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The Church's crimes

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Rainier looks apon the missive, Giving a nod "Thats my brother, Efficient curing." he rips the missive down and pockets it "GOD has no sympathy for the wicked."

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Abbess Rebecca would read the missive.. a few tears coming to her eyes. Sighing, she would say a silent prayer for the souls of the unborn. Although she supports the Order and it's efforts.. she recalls to mind the Society of St. Julia of Paradisus.. her own order, based upon acts of love and humility. She would hope this incident can be remediated quickly.. as this is a deep stain upon our Holy Mother Church.

Edited by Blue Bear
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Hannes Steelguard remembers being called a brigand and a brute by the same people who did such an unspeakable act upon a soon mother-to-be alongside remembering when they tried to test a frail and weak old woman who just had suffered the loss of a loved one! He prayed for the souls of the unborn children and the woman.

"Shieet ain' BIG MAN like no cap." Father sev Arsen commented as he read the missive, signing the lorraine and pointing to the sky as he usually does after invoking the name of the lord "Neek wasteman actin n' should get capped for it, ON BIG MAN."

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A heartlander youth had picked up missives after missives in his travels, eventually he returned home and sat before an old desk unfurling them. He began to read through them one by one. Once the youth got to the one he had found about the holy order's crimes, he scratched his head. "They let that creature live? Truly the order has grown soft." He commented simply before tossing the missive into the fire, moving unto the next one.

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Gerard carefully examined the parchment, reading the words with a sense of gravity and responsibility. He pondered the events that had transpired, the choices made, and the consequences faced. As he absorbed the contents of the message, he felt compelled to respond. With a steady hand, he began to pen his thoughts and explanations, addressing each point raised in the message.


"Dear Sandra,

I have read your message, and I wish to offer my perspective on the events that occurred. You are correct that you requested our assistance in seeking a cure for the affliction that had befallen you. We acted in accordance with our duty to help those in need and provided you with guidance on how to proceed with the cure. Our intent was always to assist you on your path to recovery.


However, it is important to acknowledge that the situation took a different turn when you attacked Brother Lug at the Holy See. This unprovoked aggression put both yourself and my fellow Order members at risk. In response to this threat, I had to take measures to restrain you for the safety of all involved.


Tragically, during this struggle, your children did not survive. It was never our intention for such a loss to occur, but the situation escalated due to the attack. If you had refrained from this aggression, we could have avoided such a heartbreaking outcome.


Regarding the cure, it is true that it takes approximately six hours to take effect. To prevent any potential escape or harm to innocent bystanders, we placed you in our most secure cell. The safety of the public and our duty to uphold the law were our primary concerns in this matter.


As for the fate of Miguel, it is essential to remember that GOD watches over all His children, regardless of their circumstances. While I understand your concerns, the responsibility for the future of Canonism should not rest solely on the actions of one individual who attacked the Church and delayed seeking a cure for two months.


I hope that this explanation provides clarity on the events that transpired. Our intentions were always to aid you in your time of need, and we deeply regret the tragic outcome.


May GOD guide and protect you on your path.


In faith, Holy Ser Gerard"

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"Ah yes, humans." *Onon grumbled shaking his head at this all* "It was obvious that so much damage wouldnt be taken well... Stupid." *Annoyed in his tone as he spoke. Shaking his head at all such* "Some people shall not have been told of such things, and some are too ruthless. Gotta spread the word now I suppose." *Sighing knowing full well he was rather powerless against a entire order*

Upone seeing notes where atached arguing the cruelty of this, another note had been added in from the elf explaining to those of the cannonist the implications of the actions... admitedly poorly written.


"Upone anyone that wishesh to learn why this was illogical and cruel, the alchemical method involves drawing a fourth of the infecteds blood. Which will likely put the infected in a critical condition in the end. Meanwhile leaving the cured person in a state of full vampiric transformation and panic. Regardless of what you may say, the fact is that it was sure to kill the children. 

That taken into consideration, one must not instantly cure someone. Theres no rush, theres time before it becomes imposible. She could have given birth and then gotten cured, her only crime is NOT keeping her condition a secret so that others are prepered in case the curse takes over. One also doesnt have to feed for rather leanghty amounts of time. If her condition got inflicted not long before or during the pregnancy there was no reason to murder her children."


Edited by Jaslaw
Added note
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2 minutes ago, DancingZebra267 said:

"Dear Sandra,

I have read your message, and I wish to offer my perspective on the events that occurred. You are correct that you requested our assistance in seeking a cure for the affliction that had befallen you. We acted in accordance with our duty to help those in need and provided you with guidance on how to proceed with the cure. Our intent was always to assist you on your path to recovery.

However, it is important to acknowledge that the situation took a different turn when you attacked Brother Lug during our journey to the Holy See. This unprovoked aggression put both yourself and my fellow Order members at risk. In response to this threat, I had to take measures to restrain you for the safety of all involved.


