowing it to target two players. Each T5 Shaman that participates within the ritual increases the amount of effective players by one [1] upwards to ten [10] players. Shamans may also perform Circle Magic on flora/fauna for events, adhering to the same event clauses as the Hunter's Grimoire and other player event resources for animals or plants made through this group spell. This would allow Shamans to create groups of spiritually altered creatures, so long as they perform a ritual capable of effecting Flora and Fauna.


Circle Magic Redlines:


Supporting Shamans do not need the two pact requirements to assist.

Any ritual above the maximum player count [10] requires ST supervision. Shamans can only perform this ritual on non-combative spells like specific blessings/curses and targeted rituals.

Circle Magic has no effect on the duration of spells.

Cannot be cast during combat. All event creatures follow the usual event redlines:

These creatures do not require a CA of any sort and are used explicitly for player or staff events. 

These must be OOCly coordinated and must be trusted for responsible use. 

May not be tamed or kept as a pet (Colosseum or temporary enclosure [a maximum of 3 irl days] is fine).

May not be used to attack other nations.

May not be used as defense for yourself or other nations.

Player-signed Items and trophies cannot have any extra-special abilities or be exceptional in nature and must follow any rules listed in the lore. Crafted tools or weapons may not surpass their steel counterparts. Items will not warrant an ST signature.

This resource is ONLY allowed for DIY events - meaning that which is run by a player group(s) of people which has OOCly consented, abuse of this will not be tolerated and any queries regarding anything one may be unsure of should be directed to an ST.


[P] Rebuke [Combative] [T5]

A shaman is capable of expelling the soul energy of their bonded pacts in a [2] block radius around them for [2] emotes. This attack’s aesthetics may manifest to reflect the different pacts a shaman possesses, but its effects will always be the same. Targets struck by Rebuke will feel minor concussive force, capable of bruising flesh, even when armored. This move only damages the target slightly, and forces them back three [3] blocks. Rebuke is performed through [5] emotes, Two [2] emote of connection, two [2] emotes of Old Blah or use of an Incited Tool, and one [1] emote of casting. This spell is capable of being defended by any anti-spell or anti-soul properties like Thanium, Aurum, or other magic. Magic capable of producing their own energies or forces are capable of defending the spell or producing their own attack to counter out the spell. This includes but is not limited to Voidal magic, Aengudaemonic magics, or magics that manipulate the soul or life force, like Naztherak, Necromancy, and Mysticism. 


The energy created by Rebuke is part of a Shaman's soul, capable of shielding against attacks from the soul like a Witchdoctor's curse, or the draining spells of Mystic or Necromancer. Magical soul attacks of the same tier or weaker within the radius of the Shaman would latch onto the spell, reacting as if it was the intended target. Once a spell was redirected, Rebuke would immediately end. This has no effect on AOE spells[i.e deadbreath, a pillar or cone of malflame, etc], or the concussive/physical damage brought on by any of these spells.


A shaman may cast this spell twice per combat encounter.


Rebuke Redlines


Targets may resist the effects of Rebuke either by escaping the blast radius or taking their next turn to ground themselves, effectively stunning themselves rather than moving backwards.

Rebuke is not a shield against attacks, but rather a redirection of them. It cannot be used to wall out projectiles or attacks that have no impact upon the soul.

This spell has no additional effects beyond minor bruising and displacing targets around the Shaman.

This spell is indiscriminate toward enemies and allies.

Targets larger than ologs will only be affected should they be weak to deific magics.

Rebuke has no effect on AOE spells, or the physical/concussive damage from a spell.

Rebuke cannot redirect voidal spells.

Rebuke can only redirect spells that would strike the soul within the radius of the Shaman. Once a spell was redirected, Rebuke would end.




Witch Doctor Abilities


These abilities are taught by a Witch Doctor with a valid TA.


Curse [Non-Combative] [Active] [T3]

Curse is a broad spell which covers any infliction upon a soul bearing being and comes in a variety of forms, reflecting the spirit called upon. To bestow a curse, a freeform length ritual greater than four [4] emotes must take place which requires chanting in Old Blah or an Incited Object like a voodoo doll or ritual instrument. These rituals can be as complex as one wishes as long as intent is present. Curse must be performed on a target that is subdued, though afflicting these targets does not require OOC consent. A target must be within arm's reach of a Shaman, or the use of Incited objects to extend the range of the spell to [5] blocks.


Curse effects relate to the pacted spirit in terms of aesthetics, yet cannot bring direct harm to others who are in proximity of the victim. Curses can never kill a target, nor prevent them from roleplaying[i.e, this curse puts the target to sleep for an OOC day.]


Examples of Curses: 

- A curse of Laklul turns a person’s skin frog like.

- A curse of Kinul gives a person a violent cough.

- A curse of Skathach will have painful fire manifest on their skin that cannot be put out and is harmless to others who touch it.

- A curse of Ixli that covers a person's skin with words that release maddening whispers and cause harmless headaches.

- A curse of Enrohk that gives someone crooked bloody horns that cause one's primal emotions such as anger to be most prominent 


Curses last 24 OOC hours with an additional 24 OOC hours added by each accompanying Witch Doctor with a maximum of an OOC week. Curse can be performed with Circle Magic to increase the amount of people affected. Curses last until cured by alchemy or any magic capable of removing curses (dark, deific, etc). Monk revival removes the curse from the afflicted.


Curses must derive from the list of effects below.


Curses List:


- Loss or weakening of a single sense (Hearing, Sight, Taste, Touch, Smell) Removing multiple senses requires OOC consent.

- Weakness/Pain.

- Migraine or Headaches

- Lethargy

- Warts, Boils, Hives, Rashes.

- Hunchback or the disfiguring of limbs

- Ugliness

- Hair Growth and Removal

- Fever, Sore Throat, and other Non-threatening Symptoms of Diseases

-  Emotional turmoil or enhanced perception of negative emotions.

- Hallucinations (Auditory or Visual)

- Delusions

- Negative emotions.

-A harmful representation(may be physical or only seen by the afflicted) of the Spirit that causes emotional distress or one of the effects described above.


Curse Redlines:


Can only be cast 3 times a day, regardless of tier.

Only a maximum of two [2] effects can be applied per curse, however this can be extended to a maximum of five [5] with OOC consent.

A target may only be cursed once per week without OOC consent.

Targets cannot be cursed into states of inactivity or Soft-PK. This includes putting targets to sleep for the duration of the curse, removing multiple senses, or locking them into a place in which they are completely incapable of interacting with others. Repeated abuse of Curse will lead to a blacklisting of the magic.

Clear communication between the Witch Doctor and the victim is encouraged.

The negative subjective effects of the curse are at the discretion of the afflicted and the state of their character- this is to say that cursing the emotional state of an olog or a child may prove less effective compared to someone traumatized and easily influenced.

Curse aesthetics must relate to a pacted spirit.

Curse aesthetics cannot bring direct harm to others exposed to the victim.

Curses cannot be used to give people "positive" effects- you cannot make curse someone to love another.

Curses require line of sight, speech, and focus.

Curses cannot lead to the suicide or death of a person.

Curses cannot be used in combat, meaning the victim must be bound or unconscious.

Curses can be cured through soul healing magics such as other Shamans or Paladinism.

