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The White Tiger Yakuza Syndicate

Will (TauFirewarrior)

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The White Tiger Yakuza Syndicate




The White Tiger Yakuza Syndicate is a group formed by the legendary Kais Ishikawa, the purpose of the group is to get the Ishikawa involved in business around Anthos.  Comprised mostly of his former soldiers from his days as a Nobleman the organization can serve as many means to him such as security and mercantile commerce. The Syndicate mostly deals in the transportation of goods and that of hospitality business although some may see their business tactics as brutal the Syndicate maintains that it only deals in legitimate business. They employ both enforcing muscle and just normal administrators and other specialist staff. The goods they deal in can range from tea to timber.






Oyabun: The Boss of the Syndicate, he is the supreme head of the organization, he handles the deals and gives the orders to his subordinates.


Wakagashira: He or she handles the muscle of the Syndicate, leading the hired guards for whatever the job the Syndicate takes on the position is also the second in command of the entire organization.


Saiko-komon: He or she handles the administration of the organization, pay, supplies and other things of that nature


Shateigashira: He or she is a lieutenant of the organization a mid level position in the organization usually part of the muscle force of the Syndicate


Kumi-in: These are the enforcers or the muscle of the organization, they guard the shipments and make sure property the White Tigers own is kept safe. This rank also includes covert operatives of the Syndicate who mostly remain unknown to many.




Yubitsume, or the cutting off of one's finger, is a form of penance or apology. Upon a first offence, the transgressor must cut off the tip of his left little finger and give the severed portion to his boss. Sometimes an underboss may do this in penance to the oyabun if he wants to spare a member of his own gang from further retaliation.


Its origin stems from the traditional way of holding a Easterner sword. The bottom three fingers of each hand are used to grip the sword tightly, with the thumb and index fingers slightly loose. The removal of digits starting with the little finger moving up the hand to the index finger progressively weakens a person's sword grip.


The idea is that a person with a weak sword grip then has to rely more on the group for protection—reducing individual action. In recent years, prosthetic fingertips have been developed to disguise this distinctive appearance.


The Enforcers wear masks sometimes that which resemble animals or demons in Easterner culture, it is used for protection, intimidation and for easy identification during jobs, armour worn by the enforcers is that of the former Ishikawa Sutomu type that was the Tosei Gusoku armour.


Day to day attire for employee’s of the Syndicate includes that of a kimono or other traditional wear. Enforcers carry swords at their belts at all times, they do so to protect the interests of the White Tiger Syndicate.




MC Name
How long have you been on Lord of the Craft?:
Will this be your Main Character? If not how active will you be?:
Do you know what the Yakuza is? ((This is to make sure you know what you are joining)):
How good is your Rp?:
What VAs do you have if any?:
What is your preferred Weapon?:
Are you a Mage?:
Have you committed any crimes?
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((Prosthetics? There are the huge, bulky and impractical magic-based Runic Arms, but prosthetics are a little high tech, no? Magical regeneration is more likely.))

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*A small tear rolls down Yohimetsu's cheek as he remembers his failed career as a pop star*

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Sotojiro Higashiura nods intently.

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((Prosthetics? There are the huge, bulky and impractical magic-based Runic Arms, but prosthetics are a little high tech, no? Magical regeneration is more likely.))

(( You obviously don't understand our genius in mathematics! )) 

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((Prosthetics? There are the huge, bulky and impractical magic-based Runic Arms, but prosthetics are a little high tech, no? Magical regeneration is more likely.))

(( By prosthetics he means small wooden/metal tips that are placed atop of the finger. So, not really prosthetics. ))

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((How do you keep them on? Can't exactly glue them on.))

(( String if wooden, if metal then the master smith smelts them on, any more question etc, message me rather then making this thread filled up with OOC :P  ))

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Meta glances down at both his constant use of wearing his blades on hand, and the fact he wears Kimono styled robes and worries about the mistake. 

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(( By prosthetics he means small wooden/metal tips that are placed atop of the finger. So, not really prosthetics. ))

((So... you stuck Thimbles on the tips of your fingers...






Ladies and gents, I present to you the first Anthos Sewing guild. Fear their amateur home made itchy jumpers! With personalized names sewn into the collars! FEAR THEM!))

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[[i would so join if this wasn't so Asian themed...]]



[[i would so join but it isn't Asian themed enough :(]]

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