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[!] Missives are distributed throughout Haelun’or, pinned to posts and boards. [!]





4th of The Amber Cold,

Year 175 of the Second Age



Your absence has not gone unnoticed.


The fate of the Blessed State of Haelun’or is tied to those who hold power in our illuminated society. As Power ebbs and flows, so too does the life of our Nation. Your lack of engagement and leadership has directly impacted the wellbeing of our Citizenry and our Home. I do not believe you to be a malefactor, nor do I believe that your mismanagement of our Society is malicious in nature, though the truth remains visible for all to see - Haelun’or yearns for direct and active leadership. It is owed to her and demanded by the Citizenry.


Our Blessed Council is ineffectual, it is not filled and blessed are those councilors who remain dutiful to the people of Haelun'or. Our citizenry has dwindled and our streets are empty. Our position in worldly affairs falls lower and lower each passing day, though you alone, given your authority as Sohaer, can change all of this. As a servant of Haelun'or, I intend to aid you in this time of great need.


As such, I offer you two solutions;


Call an election and resign from your Office, so that the people of Haelun’or - though scant, may have their say - so that the stain of stagnation can be eradicated and proper functioning of our State can resume,




Appoint me as Medi’ir, so that I may take the reins of leading our Society forward. I have served Haelun’or for many centuries, as Medi’ir, as Sohaer and as Maheral. During my tenure, Haelun'or thrived and prospered. It is my intention to see our civilization thrive and prosper once more.


Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya




Malaurir Braxus Ni’leya


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A stench wafted through the air as what once was Fenian looked at the paper. He scoffed, shaking his head as his armor rattled. 
This won't stand."

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The word "Malaurir" at the bottom of the missives has been crossed out.

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The Sword observed Haelun’;  The Silver Blood had runneth ill, rancid and putrid with the stench of greed and laze.  .  .  The pupil of Kiljarys an Iarwain would remain a neutral force until the fates would have it be otherwise. 

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The busy Okarir'tayna ignores any rogue missives that come her way, focus kept on work and plans. This one, of course, gets slid her way, and Cresence Sythaerin gives an eyeroll, tossing the missive into her fireplace.

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11 hours ago, Gavin_ said:

During my tenure, Haelun'or thrived and prospered. It is my intention to see our civilization thrive and prosper once more.

Laerdya peers over these lines as she read the missive brought to her and came into a bout of laughter

"If one considers a civilization thriving and in prosperity after single handily spilt the 'Aheral race in half, and having the entire world turn against him outside the Uruks, then ti, Haelun'or certainly thrived and prospered under his tenure."


She'd begin to make plans for Celia'nor to be ready for an influx of those seeking refuge from the 'great' minded Braxus Ni'leya as he'll likely drive Haelun'or into the ground once more as he did many years ago should he somehow manage to acquire even a mote of power. Though a shiver runs down his spine for all the larian of Haelun'or, as she recalls the degenerative behavior of those closest to Braxus.


"I'm curious, will he be stupid enough to have Mali'ker children in caves again as slaves." 


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A summer's breeze disturbed the otherwise serene elfess' as another missive found its way to her hands. An unfinished game of chess sat at her right, paused in some eternal stalemate, gathering dust. A grin tugged at the corner of her lips as she stirred, plucking a piece from the board that had been neglected previously. "Time has a strange way of unraveling what has been done." She mused, to the well preened avian that had delivered the missive over which she pored. "A snake cannot hide when the grass has been cut, and the devotion of kin runs dry when caught by the sycth. Two challenges in one tenure is hardly an ode to prosperity. Yet two victories would be a clear sign of poison, disease... deceit. It is your move, el'Sohaer, let us hope it is better than your last." With that she rose, somewhat lazily in her motion, toward her quill and a previously disregarded parchment.

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