Curses can be cured through scarring the soul through dark magic, supplanting the curse with greater negative effects like Malflame or a Necromancer’s curse.

Alchemical Remedies capable of curing magical curses can be used to undo the effects of a curse.

Curses cannot be cast on beings without souls.


Inflict [Combative] [Active] [T4]

Inflict is a simple incantation that allows a Witch Doctor to inflict harm upon soul-bearing beings. This is done over the course of four [4] emotes, One [1] emote of connection, two [2] emotes of Old Blah or use of an Incited Tool, and one [1] emote of casting. These spells are combat oriented and come in three types: Wound, Weaken, and Daunt. Inflict is capable of being defended against or canceled out by stronger or equal magical spells, especially those of Mysticism, Naztherak, Voidal, soul-manipulating and Aengudaemonic magics. A practitioner of these arts or similar who is capable of coating, enchanting, or shielding themselves, a weapon, ward, or another character with these magics or their sources of appropriate tier(Malflame, Ectoplasm, Lifeforce, Xannic Mists, etc) is able to defend themselves. Should they cast a spell of matching tier or greater that meets this requirement, or the spell is intended for defense, these forces would eat away the spell before they were capable of having their effect on their intended target.  Inflict would have no effect on constructs or creatures without a soul. The typical anti-magic materials and alchemical resources also prove a means to counteract the spell or resist its effects.


While Inflict may hold specific aesthetics related to a pacted Spirit, the attack will always travel as fast as an arrow, striking the target should they not dodge or have some magical means to protect themselves. A target must be in a 10 block range and within line of sight of the Shaman. A Witchdoctor may move during this spell cast, though should they to take a separate action[i.e dodge, sprint, attack with a weapon, be hit with crowd control/concussive effects,etc]- the spell would fail.


 A shaman is limited to casting Inflict 5 times per conflict encounter. 


An affliction that creates a burning sensation upon the flesh or mind of a person over the course of two [2] emotes, interrupting focus. As the name suggests, the spell optionally leaves an open wound upon a person.


Wound Redlines:


Injuries cannot be greater than their desired effects, meaning no major blood loss, third-degree burns, or other long lasting injuries.

Physical wounds are shallow and can only be 6 inches (~15 cm) in length maximum and must be surface injuries such as burns or cuts.

Mental wounds will not leave a physical wound.

Interrupts focus and spellcasting on the victim.

The burning pain is similar to being cauterized or a severe migraine if mental.


An affliction that drains the victim of physical strength over the course of two [2] emotes. After the end of the second emote, the victim’s strength returns.


Weaken Redlines:


Reduces strength by ONE level on this scale: Child < Voidal Mage <Descendant < Uruk < Olog.

Will not hinder the stamina of the victim, only the strength.

Weaken has no effect on targets larger than Ologs unless their souls are specifically weak to deific magics.


An affliction that keeps a victim within one place over the course of two [2] emotes. After the end of the second emote, the victim’s mobility returns. The aesthetics of this effect can be both physical or mental. Chain is capable of being defended or ended early by any anti-spell or anti-soul properties like Thanium, Aurum, or other magic. Magic capable of producing their own energies or forces are capable of defending the spell or producing their own attack to counter out the spell. This includes but is not limited to Voidal magic, anti-magic/curse alchemy, Aengudaemonic magics, or magics that manipulate the soul or life force, like Naztherak, Necromancy, and Mysticism. Allies cannot physically free their targets from Chain unless using one of the methods provided above, striking them or the physical manifestation with one of these effects to end the spell early.


Chain Redlines:


The victim may still act, but will not be able to move from their current position when the spell is cast.

Chain has no effect on targets larger than Ologs unless their souls are specifically weak to deific magics.

A target cannot be struck with Chain in succession to prolong the effects.

A target will always have a two emote grace period once the effects of Chain end where they cannot be struck with the same spell.

Chain will only reduce augmented mobility[i.e a horse, a movement spell, etc] to normal player distances.


General Inflict Redlines:


Requires line of sight, speech, and focus.

Aesthetics must relate to a pacted spirit.

Cannot be cast on beings without souls.

Must be in #rp range.

Inflict can be defended or shielded against through magical or alchemical means.



Spirit Binding [Non-Combative] [Active] [T5]

A T5 Witchdoctor is capable of embedding a curse within a target through attaching a Spiritual material. Oftentimes a warped limb, or persistent curse, this spell requires OOC consent and must be performed on someone willing or captured.


Each Spirit-Binding has a curse bound to the recipient’s soul through the use of Viscera, a material made by Shamans to apply Spirit Binding. Shamans may also take parts from other creatures and flora, cursing them and converting them into Viscera.  A character may have a maximum of three Viscera attached to them. Each Viscera only works on the person it was made for, and must describe its effects and the owner within the item description. Once the ritual is performed and the item made, the ST signs it.


Spirit-Binding curses may be spread to other targets temporarily through prolonged touch [4] emotes both in and out of combat, afflicting them with the same effects described in the signed item. This active cursing must be done while the Spirit Bind is active and its effects visible. A curse may only be applied with a grafted Spirit Bind[i.e attatched to someone]. These curses are limited to the list of effects described in Curse, and only last for 24 OOC Hours, capable of being cured early through any means of curing a Shamanic curse. 




The creation of Viscera is a complex process which involves molding material using shamanic means. This process is freeform in nature but must be at least six or more [6+] emotes to create and four or more [4+] emotes to attach. Shamans are free to fully utilize their powers to achieve this effect, or through a scientific/alchemical approach of making organs and limbs, before cursing them with Shamanism. 


A Witchdoctor may physically attach the curse onto the target, akin to the cursed healing of old, like granting someone a new limb- a curse and aesthetics controlled akin to flexing a muscle. The ST signed item would be given to the consenting player.


A Witchdoctor may also keep the cursed artifact akin to a Voodoo doll, using it to manifest the curse upon someone’s body indefinitely. Until the Viscera was cured, or the physical artifact destroyed, the curse would remain on the affected until cured- even through death. These Voodoo doll style artifacts would be incapable of spreading curses unless grafted onto the person it was made for.


Witchdoctors may perform this ritual on themselves, or perform supernatural surgeries (i.e replacing a heart, a brain, etc) by taking the consenting or themselves on a Spirit Walk, or performing the ritual at a T2 Shrine, or Consecrated Grounds. As a note for future lore pieces, areas of significant Shamanic influence[usually ST signature or event area] will allow for the Witchdoctor to perform this ritual on themselves, attaching the Viscera supernaturally.


Physical growths, or Spiritual representations of the Shaman’s pacted Spirit may be applied through applying Viscera to a target. These effects are divided into Physical and Spiritual, described below. These physical additions would always be worse then their mundane counterpart, containing minor curses or aberrations at the Witchdoctor’s discretion.




Viscera, shaped from any material may be supernaturally molded and reshaped to create organs and limbs alike. Created organs and limbs can be placed anywhere upon the bodies of fauna, though must adhere to basic physiology (an olog’s arm wouldn’t work on a halfling’s body, etc). The physical additions of Viscera do not grant the target any strength or additional mechanical features,  and a target of Soul-Binding may only have appendages and organs similarly sized to their own. 


- Multiple eyes placed on the head of a person that cannot see as well as a normal eye.

