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Issued by Galahad of Nullivari, Okar’sohae of the Celia’diraar

9th of the Sun’s Smile, year 180 S.A.


Be warned, people of Celia’nor, of the Ibleesian wretch laying waste to our starlit lands!


An artist's rendition of the Celian Gargoyle

(By @UnBaed)


It slaughters without discrimination, rhyme, or reason, often lingering beyond Leyu'sill walls picking off lone travelers on horseback, and only flees when it's outnumbered. Often fashioning full plate, its skin is that of a slate-gray, accompanied by spiraling horns that jut from its skull in tandem with a humanoid yet monstrous anatomy. If spotted, DO NOT ENGAGE, for it wields a vast arsenal of accursed fire and hellhounds at its beck and call. Return to the city and report the sighting to the Celia'diraar.


- Travel in pairs, never alone
- Ride horseback
- Travel with weapons or other forms of self defense
- Be vigilant of strange individuals

If you or your peers possess more information regarding the capabilities, motives, or whereabouts of this creature, contact the Celia'diraar immediately.



Galahad Nullivari

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A lone Samurai sits upon a singular rock, meditating under the lands of the noble Celia’nor. Disturbed within the flowing leaves, the missive arrives, caught in his hand. Upon reading it, the red eyes of Toshiro closed yet again, and with a swift strike, the missive along with three leaves were cut. One, which still required training, for they had jagged edges.

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R E N received the missive and couldn't help but smile with his gnarly and mangled teeth. He set the paper atop the stack of others as it was clearly a favorite - he was even drawn in such good lighting. "These Celia'diraar are nothing but flies. They travel in swarms but always run away at the simple wave of my hand. Also much like flies, they seem to love regrouping at the dung in their moat." Oddly enough, there seemed to be a bite bites missing from his version of the paper...





thanks unbaed for the art and the bite marks


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"I'm sure this 'gargoyle' is found in a tavern with a pretty elvish face compared to prowling for meat!" The red lich, prophet of Ixris spoke, bemoaning who his peers were.

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Their eyes gliding down from the missive held in their hand, to the healing wound at their leg, Aeth sighed. "We were lucky that we reacted quickly the last time...I hope that monster wikl soon find it's end."

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