Tragically, during this struggle, your children did not survive. It was never our intention for such a loss to occur, but the situation escalated due to the attack. If you had refrained from this aggression, we could have avoided such a heartbreaking outcome.

Regarding the cure, it is true that it takes approximately six hours to take effect. To prevent any potential escape or harm to innocent bystanders, we placed you in our most secure cell. The safety of the public and our duty to uphold the law were our primary concerns in this matter.

As for the fate of Miguel, it is essential to remember that GOD watches over all His children, regardless of their circumstances. While I understand your concerns, the responsibility for the future of Canonism should not rest solely on the actions of one individual who attacked the Church and delayed seeking a cure for two months.


I hope that this explanation provides clarity on the events that transpired. Our intentions were always to aid you in your time of need, and we deeply regret the tragic outcome.

May ^GOD^ guide and protect you on your path.


In faith, Holy Ser Gerard"

Sandra wrote back in hasty response. Many words were angrily scribbled over and her writing looked as if it was written by a very.... very angry person.

"I never wanted your help. You cuffed me and held me at the point of your sword as you took me with you. I told you I was already seeking a cure from paladins, not you. If you ever write to me or my family again I will press charges."

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Shamil struggled to read before finishing before looking slowly to Abdur "Well thats... Thats sad.. is it time to pray yet... I have new appreciations for being amongst the Mumineen."

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[A formal response is pinned at the bottom]


To Whom It May Concern

The Department of the Justiciero has taken a copy of this missive as evidence in order to decipher what crimes will be brought forth against the Order of Saint Jude and its members, if any are to be discovered. Those involved will be brought in for questioning, at the discretion of the Justiciero.



HIS EXCELLENCY, Demitrey Denodado

Viscount of Banderas, Baron of Sevilla, Justiciero de Hyspia, Oficial de Imigracion, Patriarch of House Denodado, Captain of the Opal Odyssey


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8 minutes ago, Jaslaw said:

"Ah yes, humans." *Onon grumbled shaking his head at this all* "It was obvious that so much damage wouldnt be taken well... Stupid." *Annoyed in his tone as he spoke. Shaking his head at all such* "Some people shall not have been told of such things, and some are too ruthless. Gotta spread the word now I suppose." *Sighing knowing full well he was rather powerless against a entire order*

"Flippy, Learn from this-" A Voidal mage told her Micro Atronach. " Avoid them, they will dislike you and me aswell. Atleast Some of them will." The Mage leting out a sigh, glad she wasnt fully human, And happy her husband wasnt either. As she went to talk to Onon.  

Maria would stop, as she noticed the Missive  on the road. Staring at it from behind her veil. " What did those little ones do to not be granted life?"  she questioned.. Hastely making her way back home, to see what will happen next. 

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a certain automaton of the order would shake his head " Statement: You are cured now and no longer a fifthly heretic creature, show gratefulness for it is gods will, Descendants are to emotional"

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'The close friend woman', shifts her visage over the missive then back to the report laying upon her desk within Balian's clinic. "Of course.." She sighed at this preparing herself mentally of what was to come.

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2 minutes ago, _Cactus_ said:

Sandra wrote back in hasty response. Many words were angrily scribbled over and her writing looked as if it was written by a very.... very angry person.

"I never wanted your help. You cuffed me and held me at the point of your sword as you took me with you. I told you I was already seeking a cure from paladins, not you. If you ever write to me or my family again I will press charges."


Shalom, Sandra!


News has reached me that you have survived an encounter with the most virulent diabolist blood-craze and lived, with only minor major damage on your soul and 1500 accumulative years in purgatory. Let me be the first to offer you my sincere; Congratulations!


I am sorry that my colleague has not been able to satisfy you in his reply, and so I have taken it upon myself to proxy for him so as to offer you the best complainer support that the Canonist Church and the Order of Saint Jude are capable of affording. The Canonist Church values your input, and is ever-committed to maintaining only the highest standards of care for those who have dabbled in the arts of HaSatan.


1. As a consequence of your blood-crazed murder mania, we were unfortunately compelled to restrain you that you may not consume the life-blood of any more infant children, elderly, wretched, drunkard, or other unfortunate bystanders, for the safety of God's Creation.


2. Unfortunately, the Canonist Church has not evaluated the ethical practices of the 'Templars' that you have mentioned, and could not possibly send you to them in good conscious, for fear of entertaining the diabolical machinations of an infernal power assuming itself as an idol of worship to lord over Man in exchange for many gifts. We are, however, prepared to offer you our finest Home Brewed Diabolist Treatment free of charge. 


I hope this helped!



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"Unbelievable, she states she was seeking a cure but didn't want our help? How long would she have waited; vampires are blood thirsty at any moment the woman would've fed on someone. Time was of the essence! Perhaps she should've come up with a potion that requires less bleeding." Alexander threw the missive away; you reap what you sow. 

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
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