- A tentacle arm replacing an existing arm that is numb to feeling.

- A mouth attached upon one's stomach that displays several crooked teeth and releases an unbearable stench.



Viscera may act as a conduit for indefinite plaguing of the Spirits. These manifestations are fully visible by all, though their destruction would require destruction/cleansing of the Viscera.  Shamans are encouraged to create creative effects to provide engaging effects for the afflicted. The Viscera attached needs no correlation to its effects, and allows the shaman some level of discretion in how they may deform the target. 


- A plague of eyes or growing shadows that follows the victim. [Ikuras]

- A rain cloud that constantly deluges the player. [Urin]

- A horrible voice or a “devil” upon one’s shoulder that chastises the victim constantly. [Paxahru]


While Shamans typically use their Pacted Spirit to manifest these effects, the way in which they appear is at the discretion of the Shaman in question. A Spirit Binding of Enrohk may manifest in a cloud of swarming insects, or as Spiritual manacles that shackle the victim. 



Viscera can be cured by any magic or alchemy capable of removing soul curses, especially other Aengudaemonic magics, or magics that manipulate the soul or life force, like Naztherak, Necromancy, and Mysticism. Destroying the Viscera through magical means would immediately remove all effects. Should Viscera be in the place of a vital organ (i.e a heart of iron), the cleansing or removal of these effects would restore them to their natural state and leave the victim unharmed.


Spirit-Binding Redlines:


Spirit Binding can only be performed three times a day. 

These curses will always have a negative effect created at the discretion of the Shaman.

A Cursed Limb must be grafted onto a target for it to be able to spread curses.

A Witchdoctor may transfer an already made Cursed Limb onto another target by performing the ritual again and grafting it onto them. The Limb's description would then be renamed.

A Cursed Limb's affects cannot be used by anyone but the person it was made for.

A Cursed Limb cannot be used to metagame the identity of someone in isolation as it shares the same powers as any other Witchdoctor/dark affliction.

While the aesthetic of spreadable curses may reflect the nature of the Spirit, it is limited to the list within Curse.

Should a Cursed Limb be removed improperly[i.e dismemberment], it would merely regrow on the afflicted later. The severed piece would dissolve or quickly rot away.

Viscera can be no smaller than an eye or toe, smaller objects would be incapable of carrying the curse.

Physical Viscera has the same strength and durability of normal skin.

Every individual modification must carry a curse as described in the Curse list. Physical curses only affect the Viscera area, but can affect the entire body if the one being modified gives OOC consent.

One Viscera is defined as a singular body part attached or added to a being. The exception to this rule is up to four [4] small organs of one type which can be counted as one. These only include eyes, ears, noses, teeth, tongues, mouths, fingers, and toes.

Viscera can be preserved upon death as it is attached to the target's soul, allowing them to keep their limb should they be revived.

Viscera modifications cannot give advantage in combat or aid the use of spells.

Viscera are mechanically represented by ST signed items.

Viscera cannot be used to hide or store items.

Requires OOC consent to perform Spirit Binding on a persona.

Cannot save people from death or bring back people from the dead.

Viscera, at it's strongest cannot surpass normal descendant strength or ability.

A player may only have three maximum Viscera at one time.

Viscera can only hold the effects of one Spirit at a time.

Limbs taken from other Player Characters cannot be used to metagame their identities.



Farseer Abilities


These abilities are taught by a Farseer with a valid TA.

Farsight [Non-Combative] [Passive / Active] [T3]

Farsight is the innate ability to see seemingly random and incomprehensible visions of the past and future. These visions often plague the Farseers of earlier tiers and progressively become clearer as the Farseer travels down the path. This allows sight into Prophecy posts on the forums. A Farseer is also able to see visions with aesthetic tools such as cards, oracle bones, or other fortune-telling devices within the material plane while awake. Farseers may also use this ritual to draft prophecy and conflict between Lesser Spirits within the Spiritual Realm, carving up the identity of the LESSER Spirits and the conflict they might face. These prophetic visions may affect shamans, but also within the minds of adherents of a particular Spirit. A vision from Laklul might affect all members within the Lak clan, while a vision from Luara could affect all dark elves who still believe in her words. 


Incited Tools and Structures allow for Farseers to share their visions with others as they perform the ritual of Farsight, requiring two [2] emotes of Incite, two [2] emotes of Old Blah or use of an Incited Tool and one [1] emote of casting. 


Farsight Rift

At T4, a Farseer may use this ability to create a physical manifestation of the Spirit's they are pacted with to speak or perform observations on their realm. By connecting with the souls of those present for the ritual and their pacted Spirit, Farseers are capable of creating a Spiritual "bubble", a 10 x 10 block maximum “tear” in reality to peer into the Spiritual Realm of which they are pacted with with freeform emotes. In connecting with souls of those present, this tear can emit feelings, emotions, and senses relating to that domain to create a vision, explore the Spiritual Realm superficially, or frighten those who view the tear. This version of mutual Farsight requires OOC consent and a soul capable of being interacted with by Shamanism. Farsight Rifts may be performed with Circle Magic, increasing the size of the tear by 10 blocks per Shaman within the ritual.


Farsight Rifts are performed the same as a Farsight ritual, though the Farseer must use a central object to channel and connect all those present. This rift will last until the Farseer cancels the spell, rendering all those unconscious within the tear until the ritual ends. Farseers may expel targets from the ritual through touch or simplify detaching their soul from the central object with a single emote, leaving them unconscious until the ritual ends. Should someone walk into the ritual break the central object from the outside, the ritual would immediately end, waking all those present.


A Farseer may utilize this spell as a means of curing mental and emotional afflictions temporarily.  At a Farseer's discretion, in journeying and exploring a rift the targets present feel the benevolence of the Spirits, relieving negative mental and emotional afflictions for 1 OOC day. This would be incapable of affecting magical afflictions. 


Farsight Redlines:


This cannot be used to metagame information through passive or active means.

The passive method of Farsight can only give insight into event or lore prophecies.

Participants within the Farsight Rift are unconscious once the ritual is completed and until the rift ends- even if exiled prematurely. They must to wait till everyone wakes up collectively or the Farseer ends the ritual early.

All participants of a Farseer Rift must give RP consent. The tether to their soul acts as consent to the spirit walk. It spreads from the shaman to the souls they wish to showcase the rift. If the persona refuses the Tether it will not connect to them.
Creatures without a soul like Homunculi or Sorvians would be incapable of seeing a Farsight Rift, and would effectively be left untouched.

The Spirits would find grievance with permanently transmuted and warped souls along the likes of CAs like Inferi, Frost Witches, and Wights, and Azdrazi and so these creatures while capable of being affected by a Farsight Rift could see horrific imagery and feel fear at their own discretion. They may participate within the Farsight Rift but would be filled with a sense of dread akin to a child with a fear of the dark walking through a forest at night. Dark arts incompatible with Shamanism and other Aengudaemonic magics (excluding Seer and similar magics) would receive the same treatment. These affects would lessen should the individual choose to align themselves with the Spirit.
Information considered “rare” or “not well known” gained from PK characters or Lesser Spirits must be approved from appropriate staff first, this does not apply to information considered common or helpful to the spirit walk experience.

