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[Amendment] Blood Magic Amendment

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Ensorcell Material




Earth: the object becomes cumbersome and strongly sound-resistant in the spirit of heavy earth. Weapons and armor become twice as heavy but twice as durable, making weapons difficult to swing but yield increased force and armor burdensome yet more steadfast.
-The object’s magical heaviness may force the wielder or wearer to be unable to utilize quick reaction time if the object’s new weight is too heavy for them to efficiently use, making them unable to reactionarily parry if held or dodge if worn. For example, contrary to common depiction in media the average sword is 3lbs / 1.3kg and doubling it would make the sword far less wieldy; the average claymore is 5.5lbs / 2.5kg and it becoming 11lbs / 5kg would make its use far less viable for the average person. Guts’ sword is fantasy.
-Durability is limited to: cloth becomes like leather, leather becomes like chain, chain becomes like plate, and plate becomes akin to thick stone that requires orcish+ strength to even move in.




Earth: the object becomes cumbersome and strongly sound-resistant in the spirit of heavy earth. Weapons and armor become twice as heavy but twice as durable, making weapons difficult to swing but yield increased force and armor burdensome yet more steadfast.
-The object’s magical heaviness may force the wielder or wearer to be unable to utilize quick reaction time if the object’s new weight is too heavy for them to efficiently use, making them unable to reactionarily parry if held or dodge if worn. For example, contrary to common depiction in media the average sword is 3lbs / 1.3kg and doubling it would make the sword far less wieldy; the average claymore is 5.5lbs / 2.5kg and it becoming 11lbs / 5kg would make its use far less viable for the average person. Guts’ sword is fantasy.
-Durability is limited to: cloth becomes like leather, leather becomes like chain, chain becomes like plate, and plate becomes akin to thick stone that requires orcish+ strength to even move in.

-Armor ensorcelled with Earth Runes halves the user's movement in CRP, meaning a 4 block movement would be reduced to 2 blocks, and 8 to 4, etc. Leather armor and cloth are not subject to this effect.




Much like the old high-density boomsteel, earth ensorcelled items experience a general lack of encumberance and fatigue roleplay. Rigid redlines should fix that.

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though rather make the redline so anything that SURPASSES plate in weight halves the movement to make it easier, instead of "halves movement whenever ensorcelled except when X or Y or Z" until its just plate that counts

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good clear addition 

powergaming rune armor is evil 

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I think movement should be limited to 6/3 instead of 4/2


If someone is fighting a ranged combatant, the ranged archer/mage will get to fire arrows or spells while moving back four blocks. This would make it impossible for the person in earth armor to get close or even get away. At least with 6/3 the person would still stand some of a chance.


I also agree with Dio’s comment. Earth ensorcelled chainmail is the same durability and weight as plate so it doesn’t make sense for it to half your movement.

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1 hour ago, BakedPotato said:

I think movement should be limited to 6/3 instead of 4/2


If someone is fighting a ranged combatant, the ranged archer/mage will get to fire arrows or spells while moving back four blocks. This would make it impossible for the person in earth armor to get close or even get away. At least with 6/3 the person would still stand some of a chance.

This is OK. Heavier armor is a free "buff", and Earth Ensorcellment just compounds that. If you're wearing cumbersome armor that gives you "super protection" from most melee attacks it is only fair that you get owned by someone willing to spend upwards of three emotes to shoot a single arrow. 

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This amendment would prevent me from moving 4 blocks per turn in CRP if I am wearing armor that has earth ensorcellment. 

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Amendments/Additions implemented into main lore post. Thank you for your submission. Moving to correct subforum to prevent redundancy and clutter.

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