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Everything posted by Shmeepicus

  1. It’s on 1.9 to make wars not laggy shit fests- and they still are until there’s only like 100 people left. 1.8 is more fun but 1.9 is the way to go tbh.
  2. A certain teal-clad masked man, by the name of Bjorn- donning a mask from the sickness and naught more.. encouraged purchases from a certain Haenseman at his stall in Oren!
  3. An old soldier dunked some poor man's head in a horse trough. "Where is the lamp, Lebowski!" Dzmitry cried as he pulled the man's head from the muddied water- then dunking it back in.
  4. Cause he's a day one simple as. Yes, son. My favourite character was definitely Ivan while he was alive- haven't been extremely active since then but he's definitely one of my favourite characters and one of the coolest arc's (if not the coolest) I've had in a character. Favourite character not played by me was Xarkly's recent NL Sigismund- just did a generally great job with him and some of the posts he made during that time were unreal. I didn't get much chance to RP with him but the little bits I did see from a different perspective were great. Best RP moment will always be when Nectorist and co. ambushed Capace and I's Caunter characters in Dunharrow, Norland capital during the WotTE, was a big showdown and a very close pvp fight that was won by a half heart- where after all involved who lost were executed on the exception of two- though all who were on the losing side PK'd anyways. You're a gamer, plus based takes.
  5. Honestly I can't really say I have a favourite. Every nation I've played in (which is every one at this point) has had memorable moments. If I had to put down a favourite though the last few months in Oren under Nect and Eryane were awesome and Elvenesse had some good moments as well. Reccently I've found myself enjoying the quiet RP in Balian and the War RP over in Celianor. Worst situation- hm. Probably generally those folks who don't like the verdict you give and proceed to complain about it in DMs for hours on end. Have to say the worst one was handling a ticket involving CRP and the Ferrymen- got into real specifics about weapons block range in CRP and it was just a headache. Won't comment on worst player- don't think I've really dealt with super bad ones tbh. A lot of people are frustrated at the start but come around and apologize in the end (which usually leads to lessened punishment, at least if I'm dealing with you)
  6. Ferrymen waited 45 mins for Oren to gather a decent rally yesterday. Idk what you’re on about.
  7. @MioRaid ladders! Finally!!!!1111!1!111 Thank you @The60th
  8. yes there is- no need to worry :)
  9. A youmg Mali'fenn by the name of Aumanas cleaned his blade of blood- having shot down a couple of Krugmar warriors as he strayed from his kin's path. "The day of the Uruk is over- null. The day of the Elf is now." He uttered as he gave those he fell mercy.
  10. In Balian, a young princeling lights another candle in his room before going to bed that night.
  11. I am blacklisted for shooting Pancakehz, sorry, Pancakehz
  12. Vuillermoz was RP my man- as I said, we keep that shit IRP. o7
  13. Seeing a screenshot from the Kingdom of Oren discord of folks calling the Peter supporters "Peterphiles" is quite disappointing and makes light of something that should not be joked about. People need to get a grip and realize it's a video game. I've been lucky enough to experience cordial roleplay with all sides- I could give two fucks about people hurling insults back and forth IRP- when it gets to an OOC level is where the line should be drawn. Ultimately though, I agree wholeheartedly with your points. The fact people are quitting over this is disheartening and the civil war is driving a wedge between groups of friends. I believe the conflict should continue- as it is honestly some of the best RP I've had the chance of experiencing over the past year, if not more, and while my experience has been tame- it does not mean everyones has.
  14. Ivan var Ruthern nodded with a smirk, despite being extremely ill- he saw his name was on the document. "I am glad! I quite liked exchanging with Ayliana and Ivarielle in Haelun'or. Hopefully I will see more of them in the future." He commented to no one before stooping into a violent fit of coughs.
  15. The Treaty of Fox and Dragon 5th of Harren's Folly, 1866 (Y 70 S.A.) ARTICLE I - SOVEREIGNTY The Holy Orenian Empire and the Kingdom of Elysium (otherwise referred to as the signatories) recognize each other’s Realms as independent lands ruled by their respective monarchs and will make no attempt to subvert those authorities governing them. ARTICLE II - DEFENSE The signatories shall be expected to carry out military endeavors for each respective nation should either nation be aggressed upon by a foreign power. Failure to do so would result in the entirety of the treaty being declared null. ARTICLE III - EXTRADITION The signatories agree to extradite known criminals to their respective realms if they are arrested or found to be residing in their nations. ARTICLE IV - MILITARY COOPERATION The military forces of the Holy Orenian Empire and the Kingdom of Elysium will cooperate with each other to hold military trainings and exercises to better the standing army of each respective nation. ARTICLE V - TRADE The signatories may adhere to the following trade policies: I. Signatories may receive a market stall free of rent in their respective capitals. II. Signatories may trade specialty goods free of tariff. ARTICLE VI - PASSAGE The signatories will allow free passage for civilians and refugees through their respective territories, under the law of both nations. ARTICLE VII - DURATION This treaty will remain in effect for twenty years. It may be renewed by mutual consent of both signatories. AD DEI GLORIAM, HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY, Philip III, Holy Orenian Emperor, forever August, King of Renatus, Curon, Kaedrin, Salvus, and Seventis, Grand Duke of Ves, Duke of Helena, Novellen, Furnestock, Adria, and Lorraine, Baron of Renzfeld, Protector of the Heartlanders, Orenian Highlanders, and Farfolk, etcetera HER IMPERIAL MAJESTY, Anastasia I, Holy Orenian Empress, forever August, Queen of Renatus, Curon, Kaedrin, Salvus, and Seventis, Grand Duchess of Ves, Duchess of Helena, Novellen, Furnestock, Adria, and Lorraine, Baroness of Renzfeld, Protector of the Heartlanders, Orenian Highlanders, and Farfolk, etcetera His Excellency, his Grace Ivan var Ruthern, Duke of Reutov Lady Leika De Astrea, Heir Apparent Wildflower of Elysium Ehrendil Taliame’onn, Minister of Foreign Affairs
  16. I'd like to point out that the admins didn't even handle the warclaim, it was myself and Zacho.
  17. Ivan var Ruthern prodded his heir, “see, told vy it was wise to leave! I bet those thick-skulled Waldenian scum were scratching their beards wondering where we were!”
  18. To the Duke of Reinmar, Word carries to the South the accusations you made against our kin. For long have we maintained good relations with our brethren in Haense and now you openly denounce them. In a pathetic display made public, you ask for an apology. It does not surprise us that a Waldenian dog would ask for an apology- when he could reaffirm his own honour through combat. I have spoken with my cousin, Mikhail, heir to Vidaus and Baron of Rostig, and know him to be anything but untruthful. If he says that Barclay women are wenches, then it is likely true. If he says that your line is inbred, then it is likely true. You have been insulted by a mere child, allowing a boy's words to fracture your fragile ego. A Barrow of fourteen bested you in single combat and took you prisoner. It does not surprise us that a crossing of blades disturbs your mind. Meet the demands of the Duke of Vidaus, choose honour and pick five of your best combatants and I expect the Duke of Vidaus will do the same. Signed, His Excellency, Ivan Viktor var Ruthern, Duke of Reutov, Count of Kositz Signed, Andrezj Barrow, Lord of Barrow’s Crossing
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