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[Event] To Make Gold II - Visions


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A Watcher woke up with a gasp, looking around. When she saw that her husband was still asleep, and nothing was wrong.. She sighed, another strange nightmare she thought. Knowing it was something.. Before she grabed a piece of paper and write something down... before she lied back down... staring at the ceiling for the rest of the long night.

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Fear, Flesh, and Fortune


The Delmar awoke in a cold sweat, his withered digits curling into a tight fist, a cough wracking his withered form. His mind alight with the imagery, of burning buildings, of scorched earth, and crimson skies. They where sights that he often tied to the Infernal, to the howling damned Undead, and the bloodthirsty Vampyre. "Three PillarsThe man slowly rubbed his dulled orbs, the man blinking for a moment, as the faux hues focused upon the book upon that rested upon the top of his desk. The black leather of the Keys, coming to almost shine from the still flickering candlelight next to it. "Three Free Races" 


The Farscryer took in a deep breath, readying himself out of a bed, wizzened digits lingering towards the shelf. Slowly creaking it open to reveal the dangling crow orb. The mans fingers slowly floating and drifting with abyssal smog, and ebony feathers, as he began the arduous task of contacting those fellow foul. The bastard royal, taking this as a clue, a first step perhaps towards freeing himself. 

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Ser Mikhail Valkonen shot awake from his nightmare, a gasp for air ringing out across his room.  They had become more frequent of late, these nightmares, and each one was different from the last.  He was certain he had gone insane, yet his mind was still clear, and his his thoughts unobstructed; why did they become such a common occurrence, especially now of all times?  The knight placed his hands over his face, then ran them through his hair.  He would need to speak with his 'family' once more... a particular one, whom he had confided in his constant nightmares before.  Perhaps he would have the answers, though he seldom ever did.  Yes... he would need to push through... and keep fighting.


And why had he seen those Eyes before...?

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A Watcher would be ripped of the little sleep he'd be able to get one night, a rippling sensation running down his back and an echoing sound of strained and rapid breaths of anxiety and fear. His cosmic gaze of dark blues stare into the darkness, thinking for a moment he had seen something that had been, maybe, watching him sleep. Of course, there was nothing... At least from what he could tell.


A mighty colossus of stone, a statue, would be stood somewhere out in the cold lands of the north from where he had last left things off. For a moment, the sound of stone scraping against stone, rocks crunching together, would echo lightly over the mountainside he'd be stood atop. No words would be uttered, but, the Lord had sensed something - And it was not of the dark as he knew it. This was different.

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