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Everything posted by Shmeepicus

  1. Ivan Viktor Ruthern fiddles ignorantly with a gadget in the homestead of Kositz.
  2. Guess I can't roleplay as Po from Kung Fu Panda anymore smfh.
  3. Was a pleasure working with ya, thanks for teaching me what you knew and being open to the many many questions I had- sad to see you go! o7
  4. Day 270 without 1.8 PvP

  5. Ivan trotted around the manor at Kositz, as well as the streets of Providence. It wasn't often that he had the chance to speak with his father, and when he did, they were often short, to-the-point conversations, usually about his many questions regarding the happenings of the world. He still wonders sometimes how it all worked, though he was getting older and learning. Whenever the family got together, he'd peer towards the door, hoping that either his mother or father would enter and surprise the lot of them. No such happening would ever occur, not now, not ten years from now, not ever.
  6. IRP couriers? Kinda based. As long as there is a mechanic to replace it I see no issue with the removal of birds. Aviary plug-in would be cool to see as well but alas I do not know the feasibility of such a thing.
  7. Erilian sat still before hearing the thunderous crash of rock into rock from the East. “Well- I hope my horses are okay.” He mumbled, wondering if any of those who had committed this deed had thought of the ramifications a good hundred- if not a thousand- tons of earth colliding into the ground would have upon the whole of the continent, comparing it to the harm the tear was causing a few hundred meters in any direction.
  8. Erilian Oranor looked at his to-do list, before stroking out something on it. _______________________________ | Things to do today soonish. | | | | 1. Return to Elvenesse. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_______________________________| He grunted then, standing up from his seat. "Always knew you were one of the bad guys, father." He joked to himself, setting off to Elvenesse after.
  9. must've been a lot of reserved comments
  10. rebellion.exe kills me everytime
  11. Erilian Oranor nodded his head in approval. "Maybe I can return to Elvenesse after all." He commented, having heard of the news by word of mouth.
  12. yes +1, return resource pits or give LC
  13. The aging Caspian d'Arkent heard of the news whilst travelling, he sighed and stopped at a local inn, penning a letter for both the Count of Susa as well as Anthony Basrid. He uttered a prayer and lit a candle at his windowsill before getting ready for bed.
  14. Application to Join Group Name: The Shield of Providence Discord: shmeepicus#4701 Starting Point allocation: manpower 3, supplies 4, weapons 3 Starting Location: Providence, RI
  15. Wasn't this ruling made like- 6 years ago? I don't think 6 year old rulings would be relevant anymore.
  16. "The monarch threw one of their own kin to death?" Erilian queried, shaking his head with a frown. "A rather befitting end for someone who would dare harm royalty." Caspian d'Arkent remarked, glad to see justice for his Canonist brethren up north.
  17. "So our story begins." Erilian Oranor mused, mouthing the words as he read over them.
  18. A ‘ker by the name of Erilian was sharpening his blade in the barracks when the sharp clomp of footsteps echoed throughout the empty hall. “They’ve done it.” The Elf had muttered to him. The ‘ker glanced up, pointing the blade upwards so he could observe the edge. “The blade is sharp and my wits are sharper. Tell the Diraaran to be observant tonight, for many will not be pleased with this.”
  19. The space in front of the tree on top of the build. **** that's a damn nice tree..
  20. I believe we had planned for it to be referred to as a "Princedom". Regardless of the laws of Haelun'or, I believe we are free to visit Hnor as guests. While I can imagine we will surely not be referred to as pure but rather friends. Regarding the the culture lines and laws, I believe they intend on giving us relative autonomy in regards to our culture and laws. Though I could be mistaken. When I say relative autonomy I mean that in the exact sense- we will be free to have our own edicts and such (I believe) but we would be required to aid them in foreign matters such as war, since we are at the end of the day a vassal.
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