Farseers may choose to have characters bring their items within these illusory rifts, but no items are capable of being taken "out" of these temporary rifts.

These illusory walks have no affect on Spirits within the actual Spirit Realm, though may be used to interact with them superficially or showcase their dominion.
A rift is not a physical object or entity, a shared dream or experience through the connection of souls. Targets would appear asleep/unconscious around the ritual site.

Targets may awaken with superficial wounds and appearances from their adventures, but can never be killed or maimed- mortal wounds ejecting them from the walk. Farseer Rifts are not Spirit Walks that travel the soul between the realms, but provide another way to interact with the Spirits.



Consecrate [Non-Combative] [Active] [T3]

Consecrate is a ritual site which blesses the ground around a shrine, totem, or other ritual related object. Within this area, shamanic rituals become far easier to use and with less strain to the body. Within these hallowed grounds, emotions, feelings, and senses may be influenced according to the domain of the pacted spirit used. The land itself can be shifted and molded to the ideal of the Spirit. Supernatural weather, strange arches, to floating pillars of land. These affects also effect Flora and Fauna, capable of manipulating them and allowing them to take on minor aesthetics associated with Spirits. These animals and plants may exist for the sake of aesthetic, though cannot be used to provide supernatural items. The flora and fauna within the area would be especially unnatural to those attuned with nature or sharing a relationship with it, though its shamanic origin could only be revealed from identifying the ritual object itself. These areas are created in a [6+] emote freeform emote ritual in which the Shaman establishes an area from which to invoke one of their Pacted Spirits. A shaman is limited to one Consecrated Land(a tile) per Spirit Pact. Should the venerated object, shrine, or totem be destroyed, the effects of Consecrated Land would immediately end. 


Consecrated Grounds begin in a 15x15 area with the initial ritual. Each subsequent ritual is marked with screenshots, and should the Shamans want to expand the region within one tile, they’d create another totem, at a maximum of once per week. If enough a tile is claimed (To the discretion of ST, affected players, and the Farseers enacting the roleplay), it may be completely terraformed to represent the new transformation. Consecrated Grounds cannot be performed in lands affected with incompatible magics, [I.E a voidal heath, Heith-hedran, hintered land, etc]. These afflictions must be cured before the spell could succeed. Shamans are encouraged to label the area with signs to describe the effects present in addition to preparing a build before Consecrated Grounds are performed, as they are responsible for the area.


Consecrated Grounds have the added effect of being able to cleanse and alleviate negative mental effects while Spiritualists or the weary seek refuge inside it. A Farseer may perform an aesthetic ritual of [4] emotes that involve religious imagery or cultural therapy to invoke the power of the Spiritual lands. Once performed, the affected target would have their negative mental affects abated for [1] OOC week. Should they become a Spirit Champion, these effects would be permanent. *[Note that magics/CA's incompatible with Shamanism cannot become Champions]. Should the character experience new negative mental effects [magic, trauma, etc], they would need to undergo the ritual again to have these effects cleansed or treated. While incompatible magic users/CA's may have their negative effects temporarily abated, it can never be permanent, a grace of the Spirits performed once per Consecrated Ground.


These areas must be recharged once every two weeks, requiring the same [6] emote ritual by a T3+ shaman, or any other shamanic ritual to take place upon the land.  These areas are ST signed, with players recharging, building, and logging rituals at the site. These sites also allow for three unique rituals.



Consecrated Land allows for Animists to recover their Fruum [the spell resource]. Should an Animist spend [5] Emotes performing a freeform ritual in which they invoke their element or venerate it. This will allow an Animist to fully recover their Fruum, and may only be performed once per day.



Lutauman are capable of binding an Ancestral Spirit’s wisdom to descendants, superficially tying an Ancestor’s lineage to another. From this blessing, a descendant may receive visions from their newly established relationship from a Lesser Ancestral Spirit, weak messages from their new progenitor. These visions and dreams may be preserved should a haruspice or lutauman take the time to create an artifact to preserve them through a [5] emote ritual, allowing them to be replayed through prolonged touch [2] emotes, or a medium like water, fire, smoke, or other natural elements. These artifacts are player-signed, with no real authority given to the visions provided. 

Pacted Shamans

Pacted Shamans are capable of communing with their Spirits at anytime within Consecrated Ground should they channel their power for [2] emotes. This would allow for minor manifestations within a 5 block radius of the shaman, offering their voice, temporary imagery, and minor aesthetic imagery and flora/fauna possession. [i.e wind moving, an animal talking for the Spirit, or fire shifting to form a shape]. These effects can never harm others, and merely offer a way for Shamans to commune with their Spirits.  Should this ritual be performed at a [T2] Shrine, greater imagery to the extent of forming massive illusions in the sky or environment, making rocks levitate or supernatural structures would form from the Shrine and surrounding area. Once the ritual ended however, the surrounding land would revert to its inert state. None of these effects can be used to harm others or permanently affect the environment, and exists to speak with Spirits within the mortal realm. This ritual may be performed a maximum of [3] times per day.


All Shamans receive an additional count of their spells while casting within Consecrated ground.


Consecrate can be undone by holy magic and forms of natural healing(Paladinism,blight healing, etc). A general rule is magics that affect the soul or can alter flora/fauna so long as they have access to the initial ritual site or totem. Dark magic, Alchemy, abjuration or anti-magic attacks are all also sufficient means of destroying the Consecrated Idol, requiring [3] hits from these attacks to be destroyed, or physical destruction requiring at least [4] emotes of demolition.


Consecrate Redlines: 


Feelings and emotions within consecrated ground require OOC consent.

While the senses within Consecrated Grounds are allowed to cause pain they cannot be used to kill or disable another, and have no effect in combat.

The objects that preserve Consecrate are capable of being destroyed by hand with at least orc-strength, or two descendants to destroy the object with blunt weapons.

Consecrated Grounds are ST signed, future totems within the area also requiring signature. 

Consecrate cannot be used in combat.

The venerated item/ritual/shrine must be in an accessible area.

Consecrate can be undone by other taints/hexes from other Animists and Spirits so long as they have access to the initial ritual site or totem.

Consecrate can be undone by holy magic and forms of natural healing(Paladinism,blight healing, etc). A general rule is magics that affect the soul or can alter flora/fauna so long as they have access to the initial ritual site or totem.

ST has full discretion on what can and cannot work for supernatural aspects within the area. The ST may approve a floating 10x10 building 8 blocks off the ground but not a 30x30 building 20 blocks off the ground and so forth.

Consecrated Grounds must be recharged every two weeks by a shamanic ritual (a blessing, a curse, a Spirit Walk or Animist’s Commune, etc). Or a 6 Emote ritual by a single T3+ Shaman.

If the object is destroyed, the consecration fails and dissipates. 

Consecrated ground effects cannot harm players and are purely aesthetic.

In the later stages, as an area begins to develop, proof of roleplay is provided in screenshots for the ST to understand usage.

Consecration’s supernatural effects can be undone by destroying the totems or any of the magical means provided.

Consecrate’s supernatural aesthetic features cannot be used in combat.

Cleansing Effects cannot be performed more then once on a person with magic incompatible with Shamanism on Consecrated Ground. \

The cleansing effects can only be performed on creatures with a soul or similar vessel.

