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    “Ghash Nagraufom”


 Founded many centuries ago, the Braduk clan was founded back in aegis by Baderkul, the first son of Braduk, a famous orc who played an important role during the clash of clans and in the founding of the great city of Kenuk, known for their loyalty and brutality, the clan has suffered from many betrayals, disappearances, and near total extinction, however, this soon changed when Mul, a descendant of the Braduk bloodline, announced his intent to rebuild the once great clan and revive its old traditions and history lost to time 


The Uruks of Braduk, once towering over all the other Orc-kin,  have evolved over the years, although not as large as they once were, they still remain at the apex of their spectrum, typically, their height ranges no less than 7"10 and no more than 8 feet. These orcs are known for their Swampy green skin, and various shades of blue in their eyes


Through countless wars and battles in the clan's history, the orcs of Braduk bear the scars of their blood-soaked past, this history left them deeply affected, making them more susceptible to bloodlust, taking a hold of their very essence of their soul, making their rage much more violent and chaotic


In the past, the clan members held the title of "Lords of the Rhino", a name derived from their deep connection to rhinos, with each member of the clan forming a bond and taming these creatures, living alongside them, they developed a symbiotic relationship that became a core characteristic of their culture 


    However, as time passed, the numbers of rhinos dwindled, In response to this change, the new generation of Braduks adapted. While they still attempt to tame the few remaining rhinos, their focus has shifted to a closely related species known as the Prairie Dulk, a creature, presumably similar in nature but different from the rhino, has become the new companion of the Braduk clan





[ChatGPT please rewrite Braduk history that beloved The1bow wrote im too lazy to do it]

                           [!] Of course, here is a shorter and rewritten version of the Braduk History you lazy ass retard





Braduk wiped sweat from his forehead. The idea of building a legitimate village for refugees was good, but it was going to be hard work. He looked over at his childhood friend, Kudo. The ogre had just dropped a small pile of stone onto another layer. “Getting tired, Kudo?” Braduk asked with a chuckle. “No rock is going to best me, hur hur,” Kudo replied. They sat down, taking a break after hours of hauling wood, stone, and sand. “Have you made any progress with the rank system?” Kudo asked, tossing aside an empty bottle of cactus residue. Braduk shook his head. “Nothing yet, brother.”

After the devastating clan wars, orcs were scattered. The intelligent ones lived in refugee camps, while the braver ones became nomads. The camp where Braduk and Kudo lived was just a series of scraggly tents and a half-empty well. Over a long night of drinking, Braduk conceived the idea of building a sustainable village or town for their descendants, as many feared the race was nearing its end. After ten years of gathering resources, construction began. Every able-bodied orc participated: males, fearocs, elders, and even cubs. Braduk, a natural leader, paved the way for everyone, with Kudo as his second in command and longtime friend.

“Why are we settling down in one area? That's how the pinkskins do things,” Braduk's half-brother, Gorfjol, protested. Younger and resentful of Braduk, Gorfjol despised the idea of building a town, preferring the nomadic lifestyle. “If you don’t like what we’re doing, then leave,” Braduk retorted, clearly frustrated. Gorfjol grunted and walked away, followed by five other orcs. Kudo, observing the dissenters, expressed his concerns to Braduk, who remained silent, focusing on completing the town's armory.

A young boy burst into the town house's half-built war room, where Braduk, Kudo, and a third young orc, Gargonak, were gathered. “Braduk, your brother approaches with many others, armed to the teeth,” the boy warned. Braduk growled as the trio stepped outside. The town, now mostly built and named Kenuk, was about to face a confrontation. Gorfjol arrived, accusing them of disrespecting their ancestors. “Choose your side,” he challenged. Several orc males joined Gorfjol, while the women and children stayed behind. Braduk, ready for conflict, was supported by more males. A battle seemed imminent.

An elder intervened, urging unity in times of distress. In response, Gorfjol killed the elder with a thrown dagger, declaring, “Blood will be spilled, big brother. You always seemed too whitewashed for us.” The groups parted, a temporary truce in a brewing storm.

Gorfjol's Campaign

Gorfjol, staring at his five hundred troops, prepared to march on Kenuk and obliterate Braduk's creation. Rallying his forces with a passionate speech, he emphasized their heritage as Krug's children, contrasting them with Braduk's group, whom he accused of weakness and betrayal of orcish values. Despite his narrow-mindedness and eventual contradictions, Gorfjol was determined to fight.

