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Ashes to ashes, dust to dust... [PK]


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Letters were sent across Aevos to various people after a few days of silence from one dark elf...

They all read the same...


"To all who loved and cared about me, I am sorry... for I am gone... I left orders to deliver these letters should I die, and that must be what happened if these are being sent out... so yes, I am dead. To Siru, I am sorry for not being there... To Favia, I'm sorry for leaving... To Desi, I mean, this was inevitable with how dumb I was... To Orion, I'm sorry for every wrong I did to you... To everyone else, you all meant the world to me... I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer..."


To the few who knew, there was only one way he could have died, and that was a shattered phylactery. Maybe one day, there would be a resolution to this...

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Orion stared at the letter, unmoving for a long while as he read its contents. So this was the apology, finally after what, ten years? He could still feel the pain in his shoulder, sometimes if he concentrated. Still. This had been inevitable, hadn't it? So many 'deaths'. Finally, one had taken its permanence. Now he had work to do.

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An old, decaying yet living, Necrolyte meditated amongst the ash and brimstone of Hexicanum. Crooked teeth shown through its grin, whitened eyes shooting open to stare at the hellish rift beside it. "The threat felled, lifeless and cold," it rattled, "A life extinguished, threat undone, in death's embrace, a battle won."


It came to a stand, trodding past smeared gore and shattered bone, around crook and cranny, over where 'Knox's phylactery once laid. "That thing threatened what I had built ... intermingling with mortalkind, acting like a mortal - building relationships," Kthak-al-zta spat at the cobble, cawing like a mangeridden bird. "It had the gall to threaten I! The gall!"


Soon after, it returned to its old, bitter routine - slumber for a few dozen more years.

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An Azulyte stares at the artifact. In their fleeing, they did not think to grab the massive thing and drag it down to the depths. They had no time, for the moment they left the throne for the library. An army came swiftly. 


The Lords issued no such command. No true feelings for the departed. Their thoughts towards the Maehr that brought them in. How deep did the rabbit hole venture? 


Cowards they may be. But cowards that could fight another day. Given the chance to discover what was really going on, and who had sent the undead. 

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Within the depths of an undisclosed lair, a grotesque and hideous creature, snow white hair; azure glowing eyes; jagged sharpened teeth and a temperature thrice as cold as ice; read over the missive. The Mother Of Faces emitted a screech; within the empty halls her rage echoed.. Adorning a new Face; she set out, leaving behind the missive, now encased in ice. 

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The Delmar looked towards the notice, his gaze scanning over the letter, mumbling and muttering over the words before he tossed it into a nearby flame. The old wildwynn taking a deep breath, the Farscryer pondering for a moment over the news, before his hands thrusted up into the air. A plethora of other papers flying about, as he began to stroll out from the room. "This, is why we make Contingenciesa shame you merely relied on my own ideas. Rather then grow your own. Though, at least your death offers me a few clues." A new letter penned, a plan changed, such was within the common day of the Farscryer and speaker to the damned. 

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An elven girl did not yet know that this figure would be dead; she of course would not have received a letter, knowing the figure for only a few weeks. Yet she knew they would be gone. From the moment Eshonai witnessed the golden vessel being taken outside, she knew they would be gone. 




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A pupil sat in her manor as she looked over a copy of the letter, her expression twisting into that of a deep frown. She tossed it into the fireplace with a huff, before having to return to living her lie, great displeasure felt at the news. The kin who brought her into the fold was gone, and she would need another guide. And perhaps, if she could ascend as far as she hoped, invite in another he had promised to be kin... Perhaps.

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