Cleansing mental effects can only be performed with OOC consent.

All affected Flora and Fauna creatures follow the usual event redlines:

These creatures do not require a CA of any sort and are used explicitly for player or staff events. 

These must be OOCly coordinated and must be trusted for responsible use. 

May not be tamed or kept as a pet (Colosseum or temporary enclosure [a maximum of 3 irl days] is fine).

May not be used to attack other nations.

May not be used as defense for yourself or other nations.
Player-signed Items and trophies cannot have any extra-special abilities or be exceptional in nature and must follow any rules listed in the lore. Crafted tools or weapons may not surpass their steel counterparts. Items will not warrant an ST signature.


Venerate [Combative / Non-Combative] [Active] [T4]

Farseers are capable of affecting souls with the influence of their Spirit, its severity categorized by three levels. These are all done over four [4] emotes. One [1] emote of connection, two [2] emotes of Old Blah or use of an Incited Tool, and one [1] emote of casting.

First Level: Cantrip

This level of blessing may be cast as a cantrip, though only possesses temporary or permanent effects upon flora and fauna. This can come in many forms such as altering the being’s form or bestowing feelings and emotions. Farseers may use this for events, altering flora and fauna to match the nature of their Spirit. This magic ends within the day, or upon the killing of the flora/fauna.


First Level Redlines:


Cannot be cast during combat. All event creatures follow the usual event redlines:

These creatures do not require a CA of any sort and are used explicitly for player or staff events. 

These must be OOCly coordinated and must be trusted for responsible use. 

May not be tamed or kept as a pet (Colosseum or temporary enclosure [a maximum of 3 irl days] is fine).

May not be used to attack other nations.

May not be used as defense for yourself or other nations.

Player-signed Items and trophies cannot have any extra-special abilities or be exceptional in nature and must follow any rules listed in the lore. Crafted tools or weapons may not surpass their steel counterparts. Items will not warrant an ST signature.

This resource is ONLY allowed for DIY events - meaning that which is run by a player group(s) of people which has OOCly consented, abuse of this will not be tolerated and any queries regarding anything one may be unsure of should be directed to an ST.

Second Level: Incantation

This level of blessing can only be cast on creatures with Greater Souls, altering their appearance or the way they think or feel. When casting this spell, a farseer may choose to apply mental or physical effects.  A Farseer may cast this ability three times per day.  


Physical Effects: This blessing holds some weight, and might just make a difference if put in the right place. A creature is noticeably stronger, able to exert itself as if it was at its race's prime or sneak or dance with natural ease with no need for preparation, depending on the respective Spirit’s blessing.


Mental Effects: The affected would be able to feel an unnatural change of their person as the blessing it set upon them, as if the direction of their thoughts has been set towards a specific aspect. It still cannot make something go against their nature (A whimpering child won't rush to battle), but this blessing prompts a creature or person to act suddenly and insistently in a certain way depending on the Farseer’s chosen pacted Spirit.


Once the spell ends, all the fatigue, exhaustion and physical damage quickly accumulate, preventing the target from being blessed again for 1 OOC day. 


Second Level Redlines:


Cannot be cast during combat.

These blessings will only last 24 OOC hours.

These blessings will not make someone go against their nature, rather they will only goad them to act in a similar manner to the pacted Spirit. 

These blessings cannot exceed the maximum capacity of the individual’s race or natural capabilities(i.e an elf will never have orc strength).

These blessings cannot overcome the effects of other magical curses, artifacts, or afflictions possessed by the individual.

While blessings may grant ability, they provide no advantage in combat or toward durability(i.e an old man with increased strength will still have his constitution suffer) .

One day cooldown for repeated targets.

Third Level: Battle Incantation

This level of blessing can be cast during times of battle, however their effects are near immediate and do not linger long if at all. These are however limited to three forms: Heal, Bolster, and Vision. A Farseer may cast this ability three times per combat encounter.


Heal allows the healing and stabilization of wounds. It may attach limbs, though only if the individual has had the limb severed within 24 OOC hours. Heal may be used to stabilize critical injuries, but provides no respite or boon toward later recovery. Critical injuries are described as those that are life-threatening if not treated over time.


Heal Redlines:


Heal can only cure ONE wound at a time, meaning one cut, one broken bone, etc.

Heal can only cure the following and lesser: Cuts, bleeding, second degree burns, broken bones, bruises.

Heal cannot cure the following and greater: Third degree burns, magical ailments, medical conditions both mental and physical, life threatening injuries, death.

Heal can reattach limbs, but only if the limb is fresh, meaning younger than 24 hours after being cut off.


Bolster is a spell that places a bubble of protective spiritual power around the Farseer or an ally. However, these bubbles are fragile and will shatter after a hard strike. The bubble lasts for four emotes before dissipating and will shatter immediately from orc or greater attacks.


Bolster Redlines:


Bolster will only last for a single hit from a standard weapon, that being hammers, swords, spears, etc. Bolster will block against a single Orc-level attack- with the bubble shattering immediately. Olog level attacks will still harm the affected as if they were struck with a descendant level blow. Greater attacks are at the discretion of ST.  

Bolster will not protect against attacks of magical origin (Malflame, Voidal, etc).

Bolster will not protect against non-standard weapon forces such as cannons or huge falling boulders.

Bolster can be taken away at will by the shaman.


Influence is a spell that inflicts a vision upon a person, granting them a vision similar to Farsight, strange and alien. This will stun the victim for one [1] emote.


Vision Redlines:


This does not apply any physical wounds. 

This has no effect on the target’s soul, it merely stuns the target with an overwhelming experience. 

Has no effect on beings without souls.  

While targets that are blind won’t be stunned by the spell, they still may choose hear and experience the other sensory effects of the vision.


Venerate General Redlines:


Requires line of sight, speech, and focus.

Aesthetics must relate to a pacted spirit.

Cannot be cast on beings without souls.

Must be in #rp range.



Tier Progression

Abilities marked with a * represent Witchdoctor or Farseer exclusive abilities. Abilities marked with a [P] represent spells that require at least two slots dedicated to Shamanism.


T1 (Lasts two [2] weeks)

Old Blah

Spirit Sense



T2 (Two [2] weeks after acceptance)

Spirit Walking



T3 (Five [5] weeks after acceptance)

Soul Cleanse




T4 (Eight [8] weeks after acceptance)

[P] Avatar




T5 (Twelve [12] weeks after acceptance)

[P] Circle Magic

[P] Rebuke



Purpose (OOC)

Shamanism was in desperate need of a rewrite even before lore games. This modernization will hopefully clarify the magic for future playerbases and Staff as well. 



Panashea, Astrophysical


Relevant Lore





Edited by Panashea
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This is what the Shamanism community has been waiting for and needing all this time. Excellent job on the potential rewrite.




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love it +1

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Pocket sand! Sh-sh-sha!

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give me magic

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Love the lore. +1, but I just got some questions.

23 hours ago, Panashea said:

Once a Shaman reaches T3, they are capable of specializing in the arts of Witch Doctor or Farseer. Choosing either of these paths takes up one [1] additional magic slot. Although a shaman can take many paths, the path between Farseer and Witch Doctor is mutually exclusive. A shaman may switch between Farseer and Witch Doctor by reverting to T2. This switch must be applied for with another MA as self teaching and a link to their previous MA.