Meanwhile, in Kenuk, life flourished. The village expanded smoothly, and the threat of war seemed a distant memory. Braduk, holding his newborn daughter Somalakti, was interrupted by Kudo, who relayed a goblin scout's report: Gorfjol and a sizable army were spotted nearby. Braduk mobilized his forces, including every able male, to confront the threat head-on.

The armies clashed fiercely. Braduk grappled with Gorfjol, while Kudo, with his immense size and strength, caused havoc among the enemy ranks. Eventually, Gorfjol retreated with his remaining four hundred warriors, marking a temporary victory for Braduk but signaling the beginning of a prolonged conflict.

A Rat Amongst Men

In the aftermath, Kenuk fortified its defenses. Despite being outnumbered, Braduk's well-trained forces consistently triumphed over Gorfjol's hastily assembled army. A celebratory atmosphere engulfed Kenuk after a victorious skirmish, but the joy was short-lived. Gargonak, one of Braduk's trusted veterans, betrayed him, fatally wounding him with a dagger. Kudo, in

Broken Horns

Pok and his right-hand man, Nux, deemed the Braduks traitors, even as their numbers grew to rival the Ugluks. In retaliation for capturing Ghazkull and Raurna's infant son, Thurak, the Braduks captured and tortured an Ugluk runt, Durak, and left his mangled body at the Ugluks' doorstep.

Mokrag's sudden disappearance threw the clan into chaos. Ghazkull and Mokrag's son, Tungtor, clashed over their visions for the clan's future, leading to a split and internal conflict. The Braduks, lacking a chieftain and diminished in numbers, faced a power struggle. Zagstruk, Frak, and Tungtor contested for leadership in a brutal contest that left them without a clear leader. Ghazkull then challenged the contenders, resulting in a stalemate halted by Mokrag's mate, Kita I.

Ghazkull proposed a compromise to become a legitimate sub-branch of the Ugluks, sparking debate within the clan. Tungtor adamantly opposed this, leading to a division into two chapters: "Da blud talunz" led by Tungtor, and "Da howlur durubz" led by Ghazkull. The split led to guerrilla warfare between the factions.

Larty, a neutral Goblin, arranged a meeting at "Kudoz wyng" to broker peace, but it escalated into a full confrontation. Despite initial attempts at diplomacy, tensions erupted into a violent clash between the two chapters, with heavy casualties on both sides, including Ghazkull's son, Darax.

The great Downfall

Ghazkull's relationship with a feroc named Karia led to the birth of two sons, Maero and Ghaz. After Ghazkull's death, Maero, influenced by a vision from Kahn, the rhino god, and driven by a ruthless ideology, restarted the Braduk clan with Ghaz and Thurak. His ambition to become Rex led to his assassination by his son Mokro, who believed Maero's power hunger was detrimental to the clan.

As the Braduk clan dwindled, Mokro sought to maintain its legacy. Despite the clan's decline, he remained a powerful figure, driven by a desire for vengeance and fulfillment of his family's legacy.

Mokro's encounter with Colin Hapthoran, a formidable human warrior, resulted in a brutal fight that left Mokro severely injured and alone. As he succumbed to his injuries, Mokro envisioned joining his ancestors in the Great Rhino's domain, reflecting on his life and the fate of the Braduk clan.










  • Ponytails- A Braduk, regardless of their preferred hairstyle, will usually grow out a long ponytail from the crown of their head down, braided or bound with leather or blue cloth. The ponytail is only to be cut off in the event of humiliating defeat. Braduk males popularly shave all of their head aside from the ponytail - with females there is more variation, but a common style is having an undercut beneath the ponytail.


  • History Keeping- Unlike most clans, whose histories are purely oral, the Braduks also make a habit of creating written records of their clan legends on large, word-covered leather skins that are also adorned with illustrations. As a result the Braduk histories are far more detailed and well-remembered than those of other clans, dating back to their founding in distant Aegis. (Examples can be found below in the lore section). These histories are also important in determining how best to follow the third and fourth clan laws.


