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[Prophecy] The Dream of Scales


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The dream of scales. . .

[This is a prophecy has gone through one character however there after, those who withhold MA’s in prophetic abilities (seer, vivification, Naztherak, Farseer) and to those who are partaking in the events hosted by the Azulytes, Sun elf (Mali’Solarii and Rah’mun), Bronze bands, and Ibleesian cults ect… may see this vision.]


Upon entering into a state of sleep or rest, you dream, or see an ocean, an endless one, glimmering aqua marine as far as the eye can see.


You look down, and you see that you stand amongst the waves, your feet trinkled with the salt water, then from below you, pure white milk begins to mix upon the large body of water, with great efficiency soon the water around you turned into a milk, echos and whispers of old blah began to flow with the wind.


“zaug-  gothûrz, zaug -ar snû burz”

Soon, you’d begin to fall into the water sinking into the depths below, eyes following you as you sink ever so deeper, whispers of ancient blah continue to vibrate in your ears, Pleading to you to answer. Everything around soon becomes dark.



[Art by Fabioso Fusco]


You light a torch, In Front of you is a endless forest of birch trees, towering above you. Eyes- all you see in the distance are eyes. 


A distant hum is heard. The hum soon became chanting, Mortals wearing robes raising a child above the fire, the babes' wails echoing.

In the fire- a totem, a relic, an ancient past unlocked, the child then is thrown into the flames, the embers risen in red, as the totem is taken, risen above the sky, the embers turned green- a malflame is lit, and so was this relic.

The echos of ancient blah still whisper into your ears.


“zaug-  gothûrz, zaug -ar snû burz”


Where the echos came, soon after the view changed, you were back at the beach, staring off into the endless white ocean, the milky waters touching your feet as you hear once more from both the darkened rumble of something pure and something powerful


“We must have power- We must stop the darkness”

“Find them- Find the final pieces.”

And to those who align with the darkness, who kneel before chaos. The dream ends in a void, as whispers and eyes appear around you. Only saying.

“Find it- find the sacrifice.”


Thus a vision comes to close, you awaken in a puddle of sweat, fear maybe, or excitement altogether.

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"Lo' and behold! Causality besets me again," A red-lisped terror spat, lording over a mound of skulls after being returned to reality.  "My machinations are ordained, blessed."

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