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A Mesa to Transform

Ibn Khaldun

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Can I espy a glimpse of my living kin, will they guide me as I dream this reverie repeated again? Is it day that my mind, sun-baked its temple, conjures fantasy or is it night whereby the constellations gift me this sight. I see a mesa gilded golden & silveren with great machines and architectures touched by magi's fingers. Another dream of the mage-masons of Ur, that illustrious ancient house of Mihyaar.


Maȟpíya arrived back at the Camp-atop-Mesa, carefully leading his horse nearly parallel with the steep incline up atop the rock formation. Tipis with streaming banners and totems dressed with as much cloth to make another came into view. He came upon saqrun, desert hawks with their heads hid beneath leather masks where black gauze pulled wool over their eyes. Still they stood, but excited they became as they felt the embrace of a human hand nudging their talons to take hold. He issued letters, reading the same, but addressed to many:


Mayhaps my absence offended you, but perhaps I can offer explanation. I sought to become learned in the masonry of Ur - old house of Mihyaar. My merchantry in books & paintings granted me access to great libraries such as that of the Hayulnoraans & the Hasenyaans. My pursuits led me into the halls of the Ak'vei & the Hohokmataan. Will you come & listen to me, visit your kinsman again? I have gathered good wealth that will aid us and our Qalasheen cousins who seek to migrate deeper into the desert. Will you not come & listen to me? Rest your feet for awhile and I shall apply what ingenuity I learned to the betterment of our folk. If you do decide to come & listen to me, I think you'll appreciate the first of such ingenuities which I have managed to fashion - it'll bear yourself & your horse both with ease.




The letters would be sent, one after the other, to the following individuals: Zahra al-Hamra ( @Diogen ), Gutlug'Lurkhaan ( @Wasteland_Shaman ), Yr-Solheim Kujalleq ( @Carson ), Franz Maulanataynuel ( @Markisstreaming ), Eliane Muntijnaar ( @Gimble ), Moiseyu ( @MCVDK )


Another letter would be disseminated, this time by his own hand to the various towns & cities across the southern expanse of Aevos. It read:




Have you interest in adopting customs old and customs held true? Have you a sense of belonging where ingenuity would be appreciated and nary a soul dare lord over you? Come, seek us out - the Kwee'Hayastaani. Venture along the desert road that snakes between the Orkish Oasis & the Hyspian Kingdom. Let your sights drift to look for high mesa crowned with totem of rabbit & hawk. Come, seek us out.



If you are interested in a non-Nation RP (and all the stress that comes with it) experience to play as your main character, alt character, or to adopt the culture in a current character - we'd love to have you! You can ping me on Discord ibnkhaldun8 or join our Discord in my signature by clicking the image.


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I see a mesa gilded golden & silveren with great machines and architectures touched by magi's fingers. Another dream of the mage-masons of Ur, that illustrious ancient house of Mihyaar.



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11 minutes ago, Rat Hat said:
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Mahpiya sent a separate letter to Danilo, inviting the Muntijqahwah as well.





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