  • Initiation- If a clanless Orc wishes to join the Braduks, they must complete numerous initiation tests.  These tests can vary from obstacle courses, to riddles, but usually include a klomp with two elders of the clan (not necessary to win them). These tests are not about if the Uruk completes the tests, but the way they complete the tests, which will later be looked over by the Elders of the clan. If all aspects are pleasing and show good qualities in the Orc, they will be sworn into the clan by the Clan father.


  • The Initiation Verse- The Wargoth asks the the Orc to hold out his klomping hand, beginning to say the verse. He then places a cloth in the Orc's outstretched hand, lighting it with a flint and steel. At the end of the verse, the Chieftain sprinkles a small bit of 'Braduk zand' into the fire, which causes it to flare up, turn purple, then die down. At the end, something similar to "Welkum tu da Bradukz bruddah." is usually said by all attending. "Da Bradukz am awl bruddahz am ziztahs, iv nub bai blud, den bai hart. Ib latz behtrae latz bruddahz, latz zuwl, agh da zuwl ob awl latz kubbehz wil buhrn en da Nefah liyk da kluwf duz en latz hand."


  • Carrying of the Golok- During the last trial , a new Braduk is thrown a short ceremonial machete with which they cut a ‘Z’ shaped mark into their rhino’s cheek - the rhino creates the same mark on the Braduk with its razor sharp horn. Thereafter the Braduk will carry the machete with them for everyday use and possibly in combat (although it would be inferior to most battle-purposed weaponry), generally worn strapped to the belt or small of the back horizontally in its sheath. Should the terrible day come where Braduk is guilty of an incredibly severe dishonour he or she will be expected to perform the punishment of Uihnce with it, as detailed below.


  • Giving out of the Rudis- A Rudis is a short wooden sword earned by an orc of the Braduk clan once they have achieved a great and glory filled deed. Whether it be an immense service to the clan, the slaying of a beast or taking many lives in a battle, an orc will be given this wooden sword by the Wargoth, who would have inscribed the story of as to why it has be earned, on the blade.


  •                          Zpidhammah Day- Named after the weapon Braduk used in the Village Wars, Zpidhammah day is a celebration of the founder of the Braduk clan; his life, and his death in battle immortalized in the somewhat joyous occasion. On this day, klomps will be held, feasts will be had, and many stories of times long past will be shared to the cubs from the knowledgeable Elders.


  •                          Kenuk Feast- A day of feasting and drink, celebrating the end of the “Village Wars” between feuding arms of Braduk’s family and the start of peace. Various competitions testing strength and dexterity will be held throughout the day, prizes varying from the mediocre to the more valuable.







 Like most Orcs, the Braduks hold fast to their belief in the Spirits and their interaction in the mortal plane. Chief amongst their worship is that of Enrohk, spirit of war, blood and murder. Braduks have served him well over the centuries as well and their clan words make up the latter half of the standard phrase spoken to invoke Enrohk's interest when sacrificing in his name. The last Chosen of Enrohk was Kahn'Braduk, mighty Rex and wargoth in Athera. The greatsword of Kahn, War Maker, is blessed by Enrohk and remains in the clan's possession.


 Moreso than most other clans the Braduks engage in ancestor worship. This is for both famed figures from their history, especially their namesake Braduk and his son Baderkuk, founder of the clan, and general reverence of past Braduks of any rank in order to honor their memory and draw on the strength of the honored Braduks in Stargush'Stroh, the Orcish afterlife believed to exist at the zenith of the Spiritual Plane. Shrines to all Braduk ancestors are commonly erected by Braduks, as are memorial caves which depict the names of deceased Braduks remembered in their histories as well as those who have more recently joined the honored dead.


 When a Braduk dies their material remains are cremated on a pyre and scattered, although certain figures who attained legendary status amongst the clan in life have been known to have their burned bones placed in large stone urns and interred in elaborate tombs.







 Clan Laws

I. The clan comes before everything else, including you.

II. Every Braduk is a sworn brother and sister of each other, and you are to lay your lives down for them when called upon.

