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[Prophecy - Apotheosis ] Credence of Light


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Across the mortal continent, all those connected to the light of the Sunlit Lord came upon an odd premonition in their sleep. 


The large mountainside, marred by flames and burned forestry, stood tall beyond the horizon. Canopies of trees are left without leaves; no birds flocked the skies, and no animal coasted the land. 


It was night-time - the sky was without clouds, and showed the breadth of all stars in the vast cosmos. Sapphire streaks of light claimed the atmosphere; it was a ruthless display. The stars shivered; they burst into vast explosions of celestial light; yellows, crimson reds, blues and blacks, whites and golds. 


As time continued to wade, something rose from the horizon. It was the sun, furiously blinding your sight. So teeming, powerful and radiant; it seemed enraged, displeased, but aware, and watching. 


Once the sun rises over the horizon, and takes its place in the sky, the vision ends with those awakening. They felt this closeness, this sense of Order, and as if the world had been etched with an unfiltered, wrathful gaze. 



This is related to the current eventline.


Due to the nature of the prophecy, it is only available at this current time to those with an approved Paladinism MA (of any tier).


Of course, paladins are free to talk about this in roleplay with non-paladins.


Many thanks.


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"He is here..." A paladin, reached for her head with a glowing left arm, wreathed in silver light. Forehead drenched in sweat from imaginary heat. She'd look to the ceiling as if it was sky. Remembering the scenes of the previous Elven day. A man laying in front of the Tree, the tears. "We will make this worth it..."

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Art was a rough draft by an artist I comm'd but it fits rly well for the post so I hope they don't mind.



You kill and do so with little hesitation

You orate

You ponder

Only one thing was left to test, attachment...

The stench of the Arch-Enemy clings to you like a shroud, but the choice is not mine.

Duty unto Death, and Beyond.

Aeolus, once of Khamees, would be oblivious to the prophecy or vision. Locked away in an unfamiliar room, he stares at the wall with a deadened gaze and sunken cheeks, having refused food for days. Bloody marks from his fingernails have scabbed over where his heart rests. An occasional weak sob escapes him.


"Please let me die."


He was the example of a crime he did not know existed.

Yet never would he be able to blame the deity he'd served for a century, half of it in secret and without an Ember to fuel his journey.

Never could he turn his back.

Nor could he let the sun set.


It was the dying vow of who he had been.

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Somewhere within Nichijin Temple Gaelunduyn Ephoth quarters supplies and drafts weaponries for the coming war with his motley crew of old paladins. Even after decades of service they still had a job to do.

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Upon the endless nights of deprived sleep, the Elder would toil away within the depths of the library of the Keep. A quiet one kept mostly to themselves as they wrote more thoughts lost to time amongst what the current generation would seem to have missed. The coming of darkness foretold to them weighs heavily upon the Ancient's mind. Sleep only held off for so long before a familiar presence would allow some reprieve that whisk the Former Keeper away into the deep slumber of the dream. It would be some time before the Ancient would stir awake. The calling of their purpose forever pulled at their inner flame while the consciousness would shackle the Elder's soul down from the weight of their broken body that now awakened. For a moment, images of the vision were all they could see. Yet reality would come crashing down, finding themselves in the library again. It was then a bitter laugh would release as the Ancient would slowly rise the stand. The tome was left unfinished as they made their way down to the chancery once more to silently stand guard over the sacred tree for quite some time...

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Within the depths of the Keep of Sunbreak a Paladin has stowed herself away in an alchemical lab, producing ordinance for the battles ahead, stockpiling and preparing - as the prophecy strikes across her vision she pauses in her work. She looks up to the ceiling as if she could see the very sky above, through dozens of meters of mountain above. A smile sets upon her face as she gets back to work with newfound motivation.

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Cerrick Fenifaer sat in the library, drenched in a cold sweat. Whispers whisked around him, murmurs being told in dark corners of the sunlit keep. All that could be spoke about at the keep was the meeting. How a Paladin had fallen. He had been a friend of Aelous, the Paladin explaining how to better serve X̶͕̲̦͑͂͝͝a̶͓͈̍n̶͙̊̽̎̈́ and be pure. Now, thoughts of doubt floated in his mind.

To pledge or not?

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Elena of Joma quickly jumped from her sleep, the cool musk of sweat across her face and body. For the past month, she's had thought of nothing but Aeolus since he invoked the wrath of their Lord. It's been a month since she saw him writhing on the ground as the Golden Lion's sapphire mists retreated back into the heavens. That image of her mentor in all but name, that image of her hero that had fallen from grace plagued her, only made worse by this new vision. She could not help but fall into soft sobs within her small cot. The experienced and hardened Arknight quietly broke apart away from the sight of others. 

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