For picking a path, do you additionally gain a second spirit during this time? Or is it that the path itself requires a seperate Magic slot itself.

Also, If there is a Revert from one to another, Does this mean changing back into your origional path is possible? Is there a limit to them? Do some of the spirits you pact become Null due to this change?



23 hours ago, Panashea said:



Heal allows the healing and stabilization of wounds. It may attach limbs, though only if the individual has had the limb severed within 24 OOC hours. Heal may be used to stabilize critical injuries, but provides no respite or boon toward later recovery.


Heal Redlines:

  Reveal hidden contents

Heal can only cure ONE wound at a time, meaning one cut, one broken bone, etc.

Heal can only cure the following and lesser: Cuts, bleeding, second degree burns, broken bones, bruises.

Heal cannot cure the following and greater: Third degree burns, magical ailments, medical conditions both mental and physical, life threatening injuries, death.

Heal can reattach limbs, but only if the limb is fresh, meaning younger than 24 hours after being cut off.


For Fs, Is there a classification of what could be considered "Fatal" in example? There have been way to many instances where someone says losing a limb is considered Life threatening past a certain point. Also, there has been since at least Arcas instances where mental and physical imparments, depending what they were, were also treatable( I e cancer wasnt something fixable but blindness was considered a valid treatment). What was the main push to lessen the ability to such, or if its possible to use this with addition to circle magic?


For WD, not gonna requote. But for chain, it feels like it could potentally be abused by the restricted movement, Maybe there could be a potental CD for a single or two rounds inbetween to prevent the spam of the magic?

Otherwise, the whole things great, but these were just general questions I had. 😀

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7 hours ago, PrinceJose270 said:

For picking a path, do you additionally gain a second spirit during this time? Or is it that the path itself requires a seperate Magic slot itself.


Witchdoctor and Farseer are just straight up slot investments to get the extra spells, it doesn't involve pacting. 


7 hours ago, PrinceJose270 said:

Also, If there is a Revert from one to another, Does this mean changing back into your origional path is possible? Is there a limit to them? Do some of the spirits you pact become Null due to this change?


Yep,  you can go from Witchdoctor to Farseer and back to Witchdoctor. No real need for a limit since you're spending time to relearn the magic again. WD and Farseer are just 1 extra magic slot within base shamanism, so it doesn't affect who you pact with.


7 hours ago, PrinceJose270 said:

For Fs, Is there a classification of what could be considered "Fatal" in example? There have been way to many instances where someone says losing a limb is considered Life threatening past a certain point. Also, there has been since at least Arcas instances where mental and physical imparments, depending what they were, were also treatable( I e cancer wasnt something fixable but blindness was considered a valid treatment). What was the main push to lessen the ability to such, or if its possible to use this with addition to circle magic?


The old healing contradicted itself in stating that it could reattach limbs, and instantly heal life-threatening wounds, yet that any wound greater than "minor" required multiple sessions.  I would describe the use of critical to be synonymous with fatal: Injuries that won't immediately kill someone but if left untreated will eventually kill the individual. Things like blindness or physical disabilities are more a Witchdoctor's craft with Spirit-Binding than a Farseer's catchall. We increased the time to reattach limbs in addition to removing the multiple session clause so that it's more logical and practical to use in combat and rp.  I think increasing the timer even further might be useful since I know schedules lining up is often difficult. I like the idea of Circle Magic being used to improve/empower spells but I'm unsure it'd fit the scope of this submission. 


7 hours ago, PrinceJose270 said:

For WD, not gonna requote. But for chain, it feels like it could potentally be abused by the restricted movement, Maybe there could be a potental CD for a single or two rounds inbetween to prevent the spam of the magic?


Added, appreciate you looking everything over.

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In my honest opinion the additions and changes to the magic in this rewrite are mild, vague, and do not serve to expand for fix the magic in a meaningful way. Old things useful to the magic (cursed healing, applications, certain curses, farseer healing, etc) are needlessly nerfed in favor of adding several crp abilities far too mild and slow to ever see practical use. The addition of a pk clause is perhaps most egregious, turning a spell used primarily for cultural practices (and is the foundational reason most people I know PLAY shamans) serves to act as major detriment to the stability of the magic as a whole. At this point I think just amending the current lore would be a better route to progressing the magic, because frankly this ain't it.

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15 hours ago, ClassyDryad said:

 Old things useful to the magic (cursed healing, applications, certain curses, farseer healing, etc) are needlessly nerfed in favor of adding several crp abilities far too mild and slow to ever see practical use.


I already explained how cursed healing and farseer healing was buffed and simplified in the previous comment.  The current Farseer and Witchdoctor spells are even more mild and slower, so it's not true that these are somehow nerfed. Curses are pretty much the same without the complex infographic or skirting around the nonsensical redlines.  I'm unsure what you mean by certain curses but more often than not, the only practical Farseer and Witchdoctor abilities were ones where people would ignore the general redlines, or find someway to subvert the confusing rules.




15 hours ago, ClassyDryad said:

The addition of a pk clause is perhaps most egregious, turning a spell used primarily for cultural practices (and is the foundational reason most people I know PLAY shamans) serves to act as major detriment to the stability of the magic as a whole.


This was an ultimatum made by ST. While I don't fully agree with it, traveling between dimensions for any magic is a PK clause according to the ST, even for Spirit Walking. Regardless, there are plenty of submissions I've written to interact with Spirits in the mortal realm without needing to Spirit Walk or holds the same PK clause(Remnant Hexes, an Animist's Commune, Spirit Pacting,etc )My hope is that it encourages Shamans actually utilize these lore pieces rather than defaulting to Spirit Walks. A tough change, but one that can be leveraged for the better. The PK clause will be something part of every rewrite unless you foundationally want to change it to not interact with the Spirit Realm. 


You didn't specify what vagueness there is in the submission, but feel free to talk in shaman chat or outline your specific concerns here.

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yeah this is a big +1.

On the contrary, I think having a PK clause attached to any spirit walk is innately adding to culture. A spirit walk is not something to take lightly as it ultimately is a walk to another world, and having the chance of permanent death attached to this is something which ultimately should be attached to roleplay - Consequences create rp too, and add to the fact that becoming a shaman is a very large personal sacrifice, it is a very large choice to make irply and should be treated as such. @ClassyDryad

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10 hours ago, Panashea said:


I already explained how cursed healing and farseer healing was buffed and simplified in the previous comment.  The current Farseer and Witchdoctor spells are even more mild and slower, so it's not true that these are somehow nerfed. Curses are pretty much the same without the complex infographic or skirting around the nonsensical redlines.  I'm unsure what you mean by certain curses but more often than not, the only practical Farseer and Witchdoctor abilities were ones where people would ignore the general redlines, or find someway to subvert the confusing rules.





This was an ultimatum made by ST. While I don't fully agree with it, traveling between dimensions for any magic is a PK clause according to the ST, even for Spirit Walking. Regardless, there are plenty of submissions I've written to interact with Spirits in the mortal realm without needing to Spirit Walk or holds the same PK clause(Remnant Hexes, an Animist's Commune, Spirit Pacting,etc )My hope is that it encourages Shamans actually utilize these lore pieces rather than defaulting to Spirit Walks. A tough change, but one that can be leveraged for the better. The PK clause will be something part of every rewrite unless you foundationally want to change it to not interact with the Spirit Realm. 