III. Do not forget those who have wronged us.

IV. Do not forget those who have aided us.

V. If you slay, rob or betray your brothers and sisters, you will be terminated.

VI. Do not put personal wealth, political gain and power or anything else above the clan.

VII. Do not disobey your superiors.

VIII. Do not challenge your superiors without proper cause.

IX. We remember the Iron Rhino, showing Iron will and Iron strength.

X. Follow Krugs code to your death.

XI. You may only challenge the Wargoth when the majority of the elders accept the challenge


Leadership Laws 


I. You cannot act on your own, you must consult with all of the other clan members, and respect their opinions and choices

II. Attempting to change laws or trials or anything that would be of a large change to the clan must be voted upon by the elders, if the majority of the vote is right then the wargoth can began the changes, otherwise they are not in the position of such


III. You are obliged to accept the challenge presented by a fellow Braduk, one who has been nominated through a majority vote by the elders 







Blood Taloning: The offender will be placed on their knees with their arms restrained in a stretched out 'T' position. Their back will then be sliced open, creating a large wound. The offender's ribs will individually be broken, before the lungs are removed from the body, being strapped to the shoulder blades to form makeshift wings. The cause of death-suffocation. 


Decimation: If any given party of orcs disobeys their superiors in combat or in a given task, the ancient act of decimation will be carried out. The group of orcs will be lined up, and usually every tenth orc will be chosen, and beaten to death with clubs by the other orcs. However, if the number is too few or simply one orc, the clan as a whole will engage in the killing.


Flaying: As the title suggests, the Orc will be flayed either lethally or non-lethally depending on the severity of the offense. 


Crucifixion: The offending orc will be nailed through his wrist arteries and Achilles heels to planks of wood in the shape of a cross, and left to starve or bleed out. Only when the body has completely rotted may it be taken down.


Skrote'n: A punishment reserved for males who bare no children, should they commit a great offence against the Braduks, they will have their testicles cut off so that they, subsequently, can not breed.


Uihnce: An ancient Braduk punishment, given out for only the most heinous of crimes. The orc, in full view of the clan must take an ancient Braduk weapon, a machete type blade known as a Golok, drive it into his stomach and slice it open, allowing his innards to spill out, therefore committing suicide. 















[Undecided ]


  The title of Wargoth is the overall leader of the clan. His word is final, and he has the ability to veto any and all propositions put forward by the clan. Traditionally the biggest and strongest orc in the clan, and its only reserved for those with pure Braduk blood





      Elders are orcs whom have been apart of the clan for some time and show great knowledge and wisdom of its history. They act as guides and mentors to the younger orcs. The Clan Father however, is the leading lorekeeper, trial giver, and Rhino gifter of the clan, having say near equal to that of Wargoth, his advice is almost always heeded.
















they are members of the clan who are revered for their significant achievements or their many years of dedication under the clan's banner, command the utmost respect of all the clan members, they possess the authority to cast votes to oppose or support the Wargoth's decisions, their role is important in shaping the future of the clan, actively participating in conducting trials and safeguarding the clan's values and beliefs  





Orcs of the clan who were either born or adopted to the clan by the Clan father, they are bound by duty to adhere to the laws of the clan and fight under its banner.











Trial of Valor



An orc undergoing the Braduk must endure a klomp against two elders: one tests their weapon skills [CRP]  and the other, their brute strength [PVP].  This is a key measure of the orc's ability to withstand different types of combat.







Trial of the hunt



This trial demands that the initiate hunt and vanquish three elven-kin. Following this, using sacred methods taught by one of the elders, the initiate must shrink the heads. These heads, minimized yet retaining their distinct elven features, are then showcased to the elders.








Trial of Adaptation



 the last trial is decided in secret by one of the elders, based on where the orc seems to lack the most, in it, they must overcome the trial created for them, and if they do, they will advance to the final trial 








Trial of Bonding


 To be Braduk is to be a lord of rhinos. Once the orc has finished all their previous trials and reached the appropriate age, an elder accompanies the recruit or braduk youngling to find a rhino or a Prairie Dulk. there, the orc begins the task of taming the best, a display of Strength and courage, if the orc survives the encounter and successfully rides the beast, they will be bonded with it until death, this trial solidifies their place within the Braduk lineage, however, should the orc fail they are deemed unworthy of the Braduk name









Huge thanks to the1bow, Samoblivion, 6xdestroyer, and all those who contributed to writing the original Braduk lore. This post is a repaste with some minor and major changes to fit the current state of the clan. I will be making more detailed lore posts to add more depth to the new generation of the clan soon and will be expanding the history portion of this post as time goes.




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