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Issued by the Deputy Treasurer

On this, 11 of Gronna Ag Droba,505 E.S




In the preceding years, the Royal Treasury and Lady Marian Weiss have steadfastly collaborated to enhance the Bards & Bottle Tavern. Following extensive deliberations and planning, we are pleased to announce a transformative overhaul of the tavern’s menu and management. The responsibility now rests jointly with Lady Marian Weiss and The Royal Treasury Office. Along with this change, a curated menu has been introduced to elevate the tavern’s offerings.



While the comprehensive menu remains unpublished in this missive, but will be published at a future one, salient details are hereby disclosed. Acting on counsel from The Koeng and executed by the Deputy-Treasurer, the peerage of the realm has actively participated. Numerous Noble Houses have generously contributed a Sponsored Drink that uniquely represents their House and cultural heritage.


Moreover, acknowledging the prominence of Clockwork Carrion, or Carrion Black, as Haense’s quintessential beverage, it has been decided to offer it at a price of 1 mina per drink. This decision underscores our commitment to ensuring every Haeseni can savour their Carrion without financial concerns.


Furthermore, as the most known beverage on Haense, it was decided that Clockwork Carrion, also known as Carrion Black will be sold for the price of  1 minas per drink. This decision was done under the belief that every Haeseni should be able to drink their Carrion without financial worries.


In a show of support to the valiant Soldiers and Knights of the realm, it has been decreed that every member adorned in the uniform of The Brotherhood of Saint Karl or The Order of The Crow shall enjoy a 50% discount on all their drink orders. This initiative is intended to instil pride in the hearts of these noble defenders.



To facilitate frequent Tavern Nights and ensure timely service to the realm’s citizens, a robust recruitment drive has been launched. We take pride in granting bartenders the privilege of retaining all earnings during their service. All individuals, be they newcomers to the realm or those seeking gainful employment, are encouraged to bird Lady Marian Weiss, Lord Mikhail Colborn, Ser Fredrich Ludovar, or His Excellency Isaak Ludovar. The Tavern eagerly welcomes enthusiastic individuals to join our ranks.


Of course, in order to host frequent Tavern Nights and to be able to serve the citizens of the realm as often as possible, many new bartenders have been recruited. We take pride in allowing the bartenders to keep all of the income during when they bartend and hand out drinks to customers, and encourage many Citizens new to the Realm or those that are simply looking for a job to bird either Lady Marian Weiss, Lord Mikhail Colborn, Ser Fredrich Ludovar or His Excellency Isaak Ludovar. The Tavern is looking for eager people to come join us.




His Lordship, Mikhail Colborn, Deputy-Treasurer of Hanseti-Ruska and owner of The Scyfling World

His Excellency, Isaak Ludovar, Lord Treasurer of Hanseti-Ruska, Chief Executive Officer of the Royal Ludovar Mining Company



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