You didn't specify what vagueness there is in the submission, but feel free to talk in shaman chat or outline your specific concerns here.

I'll break things down in bits to make it easier to work through

Healing: In this rewrite healing is limited to st signed flesh replacements for cursed healing, where in the current write it can heal essentially anything and does not require st intervention. Farseer on the other hand gets a healing spell which works on one minor wound per casting, and only stabilizes major wounds, compared to a version which does the same thing but allows for additional castings to heal the person further. I know additional healing sessions can be annoying but neither of these new spells seem to be remotely as useful as the old ones.

Combat: If you add this redline not included in your screenshot, its clear that those redlines are a privative way of saying that you cannot cast while actively dodging/hitting people over the head/etc. Don't think people are ignoring the way the spells are supposed to work, considering a lot of how it works is clearly intended for combative interests as well. As for milder spells, 4 emote arrows or voidstalker withering thats half as effective, half the range, half the duration, and twice the casting time and 5 emote spells with basically whisper range will see less use than 5 emote curses that strike three targets at once or two emote spiritual curse poisons. Even in a noncombative sense though the parts of blessing and cursing that will actually make it past review are much shallower compared to what's possible now.


- One cannot participate in battle when Blessing, they can however cast this magic in battle. Keep in mind, however, the Farseer will be a sitting duck, and cannot move or divert their attention away from blessings to defend themselves.


Spirit Walking: I'll reiterate that spirit walks are quite literally the core of the magic, and no amount of fixes elsewhere will counteract the harm that a PK clause would inflict to the magic. In the dark elven community we use spirit walks not just for pacting or healing or talking to specific spirits, but for trials, events, introducing new players to spiritualism, exploration, character development, etc. Now you have a situation where shamans will be afraid to spirit walk for fear of getting gooned on, a troll expelled from the walk turning around and stabbing them, or just any amount of bad faith that it would enable. If LT are entirely unwavering on this I strongly encourage you make an alternative version or change the way the spell works so/that it does not require the soul to travel there. A spirit granted vision journey where the participants are just unconcious would both solve the PK issue and remove the kind of questionable metagaming elements spirit walks allow. It does not need to fall into the level of disuse similar abilities face in other magics.

I also understand there are other ways of interacting with the spirits, though in all honestly none of these are as compelling as spirit walks, and sometimes it is unclear how much freedom/use these have.

Vagueness/Mildness/Etc: I'll cover this spell by spell

- Soul Purging: One I'd ask why a d20 roll is being introduced when current rift lore does not have an RNG system. Secondly, it is implied that it just works as a cure for any soul curses or afflictions curable by other deific magics. This implies it has the abilities of essentially both paladinism and blight healing in one, able to purge plants, fae, tree lords, etc of essentially most things those magics can do in addition to the land itself. You could argue this can even extend to corrupted azdrazi.


- Avatar: The concentration emote principle is a thing in multiple magics, but only in this magic is it both two emotes and limited to a few uses per day. Most combats will not last so long that you'd ever see the benefit of this, assuming a voidal mage does not cast a tier 1, one emote pebble spell to immediately break the avatar. Similarly it does not clearly state whether this works on all shamanic magics or just specifically this shamanic magic.


- Circle Magic: How this is used for player events is not very well explained.

- Rebuke: 5 emotes for a 2 block radius burst is not remotely usable, even in events. There are very few situations where something will be in range and yet unable to interrupt the casting, let along multiple things.

- Curse: Current curse lasts twice as long at minimum, has a 20 (or 48 its unclear) block range, can be cast over three people, and can be extended at the will of the person receiving it. This has half the duration, needs 7 shamans to achieve the same duration someone could just do if they wanted before, requires touch, and has a limited, mostly pestilence oriented selection of effects. These effects however are at times too vague: can you stack multiple of the same category on someone to blind and deafen them, can the extent of pain/headaches/migraines be debilitating, how are subjective things like uglyness and negative emotions treated, why is full on forcing emotions on people allowed without ooc consent or any means of preventing people from doing lust/other nasty curses? As written, this has less non-griefing uses compared to the old one while allowing the shaman to essentially soft pk a character for days on end, perhaps indefinitely if they keep casting it on them.

- Chain: It is not clear to what extent someone is unable to move. Are their legs rooted, are they stuck in their specific minecraft square but able to dodge, can allies grab or push them?

- Spirit Binding: ST do not need to be involved in a healing spell, especially if that spell can be easily cured with no consequence by anyone with the ability to do so (which would include the witch doctor themselves in this write, essentially making it a chore on ST for no reason.)

- Farsight: Passive farsight only working on event/lore prophecies is both limiting and would allow farseers to 'debunk' player made prophecies.


- Bubble: I am not sure what the purpose of this spell is. Being broken by one hit but requiring so many emotes and doing nothing about casting just makes it an overly clunky shield. The standard emote count for this kind of spell is 2.


Sorry if I seem overly aggressive/judgmental hear. I have personal stakes in the preservation of some aspects of shamanism this rewrite would remove, and I was also told you wanted feedback on this (and negative feedback is often the best kind.)




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16 hours ago, ClassyDryad said:

Healing: In this rewrite healing is limited to st signed flesh replacements for cursed healing, where in the current write it can heal essentially anything and does not require st intervention.


This is a bad precedent. No magic should have no resource requirements and be a catchall for any kind of healing. Shamanic healing in its current state has no exhaustion, no caveats, or redlines  or real requirements. It invalidates all injuries, and essentially makes any lingering effects pointless. Shamans shouldn't be the best healers, the best offensive/defensive casters, and the best support mages all at once.  Having reduced healing options and the ability to use it in combat makes it more practical, especially when you could do the same thing in one session in combat rather than 3. It's unclear whether you can even conduct different sessions in combat, or if that part of the spell is something entirely different.

It's not just cursed healing, as cursed healing was basically the Farseer spell watered down and made worse. There's no reason for the archetypes to share the spell, and so Spirit Binding is for giving people limbs and augmented bodies moreso than being the catchall healing spell with extremely loose redlines and conditions. This is a better alternative to permanent curses, and requires ST intervention the same as adding any other magical/supernatural limbs onto someone.  Having it be curable means that these limbs have value in being protected and utilized as significant artifacts, rather than a convenient after combat eraser or a worse version of a spell that already exists for a Farseer.


16 hours ago, ClassyDryad said:

As for milder spells, 4 emote arrows or voidstalker withering thats half as effective, half the range, half the duration, and twice the casting time and 5 emote spells with basically whisper range will see less use than 5 emote curses that strike three targets at once or two emote spiritual curse poisons


I'm completely lost on what you mean by the combat stuff in comparing it to void magic which has entirely different rules, drawbacks, lore, mechanics and ability compared to Shamans. I linked the redlines earlier, but the 5 emote curses that strike three targets can't be used in combat, and hexes are so poorly redlined and outlined it's basically been a guess as to what actually works and what doesn't. There's no way to know how the lore is actually supposed to work because its constantly contradicting itself.


16 hours ago, ClassyDryad said:

Spirit Walking

I already agreed with you on this, so I changed Farseer's rift to essentially be the the stand-in for Spirit Walking in addition to allow it to be performed on Consecrated Grounds. I slightly amended pacting too because having a PK clause over someone just to start learning is inane. I'm still waiting 5+ months on the Lesser and Greater Spirits Submission as a more Spirit interaction is given there as well.


16 hours ago, ClassyDryad said:

Soul Purging: One I'd ask why a d20 roll is being introduced when current rift lore does not have an RNG system. Secondly, it is implied that it just works as a cure for any soul curses or afflictions curable by other deific magics. This implies it has the abilities of essentially both paladinism and blight healing in one, able to purge plants, fae, tree lords, etc of essentially most things those magics can do in addition to the land itself. You could argue this can even extend to corrupted azdrazi.


Using the current system is not a good precedent. It describes being capable of removing voidal magic yet voidal magic is the complete anthesis to Shamanism. How would a Shaman remove a voidal tear in a place where their magic doesn't work? I don't think anything you listed has any description of being capable of being purged/removed by deific magic, so I'm confused why it would extend to those areas. It only affects areas that possess afflictions of the soul or stagnant life force, druidic magic manipulates lifeforce but it doesn't corrupt it(as far as i know), and so it'd be unaffected.


16 hours ago, ClassyDryad said:

- Curse: Current curse lasts twice as long at minimum, has a 20 (or 48 its unclear) block range, can be cast over three people, and can be extended at the will of the person receiving it. This has half the duration, needs 7 shamans to achieve the same duration someone could just do if they wanted before, requires touch, and has a limited, mostly pestilence oriented selection of effects. These effects however are at times too vague: can you stack multiple of the same category on someone to blind and deafen them, can the extent of pain/headaches/migraines be debilitating, how are subjective things like uglyness and negative emotions treated, why is full on forcing emotions on people allowed without ooc consent or any means of preventing people from doing lust/other nasty curses? As written, this has less non-griefing uses compared to the old one while allowing the shaman to essentially soft pk a character for days on end, perhaps indefinitely if they keep casting it on them.


Curse can have multiple targets affected with Circle Magic in addition to it being redlined to make soft-pking people impossible. It's always stated that you can't put people to sleep indefinitely and the like- while the old variant does not. I'm confused on what you mean by non-griefing uses compared to the old one when has had multiple issues because of the lack of redlining and soft-pking people. I don't think its also beneficial or necessary to have people endlessly cursed- and the choice is there with Spirit Binding.


16 hours ago, ClassyDryad said:

Passive farsight only working on event/lore prophecies is both limiting and would allow farseers to 'debunk' player made prophecies.

That's not how prophecy lore works, not all prophecies are accessible even if a Farseer has the ability to see them, and so "debunking" a player made prophecy would be as credible as "it came to me in a vision". There's no way for a Farseer to actually provide evidence on whether something is true nor not.


Chain, Bubble, and the others were just minor tweaks or clarifications. 

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1 hour ago, Panashea said:

This is a bad precedent. No magic should have no resource requirements and be a catchall for any kind of healing. Shamanic healing in its current state has no exhaustion, no caveats, or redlines  or real requirements. It invalidates all injuries, and essentially makes any lingering effects pointless. Shamans shouldn't be the best healers, the best offensive/defensive casters, and the best support mages all at once.  Having reduced healing options and the ability to use it in combat makes it more practical, especially when you could do the same thing in one session in combat rather than 3. It's unclear whether you can even conduct different sessions in combat, or if that part of the spell is something entirely different.

It's not just cursed healing, as cursed healing was basically the Farseer spell watered down and made worse. There's no reason for the archetypes to share the spell, and so Spirit Binding is for giving people limbs and augmented bodies moreso than being the catchall healing spell with extremely loose redlines and conditions. This is a better alternative to permanent curses, and requires ST intervention the same as adding any other magical/supernatural limbs onto someone.  Having it be curable means that these limbs have value in being protected and utilized as significant artifacts, rather than a convenient after combat eraser or a worse version of a spell that already exists for a Farseer.

My response was mostly to the statement that healing is improved in this write. I'd agree that at least witch doctors should not have immense healing abilities (although most healing magics already just heal over all injuries without lingering effects.) Healing in the current write is vague and frustrating, but it does work effectively.


1 hour ago, Panashea said:

I'm completely lost on what you mean by the combat stuff in comparing it to void magic which has entirely different rules, drawbacks, lore, mechanics and ability compared to Shamans. I linked the redlines earlier, but the 5 emote curses that strike three targets can't be used in combat, and hexes are so poorly redlined and outlined it's basically been a guess as to what actually works and what doesn't. There's no way to know how the lore is actually supposed to work because its constantly contradicting itself.

The ability functions almost identically to voidstalker withering, but halved, hence the comparison. It would be better for the magic to be stronger in other areas than have a spell which is too ineffective to be useful.


In addition of the many instances of orc witch doctors I have seen in crp, all but two have used curses in crp that I witnessed, and the one of them who wasn't was powergaming a different part of the magic. The 'casting at a range is fine' implies that the spell can be cast so long as nobody does anything to interrupt it. If this is not the case there is a serious amount of powergaming going on in the magic.


1 hour ago, Panashea said:

I already agreed with you on this, so I changed Farseer's rift to essentially be the the stand-in for Spirit Walking in addition to allow it to be performed on Consecrated Grounds. I slightly amended pacting too because having a PK clause over someone just to start learning is inane. I'm still waiting 5+ months on the Lesser and Greater Spirits Submission as a more Spirit interaction is given there as well.

All of those methods are interesting, but in my opinion none of them are still as compelling as a spirit walk (and should not be limited to just farseers if its a stand in for the central point of shamanism.) I'd still heavily encourage at least an option to perform a spirit walk without needing the soul to go to the realm. Maybe say greater spirits cannot appear/the scenery feels dreamier/people will look like they do in the mortal world/spirits can't tell if someone's soul is tainted while the soul remains in the body. Allowing both options would be the best solution to preserve the centrally important spell while also fitting into LT demands.


1 hour ago, Panashea said:

Curse can have multiple targets affected with Circle Magic in addition to it being redlined to make soft-pking people impossible. It's always stated that you can't put people to sleep indefinitely and the like- while the old variant does not. I'm confused on what you mean by non-griefing uses compared to the old one when has had multiple issues because of the lack of redlining and soft-pking people. I don't think its also beneficial or necessary to have people endlessly cursed- and the choice is there with Spirit Binding.

You can use use current cursing for hallucinatory visions, elevating painful sensations, changing a persons perspective, etc. This version lacks much of that. Soft-pking as well, while possible technically, is not practical since the person has to choose the effects of the curse themselves and hexes have to be directly approved by ST. The new redline preventing people from making it so characters cannot interact with others certainly fixes this concern though!

1 hour ago, Panashea said:

That's not how prophecy lore works, not all prophecies are accessible even if a Farseer has the ability to see them, and so "debunking" a player made prophecy would be as credible as "it came to me in a vision". There's no way for a Farseer to actually provide evidence on whether something is true nor not.

This would not spot people from doing it, and it still cuts off a large number of prophecies for no reason. I don't know what the point of removing player made prophecies is.

A lot of the other changes look good though! I'm definitely feeling more confident about this write helping the communities.

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    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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